Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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00 0') Boody. Boody had some successful nonNational rides on the Honda between Peoria and Tulsa, and earned himself a ride in Oklahoma. Boody ended up making the National and finishing ninth, while Haney had his troubles and Spencer was a no·show. Honda's jerry Griffith said the team would pass up the Indy and Syracuse miles to return home and try and tweak some 1I\0re horsepower out of the engines for the San jose mile. Will Boody be on the team for the final two rounds? "It depends on Honda, but I hope to have him ride San jose and Ascot," said Griffith. Due to a major sponsor pulling out and the resultant lack of funds, the Women's Motocross Nationals at Carls· bad Raceway, originally scheduled for Aug. 30, regretably ha~ been canceled. Mike Kldd find. hlm..1f between a rock and a hard place. Following his third place ahowing at the Tulsa half mile on a Harley. he leads the AMA Winston Pro 8eriea point standlnga by three points with five racea left - four mllaa and a half mile. But the RobertallJlwwlll team stili has to try and gat the XV7&Obaaed Vamaha compathlve. Kldd talked about It attar Tulsa and said. "It'a a aheme that we're altting where we are in the points right now. becausa it'a putting . . . . .'re on the team and I don't want to do that. We stili want to get the V.." . ha worked out and go I'lICIng with It. AI of a sudden you start dreamIng of having the number one plate. and I've wanted it for ao long. but atill that's not the ,..aon I waa hired. I cen't argue the point. When they say run It. I'm going to run It. And I'm not going to heaitate to try.nd put It In the N. tlonal. If they say ride It. I'm going to ride It to win." progress on the Vamaha? "It'a a lot better. We've mede a lot of progress In the laat week. It'a by no means reedy to win a National yat and we've got a hard road ahead of us. I think we're making progress - the thing now Is If we can get the progress made Dir 1rlICker Bubba Shobert. currently ranked 20th in the AMAlWln.ton Pro Seriea. was apectatlng at the Tulsa half mile with a full ce.t on his right arm; that becau.. of a broken arm and dislocated .houlder suffered In his cra.h at the Peoria TT. Bubba says he'lI mlu the reat of the . .uon. A get well cerd or word of cheer cen be ..nt to him cere of Bub Shobert Racing. 5609 18th St.. Lubbock. TX 79416. I In last week's Desen Hotline, we printed a picture of a Husky rider that we thought was Dan Smith, who carries the number two Heavyweight plate in the desen. Tums out that the rider was Chuck Steams, the number two 250cc rider. Apparently the 250cc designating "x" on Steams' number plate fell off. byAacot." In the Team Honda pits, there were three NS750 V·twins ready to go for Freddie Spencer, jeff Haney and Ted England'. largest betting agency. CoraL has eatabllahed Bruce Penhall .. 4-to-1 favorite to win the World Speedway Motorcycle Rae- Harley-Davlclaon'. new FXRS featuraa a 1340cc V-twin. a new chaaal•• GIrIng rear brake, Dunlop AWL tire•• halogen headlight. low maintenance battery. highway peg. and a ....y bar. Ing Championship when the World Fln8Ia . . held at WembIey Staclum on Saturday. sept. 5. Bruce Is the only U.S. rider to survive the aeri. . of three "mlnetton events for an attempt to become the first Americen to win the world title since Jack Milne of Peaedena. CA. did it In 1937. The Loa Ang.... Memorial Collaaum Qualifier held Iaat May was a neceaaary preliminary to the staging of next ....on·. World Finals In Loa Angelea on Aug. 28, 1982. The World Rnals have always been held In Europe since the meet was established In 1936. Promotar Harry Oldey has re'e..ed the reeuIta of a nIpOrt by the lnapar;lillg official sant to Lo. Angeles by the FederatIon Intarnatlonale Motoeyc11ata In Geneva. and the Inspector. Charlaa RIngbium of Sweden. , . commended approval .of the for the 1982 ~orId Finals. Rlngblum praised . .peclally the aafaty fence constructed for the meet. the track surface and conduct of the event. Oxley said, and although It'. not In hi. written report. Rlngblum .eemed to be 1m· pressed with the phy.lcel facilitle. at the Coliseum, built In 1927 and scheduled for u. . In 1984 for the Olympic Gam... The qualifying series for the Nov. 15 second annual CRC San Diego Amateur Supercross kicks off on Sept. 6 at San Bernardino's Arroyo Cycle Park. Five good sponson will conmbute to CRC's contingency program for the San Diego event: Kal-Gard, Ceet Racing Products, Meryl's Pro Wheel, M/C Tire Works, Inc. and Nippondenso Spark Plugs. For more info on the Amateur Supercross, dial 213/830·7519. For more info on Ar· royo's opening qualifier, dial 714/8871560. Maico MX., carlo. serrano just returned from Italy where he placed alxth In the Copa Millel Dollar ($1.