Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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r-------------------------------~----- eight conculllon and 8CI1Iped my chin." Donnie Cantaloupi's worIr.s Yamaha was buzzing through the pits at Red Bud, but Donnie wasn't the only rider. Brae Glover couldn't resist returning to the 125s - at least for a minute and looIr.ed happy enough doing power-on wheelies throngh the fields. 00 0) On July 11, the Honde GoIdwIng RaId Ride to the SuperbowI will Ieeve TUltin Honda lit 1:30 a.m. for a ride eventually winding up lit the LA. CoIIuum for th Sprite Super· bowl of Motocroee. Trophlee will be ewerdecl for IIVIl'IlI dlffwent d • • of mach..... end there'll be en euc:tIon of HIM new, uuful Item. Including dinner for two. The whole deal COIItI M; phone Fred lit 7141776-21i1i3 for mol'll Info. Yamaha's Kenny Roberts missed winning the July 5 Belgium Grand Prix by a half bikelength when a lapped rider moved into his path on the fmal lap. Points leader In the 500cc World Championship Road Race Series, Suzuki's Marco "Lucky" Lucchinelli was hot on Roberts' trail, and when Michele Frutsehi inad~dy blocIr.ed the World Champion, Lucchinelli added another win to his points total. Randy Mamola finished third before the crowd of 60,000, and second-fastest qualifier Barry Sheene tooIr. founh. (Lucchinelli had qualified fastest.) In the points war, Lucchinelli holds 711 over Mamola's 64 and Roberts' 58. Baet Van Dulmen (47), Graeme Crosby (~) and Barry Sheene (45) follow. Kawasaki's Anton Mang won the 250cc event and leads that series with 85 points over Balde (57) and Lavado (56). Rich Schlachter did not finish in the top 10. At the July 6 SwiM 126cc World Chemplonehlp MX SerIes, I8c:k of conalatency gllve SuzukJ.mounted Erfk Geboera the ov. .U victory with • 4-3 8ftemoon. T..m Gil.... pulled. 1-2 punch In the tint moto wh.n Michele Rinaldi end Gnton Rahler took the top two 1J)Ota. Neither pieced In the top 10 In the • ecund moto, however. In round two, Honda rider MlIttI AutIo won with Aldl'll W8t8nabe roIHng hi. Suzuki In HCOnd, but neither of them heel pieced In the tim 11IC8. V.meha·. Merc Velke"..,. turned In the MCOnd moat consistent rfcIe of the dey with • 6-4, dr8wIng to within three polntl of ..... Ieeder H.-ry Everta. EVertI could only menege e _enth pI8c:Ing In the fII1It moto. then Urned no poIntiln the MCOnd. The SuzukI rider IeedI the ...... however, with 124 polntl over Velkeneera' 121. WIth R1ne1c1I'. 120, Geb0er8' " ' end Wetanebe'. 114, the 126cc ..... prom.... to bring 101M very tight competition to the July 11 126cc USGP lit MId-Ohio. 2 , Georges Jobe topped the July 5 West German 250cc World Championship MX Series round, placing second behind Hans Maisch in the first moto, then winning the second on his worlca Suzuki. Team Yamaha's Neil Hudson scored secon,d with a 6-2 tally, and American MiIr.e Guerra rode his factory Husqvama to third overall with a 5-11. Jobe holds a commanding lead in the series points race with 221 over HudSODS'S 168. Kees Van Der Ven is third with 109. Guerra holds sixth in the standinp at 611, and it appean 1iIr.ely that he'U be able to climb up tO'fourth by the Ie8IOn's end. Vemehe'. HeIc8n c.IqvIet won both moto. In the BrItI8h IOOcc Worfd a.nploll.hlp MX SerilIe round held July & lit FerIeIgh e.tIe. SerilIe Ieeder. T..ID Honda'. Andre Melherbe heel mechenlcll problema In the tim I1ICI end didn't 11m eny GP poIntI, then pieced only MVlnth In the MCOnd 