Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE SCHOOLS, INC. TRIC TRAILERS onIy.369 pluI SaNe omoIl . . . houI~ pnlbIomol Fectory dinict fa Stwt en exciting C81'eer _ e: ~ II" Motorcycle Mechanic "The California School of the Professionals" _ 0 < Homootudy " you'.. _ -.n becoming • top-<1OICh .......cyell _ . you11 WIn1 the _ ~ 1IIining - . . You con', IIlord _ _ end _ con _. " you 1hink you how _ k_ '" become.piO' ·CIi. . . . Call toll free 1-800-423-4678 CIIiI. _ ... _12131944-0123. AMERICAN MOTORCYClE SCHOOlS. 10025 ~ A.... Son1II Fe Springe. CA 9067O.l49fTFN1 OWN YOUR OWN SHOPI - . ohop in Southern CIIiIomiI, eur- _ . 1 0 __ oId._moiI_-' _ _ _ _ fort:e _ . •1OK pluo "-'tory. CYClE NEWS. Dept. OVOS. P.O. 10K _ . long _ . CA 90801.120/23) FOR SALEIII H;ghIy ~ So. Co. HONDA/KAWASAKI _ . Ihip. ApproxImotely '1.000.000 in _ CoIl - . I CIpIon 1117141323-2006 ~.l211241 Two 1981 RD360LCa 0nI 1700 miIeI. KDll•. - _ . '2,860 (titled). 0nI MW. crated. '2,800. 15181861·21.13.1231241 Leethe,. Wented 6'10". 180 IbI. (817) 487-3408. 1231 HelpWanted Scott Boots .136 & colora. 1812) 4Bll-458B. Liners incIudId. All _ 123124) paoiIIan __ _ Kewuekl Service5Hotline _ Fectory Honda Service Manager Needed Son1II CiIrI County _ _ _i· onced p.non. Must be _ _ oriented .. well • hiving mochInical - . 4 ..... pluo ~I _ • ropoiring _0< II C but coIIge 0< _ lrIining will be IIUn into cDu.d&au,. Jet-tki or IOOWmObiIe ............ II • cIIllnilII _ . 0lIw requirements _ Good ............ commu_ _• & _ writing 1biIiIy. Tho pri..-y duty will be to __ & inIlruct _ i p _ _ in _ & ,opoir lICh,,;qu. UIing the ~ ''''''".00''''_ CORP. USA (7141 ~ _ . For"",", _ II KAWASAKI MOTORS e:.7000. 118/TRj J to lOll _ _ . _Ihould be _ ond ..... " - _ flowing 10< 5 - . ond do _ _ _ - . _lT1UIlbev«y~. hIra-Icing end _ _ .... Exce41ent PlY end IlIneIiU I . . . ., _ 01 profit. Contact Michlel ~ . HONDA PENINSULA. 1289 W. EJ Camino. pluo ~. ALlEN INFARED EXHAUST ANAl. VZER: lJeId 12 _ . '1.750. _ 3 roil tnlilor. '325. Rowe_ truing end _ n g Ilond with weightI. teo. (817) ** ANAHEIM HONDM end 10'll> intoreIt. 0lIw -.fort:e _ . Call Norb Brown. RUTH SHELDON REAL ESTATE. 750 Oro DIm Blvd.. 0mviII0. CIlil. 95985. 19161534-7442; e-. 19161 5330183.1231241 MC nl!lren 8V , He 2 Kew, Suzuki & Skl-Doo Del. ForSele Dwjwtl,_.. M_ be.1lIIf _ _ with In optilucII for _cyell - . , 1iI_ jig end fixlunr daign end ~ -.;qua Good IlIneIiU - . 0 DIrU. - 1NTeR-AM MFG.. I)e!I"DP~it F"_, inc.· ..... - . CA. (714156H941.l22I23I HONDA MECHANIC In NIt< for Ed, $on SoMco _ in S a CIjan. (7141 DOled s.;ng _ • ._~ _ 17 opply. _ 1CId1d only _ . .(1841. 171TFN pooilion in high \IOIumo --.;p. -_._.--.av._I"-" ... Mol lucIcie l2ll8l 22&<4320 0< l2ll8l 883- 2773.l2OI23I _ AF1BlMARKET high . . ,oll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........., _ MOTORCYCUST",_ Ill. . . . . 01 _ _ "'help cyell engina end • P O I I i b I I _ '" ~ paoiIIan _ for rigtrl_. " IhiI -.nell ... you, ~ inquire II SPECIALIST II. '1IUrbInk. CA l2131942-6187. 11111 _'0. UncI end ~ .... & lllOlGC. . . . . __ now. l.acII8d on us I _ T_. NJ. For _ ' ' ' ".Iioi, .... _~. __ ~ end _ononeohop. Frri _ . (809) 882· . . . nightI. 118132l Begino Juno 22nd. 8 _ COUIWI. For more infor· _ ..... 0< _ Mr. Sltkeglon It 400 W. WIIhington Blvd.• U>o AngoIII. CA 1lllO15. (2131 746-ll6OO .... 209. CALl TDDAYII123I24) _ Fonner _ be Ql;1oii1Cld. .... own _ . ur- compeny . . . ring II KOlBE CYClE SAlES. V_IdHll,CA12131348-7!!6.l22I23I AREinYOU QUALIFIED? _ '.. . - 01. QUIllfiId ...., . for our Y_ _ LoaIting for .lIlIOd .,....r.~..,end 8*t _ I If IhiI . . . . . YOU.... IIUR8A/III( YAMAHA for _ ..... 12131-.T.11.121rrFNJ _ _I c:anpIelII IinI 01 Jet SId Pwra II . . . . _ io _ from yow IoaIl _ . 1181 ClIlIIIoguo _ . lend .2.00 to MARINER PERFORMANCE DMSION. 1481 PlOtwor W.,. 'EJ CIion. CA 92020 0<.,.1 (7141579-2495. 1191201 ~ LA Trade Tech College Summer M/C Repair Clan Wanted: Honda Mechanicll _ Jet Ski Products from Mariner YAMAHA &00 SINGLE Big Bore Power Kit Inventory Uquldatlon 1111111 Tum yow . 680cc. Allow • •12011 & equipnwlt in _ in _ & on _ _ _ & buIding II _ for tho -.oM. ReIdy for yow ..... A IIcn Kk only UIing tho fir.r .- _ compoo.ila _ onywhore. Choico 01 coo."" ".1,riding _ V_1lIgII 01 engine I _ '" IUit yow _ _ For c:anpIelII _ 0< _. _ Honey c/o IlARlIY D. FOITIIl MOTORC'rCLU, 18704 1_0,. Blvd.. " - - . CA 1Q2IO.12131 ~1 0< 12131772-8:MO.l:ornIMI . . - ohop 6ot:IIlIII. I1Ii/2ll1 01 WEST CYCLES in _ . CA•• KAWASAKI .... '31.000.00 • HUSOVARNA .... '27,&00.00 • BMW .... '7.0.ססoo· 40,.. 01 ..-n.1IghhId _ • QulcI< W., IlGing S. 1 _ old. ~. BMW. HuoIty. oigno. _ & .... _ All condIIion s.- ft v _ ... For .,10"'_ & ... e.t .. lBOliI26Z-GC8. ~ "-""" 500 into • Ilurr4> pulling IN STOCK NOWI , White Power Aoater Shock lJeId by _ LIc:Uy end J.J. IINno on their r.ctory Suzukil.In ....... now. Coma ......-, _ in for you. Spring end FulIIinI 01 _ end ........ IpringI in IlDdt. WP RACING. 16131 422· 8822.121122l 65

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