Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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600cc runner-up Denny lAIPorte exhibits the effeca of the energy-dreinkIg e-t eft8r . . 3-1 rIdea. It . . . his ben dey 8fter e . . . of Injurlee the put y... I whoops. Sun secured second and Keylon and now LaPorte diced for third. Smith and Goat Breker were arguing over fourth while King and Suzuki's Darrell Shultz were back in seveneight. Bell was out of contention after tangling with a lapped rider and having the rider's footpeg jam through his spokes. Shultz got King but then Alan regained the 'lead, Shultz coming around sans goggles and visor. LaPorte was the most aggressive rider of the moto; closing on Sun until an outside line through some soft sand slowed his charge. Glover took the win with Sun too close for comfort. LaPorte, Brelter, Smith, Shultz came in next. King fell off the pace and finished 12th.. "When you get a bad start and ride through all that dust, your air ftlter clogs up when you're on the gas. I had to let off," said LaPorte. Sun was exhausted in the pits and other riders also had problems. "I don't remember a thing," said Harvey Sorensen after 'blacking out in the back section of the course. Glover saw the line oUt front and took it - a sweeping move down fairly low - in moto two. Bell, Shultz, Breker and a LaPorte/Keylon dice were next. Glover looked in control, and when Bell passed him to lead. Broe seemed to stay cool despite hot conditions. Shultz threw his hands up in disgust after looking at his bike's back end. then screamed through the stan area and pitted while tuner Jon Sienzait provided fresh goggles and water. Darrell re-entered the race way back. At mid-race, Bell and Glover were out front with LaPorte, Breker, Sun and King spaced out behind. All front-runners were buried in lapped riders. Conditions were so trying, GJovawas going on the average of 10 seconds slower a lap then he had gone in moto one. Glover regained the lead and put 50 yards on Bell, and then LaPorte gave it his last shot when he also passed Mike. With two laps to go. LaPorte took Glover to lead. Danny aImIOt threw the win away when he misjudged a berm but held true for first. Glover held second. but Bell got cIOIe in third by the checltcr-ed flag. Brekrr, Sun and King followed. All LaPorte wanted at the finish line was to strip off his gear and cover his body in cold water. ''I'd rather run a marathon than ride liIte thatl It was hard to come back after getting hurt. (LaPorte went through a series of hip, knee and wrist injuries.) A doctor told me last year I couldn't ride this year, but I've been training every day working up to this. We've been trying hard for a long time," said LaPorte as tuner Chris Haines joined him. "I had just enough strength to go two more laps and LaPorte was right on me," said Glover. ''Then 1 fell and that was it. I had so much crap in my eyes 1 couldn't even see. I wanted to win every moto this season. I knew once IIOIIt one I'd be really mad." • Results 2!i00cNAT1ONAI..: 1. _ Honnoh (YomI 2-1; 2. K.m _ CSuzl 1-2; 3. Dannie _ fHonI 3<4; 4. _ _ CSuzl 4-5; 5. Krio IliDoIow (YomI M; 8. o..Id IlIiIoy tIC-' 111-3; 7. IIan "f.... CSuzl 8-10; 8. MIl _ (YomI ~2; 9. KoiIh 00l0ricIl (YomI 1..... 10.eon.sen-CMoII1G-ll; 11. S_ _ CHonl5"; 12."""'" Sc.ey IICTMIl~14; 11 .... T.... (YomI 12-15; 14. _ _ «-wI "-7; 15. ~ Coupe .... 15-13; 18. Jo Jo Ie-. CSuzl 7-"; 17. _ _ _ -1SooII; 11. ~ _ (Y.... "-11; 19. NidI e - _11-"; 211. MIl ttape_I8-11; 21. Kirt ~ (Y.... 17·19; 22. ErIc -'lMIII"-17; 21 Doug I.ongweII (Yomll9-°; 24. Jell ~tHuIl°_2lI;25. Jim _(Yoml20-". IiOOa: NAT1ONAI..: 1. Broc _ (Yom) 1-2; 2. Donny l.IPont (HonI ~1; 1 CIu:k Sun lHonI 2-6; 4. Gc.r _ IKM! 44; 5. Morty Smilh CSuzl 5-7; I. I:lorNI ShuIlz CSuzl M; 7. AIIn King (Moil 12..; 8. Micby ~ fMIlI !1-8; 9. K-.y Keyton (YomI 7-13; 10. Arlo Englund (YomI 11-10; 11."" M (Yom) "-3; 12. John _ IM.illG-l2; ·13. (Hull '1~11; 14. Mooty _ lSuzIl4-14; 15. l1li Groooi (Hue) 8-°; II. Tony D1S_ (M.il18-15; 17. Mob¥ MeI_ (YomIl5-18; lB. AJ.n PIzzIno tHuIlI7-1B; 19. Mn _ (MIIo)·18-19; 211. Gory ~ tHuIl°17; 21. Brion Thampoon lMIIo)I9-·; 22. John Symorw fMIlI"-2lI; 23. Rick Sidle lMoiI20-°. S-""" 25O<:c NAT10NAl CHAMPIONSHIP MX POINT STANDINGS; 1. I(onl _ l344); 2. _ Honnoh 12ll8l; 1 Dannie -(247); 4. W_ Reid (191); 5. o..tcIlloiIey 11791; I. Krio Bigelow (172); 7. Ron T. . . . (153); I. mEl S - MonIn/Gory _11431; 10._ Burvea (131); 11. Jo Jo 1(_ 11101; 12. ~_ 198I; 13. ,..."", Sta:y l78l; 14. Jell _ t8lII; 15. _ _ _ _ tlI2l; II. eon. Senw10 l6lIl; 17. ....., Waoick l64l; 18. IIan Sun l48I; 19. mEl ~ CoupoIDorek W-.g l48l. IiOOa: NAT10NAl CHAMPIONSHIP MX POINT STANDINGS: 1. Broc _ (147); 2. Chuc:k Sun 11121; 3. GaM _ 11081; 4. I:lorNI ShuIlz 1901; 5..... M 1881; 8. Morty _ 1831; 7. mEl AIIn ~ l.IPont 1811; 9. Midley 1(-1821; 10.1liI Groooi lli8I; 11. Jim mo 1521; 12. Arlo Englund 151t 13. ICInny Keyton l3lIl; 14. S_ ~ l32I; 15. mEl Grr ~John -1301; 17. . . McloaN¥ CZ7I; 18. AJ.n PIzzIno l2III; 19. Tony D1S_ (24); 211. Jim _1231. MX MANUFACT\JRER POINT STANDINGS: 1. SuzuId lEll; 2. Y _ .... 1 _ 11471; 4. ~ 14131;" _ 11_ 8. ~ n181; 7. ICTM n121;" c.wrm n•.

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