11ICI. Melherbe'. teem· mete Gl'llhIm Noyce UHd e 3-2 acor. to pick up e 12"9Q1nt Ieed In the ....... IUIndlng•. Bred Leckey acored 6-3 In EngIend which _ good enough to piece him In e tie for fourth with J .......ecqUII Bruno In the poInta 11ICI. Noyce Ieeda with 162 over Melherbe 11401, c.IqvIIIt (111) end the Leckeyl Bruno tie lit 88. The 750 V-twin Yamahas of the Roberts/Lawwill Racing group were at the TopeIr.a Half Mile, but did not erDerF from the van and team riden Mike Kidd and Jimmy Filice were both Harley·mounted for the race. "With our new frame (on the Yamaha) we were dragging the cases a little bit, 10 we have to cut the cases bacIr. a little bit_ That slowed us up 10 we had to miss this week. Hopefully, in the next rwo or three weeIr.s, we'll be running 'em, "said Men Lawwill. BeeIcIu the Fourth of July, the 80CIeI event of the month will probebly be the trophy PI1IIIntIItIon for the VIewfInders G.P. It heppena on July 17 lit the Howerd Johnaon'. In Monrovle. CA from 7:30 p.m.-1:30 LIn. A live bend, horI d'oeuvrea. cocld8h end genII1Il merriment . . 8Chedu1ed. A tlckllt11 COlt you tz to get In end will eIIo provide you with one drink. To get to the HowIIrd John. I0I'l'., tlke the Huntington DrIve exit off the 210 freewey. Darrell Shultz will be out of action for six to eight weeIr.s due to his crash in the New York National MX on June 28. Shultz injured ligaments in his right Ir.nee, but at this time it doesn't look as if Darrell will have to undergo surgery. . M.-ty SmIth eImolt didn't meke the Red Bud Mlchlgen Netionel MX due to e c:Ioee encounter. "You wouldn't believe whet happenedl" IIId Smith. "I _ riding lit thIe piece I ueually don't happen to ,be lit, and flew out over e bind jump. Thel'll wee an old Falcon 8tIItIon wegO" under the Jumpl I didn't even have time to think. 1 juIIt thI1Iw It lldeweye end landed on the hood. I didn't have a ful coverege heImIIt on end got e _ Don Emde has been promoted to Marketing Director· of Domestic Motonports Division at Bell Helmets, and one of his flnt duties will be to hire an account executive to deal directly with distributor accounts in the U.S. Want a job? Phone Don at 2111/921-9451 and prove you're qualified. Going to the CRC Ameteur SuperbowI of Motocr0ll7 nckltl will be on IIlelit the LA. Collaeum glItIlUlrting lit 7 e.m. on I'llced8Y. Sunday, July 12. for the mere plttence of ta. Jay Springsteen, after funher examination following his Santa Fe TT get-off, discovered he has, in addition to the three brew in his collarbone, a broIr.en wrist. He's been to see a specialist, but the wrist obviously threatens to postpone. his return to Winston Pro din track racing. 1. Steve HelL New Jweey'. runner-up for AMA top Junior In the U.S. In beHncI Jimmy RIce, will recet.te Illy Lebrle·. Daytone IntImIItIonel Speedway mechln.. to .hoot for the '81 AMA Rookie of the Veer title. Lebrfe. out for the l'llmelnder of the 11lIOI'I with e bedly broken leg, wli field two Herley·Davldeon XR7&OI, one Honda XR&OO end. Vemehe 2&0 . for Hell to rid•. AI In the '80 Junior title hunt, Jim RIIce wiN be Hell'. toughellt edverIery In the '81 RoV bettie. According to Joe ParIr.hunt's MotOf'cyck BwiMss NewsletteT, On Ara, SuradG,. 11 was sold out in the two Las Vegas theatres - one ilrive-in, one waIIr.-in - where it opened on June 18. A survey team found that of a sample 1,000 people who saw OAS. l1liIr.ed it and plan to see it again. OAS. [ldid almOlt exacdy rwice the business that OAS did when it opened in Vegas, according to producer Roger Riddell. " you lit CoatI M... lilt friday, you probebIy noticed (depending on how rnMY epe.dwey bewe you enjoywO H.