Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 06 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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U.s. In CIIIIfom... FIorIcIe. Meine .nd Wlahlngton. Klek-off pertlea . . planned for June 11 lit Mch of four checkpolnta. hIIndlly Ioceted In . .ch of the four eforemttntIoned .nd then you hive .n option to alit your own pece. EIther enjoy • fuH IUmmer of cru..lng lellUreIy lit .n 8lkIlIy pece or go for the extra recognition of hiving complllted the Four Comera C....1e In Jullt 28 deya. W.nt to ...... morel Send • note to Four Comers C"uIc. 12&1 EI CImino R.... '170. M.nlo Perk. CA 1402&. atete.. How's this for a hot rumor? For the '82 World Championship MX season, KTM and Maico will hire two or th~ top American motocrouen and send them to Europe to contest the World Championship. Don't believe it? Wait and see... New Harley-Davidson Motor Company officers announced, John A. Davidson withdraws participation MILWAUKEE. WI. JUNE 1 In • 8t11t8ment laeued Mey 28 from the compeny'. heedquertera. v.ughn L . . . . .nnounced the llet of offIcera In the new HerleyDevidaon Motor Cornpeny••nd notedthetJohn DevicIaon .. not .mona the IIet of offIcera or InveatarL In the new compeny atrueture . . Veughn BeeIa. chelrmen of the boerd .nd chief executive officer: C. . . . . K: Thompaon. preeldent end chief operetlng officer: 11 other vice pruId.nta including. WUHem G. DevIdaon. Jeffrey L Bleueteln. David K. Cllruao. John P. HemIhDn. DavId R. lick...... Jemea H. Pet8reon. Peter L Profumo. Chrla E. ...... Relph G. Swenaon. Kurt E. Woerpel. end Henchel O. z..cor. AdcIItIoneIly. Ceruao .. eIao pr_dent of P.a & Acc••• orIea; Llckermen .. preeldent of H.-Iey-Devlaon Internetlonet end 8wel1lOn .. pr••ldent of the Vork. PA rnMUfecturIng plant. Commenting on John DevkIIon·. decIIIon not to Invelt or ..". . . officer............ "John aeId he hal withdrawn for penoneI renona. which we certeInIy rwpec:t. Howewr. he plena to remain with the compeny lit . . . . thraugh 1181. to neIIt In the tren.1tIon of OWMr8h1p. H" current dutIn .. cornpeny cheIrmIIn .nd pr••ldem of the golf cIIvIIIon will ,...... unchanged prior to the purchnl from AMF. After cIoIIng. he wID continue _ pr••ldent of the golf dMIIon end will eIao perform . . . .n ............nmena _ he hal In the pelt. B. cw-. G.) DevIdeon. In IIcIdItIon to continuing hIa IMior rnpoIlIIbIIIty .. atyIIng vice pr••ldem. will be • IU~I .hereholdel' .. well." ...... concluded "Relph _ _ lIOn hal been .I.cted to repleceJohn on the boerd of the new corporedon. And on I IIgtar ncn.. I .m COfPOI'. COljIOii'. '* '* ~tD _ _ ~the~~~bthe~of~ n from AMF . . pra. . . .1ng emoothIy. end we pIM to fIneIID . . . prac••• In-'YJ....... Sketchy rauIta OIl the World Champion.lhip MX Series rac:a offered only winner', _ea. At the Italian 500« MXGP, Andre Malberbe continued his winning ways for Honda with another overall victory. In the Bulgarian 250cc race, Team Yamaha', Neil Hudlon took top bonon, and at Poland"125cc Grand Prix event, it wu Team Suzuki', Harry Everu in the winner', circle again. At the Vuga.11VIen round of the World Chemplonehlp Roed Race 8erIea. lit RI)eb. T..m Slm·Id·. Randy Memolll topped hIIcI the field to maintain the IiGOcc . . . poInta IMd over T..m 2 V.mahl·. Kenny Roberta who . . . . . . third. Suzuki'. Marco LucchlneII qUlllfled _ _ Iheed of Roberta .nd MImoIe. .nd the hIIl1In rode to HCOnd In the race only one HCOnd behind Memoli lit the fln"h nne. Roberta flnlahed thnie aeconda Ifter LucchlMIII, FNnchmen Michel Rougerie wei IdIIed when he wei «ruck by .1OthIr motorcycle Ifter hiving creahed hIa macHne. At the 1I.lon·. helfwey point. Memo" hoIdI the IMd with 14 pointe over Roberta· 41. 43Greeme Croaby'. 42 end Berry LucchIn.... Shllne·. •. Croeby (Suz) end _ ... (Y.m) f1n..1IId fourth Ind fifth reapectIveIy at RIjeb. Skip and Linda Abland are the parents of a baby boy, born May 12.· Dultin Todd Abland weighed in at 8 Ib.,4oz. 8Mn looking for In exCUH to tour 0c0W0. Flemlngo. Medeweau or Nookuckl Well then, the Four Comers 1982 muat hive ....n planned with your need, In mind. ThIa ultlmlltl roed rider tow will touch ell four cornera of the Wheel.. King Doug Domoko. returned to lICtIon with .n applllrance lit the U.S. World Sp.edwly Quellfler lit the Lo. Ang.... ICAl ColI'Hm. Domoko.