Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Victoria Day Sprints to (Miles) Baldwin By Marc Lachapelle BOWMANVILLE, CANADA, MAVIS Toronto's Miles Baldwin outlasted and outran his American and Canadian opposition in this year's edition of the traditional Victoria Day Sprints at Mosport Park. While last year's Formula One [mal, a 30 lap affair, had to be shortened to 15 because of bad weather, the two 20 lap heats scheduled for Formula One racing this yea r were run in next -toperfect conditions. It was on the cold side though, and this affected carb jetting and tire choice -- sometimes in dramatic manner. This didn't seem to bother Baldwin, whose machine ran just about faultlessly in both heats, while everyone else had his set of problems. In heat one, the early pace was set by fast qualifier Steve ~rvais, always a top contender on his home track. ~rvais passed holeshot artist Frank McTaggart halfway into the first lap, only to retire a mere two laps later with a seized piston on his Castrolsponsored . TZ750. McTaggart 1 inherited the lead, followed by Canadians Lang Hindle, Rob Bartlett, Reuben McMurter and Baldwin, who was moving up fast from his ninth spot on the grid. Hindle's challenge was to fiule six laps later as his Canadian Kawasakisponsored KZIOOOj Superbike blew a head gasket. Wes Cool~, Dale Singleton and jimmy Adarna were promin~t names _not in contention. Cooley, who won here last year ana qualified secoiia, couldn't get his bike to run. Singleton's bike was running, but he dropped out after three laps of the first heat when his recently broken ha nd began hurting too much to continue. Adama was out before the start of the heats after bruising his body and bouncing his bike around in a practice session accident. !I E McTaggart soon began to feel Baldwin's challenges all over the 2.5 mile course with Baldwin finally getting by and leading McTaggart home. Nick Richichi had a solid third until he ran out of gas on the final lap. McTaggart grabbed the lead in the second heat and opened up some breathing room while Baldwin and Richichi fought to get past jeff Umrysz. Once past they closed the gap and on lap four Richichi went into the lead. There were no less than ten lead changes in laps five through twelve between Richichi, Baldwin and McTaggart. Finally, McTaggart began to slow and Baldwin cranked off the fast lap of the day reeling in and passing Ri.chichi in the final laps. Richichi, trying to catch up, passed a backmarker at speed, ran off the track and crashed. He sustained a sprained Steve Gervais 1331 got by Frank McTaggart 1821 In the first Formula 1 heat but his bike seized minutes later. IInsetl Winner Miles Baldwin. ankle and bruised ego. Baldwin was home free. • Results 125cc HONDA CHALLENGE: 1. Alan L.ab<0Dll (Honl; 2. Enol Chapman lYam); 3. Norm Sheppard IHooI; 4. Brian Irwin IHoo); 5. Kevin Hami""" IHon). 24150cc AM GP: 1. Paul _ lYom); 2. Gil_ l.eIabvreIVam). 556cc AM GP: 1. Dill*- Gunner lYom); 2. John Morrio lYaml; 3. Jim _ lYaml; 4. Robert Grant lYam); 5. David KerbIe lYom). 556cc AM PROD: 1. S _ ~ lYaml; 2. Chris ~-8n>wn 1Ducl; 3. John Kirk lYom); 4. Don 5ulher1and lYom); 5. David K_lYom). 7!iOcc AM PROD: 1. Ron Denwen lHonl; 2. - . . 01;" (Han); 3. Chris llamisl.·Brown 1Ducl; 4. Michael l"llliIIVeml: 5. Robert lAwson (Honl. AM SUPERBIKE: 1. Don Grey-Wheeler IKaw); 2. Roy IKaw); 3. Kevin Perry IKaw); 4. Edouard C _ ISuzl; 5. Ron Damaron IHonI. 2SOcc PRO GP: 1. Clil/O NG-A-Kiel"l (Vam); 2. Jell Umrysz lYam); 3. Craig Morris lYam); 4. S _ Simmons lYaml; 5.1lobby _lYam). 556cc PRO PROD: 1. Pout MacMll1en IDuel; 2. Richard Jagoe (Kaw); 3. Jell _illen IDuel; 4. _ Schubert lYam); 5. Don SieIochon (Kaw). 7SOcc PRO PROD: 1. Ted RedlordISuzl: 2. . . . . Knipp (Kaw); 3. Robb e-lYaml: 4. Paul _ (Duc): 5. Richard Jagoe (Hon). PRO SUPERBlKE: 1. Reuben _ (1(awI; 2. Colin Gibb IKaw); 3. Norm Murrey 1Suzl; 4. ISuzl; 5. George Morin 1Suz). FORMUlA ONE: 1. _ - . lYom' 1·': 2. Frri McT_ _ (Yam) 2-2; 3. Jell Umrysz (Yaml 4-3; 4. IIoonie Knott lYam) ~: 5. Alan W.d lYaml6-5. ~e Rob_ 27

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