-ry Oxley'. extended FIrIt DIvIeIon HendIcep program. Due to the ..... number ~ quellty Fht DIvIeIon rIderI, they've edded two heIIt I'IIClII, for a toteI of IIx. which eneblll them to edd 12 (totel of 31) rldll'l to the ehow, Went to hear mOl1l about the Orange County F....grounde ........ .-y ehow7 Phone IntemIItIoneI Sp•• dvNy lit 7141412-8133. weI1I Sp•• ctw8y Russ Collins has nearly rec0gel'ed from the I)roken bones in his anIr.1e and wriIt lUltained in a confrontation between his Corvette and palm tree a while bacIr.. Collins expects to be bacIr. in action on the Sorcerer in a month or 10. The Corvette? He plans to maIr.e it into a giant TV chair to set rilrht next to his triple-engined coffee table. hie up ., In contIngelicy money the for the eIx BettIe of Herley-DevIdeon put remaining Twlna I1ICM thIe eeeeon. " a HerIey rIderI wi... he . . . . t3.OOO In eagle buc:b. And 8VWI If he doIen't, the hIgheIIt pIIIcIng HerIey rider getle MOO bit We Only Missed by Half the World Kawasaki road racer KorIr. Ballington is from South Africa, DOt Australia as we indicated last weeIr.. Please, don't asIr. what Ir.ind of grades Papa got in geography. When be was of school age, leading educaton were of the opinion that the earth was flat. Dept: We lnedvertantly omitted Serge Delvenne'. photo credit for the picture of Mike Baker thIIt appeered with Iut week'. covll'lge of the SRA Rlvwelde GP. The Modified Motorcycle Association will be holding an IDBA-sanctioned drag race at Baylands Raceway (formerly Fremont) Sept. 12-111 up in the Bay Area. There'D be a $5000 guaranteed pune, including $1750 Top Fuel pune. Gates open at 8 a.m. on both Saturday and Sunday, and in addition to Top Fuel, there will be Super Elmininator, Pro StocIr., Pro Comp, Modified Elminator, StocIr. Eliminator and competition. For more info, call the MMA at 916/442-4727. Coora WIIItern Night. the Orenge 'County F.... end bIuegI1Iee millie. ell for your • epe.1hdy how CII'I YCMI beet thIIt7 JUlit be ..". to buy your tlckllt eftIr 4 p.m. on July 10, enjoy the feir until 7 p.m~ then elide Into the .p.edwey gI1Indlltende for the muelc until I1ICI time. An edded atbectlon wII .. the donkey I1ICI with your favorite rfcIeI1I • jockeye. MOI1IInfo7 Phone 7141482· 1933. There's talk going around that says Honda will release a 500cc four-stroke triple in the near future. CelIfom1e Motorcycle D..1erI Aaea cllltlon members . . In for a treIt. They cen buy .pecIeIIy priced tlckltl for the July ,. AMAIWInItOn Pro Natlonel road I1ICI lit Monterey'. Legune Sece circuit thIIt IncIudII bue ride to end from the I1ICI tI1Ick from Monterey, pIue free beer, food end I1IfreehmentI ell dey Iongl AI that for only t8JiO per ticked TNe offw .. open only to CMDA ~ end their epecIeI gueIItL Send the money to the CMDA office. 3172 North Waterman. SuIte 101. Sen Bernerdlno, CA IM04. 714IE8701. w-.m SmIth. owner of Honda of Monterey, .. the event chairmen. For rules, entry forms, etc. on the Vintage and C1aIIic Machines race to be held Saturday, July 25 in conjunction with the AFM Budweiser 6-Hour enduraace race wee1r.end, write-to VROOM, care of MiIr.e Lewis, 10200 Nevada Ave., Chatswonh, CA. 911111. Be sure to include two selfaddressed, stamped envelopes. Hervey Hudee, general meneger of Cened8'. Moeport Park. hie ennouncecl thIIt there wII be a .,0.000 pu.... for the ~ ,.