Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 05 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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..... 3-1 the ..... nent • Cliidl. , an Mey 10. ,.... AmerIca'. hope of ..... . . . . . . . ruthl•••., nar.d by a .-vwtadng EngIIah tum. ApIn an a ,"HhIIChed treck. the & .... ridera edIIpted more ewIIy tIwI the ~ . . .... clinched • 4-1 ..... win whh a . . . vIctoI". Yamaha/DG MXer Pete SnoneIand wiD be _t of action for a while after haviDg hiI foot run over by a car aDd bralm in me p1aceu. Card:u may be IeDt to Loa Robles HOIpital, Room 254. 215 Well J... Road. Thouuand Oab. CA 91560. "-f'• • , • •,. tim • attampt by the VIctDr McLIigIen ~Stunt.... DrIIT.... to put 23 ...... an one motDrcycIe • the May 23-2Ii U;S. Motorcycle Janibareeln V CA. The JamborM to draw ..... 10'- moton:ycIIata. ha·. T..... V.... "King Kenny" Roberta tlnlalled whh a 4111 wcond . . . . OVW' luzukr Croaby • the ..........ud -.c roed , . . GP. TI*d to V ~ Barry .. whh . . van DuImM Marco LucchII •• compIadng the tap live. Randy '-t ....... In .......-y. *yo . . . . . . ...... of LucchII ........ but Me Suzuki an the ...... up !lip of the GP the . . . . . points ...... with a DNF. Mam DIll'. faluN to tInIah. or aoora any points. puts Roberta In the .......... 1C8w ' I'. EddI8 ..... tI*d ......t In the 8Icc .... but enaMel In the .... SuzuId·. _"'8. 80ft. ...,... AMA W'UIIlOD Pro riden who plan to compete ill '82 wiD be required to CODfonD to the _ ratrictor/dilplaceIlleDt ruIeI. Altboqh it', DOt ,.et official - the AMA Boanl of TI'UIteeS ID1Ut approve the lluIes Committee', rec:ommeDdaticma - the foIlowiDg wiD be required of AMA W1DItoD Pro mile aDd IWf mile machinery: Moton will be 750cc ratricted, 500cc four·1tJ'Oke IiDgIes or twiDI, or 500cc two-lU'Oke Iinpa. MUs Papa happy to lee they've chaJlFd their piau about baDDiDg two·Itrokea, and it probably maka a few privateeJ'l who haft to fuDd their own racing ventwa pretty pleued, too. Sp •• Idng of WIMtDn Pro racing. would you caN to ..... how much It coat Honda to buill dIOM N8JI8 V-twine? Would you b .11\. "'3.-0 ? No wond., tIwy 1 ....a-.c Y_ too could be the pIOUd 0WDer of an emtic 250cc Rotu-poweaecl .-d racer. A limited _bel' of the iDIiDe _rer-cooled nriDI wiD be made avail· able tbrouP Tony Murphy for a mere $5,500 each. For a looIt at 'em, pboDe T_yatBOS/944-1635. lIP..... .... ConectioD: In our ~ of the Tranuatlantic Trophy Match Raceu, reporter Alan Cathcan uaid the reuon Wa Coo1ey W&m't ridiDg hiI YOIhi· mara Suzuki wu that Fujio Youhimura aDd Gavin Trippe "have ,.et to dear up a little matter of ~ out· ..acting from Jut year', ueria. That . .taDeDt _ ill enw. Y....imara aDd Trippr did have a milanclermDd· H m, about freitbt ~, but the had been Iett1ed -n ill adnnce 01 the Match Raceu. Cooley had been promiIed a macbiDe from Suzuki GB. but they didn't receive their three bika from Japan, only two. That', when Wa ended up OIl the rented TZ750 with DO IpU'eI aDd a 901_ crew to tty and ho\cI every. matteI' thiDI tCJletber· The American faund COII8OIadan but rnoady 1IIOI'8 1n the two raunda In the U.s. va. En and _ . , . . . haId . . the peat tine Budw.I.., . . . . . . . . . . . to . . .uaor the Budw.I.., I-Hour. 1. .'