Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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71 Suzuki PE2&O ........... dopoo .............. _ Brighton. CO 80801 . l303l_' 9. 114125l * '80 KTM 420 * MU8t ..II KX260 1 . LookI c:horTy. c.h. (714) 877-2789. .... _ II48cc. S&W. air _ , _ diaca, Michelin, S-- II - . UDO, _ & quick, 1rY .'500.00. (7141 82&-'lB2ll. 1231 '79 YAMAliA RD400, 11,000 mi., exc:allent condition•• ,300 OBO.121315J9.3790.1231241 ~ _ _. BRiGHTON 1l5lIO.llO. CIA .". 8:00 p.m. 12131 lI7H8II1. 1221231 _ Yemaha 1977 XS7&O, 4600 miles *KTM*KTM*KTM* _ . Ohlin s-. - _ - mail order bib. KTM. 327 Walnut, .... ICTMo go lof t2400.00. Buy mine foi only .'8110.00. ~ condition. _ ~. Red Dolo. lIlC. S- It Plo-Cyde. (7141 m-3170, _ IIix (714) 1221231 * NEW* 1981 TZ250H in cratel 541~118. 14151798-25lIO - .... lof Jony.I13fTFN) C11C17.l22I23) *'81 YZ125H a-> _ , xlm. condo .1250.00. R _ 4 ti~, (213) 864-4775. l22I23l NEW TNT TAPERED RACING CHAMBERS HOT BIKE ENGINEERING i. introducing our MW ~ i 750. H-2 racing cIlamb.-. For 1110 _ who muat hove - V bit of _ ~ lof hie _type _ , HBE - . • specioI Iimitod production - . _ . rn.a pipea have specioIIy tIIparod _ _ and mer- rpm _ and " " ' _ . The MW TNT cIwnbar 1*1 .....ia SR-71 1 _ onIyl. _ ' .... oded _ ia .275. W. aIao hove • high perfornw1ce line of all ~ ~i 1ripIea, 2 _ ; Z-I, Kllooo. _ 750 116 veIve}. CBX 818 and XSl1 00 and much, much mora. Our _ - . Tony Nicoaia. ia - . - at: 1415) *GRIMECA BRAKES * DiIc _ . ""'"-"' _ WORKI _ _ cylindanl, c:aIiparw, _ kilo. AERDOUlP _ braided _ & fittinga. STORZ PERFORMANCE - 9344 000 Ave. "J", t _ , CA 9131 I. 1213199J.3430.123124) '80 390'00'" condition. WR 5 _ , __ _ The NEW Jemmer MX School! l4ka----& Moving, muat .... o-t _ , Mid ~. Sacrifica 11400 firm. 12131 _ f r o m . pro - Jim w__ No. NEW ,,""""_ _ at Indian 0..-. t40 lof ana COMPlETE dey of ....,;"g. IIagiow April 15tIl & 18lh. ............... on--.m IKhniquaa. Call or_ lof more into: 12131 709-6n4, 21108 LaManh, aw-th, CA 91311. PRIVATE LESSONS AVAILABLE. 'UMITED TO 30 RNlERS PER CLASSI 1231 ~ BRILLIANTI 848-1022.1231241 aircraft poIynw _ . _ _ lof rnotorcydaa, cars, _ , ate. Satiafaction _ _. Oxidation d _ lpaint &_1 - M.95. PoIyf.- _ lpaint & _ ) - .,9.96. Hand bufferw & podo - $6.98. Sand check or money order to HOP ENTERPRISES, 229 E. F. V_ Ridgacnat. CA 93!ili6. (714)375-4784. IC.O.D. _ odd .2. CallI. _ odd 8% _ l8Jl.ll22I23l New Suzuki Luggege Reck., etc. Triple A. GSM. ate. 15 racka. $6.00 -=II. NEW Suzuki Cl'OIh bora & . . . ~ __ da, 21 _ , t9.00 .,.,. Mioc. nylon _ted jorIoyo, NEW .3.00 -=II. 23 unila. 76 Suzuki oprocIt_ All . . . !Tant and ..-, .2.50 -=II. NEWI 0 - 100 _ foce - . all - . .1.00 -=II. NEWII806) _2238.1231 TZ250 Morrie - . H_ -w.garm & diaca, _ Fox gao Shooa, I.ocIIheMI c:aliparw, 2 __ cyIindora. _ _ _ • lui aal of -">II. _ _ .... _ _ and ....... • '8IIO.~ Cal _ 8:00 Lm. & 1:00 p.m. llO7l 867-3884. HOT BIKE ENGINEERING. 4432-E Enterprise, Fremont. CA !M63Il. 1416) 86&8275.123! Wented Triumph Trident Engine '81 Yemaha YZ486H-.1500.00 PIua _ . _ (21123) ... nowl12131l141Hll1211_ 8 p.m. Complate, good condition. e-.ings 1860.(21123) l22I25) H. l203l 86B- HRD RACING i. for Odyssey'. HRD RACING ODYSSEY ROLL CAGE. '114" 95 _ 1010 tube roll C8lI8.• 9 point mounts • a>mplele proI8Ction • lui - . • I" narf bors. I" Iront bumper deoignod to _ from and • light _ • no welding required. All< about .,... ~ daoignod ~ racing _ _ .lyea - 1110 podo" in ALL 1110 RIGHT pIaceIll Roll C8lI8 only t298 pi... l8Jl l~ ~) and freight. HAD RACING, 908 N. MerceIIa. RiIIlO. CA92376.(7141ll75-4150. _ _ only. 1201231 REGIONAL RATES NATIONAL RATES IC,cIe News/West 0IlIy1 PffIVAT£ PARTY ICycle NewslWest and Cycle News I._ Ten words. . . . . II lhrouoh 25 worrl, (oI .... 