Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 05 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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beld the same day in the outb.clr. area ofSaddJeback Park aIoDc with • motocroaa. hill climb and miDi n-ricmal. an part of Cyderuna '81, Mike _ DOt a in this eftDt W Mr. _ . who it 1PaY CCJNae!IbOUl about his reporting, wu DOt in error in his COftI'aF. NeedIeaa to say when any rider it RriouIly injured the traFdJ it shared by all ol tu that participate in the span of motmcyde rUing. We hope Mike'. (AOjii_ it tpeedy IiDce be .-ada like a_ DO matter what the odda. r:::.rDt 1IIST RON CRANDALL Il.A.C.E. Director Coroaa.CA In memory of J ..... J . . . ~ C1ayum, Pabliober. CaroIiae Geadry, Uec1ItM Secretary ... the Pablilber. VICIIIria !midi, ~ Mo. Editorial Charles Morey, Managing Editor. Dale Brown, Editelil". Mark Kariya, Editor. Advertising Skip Johnoon, National Sal.. Maull"'". Terry Pratt, Sal.. ~ . Linda Brown, Advertiaing Coordinator. GraphIcs a!'d Production Kriatin Cooper. Graphic Artiat. Barbara Travna, Aaisu.nt. Marion Hatuhita. Typography. Dennis Greene, Laboratory. ana _ Accounting l\liIr.. KIinget, MORall"'"' Dotma Bryan, . Aceta. Re<:eiYabIe. Pat Batty. Mt. Aceta. R.eaeivabIe. Tony n.iIey. Credit ......... Circulation 'Rbeba Smith, MaRa8"'", ShirIry Shon. Cherilyn Bernier. MicbeIle Bemier, 10' ...... Mcfadden. A.-s. Duane Jolmoon. Dealer Sal.. Maull"'"' Want Ads Vvette Goeken. Wan, Ad Sales. Serv1ces and Support Chrio Aitch••oo. Recq>tioniIt. Joe Jamiooa.Judy Brnob, Sti. West nol Cherry Aft., Long Beach. CA P.O. Boa 498, Long Beach, CA 90801 (2 IS) 427·74"; L.A. Line 656·8844. East 4190 Fint Aft., Tucker. GA. P.O. Boa 805. Tucker, GA 50084. (404) 954·7850. Cyc:Ie NewalW... (USPS 141·540) is published weeltly excop' the lint and lut week of ,h. calendar year ror $20 per year by Cycle News, loc., no I Cherry Aftllu., Long Beach, CA 90801. Second cloa postage paid at Lo"llBeach. CA. POsTMASTER: Send form 3I7lI to Cycle N_, P.O. Box . . Lonll 8Mch.CA ...... Sublcription rates: One year. IeCOnd cl. . mail, $20; two yean, second claa mail, $55; ,hree yean. aecond cI. . mail. $55: 25 weeks. $11. Foreign ra'.. available on requ~. Cycle News welcom~ unsolicited edi· lorial material including Slori~, car- toons, photOS, etc. Such material, if published, becom.. ,he exclusive propeny of Cyele News. Such accepted material is subjea to l"e'Vision as is necftlary in the IOIe discretion of Cycl. News. Unoolicited material which is no< used will be returned if accompanied by a oeIr· aclclre.ed ..amped enftlope. All un· ooIicited material will be handled wi,h reaoonable care. - . . Cyc:Ie News .-urnes no responsibili,y for ,h. . .rety, ... or to ouch ma,eriaI. R.· printink in whole or pan only by per' miaaion or the publiahna. A ~ rates and circulation information will be dam. " -?---.. . ""Cop'U~htreQu~ ~,SI·nc. "111 T '.k Cycle ~ r.lI...... U.S. '"-'-nt OffIcIo. AI rIghU ... I could not find anything on the Sunday night 10 o'clock De'WI about tbe San JOIIe National. So I called San JOIIe information and got the hotline for the local paper there. The recorded "hotline" gave me all the latest baseball ICOres along with the latest "motonporu results" from the Talladqa Alabama Winston 500, but DOt the·flat track that happened right there in SanJOIeI I tbeD called the operator baclr. and got the main operator of the San joR paper and she could DOt switch me to .ports 10 I called baclr. another number and got aports, a guy ~ho qui~y told me he had "a deadline. Spnnpteen won and call baclr. in thiny minutea," and be hung up. What about my own local newspa~, which did an editorial on Mike Kicld a couple of yean ago~ Kidd has a lot of relatives here. I called the Wichita Falla Timea, got .poria, "Oh yeah, you're the guy that called a couple of weeki baclr.. Well we already got this in .print but I ~aa lookin« for lOIDething about Kicld when 1 found this San JOIIe thing. Here'. tbe results .. ." Gentlemen. get your local sports editor on the ball. it works! As for San JOIIe: the town was full of promoten, AMA officials, etc., why did they not have it on their own recorded hot line for their own bome town people~ Who in the bell in Talledega, Alabama was