Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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to help send AmerIcan ....... to contest the European events. If you're ,..11y Into boosting the effort. 100 peraonlllly autographed and frerned 8 x 10 color photoe wII eIao be offered at t60 apiece. Send your bucks to Motoe:roa and Trophee des N8tIone. c/o HJ.PoInt RacIng. 3701 West ErIe Ave.• lorain. OH 440&3. Other donlItIona can be sent dIIect1y to the AMA at P.O. Box 141, W. . ."'IIe, OH 43081. Mark Barnett (Suz), Jim Gibson (Hon) and Rich Coon (Hon) gave the 51,400 spectators a show as the trio ran 1-2-5 in the Montreal, Canada, Supermotocross on June 5. The following day Johnny O'Mara (Hon) took top honors in the Toronto Yamaha Supercross in front of 51,500 over Barnett and Canadian National Champion Ross Pederson (Kaw). Complete coverage next week. California Resources Director may have to repay state $337,000 SACRAMENTO,C~JUNE9 The NetionIII Outdoor CoIIIItIon. a COlIIItIOn of outdoor nicreetion organlDtion. that Indudea .."... ORV groups. Ierved notice to CalIfornia S1IIt8 Reacuaa Dlrec1Dr Huey Johnson, a SI"erre Club member, that he must repey the .... over 037.000. JohiI8Oft spent the money In August to pey for en envIrolllll8rlt8l Impact .tatement that led to the designation of six northern ClIIIfomlll rIvW'S _ fedenIIIy pi otec:ted WId end Scenic Rivera. The expenditure was not euthorIzed. NOC'. dem8nd Is baaed on a 1978 Callfomill Supreme Court dec:lalon that held a former P8rka and Recreation Department Director persoMlly liable for uneuthorizecl use of funds. According to the I.egIaIetIve Councl'. office, Johnson may be heICI personally liable for the funds If he did not act In good faith or exercIH proper cere In the authorized expenditure. According to NOC, Johnson made the expenditure ahortIy after a highly publlcIDd letter from tr1 Assembly members protatlng WIIcI end ScenIc Rivera 1. deslgnlltlon. NOC delivered the letter to Johnson on June 4. He has until June 9 to agree to make reatItutIon, or the metter wit be taken to court. Since this action was announced In Secrernento on June 4, .."..... Auembly members heve approached NOC, requesting that they be allowed to join the suit _ co-pIeIntIffa. The Callfomlll S1IIt8 Resources Agency Includes the Cellfornl8 Perks end Rec:restIon Depel b.i8o'It, which he. control over the.."... mHIon dol..... In the OHV Green StIc:Ide Fund. BLM receiving off-road vehicle event applications RIVERSIDE. ~ JUNE 8 The Bureau of Lend Menegement announced todIIy that they ere receiving apecIeI recrM1Ion permit eppIIc:etIona for both commerclel end competitive off-roed vehicle events In the CIIIIfomIe Desert. Permit applk:etlone for . . events .... 18d for C8Iender year 1982 must be recet~ by the BLM'. ClIIIfomIa Desert DIatrIc:t OffIce prior to July 31, 1981. The office address Is _ follows: CeIIfornIlI Desert DIatrIet, Bureau of Lend Menegement. 1 . Spruce S1reet. RIvenIde, CA 92&07. AppIDdoI. for 1heae apec:IeI recreedon ..... permits can be ob.... 18d from any BLM office. The number of events that wUI be allowed. limited to those which cen be effectively maneged by the BLM. Occealonelly, different groups will _k for the dey, or piece for their reapectIve events. To lneure felmeae, a lottery will be held In August. ElIch organization that submits an appHcetlon will be guenintHd a date for at Ieeat one ev.nt. Bo O'Brochta (Kaw) topped the Top Fuel portion of the lDBA Super Nationals Drags on June 7 in Louisville, Kentucky. Ron Turner (Suz) took the Pro Stock dasa, while Te~ Kizer and Buddy Stevenson (Kaw) carded the Pro Competition win. t300 was nliud during Sunehlne Speedway'. .1nlIteur .vent on June 8 to help send ArnerIcen motocroaeerB to the Motocroae and Trophee des Nationa. Heard of Reactions? Reactions is a company staned by former Saddleback Park owner Vic WiIaon. And according to Joe Parkhurst's Motorcycle BWIftas Newsletter, Reactions has been "involved... with the California State Parks and Recreation Department on vehicular recreation ~a:;.:~ng the state to better u the needs of the IIIeI'I in city, county and state operations as pan of the state's Green Sticker Program." Reactions' latest project is to aaist Kammeyer I: Panners planJling a $6 million expansion of DeAnza vehicle park. That expansion will include an additional 5,000 acres with new courses and trail riding areas. There'll aIao be facilities for camping, picnics, pro shops and display areas. The neW DeAnza is slated for completion in late 1982 or early '85. 