25.IO ..... lof •. __ lEast) 52.50 _. $4 52 extr. Headline in bold type tNCLUDE HEADLINE IN COUNTING WORDS Photos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... INo larger than 5 x 7! Ten words. . . . WANT AD DEADLINE $4 extr. I._ CO• •ERC'ALIHf:l.P WANTED 11 through 25 words. . . . . . . 0I .... 25 ........ 3O lof. __ $ • $11 Friday noon for the following Wednesday's edition. Fill in the Visa/MasterCharge blank or send check or money order to: Cycle News P.O. Box 498 Long Beach, CA 90801 213/427-7433 S 4 extr. S • ext.. Headline in bold type Photos. . . CREDIT CARD LIMIT MINIMUM $5.00 PLUS .50 POSTAGE and HANDLING - i iiii j£ I._ PR'VAT£ PARTY Ten words or less. , I through 25 words Signature' $4.50 $6.00 1~_25_,20 lof •. __ Headline In bold 'ype. . . . . . Photos . .. $2 $7 CO• •ERC'ALIHEL P WANTED Ten words or less. Sl2 , 1 through 25 words. . . 517 I~ .... 25 warda, 80 cents lof •. odd'l. word) Headline in bold type. . . $ 4 Photos.................. 512 ol_ inc:U* ..., IocIdng nuts. 156 piacaa ONLY .23.96 pIuo 8 ... _ Add .'.50 & 1wldIing. Ordar now, FREE . . . tiaa. Ilamit lO: IMYy "-Yne, 2712 "'-to La er-a, CA 91214. 113l28l oeav-.... * ALBAKER * Racing end Development PHOTOS RETURNED ONLY WITH SELF ADRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE No cancellations after 5:00 p.m. Thursday [;I . Don't 10.. your nuts in the de..rtl COME PREPARED, get your metric essortment. Complate your _ _ with _ , nutI. - - . _ The i.suer 01 the card tdentifled on this Item i, 8Uthorized to PIIV the .mount .hown •• TOTAL upon Card Expires P!'oper pr. . .nUltton. I promi.. 10 pev such totel together with env othe, cherv•• due th.reon subjec. to end accordance with the avr••ment go....rning the use of such card. Please fill in your complete account number and expiration date Please run my ad _times in West - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please run my ad __ times in East Name Address City PRINT BOLD HEADLINES HERE - $2.00 EXTRA Heave spaces! State Zip o I want CN Product too! Isee below! o I want CN Products onlyllsee below! Johnny 0'. Pro-Link Shock AI Baker makes production HOnda _ into works lIhoc:ks that warkl .76.00. Pro r-.o;r, SIIIin_ _ and brocket, edd ., 24.00. Send shock. rider specifica1K>ns and money order to: AL BAKER, 11944 Santo Fe Ave., ~ia, CA 92345. (714) 244-5425.(23124) C'fcJe News cannot be responsible for illegible phone numbers. Area Code Phone Number Below, indicate amount of products and circle the size, Above. print your name. address and credit card number. Make sure you send the entire blank in when you order. o CVc~ News Umbrella ".00 o Cycle News Ves, $27.95 M Xl o New MX Ca' T-Sh," $7.95 S M l Xl o Original MX Ca, T·Shirt $7.95 M Xl o Cycle News Eas' T-Sh,,' $6.95 S M l Xl o Cycle News Wes' T·Sh,,' $6.95 S M l Xl o Cyele News Joggers $6.95 XS o Cycle N_ B;ndor••,4..... o l( , MOlocross Cal Cornlc Book.75 l( Product Order Subtotal _ 6% Tax (eA res. onlV) _ Bumper Banners o 'We Don't Care How The Hell They Do 11 In Califofnia .50 3" o "You'lI See 11 First In California You'll See 11 First In Cycle News .50 3" 12" o The Besl Go W.., .50 3" x 12" , III 68 o Cvcle News Rainbow Sticker $1.00 2" 0" o Motorcycle Nut Slicker $1.00 4 'h" x 4" small o Motorcycle NUl SllckCf $1,50 6'1;t" 6" large o Cycle News Palch $1.50 2" lC 4" I x 12" Product Order Grand 10tal _ Coffmen'. VZ80H & VZ&OH pipes rn.a high,.,," ".a pipaa incr.- _ thr0ughout 1110 RPM _ . rn.a .. .-.pod pi_ with Coma a>mplele with mounting twd__, DYNO TESTEDII ~ to porform to your expKt8tional Y2BOH .94.50. Y2BOH ".50. I e inquiriaa imritad_) Cal or _ COFFMAN'S. 6Il42-G _ , Ave., Huntington, CA 92847. (714) 897-2209. 1211E011TFN) tIIparod _

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