· return WI' atIIndIrdly .pectlculer: He wheelled down the atep. lit the PerIlItyIe end of the Collaeurn; auceufully making It on hi. third try. The Speedway Qualifier was covered by CBS's Sports Spectacular, with Ken Squier and Barry Briggs handling the commentary. Scheduled air date is June 27 - check local1istings. Attendance for the LA. CoIlaeum Sp••dwey Qualifier. World promoted by H.rry Oxley. Iv.n Mauger Ind Berry BrIgg.. w_ reportecIlIt Ipproxlrnlltlly 11.000. U.S. National Speedway Champ Bruce Penhall, winner of the U.S. World Championship Q.ualifier, will return to Europe on June 4. In Italy the following weekend, he and Bobby Schwaru will ~reaent the U.S. in the World', Beat PlIU'I competition. CorrectIori: Lot week we told you - _ the CeIIfarn.. Dept. of Parka .nd Recrutlon told UI - that there would be en OHV AdvIaory Cornmlttee mllltlng In SIn Jon JuneB. with • tour of the CIIrrIIgIe SVRA aIte on June B end I HoIl1lItIr HII.. tour on June •. MIk. ~ June 4 b the c.negIe tour. end June I b the HoIIlIter . . . tour. For ICIdItlonel ...... contIICt De". Cox • •111322.11. In the California Racing Club'.. Duneatown Grand Prix, run May 51 at Indian 1>uneI, David McGhee (Yam) topped the 125cc Pro c1. ., Honda', Johnny O'Mara belted the 250cc ProI, and Mike Shoem.ker (Yam) wu king of the Open Pro c1... PIpe talkeel with COI'NePOndInt MIInen Lee. now out of the hoipIteI end recuperlItIng lit horne foIowtng IIIIIrt trouble. M...... . . . . . . . doln' fine. .Ithough I Tbone colllalon with • vIrUI hn her confined to bed for She eIIo thanked the many people who lint cerda. .nd ahe ..ys ahe'U _ _ them . . lOOn . . poaIbIe. awh.... CORRECTION: Three weeki ago in our 10 Years Ago column, we ·ltated that Evel Knievel held a $10,000 motocfOll. That was a tenfold typo; actually the cash puRe for Knievel', Snake River extravaganza wu $100,0001 We've omitted one zero from the careleu editor's paycheck as punishment. Free motorcycl•• end BMX blk.. will be pert of the Spria of Motoerou promotion that will tak. piece In the letter pert of June In 10 .hopplng centlra In the Loa Ante....nd Orenge County ....... More Info on that liter. Superbowl How'd you like to have posten of country-western singer Tanya Tucker, CHiPs star Larry Wilcox or Baltimore Colts defensive end Mike Ozdowski with their motorcycles? We can arrange this - or more accurately, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation can. The MSF offen the 20" X 28" full-color posters at a mere $2 each or $5 for the set. It's all pan of their 1981 Voluntary Hehnet Campaign. 1bey're available at Motorcycle Safety Foundation, 780 Elkridge Landing Rd., Linthicum, MD 21090. Or dial 301/768-3060 for more info. Who Slys there'. no Women's cIasa lit Mammoth Mountein1 Chlr7 leen Higglna phoned the Memmoth boys to que.t1on It. so they Slid, "Rne. You organize It; we'll put it on the progrem." Ladl.. wishing to enter may .end their entry fen 1$30 for Experta, $20 for Intermedl.tes and Junloral to Chllrleen lit 16117 H.-t St., Van Nuys. CA 91408. Vou m.y phone her .t 2131886-3849 ldeysl or 2131786-7370 for more Information. Now Mammoth·. big weekend will Include the Women's c.... on June 27. Saturdey. OKl The lawsuit filed by the AMA, NOC and others seeking an injunction against the BLM's California Desen Plan remains under submission by Federal Judge A. Wallace Tashima, as of this writing. But our side "scored a couple of good licks," according to the AMA's Rob Rasor, in recent coun appearances. Fint, AMA attorneys (the f1J1D of Murphy, Thornton, Hinerfield at Cahill) discovered that Sierra Club at'tamey Larry Silver allowed documemI to be ftled without his signature, or the signature of a member of the CaIifomia bar. That's illegal. Judge Tashima warned Silver that if it happened again, he would "tOIl you out of the case." AMA attorneys also successfully countered the government's response (filed after filing deadline) to the charge that the Desert Plan was in violation 0 CEQ. regulations. In other matten, the Sierra Club expanded its suit aga' the SCORE Parker 400 to include a three race counes listed in the Dele Plan, and including the JohnIon V to Parker Check chase route. But didn't list the AMA or District 57 as "indispensible pany," which may grounds for dismi.ssal of the Sierr Club suit. More on this as it develop' Meanwhile, Papa', gonna take ~irin break ... DId you IIgli up for • chence to the Honde'CR4liOR motoerou In the c,de News '81 Ride Awa SwMplItek..l " not. the blank ....... b the IelIt dme c,de News on p.M. Better get the 8tIck. Or If you'". .1 entered. why not ahow up for drewlng at the 8eI-Ray USGP at CIIrIabed. CA on June 21 Good qUllltlon. Craig Vetter will be the gueat 'pe at the Central Coat Motorcycle dation, meeting on Tuea., June 9. 7:00 p.m. event will convene at Veteran's Building at Monterey a Grand in San Luis Obilpo, CA. V presentation will include the . and development of Vetter fain and accessories, and a discussion the future of motorcycling. The a will be follow.ed by a queation-an answer session. Other items will i elude a discUllion on the need for motorcycle park in SLO county. an shon film on BMW motorcycles.

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