0. Ally . . . .y II re. . . . datu hav. been recently updated. On August 7, It'll open In 10& thMten from Senta Berbere to Sen Diego, ~ and In Phoenix. Tucson .nd Flegatllff, AZ. It'I hit Sen Frenclaco on August 14, 8Iong with other northern California . . . cItIea. then move on to Oregon for en Auguat 20 opening. A teat dMe In Lea Vegea Is eat for June 1•. it won't hit the midwest end •••.", U.S. until Jenuery '82. P8tIence. A brand new MX track has just been completed at Arroyo Cycle Park in San Bernardino, CA, and they'll hold their first double race Suntiay on June 14. .An NMA Minicycle Qualifier and the ~ IRA motocross wiD share the twin bill. Studentsl Show your HCOndery or level S1Udent J.d. at Inland Motorcycle Sp••ctw.y on June 10, and you'll recet~ a tz discount on en lICIuit ticket. This isn't a confirmed repon, but reliable sources say that James Ruch. California State Director of the Bureau of Land Management, is on his way out. Ruch was reponedly offered a transfer, but turned It down, and is now leaving the BLM. In Ieat week'. Latest Poop item on the California Racing Club'. Duneetown GP. we gave you the wrong name _ fer _ the 121cc Pro winner _ c:oncerned. VamaJw. mounted A.J. WhItIng we. the ectueI winner of the c:IIIu. In a recent race repon on a Seattle International Raceway road race, the results of two c1U1e1 were not included due to an I1JIIettied protest. The protest is now settled and in 750cc Production the winner was Dave Wilson, followed by Kelly Constable and Robbie Adams. Wilson aDo won 860cc Caf~, ahead of Mitchell Frazer and Ken Landrus. RIden who heve or went to do riding In the 8eqIioIe NIIIIoneI Forest might well c:oneIder heMIng up there oar the July 4 weekend. There wi. be a traO rMlntenence effort In effect - work one .y, ride the other two. For more Info. contKt Jerry Counts at 21313488381. _ We were sorry to hear that Don L'Heureux, Bell Helmets' Director of Racing and International Sales Manager, broke his arm in three places when he crashed during a company trail ride two weekends ago. Send those get well cards to Don, care of Bell Helmets, 15501 Shoemaker Ave., Norwallr., CA 90650. Maybe you're a wlnnerl Uated -iMtre.,. the numbers drwlIn at the 4th annual Dunatown CIaaIc for the CRC contest where two w'. . . . receive a VlImIIhe TrJ. .Moto. If your number Is on the list. pIeeae notify CRC at 213111»1&19. The tint two numbers ere the winners, but If they don't phone to cIeIm their TrJ.Motoa. CRC wII go down the IIat untl they get two w1i...L The IIat Is • follows: 1. 021109, 2. 02801&, 3. 02882J. 4. 02BUO, &. 028748, 8. 028140, 7. 028127, 8. 021138, •. 028140, 10. 028143. 11. 028141, 12. 028141, 13. 028&110. 14. 028480. 1&. 029 282 18. 029283. 17. 028319, 1.. 028112. 19. 028238, 20. 02881&, 21. 029281, 22. 028747.23.0281&&,24. 029703, 25. 0?8822 In World Championship Sidecar MX, the team of Josef Broekhausen and Herbert Rebele guided their Yamahapowered rig to a 1·2 victory at round three, held in Gerstetten, West Germany. Second place went to former, multi·time World Champion Roben Grogg and passenger Andrea Huser who placed 5-1. Reigning World Champs Reinhard Bohler and Siggie Mueller came in third with a 2·5 score. Ton Van Heugten leads the series with 44 points over Bohler's 57 and BrockhaUlen'S 55. One of the entries for the Women'. 121cc Expert Motoe:roa N8tIoi_ on June 20 at CerIabed. ~ lICcompenyIng the &OOcc GP, wII be 11-year-old Dorene Payne of New. k In NorCeI. Off for a few months with a knee Injury, the two-time former world ch8mplon bicycle MXM- ha ...... dusting the boya up North and epp. . . fit for the challenge of the CerIabed course. Saddleback Saturday Summer Series offen $1,000 per week for the Pros, and the!'e's only two weeks left. Reports indicate that Saddleback was ripe for picking rast Saturday when not-toomany Pros signed up. Free money, anyone? HosPlTel STOP: We've Ieerned that Bobby Maxwell, who _ Injured In the SCORE BejelnteiTl8Clol.. al and then taken to a Sen Diego hospital, will be tnInaferred to Redlands Community Hospital by the time you reed this. Gat wen w18hn cen be ..nt to him lit the hoapItaI. 3&0 Terrecina. Redlands, CAIZ373. ~ auffwed a brabn leg. broken arm .nd rib Inju......

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