Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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engines are not pennitted beyond maintained roads. This condition will likely last until it raina. For additional info. contact the National Forest headquarters at 2091784-1500. Lllrry Steward and Merk Redmond, listed .. second piece 600cc c18. flnlaherlln I8It week', AFM Budweiser Six-Hour, had help. Oscer Jeckson, not Included In the entry lilt. did much of the teein'. riding. A1IO, credit for _ondln the 750cc cI8u 'hould go to fnlnk Mezur (Not Mawr, a. w.. lilted in the event'. entry IIad and Bernd Koegler. They rode their b81ic811y ItOCk - and undergeered Honde to ..venth ov. .11 8fter leedlng their c.... at the end of the flrathour. The duel for the 1981 500cc World Championahip MX Sfiies crown between Honda teammates Andre Malherbe and Graham Noyce has come right down to the final round, Aug. 9, in Luxembourg. Last Sunday. Aug. 2, Malherbe regained the points lead (from Noyce) by placing 5·1 in the Belgium round. Noyce placed fourth in the first moto but did not fmish the second race. Malherbe now holds a 10·point advantage, 199 to Noyce's 189. Third in the standings is Yamaha's Hattan CarlCJvist who placed 2-5 in Belgium, bringtng his total up to 174. JeanJacques Bruno won the first Belgian moto and is presently fourth in the points with 156, only two points ahead of Andre Vromana. Brad Lackey (Suz) broke a foolpeg and DNF the flISt moto, and placed fourth in the second. The 126cc World Championship MX Serla ha become e vlrtuel free-for..n with only two rounds left In the achedule. In F1nlend on Aug. 2. MIc.... RinIIIcIl took the ov. .11 win on hla Gil. . with a 2-1 day moving to within two points of ,erl.. Ieeder Harry Everts. Everts (Suz) ICOI'ed 5-2 to bring hla total up to 164; Rlnelcll hold' 1&2. ErIk Geboerl (Suzl won the flrlt moto, then becked It up with a third to bring hla ..... tally up to a 1 . point third. 2 Dutchman Jack Middelburg (Suz) won the British GP round of the 500cc World Charnpionahip Road Race Series, held :Aug. 2 at Silverstone. Series points leader Marco "Lucky" Lucchinelli (Suz) wasn't so lucky when he DNF after as second lap incident that saw fast q~lifier Graeme Crosby (Suz) crash, taking both Barry Sheene and Lucchinelli with him. Lucchinelli restarted but was unable to score any GP points. None of the three were seriously injured. Defending World Champion Kenny Roberu led near the end. but Middleburg caught up with him on the last two laps. then got past when Roberts was hindered by lapped traffic. At the flag, only 0.5 second separated the pair as Middelburg turned in a 45:24.54 race time over Roberu' 45:24.641 Suzuki's Randy Mamola took third, 15 seconds behind Roberts, when his motor went on three cylinders near the end. The points standings show Lucchinelli with a six·point lead over Mamola, 88 to 82, with Roberts 12 points back with 70. Freddie Spencer rode the Honda NR500 at Silverstone, starting 24th and working his way up to fourth by lap seven before the motor once again failed to produce full horsepower. Dale Singleton (Suz) crashed while running eighth but wasn't injured. Rich Schlachter (Yam) finished lourth in the 250cc GP. A preadey phone cell to Teem Honda MX Meneger Deve Arnold rev..l. d th8t Chuck Sun'. W8Ihougel Injury WHn't .. serious .. or!glnelly _pected. X-ntys of Sun'. ankle showed a "serious Ipl'IIln" but no broken bonH. "Chuck wents to ride C8r11b8d," Arnold Mid, "but that doesn't seem very likely right now:' Freddie Spencer is expected to contest the Peoria IT and Pocono road race rounds of the AMA/Winaton Pro circuit, so Silverstone was his last chance for '81 to try the NR300 in GP competition. Next year? Anticipated is a total l'f:Vision of the Honda GP racer for an all-out assault next llealOnl Dale Singleton has announcec:l he'. compete In the fIn8I Grend NetIoIIIII Championship road rec:e of the yeer et Pocono (PA) R8cewIIy on Aug. 11. "Beaulieu of Amerlce'. CerI BouckHn. my sponsor, has given me permluion to return to the StetH and race at Pocono. I'm tied with Honda'. Mike Spencer In the fight for the U.S. Road Rece Championship and I went that title to uIvege what hal been a ppDintlng IIIIIIOn lince my Deytone win," ..Id Singleton vie phone from Englend following hla SIlverstone get-off. "It'. reelly been difficult contHtlng the GPs with a ItandIIrd IIIlIChlne. Roberta and Memol8 had perheps 2& mph on me down the straights 8t SIIveratone. We seized or blew four englnH 8t SllverItone and due to that we didn't have time to At the bike up properly. I fI8.t threw It ewey In the GP, but I'm OK and the bike'. OK. We'll _ It down and cerry It beck .. Iuggege and I'll be etPocono." 1 According to NMA's Ron Henricksen, there'll be 1900 entries from 45 states represented at the Au~. 