bringing money, prestige and paying customen to their town~ What'. wrong with the 40 or '0 motorcycle dealen in the San JOIIe arM putting preasure on their local paper to get their aports news on tbe air~ Daytona did it. And how many motorcycle dealen are in Daytona: four or what uiggered this feeling, for I believe it to be ill-conceived and unwonhy of an elected official. . Do you object, U I do, to the DOlle or reclr.Ieaa operation by some loutish individuala? If 10, I believe a review of existing statutes will indicate that there preaently are adequate constraints within the existing vehicle codes to deal with such sociopathic behavior. If you abhor, aa I do, the unacceptably high accident and injury rate a80ciated with lDoton:ydea, then I would caD your atteJWon to an increasing wealth Of data which depieta inattentive automobile ~a~~ aa a major callie of motorcycle in.Jllnel. If you wish to propoae a vehicular ban to save motorcycliats' lives, then I would suggest the automobile u your target for extinction. Neither I nor any of my uaociatea ever ride a motorcycle without a helmet. heavy clothes and a wellestablished paranoia ~bout intoxicated, drug-stupefied or mept drivers inadvertently murdering tu. Perhaps this it why I bave survived a. a daily motorcyclist since 1955. I truly wish that all motorcyclistl would wear adequate protective gear but I doubt that this effectively can be legislated, any more than morality or responsible conduct can be legislated. What I would recommend it vaady more intricate teating of all vehicle operaton and abaolutely prohibitive ~tiea for driving under the influence. Given your laudatory concern for vehic:ulu safety. I UUIt that you are a strong suP,JlOl'tel" of mandatory aDDual vehicle mapectiona, which your colleaguea in the State Legislature regularly have defeated. Your response would be appreciated. FRANK HARRISON Wichita Falla, TX RALPH W. GLORIOSO Loa Angelea, CA In H81'Ch of Sen Jose news Jive? ..",1Id. ON THE FRONT PAGE: Mt. Baker Two-o.y ride... weide • bridge _ewhere In the WwI.1gtDn woode. For compIN ~ the went. ... p. 14. by ~ ICMya. • We deeply resret to ~ the death ofjolbjoaea. He_ raangin the 1~5 cl. . at the May Srei IIlotOCI'C* event m MaryIviIIe. He •••ined majar injuriea and died hebe be aachecl the haIpiW. His brother. Randy joDea. 15. had raced that day and had won two fim place motoI. JOIh Jones wu 17 yean old. He waa a senior at Locli High School. He held National Rifle ~ tion certificates; pro, expert, marksman and abarp shooter cIauea. He wanted to become a pilot and had completed his grouad achooI training. He wu involved in karate one stripe away from purple belt. He wu an avid motoer'C* enthtuiaat. He belonged to DiItriet 56 and AMA. He had started racing three yean &10 on a IOOcc bike and then went to 125cc bike two yean ago. His mother, Winnie JODea wants to tell the riden "We have no regrets. He wanted to race. He just happened to die, 1R don't blaJne anyone." The family of JOIh Jonea requested that carda and \etten be llent to Winnie and EdJones, P.O. Box 98, Clements. CA 95U7. There it a memorial fund for JOIh Edwards jones at GilbraIter Savinp and Loan.' P.O. Box 604, Locli. CA 95!40. Pleue send any CODtributicma or donaticma care of JOIh to Gilbralter Savinp and Loan, At this time the nature of the memorial it DOt known. A date for a memorial race baa not been let U of yet. JOIh jones it aurvived by his parents. Winnie and EdJones. and a brother RandyJOIIeI. 0.. ~I II11bIywor1w1 LaFoIetl8 The subject of this letter it a quotation atuibuted to you in the April!!, 1981 edition of tbe Loa Angelea Timu, wherein you are alleged to have Itated that you .-Jd "just U IOOIl ban" all motorcycIea. Is this an ac:c:urate quotatioD~ U 10. I -W apprecWe ~ Harrlaon cIarlflc8tlon In ~ to Mn. Harrilon'.letter concermng her laD Mike'. injury at the Coon race at Saddlebaclr. OIl Aeril 12: We feel maybe 1R can clarify the situation for Mrs. HaraUon. The event Ron La_ covered wu the Il.A.C.E. Coon Gr'aDcl Pri& which w. TERRI EMERY ~Oak.CA Publlehecl . . . . . do not neceeuriIy mIec:t the poeIdon of Cycle N.... Inc. &end IettIers to Voa.. Box _ Long, CA"-'. Next week: Austrian road race GP coveragel

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