. VW'8Ion of the AN &-Hour. The plan InwoMa contIieta" poInt- . . . . In Er....' At the fourth .... haId May 7 • lpItuAch. ArnM- _ ca found ..... revel. . on a rain- . . . . . track • the home track of U.s..... DennIe . . . . . and John Cook.. The lpawich nent . . . cded to an abrupt halt with two . . . . to 10 . . . . thundar light. nIng Introduced a torr d0wnpour with the aeoN 12'"'4 In favor of the U.s. rIcIera. En.... nd led the ~ promotIona In Bud .......... ~ how many of dIOM there &rei a .11.000 . . . . fortllla~ loCal endurance Stay tuned to tIIIa column for w their July a. 21 , . . elate • RMraIde approechw. In Jut week', Cycle Newu, Daida/ D.I.D ran an ad . .ring that "He did it with D.I.D by DAIDO'" about Jay Sprinptem" San JOR Mi1e Yictory. Well... he did it aU right, but the S~ does hiI winDiDg on Diamond Chain. The American MoIUrcycIet A"Dd Ildon Nporta that a landmark bID provIcIi. for and earmerIdng funda for molUrCYcie rider . . . . tIon .......... aIgned Into law by Artmne Govwnor Bruce BabbItt. s.._ BII 1341. con ....... for funIIng rider . . . . don. .. the fIrat of Ita type In the nadon. The bII WW aponrcnd by M"arlty ......... of the ArImne s... . T,.,..p CJi tadan CommItaiw. . .eN. . . . . c:MIred by Taylor lR.. July M. 1... one doIIIlr of the nIIMoIar ~"'I1""' be 1tIIte·. __ ........... In8II .............. MotoicycIe Educadon Fund. DlrecArtmne MoIUr Vehicle DMallllW.. Mr. PhI Thornycroft .......... monIw from the fund to Implement a motoreycIa educadon and teatlng progra...... 8CCOIA. to ........ In the bIL Thomyaoft . . . . . . • actIw IUpporter of the bII In Local moIUrcycIIata joined whh govwnrMllt tor of the -ev _._ Ilii" offIcl.l. to ...... • to offw . MII••'donr In cIeveIopmeiIt of the 1eu111.1Ioli. Artmne AlIA ....... .... ........." two,... ..... N.I.lIft COIIIIMIItM. Hit took ovw for tIIIa bII tID be ....... but It ahawa ,..1..1, what can happen through coordl d Ntt..... cI .... N.t.lIft ww a Uy IIP..I_ • • Artmne IIIOIUrCYde wMy woobl Iaat AprIl which many b ••• w a ca....... IntIuance on p of the ba ArIzona JoIna a group of only a haIfdozen ..... that .. cMde for ..... fwhIon of motorcycle rtder .......... It .. die only ItIIte that fundaauch ......... by on rIcIera. 1O".,"'*It. H -tInI-- Brad Lackey broke hiI foot ill a raci1lg accident ill Holland at a May linternanODal m~. Two boDeu ill the foot were broken and a diuIocated toe were reponed. Brad', preuendy ill pluter but iu expected to ride the next 500cc MXGP, May 17, ill Ymland according to hid family. Send tboue cardu aDd letteru to Brad Lackey, P1einutraat 69, S820 AIken, BeJsiam. John G...... Turilo from ~ I to let . . know OI.y cIowd and may that ATP upfor cont8Ct John or PM Gil •• aM• • 71482.... The Iarput uinp neat a u - t of riden and upectaton decended on W--,u. WA May 10 for the Yamaha Perpetual Cold Cup _ . em. Ierieu. AccordiDI to ActiaD OZ, Papa', man _ the _ . 515 riden uiped up, about 116 01 thole beiDg ProI. Gary Kueut (Yam) topped the 125cc Pro m. rather handily, bat Ran Sun (Han) _ the his wiDner. He aad Kueut had a tipt race ill the 25Oa: cIa. with Sun ~ _t ahead. In the big-bore race. Sun -m I-I followed dClIely each time by Larry H~(Mai). . . . . . thkIga got lIIiid.rMlY on DIIy Two of the Mt. T~ DIIy. one M8MC r out checIdng the courw wtwn a deer jumped In front of Nm an the ....... ...-y. The rider ww doInglibout • .... there ww no time to . . . 2 ....... action. eo .. aIoIl:_ ..... a and IofIIad the front whwL The I•• d rider hit the . . but

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