Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 09 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Weekly news. Not· monthly history. ...... 00 0') ..... • Mike Baker wasn't thinking about Cycle News when he rode to victory last Sunday. But we sura were thinking about himl It's our job to know what happened at his race, put it into writing, photograph him in action, then get it all typeset developed, halftoned, pasted-up, printed and into the . U.S. Mail by Tuesday morning. Guess you could say we run a race of our own. Our green flag is the checkered flag at all the major land many of the local) racing events in the U.S. And abroad. While the champagne mist still hangs over victory circle, we take it to the max to bring you the best in motorcycling news. First. That's important to us. And it's important to you, to know what's happening in the world of motorcycling now, not sometime down the line. Don't risk missing out on the news as it happens. Subscribe now to America's Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper. Then leave the rest to us. .., ------------------~------I ~-------------------------1 Save 53 % over newsstand price. Subscribe today. • e.rd~. 0110 ISSUES CYCLE NEWS l2 .,-.! t3li CYCLE NEWSf3 yunl t63 o '00 ISSUES o '110 ISSUES PIN.. _ me tIMI 0 : The ......... of tM .ified on this ...... fa euthor· lad to PliY the amount ahown .. TOTAt ltogether with .... y 0 . . . . cherga dYe thereon' "~110 end m Kcordanc. with the • •...,.,.., gov«n· ing the d e of euch cerd. t2ll CYCLE NEWS f1 - ' EAST DWEST _Ion Signature Save 53 % over newsstand price. Subscribe today. I I I I I I I o 110 ISSUES CYCLE NEWS l2 .,-.! o '110 ISSUES CYCLE NEWS 13 o '110 ISSUES n. ..... of Ihe urd Mteno t2ll CYCLE NEWSf1 - ' _ t63 yM. .I P..... _d me tIMI 0 EAST 0 WEST ~ I _ ritied on thIS item • 8U1hot lad to ,." the 8mOUf'tt ahown .. TOTAL ttogethllr with My othM chef. . . due thereon) .ubjeet to end in KCordance with IM . . . ."\lI"t go~n· ing the __ of aueh cetd. t3li Signatu'e _ hpi,ation Date _ 1 Expiration . Name Date _ _ _ _ _ ·1 1 Visa' MC , _ I I I _ ; Add'ess Citv 40 L Send '0: Cycle News/Wes, _ SUlle_Zip P.O. Bo••• _ Long BNCh. CA 9080' 12131427·7433 I FOTl'iRn rail'S availablt' upon fl·qUt'Sl. I I ~ Name Add'ess Citv Visa I _ MC , Send to: Cycle NewsJWe., _ State_Zip _ P.O.Bo.... _ Long BNCh. CA 9010' 12131427·7433 FOTl';Rn rail's a\'ailablt, upon n'

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