11-16 NMA National Championahlps at Ponca City, OK. Bob Hannah will host a motocross school and he'll also be marshall of the parade through Ponca City. NBC SponsWorld will film the event as will PM Magazine. The netlonel air controllerl' ,trike rney affect our ability to provide Instant coverege of Natlonel events. Right now we don't now how the air .chedul.. will be effected, but we'll do our belt. Due to high fire danger in the Sequoia National Forest, internal combustion San Diego county ranks second in California off-road vehicle registrationa, yet there's no place to ride legally in the metropolitan San Diego area. The county of San Diego has backed a proposed 1400 acre OHV park in Sycamore Canyon between Poway and Santee, but so far no funds have been forthcoming from the California Parks and Recreation Department's Green Stickie fund. On Aug. 6 there will be an open meeting to discuss the proposal with state officials and several OHV groups on hand. The meeting begina at 7 p.m. in Room 101. Casa Del Prado in Balboa Park in San Diego. There will be ample parking on the Park Blvd. side of Balboa Park at the Museum of Natural history and the Reuben H. Fleet Space Theater. Be there. Word comes out of Sec:r8mento that Stete RHOUI'CH Director Huey Johnson Is In big trouble. The NlItIoNII Outdoor Coelltlon. .. you INIY remember, flied a I8W8uIt that would ..-quire Johneon, on the bHiI of a 1871 C8HfomIe Supreme Court deciIIon, to PlIY beck to the It8t8 lOme t337,OOO that he spent wIIhout 8UthoIlzatIcM. The Attamey Generlll'. office. we're told. h8I declined to defend Johnson on the 1nIIttW', and Johnson haa had to ...k his own counsel. The ceee haa been continued for 30 days 10 the new IsWV" cen prepsre a respon.e. California Assembly Bill 855, sponsored by Assemblyman John Lewis (R-Orange), would allow you, when you obtain custom license plates, to check off whether you'd like the money to go to the state's environmental fund, or to the OHV Fund. It's much the same as the ABIOI that Bob Hayes sponaored a couple of years ago. The bill has passed the Assembly and goes before the State Senate when it reconvenes Aug. 10. Letters in support would seem a good idea. Pro Stock points ....... Terry Vanee, 1979 Pro Stock Champ Bob C8rpenter, Top Fuel points ....... Bo O'Brochta end the f8It8at Top Fuel rider (1.1.&& mph. R.... Colina wII be among the rid. . competIng In the Aug.... NMRA Golden State NlItIon8II et Fremont. CA'. BIIy1end. Racewey Pwk. AI motorcycle cIea.. win be run .. well .. a specl81 bracket progrem and a Junior Dlvlalon. ncketl will be avelleble et the g8te for $I ($3 for kid., .3 pit p8IIl on Seturdey and.10 ($& for kid., M pit ps•• on Sunday. HosPITal STOP: Alaska's only AMA Pro MXer Jim Stewart had been accepted to race in the Washougal 500cc National. and he was getting his 495 KTM ready to go when he crashed at a local Alaska motocross, separatinl{ his shoulder. He'll be out of action for at least five or six weeks; Washougal would have been his first National. Cards to cheer him up may be sent to 609 W. 76th Ave., Anchorage, AK 99502. Rick "R.D." Danielson, 28. from Devenport. IA. we. killed when a cer cro,.ed the centerline Into the path of hla KlIW8IlIkl Gpzs&O outaic:le of Fresno, CA. He WH a .........n at Jugenhelmer Motorl, a HoncIeIYarnehalKllW8lllkl clellier in Devenport and a Iov.. of long dlat8nce riding on a ..ria of mid.Ized blk... Godspeed, Rick: you'U beml8led. The California State Park and Recreation Department will hold a hearing to approve or disapprove the General Plan of Red Rock Canyon State Park. Copies of the General Plan are available at the Department's Regional Office, 2505 Congress St., San Diego, CA 92110; at Red Rock Canyon State Park, 455 W. Avenue G, Lancaster, CA 953l9; and at the Department's Headquarters Office at 1416 Ninth St., Sacramento, CA 95814. The hearing will be held on Sept. 11 at the Couru and Administration Building, 1415 Truxton Ave., Board of Supervisors' Chambers, Bakersfield. CA 95501 at II a.m. InCJuiries concerning the proposed administrative action may be directed to Andrea Patterson, 916/445-2558. In that anl1Ulll roed rec:e craziness through the streets of AustIn. TX Aug. 2 known .. the Aquefest. PlIuI Stepheneon won the Open GP rec:e on a Yllmllhe 1100 with J8c:k Hicks chasing him to the finish on his 4&Occ motoeroa bike. Benny Del Monico finished third. Louis McKey, the Phantom Duck of the Desert. has caught the Bureau of Land Management breaking the law again. Federal statute and court decisions have specified that when any government advisory committee has a meeting and public testimony is solicited, there shall be a notice in the Fednal RegisteT 50 days in advance. After the first draft Desert Plan was released in 1980, Federal Register notices about California Desert Conservation Area Advisory Committee meetings were seldom placed until about two weeks beforehand, hardly 50 days. HosPlTel STOP: Billy Scott CI'IIIhecI TT, . . . .nlng concunIon 8ncl a geeh on the b8c:k of his heed. Cerd. to make It all hurt a little .... INIY be sent to Billy 8t 43& Sheperd Way, M8ntec:8, CA 16338. 8t the S1dewlnclerl Results from the july 51 Sidewinders M.C. AMA Regional IT show Barry PeUtey (Yam) topping the Novices. Kirk Strong (Hon) beating the juniors and Brad Hurst (Tri) winning the Expertclas. "Bruce PenNI. did his own riding In the dune segment of • AIIy . . . .'., ....1d SpIke fr0wnfelter of Bruce Penhal R8c1ng. "I _ there end lAW It." Three well-known fonner motorcycle stars are attempting to make a name for themselves in sprint car racing, and all three made it through a 60-car field and into the main event at Ascot Park on July 18. Unfortunately, mechanical ills and crashes meant none of the three - Eddie Wirth, Tim Han and Sonny Nutter - fmished the race. In qualifying. however, Nutter had the best rookie time of the year, topping the mark llet earlier by Hart.