«100 Cup Racel. a thre. race aerie•• serrano rode an '81 490 Malco furnl.hed by the Italian Malco Importer. Mark Miller and Dan Ashcraft have been picked to receive Husqvama sponsonhip on 125CRs for the No.v. 3-6 SCORE Baja 1000. Reports indiceta that O. An, around four weeks In the califomle theatr.. where It was released Iaat month. 511"', "ran A western regional office, serving the states of Washington, Oregon. Nevada, Arizona and California has been opened by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. The office will share residence with the California Motorcycle Safety Program near Sacramento, CA. Information on programs in the western regional states may be obtained by contacting the CMSP office, 9927 Fair Oaks Boule· vard, Fair Oaks, CA 95628·7494. phone 916/965-2553. Touring Bike Publlahlng Company J.!aa purchaaed CusfoftI . . . from CJCfe . . , . and will combine It with their magazine ac· cordcing to company praaldent John Werren. Their first combined Iuue Is due for December. ClIo,..,.. According to joe Parkhunt's Motor· cycle Business Newsletter, Brave Beaver, a company that puts on motorcycle shows in Canada, will join Glen Smith and George Kalesnikovs to stage consumer shows called The Great American Motorcycle Shows in 1982. Tickets for the Oct. 10 13th Annual U.s. NatIonal Speedway Champion- ------- - .. - ahip wlH go on .... at the Coate M... track on Aug. 28. Grented, Oct. 10 ..ema a long ways away. but remember. this race Is a .... out every year. For eddltlonallnfo. dial 7141492-9933. And speaking of eo.ta Meea, don't forget that IadIea gat In for froM on Fox Night. 8ept. 4. Terry Cunningham (Hus) was the ~ all winner of the Aug. 23 AMA National Enduro championship Series round, the Mt. Grey-lock 125-mile enduro in Middlefield. MA. En route to the win, Cunningham dropped eight points. Dick Burleson (Hus) and john Maron (C-A) were knotted at 10 points accumulated, with the tiebreaker giving second overall, fint AA rider to Burleson. Taebreakers also decided the next ~. all positions. Drew Smith (Suz) led Kevin LaVoie (KTM), Mike Melton (Hus) and Randy Martin (Suz), all at the 12 point level. Melton was the High Point A rider. They're serious I Triumph will release a limited edition Bonneville to celebrate the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. The Bonneville Royal features a chrome ga. tank, black finished engine and a silver frame. Each bike will carry a special sterling head plate bearing the words. "In celebration of the wedding of..... Ever been helped by Rescue 3? They need your help now. To suppon their cause, Rescue 3 is collecting alum· inum cans to be turned in for reo cycling. Please give a hand to those who help our injured riden to bring all the aluminum you can scrounge up to the Rescue 3 command truck at the next event you attend. Thanks to Linda of the Masterlinks M.C. for that bit of info. The AMA Amateur NatIonal HilIclimb alated for Sept. &-7 In Bay CIty, WI will not Include any west coast riders. Through aome paper· work anafu. there was no ~ qualifier held (although the Saddleback HlllcRmbers Aaaoclatlon did actually hold a meat). so no one west of the Rockl.. made the program. And thet'a a ahame; there ara .ome excellent.rlders who very likely could have won at Bay City. The seddleback Hillcilmbers will try again In '82. ao thera'lI be west coeat representation at next year'. AMA Amateur National. Danny Yoakum Enterprises is offering a $500 reward for information regard· ing the whereabouts of janice Borba, a.k.a. janice Hibbon. She's 5'5" tall, weighs 145 lbs. , has brown hair, brown eyes and was last seen at the Black Hills Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, SO. She was driving a brown '78 Honda station wagon full of Yoakum products, motorcycle T ·shirts. etc. Please direct information to 916/4840587. Oops. DevId PInons. the road racer who won the Open Cafe cIaaa at the Austin. TX Aquafeat event. was not riding a Ducatl .. the article atatad. He was BMW- mounted. Additional grandstands with over 2,000 capacity will be added to the Santa Clar/l County Fairgrounds in time for the Sept. 20 San jose Mile. More seats will be available at the tum four Dud Perkins stands and also in tum one. Tickets are on sale at Bay Area dealenhips. NorCal Yamaha dealen will once again sponsor the junior Invitational at San jose. Inter· ested riden should contact Bill Spencer at 415/969-1682; that's Mt. View Distribu ting. • _ - - - - - -- -- .. - _.. - --- -..... - -- -- -- - -