Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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resulted in a minor course change late Saturday and it was announced at the riders meeting that mileage needed to be adjusted two-tenths at the 143 mile marker. Unaware of the change. Burleson hit the ninth check twotenths hoI. Later examination of score cards proved the hot check inconsequential. as Melton also edged Burleson in IOtal emergency checks. Burleson was still a full six minutes ahead of third place Jeff Fredelle. Melton rode a relatively standard 1981 WR250 which had some bolt-on's from the XC series (Fenders, tank). Intact were the 36mm forks that many of the California magazine teste~ feel are too small and not up to' their standards. The forks obviously per· form up to AA National enduro levels, as Melton has now won three Nationals on the bike_ He still trails Burleson 119 to 112 points in the Championship standings. Burleson's bike was a production prototype 1982 WR430 that he built from a combination of WR/XC and new parts. Dick described the bike having, "the new 40mm forks, about II inches of travel, shortened swingarm. and all the power you can stand." Third-place finisher Jeff Fredette not only boosted himself to third place in the National standings. but boosted his bank account by claiming the win in the traditional wheelie contest through downtown Saline. Fredelle fim wheelied on his back wheel, then slammed on the brakes and went up on the front wheel and repeated the process all the way down main street 10 claim the S50 first prize which was sponsored by Bob's Porno Shop in nearby Campti. The clean-cut and likeable Fredelle readily accepted the "dirty money" and drew a hearty round of applause for his performance. Fredelle brought the checkpoint crew and spectators at the ninth checkpoint to their feet earlier in the day when he did an unbelievable slow ride performance to scrub off 25 seconds in 20 feet and zero the check. Back on the scene after an absence of several months due to a back injury was Can-Am's John Martin. Manin rode the 1982 prototype Can-Am he has been campaigning to an excellent eighth overall. Other class winners and top finishers were SERA star and ISDT intent rider Glen Hollingshead who won the 125cc A class and many-time ISDT rider Mike Rosso who full· noated to the 175cc A win. Another SERA rider. Gary Johnson turned in a superb 27 point score on an IT250 Yamaha to win the 250cc A class and finish seventh overall. Pennsylvania rider Ed Toth made his long trip worthwhile by claiming the Open A win and 11th overall with a 30 loss. Senior rider Emmell Cox made another successful foray into ;ERA territory to claim the Senior class and 14th overall with a 37. Just as outstanding was Kim Royster, who was the only powderpuff rider to complete the course within her hour. • ~ pay full Shot go first ciassl Can-Am dealers are dealing! They're offering you winning prices on winning bikes. How winning are the bikes? As~around. Ask Bobby Williams about his 1st overall in the west Texas G.P. Or ask lack Elkins about his 2-day qualifier Gold in Tulsa. Talk to NETRA Grand Champion Jerry Randall. Or to Florida's Benny Booz, Colorado's Randy Warren and Minnesota's Fritz Kadlec. Ask winning motocrossers Craig Adams and . r -: 1 Jerome Heiberger, outgunning the oppOSition in california's District 37. How winning are the prices? We know for sure you can get $300 off selected Can-Am models. Md we wouldn't be at all surprised if you did alot better than that. Talk to your Can-Am dealer about it. now. . - -.. . . .-...'-_ On all available MX-68 400 and 250, MX-6125s and QUALIFIER m and 250 400 at participating Can-Am dealers until June 30. '.~ """"""'8 WE WlLLWINVOU ~ Results ENDURO OVERALL: Mike Metton IHusl 15. AA OPEN: Dick Bu,leeon IHusl 17. AA 200cc: Mark Hyde IKawl29. OVERAlL A: Terry Seales IVam125. OVERAlL B: Barry 8efIlYeml4J. TOP 20: 1. Metton 115); 2. Bu,leeon 1171; 3. Je" F,_llel2J); 4. Seales 1251; 5. Mike Rosso 1251; 6. Gary Johnson 127); 7. John Martin 1281; 8. Ron Ribolzi 128); 9. Mark Hyde 1291; 10. E. Toth IJOI; 11. Terry Cunningham 1331; 12. B. easter 1351; 13. E. Cox 1371; 14. K. Teylor 1411; IS. Glen Hollingsl1ead 1431; 16. Jack Penton 1451; 17. C. Fu,nelll46); 18. Dwight Rudder 149); 19. R. B,azier 149); 20. D. McKee 1491. 125cc A: 1. Glen Hollingetleed IKTM); 2. Dwight Rudder ISozI; 3. J. Slewltd ISWM); 4. E. Allen IKTM); 5. B. Hu" IKTM). 250cc A: 1. Terry Seales IVam); 2. Mike Rosso ISu.l; 3. Kevin Ta.,.lor (tCawl; 4. Ray Brariet' IYam); 5. P.A. Pet~. 250cc A: 1. G. Johnson IVeml; 2. B. Easter IKawI; 3. C. FurnelllHusl; 4. O. McKee IVaml; 5. E. Schnell IHusl. OPEN A: 1. Ed Toth IKTM); 2. L Whatley IVam); 3. S. Gavi~ IC-A); 4. C. Hennen IHusl; l M. Mcfarland IHusl. ( . • .. L... " I

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