Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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7/11·12 Trinidad. CO Rocky Mtn.12 Region Wayne liedberg 801196lHl217 SIIIlLIU City, UT 6/13-14 7111-12 SIIIll..aIteCity. UT SouthWest Region IINce _ _ !iOl5I344-9422 Santa Fe. NM F«mington, NM 6/14 6/21 High Plains Region At1h.. JaMs 8061447-2812 6120-21 Le Fores, TX 714-5 Abilene. TX Texas Region Bob Holley 713184SOO37 LeI_e, LA 6/13-14 6120-21 Austin. TX Houlton. TX 714-5 Central Region Gil Medrid 8161761-0245 6120-21 lake City. MO Ozark Region S_,OK Tulsa. OK Grand National Championship Ponca City. OK 8112-16 EV'ERY ... WEEK - .... Tuesday AMA SPEEDWAY V _ Racewey. Ventura County FIirgroundo, Venturi. eA. N on 101 to c.lifornie SI. Oiv_ 1·3. Geteo open 7 p.m., rece 8. Entry $7 riders, $5 _ , _ch 44.SO. _av Promotiono. Info 8051985-5433 IJim NeyIor). MINICYCLE RACES Richmond Rod & Gun Club, 3155 Goodrick Ave.. Richmond. CA. l00cc """'.. 17" _ . riders mull be et _ 18. Al81 CIOTIPP + ~ dub & 4-stroke roces. Contingencies. Rece 7 p.m. Entry $5. _ch $2_ Info 4151235-7322, 7447IStanl. c_ Wednesday CMC NIGHT MOTOCROSS Baylends _ e y Perk, Fremont. CA. Durham Rd. @ Hwy. 17. All CMC cle_ inc. Vets/OT. 30% trophies. 100% Pro p.b. Challenging course, new lighting, snack bar & grandllendl. Getea open 5 p.m.. sign up ctoaea 6:30, prac. 6-7. race 7:30. Entry $I 2, watch $4, jrs. $3, 8-12 $2. CMC lic. @ track, Info 4151651 -2545. CMC NIGHT MOTOCROSS Speedway 117. Chula Vista, CA. 1-5 or 805 5 to Junction 111, E 5 Y, mi. (end of Brown Field Airportl. AJI classes + 3-wheelers .& go karts. Merchandise awards & trophies every mght. 150% Pro p.b. Coca-Cola stadium lype track. Sign up 4:30 p.m., prac 67. race 7:30 Enlrv$12. Info 7141 690-6414. AMA SPEEOWAY Inlend Motorcycle Speedway. National Orange Show Fair· grounda. Barnardino. CA. I· 10 to 15E turlHltf. Oi•. 1·3, $1225 guarenteed purse + $250 30% I pI. fund orparking; gate. Rae p 4092 Itrack), ~ (ticket boothl. san Thursday I CMC NIGHT MOTOCROSS Ascot P.rk. 183rd & S. Vermont Ave., Gardena, CA. All classes inc. complete div. of Vets & OT. Ch.llenging 518-mi. course, clean pits, good lighting, permanent restrooms & snack bars, free parking & grand· stands. 30% trophies + Pro p.b. CMC lic. req., avail. @ track. Gates open 5 p.m., sign up closes 6:30, prac. 6-7, race 7:30. Entry $12, watch $4.50, jrs. $3.SO. 8-12 $2. Info 71415573323. RA.C.E, MOTOCROSS Orange County In!'!. Raceway, Irvine, CA. 1·5 @ Sand canyon Ave. or 1-405 @ Irvine Center Or. Sand Canyon. All classes. 30% trophiea. 100% Pro p.b. Gates open 5 p.m., prat:_ '0 WASHINGTON NIGHT MOTOCROSS ~ Speedway, Ballingham. WA. Exit 255 off 1-5, 1 mi. , E. IefI on ~ Rd.• 114 mi. N on rt. SG-Open, _ C ~ rnoIOI. Geteo - . 5 p.m., race 6. Entry $6/_ Free parking. Mt. Bali. M.C. Info 206I733-50691l«Yy HaNan). Friday RAC.E. MOTOCROSS Corona Recewav. Corona. SAODLEBACK SATUROAY MX Saddleback Park. Or.nge. CA, Gates open 7:30 a.m., prac. g.. 8:30. race 9_ Pros race 40 min., others 30 min. Entry $11, Pros $17. No mamb. or mail entry req. 33.33% trophies. 714/4954771. WASHINGTON WASHINGTON FLAT TRACK Hannagan Speedway, Ballingham, WA. Exit 255 off ~5. 1 mi. E, IefI on Hannagan Rd., 114 mi. N on rt. MinKlpen, Am. & Semip-ge Leorwd). TEXAS CALIFORNIA CA. Hwy. 91 E to 8uc:l'lanlwl 0Ilit. Mini ttvu Open. 100% p.b. to Ex. 7141 689-1913. 735-1705. Jerry 8ritt 4051598-3679 6113-14 6/27·28 6. rece 7. Entry $7. non·mamb. $9 lmamb. not reqJ. Pros $15. _ch $4. jrs. $3. under 12 $1. ISteve Info 7141552-5511 Crosbyl. 0-36 NIGHT SCRAM8LES Sand Hill Ranch. 8rentwood, CA. Corner of Camino Oiablo & Vasco Rd. All clasaes, 0-36 pIS. & trophies only. Gates open 5 p.m.• sign in 5:30, race 7. Entry $11. Welch 54. 0-36 rules enforced. no rider insur. Info 4151798-5695. 634-3328 ITom Andersonl, SACRAMENTO NIGHT MOTO· CROSS Sacr.mento -av, 5305 Excelsior Rd.• Sacramento. CA. E on Hwy. SO, S on 8redlhevv Rd" E on Jacl

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