Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 05 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ity tnII or co"ijl8liIioo.. MX -.~ _ . reed riding )eclrft, _ _ 7& Verne A.... N. HoIIy_. CA 91805.12131982-37:11. AI!A CUSTOM lEATHERS by VERA - W. deeign & lit to -.Ilecing or reed riding. - . nylon. repeiro, • _ _ 7525 Jurupe Ave.. Sui1Io B. _ _• CA 92!i04. BMW.~. SeMce. _ It - . 2508 Bro.dw.y. Fullerton Sea.,.ito. CA 95818. 19181 TOWN AND COUNTRY CY. ClE - _ _ 452-6491. Pllch~ - . palO, & _ l e o . I.......,. Herd to get perIL Fu-. 411 S. - . . . . . CA 92833. (714)871·2480. yoAIt (714) 117-8083 or 867 E. _ Hwy.. GIendcn. CA 91740. C213133H705. ABC lEATHER. INC. - W. _ _ . . operetiono See thei Ad _. _ lriendI _ to _ ell ' - to _ _ during the _.Clerice. SATES lEATHERSI All 01 _ queIity _ _ . . weiting far _ et the bigger-then _ _ . . - Shop For Strwt MX, CO" ijl8liIioo I. - -Vlhing. PIuo~. riding _ . - . . Shop _ the I'loo. SERVICES et.u "c" Producta STORZ I'EIIfORMAHCE - Plo equipmn I t - . ~ GRIMECA, Ful AEIl(). QUI'. _ . XR-750 Eng. I*Ig.. ~ ...... Dyno- '-'wrk.._~ nquirioo"""'-d. 9344 000 Ave. "J". a - t h . CA 91311. 12131993-3430. Enduro Rollc:hllrta .wrr~ to "-d - _-E.-y ~ by .., the foe.. 1IIry - . . - MIny apliorw- - - . Mv ploce - t5.oo _ enduro. ".,., dIy. Club V_ ... ~-'4873 V.I.I-' Undo. CA lI28IIl. (714)lJ1Ot878. - . CompIele -.:line oIlllII . . "....... . - . . 81C. Seme dIy ..".• Mik. Condit'. MIC SeMce. 7225 ceohI-,. e-. e-. Ave.. Pert<. CA 91 tl3O. 12131 34&OIn. TAPa COMPANY - 1825 W. 144111 S~. Gerdene. CA 902G. 1213132J.3834. _en .tud •• E-Z auto. _ . _ . ~ pR. ,.",... "'-to. etc.. remc>IIIl(j without clemege. U.S. & Metric ..... ir>....Ied. Frame Straightening JOHNSON & GIlBERT - f'Io. _ _ col..,., opeci_ All forms of lreme. front _ . .,.;"germ. _ '«Midilioo .. ing. <:ompece ~ fecility to repair _ _• fino. front _ ea:.• . . . - lreme or 7 11074 MercentIle. CA llO88O. (7141993- . - . oIlllII CIIIIIbllIIiII far c:,cIII _ _, tpii._ UPS - . GNohM1 Iron . - . 720 CYIJICIEIl UNERS. " ' - - ....... _ _ Inc.. 2217 N. spolc_ to order. Oyno _ .• _ . ell !*c. lUPPliei. entiques repeired. 40 yrI. exp.• Don & Gory .x.-. 71415959100 or S98- 1985. LB Fwy. & _ TRACKMASTER PRODUCTS INCORPORATEO - Mfro. of ~ dirt trecl< _ & ea:.lor 12 _ turin; ~ ~ CA90731.12131~4. bend." ....... pi1g. _ _ & .I'lo on . . ___ ".-1_ c........price s.. _Dept. _ 7 L m . & 5 pm. Mon.,ThurL et 12131 121_1. Monoahock Unit Service WHITE BROS-11811 SeIiMz Dr.• Gorden Growe. CA 92543. <:ompece _ & _ on ell " .......oocb,lJni.Tr.... f'Io. Inauranc8 inL _ _ or __ for _co'.. Phonefar yoAIt mIc. (714) 11&6222, C2131 137· 0751. PO Baa 3 8 7 8 , - . CA92803. FREE DECAl. WITH EVERY QUOTEI CkD. _ It _ •1. _c"'_2325B edditioneI info eel _ For m.«rT7. _ , Dunn Comina 1IlI21. A_. Sea.,•• ID. CA eround.17141838-141153. ~ & ..-. we- .- _.iIIy. Kilemey S~. u-more. CA U4IlIlO.14151 ~7012. E.C. _ • _ _ BlUEPRINTS buIIcl yoAIt or - Like to OMlbloo1 Mv _ _ - liono, _ PanIng tool celIIlog *2.00 to E. C. IIlrl, N. Clwtolle St.• ~. TN rnouming~.5842 "G" - . HunlinglDn - . CA 92147.17141117·2209. Manufacturer (ET THE JOB DONE IIaring by lap _ _ --- 37066.18151_ 8lI07. AIGHT1Sun- .... honing ID-., Steel Shoe STEEl SHOES - Ken MeoIy. ori;inel _ IIinc:e 1950. Cuetom . . . - ...... f86. 14" Ieee up boola .75. sn boot or pettern. specify boot toe Speedwey. -vthinu ~ lor 2. Baa 758. E30 B.dford ~ . Corone. CA 91720. 17141 735- Redwood City KAWASAKI OF REDWOOD CITY - .-tv _ Ka_ deeIer. _. ~. pata & _ l e o . Stop in _ checI< ue out. 2707 EI Cemino R.... R _ City• CA!M083. 141513ll7-83ll9. 0540. Secremento Trailen PRO-TRACmoet _ _ tnIITRAIlERS. INC.The _ JOE SARKEES MOTORCY· ClES - T~. Hondo. -lie;. e- C It Am, Mv no. or &far Diet. .... _.-~1 01 4 *24. 3 _ or more *21.50 _ 1 wi<. del. 2860 SE Perle OR lJ7222. 1lO3l853-1-. A_. _ P8rta & At C 1I.1Ji'ies CYClE RIOER. INC. - MIC paolO & ea:. hdqtrI. E-vdeY _ priceo on queIiIy ~ BIvd_ Rencho CA 9IiI7O. _ 18181852l1118. DEALERS AnaheIm e- TNDEX AME.. J.e. AgojonIen -. ""'•.=c~~ _._'r _W_eM ANAHEIM SUZUKI. INC. Ber.IIeyIendo " - v Perle SeMce. 1V:ic.. It Ina. <:ompece _Per1o. fa:iIi1ieI Ill; Four IliolrIJuaa. ~ - IIoring. Oyno Crenk buIding _ w-..a.T.... _~ perIL 1125 S. _ _ Blvd.. - . CA 92ID5. (714) 774el21. nylon - . For ell yoAIt _ dirt It camp. mIc _ Opal 7 deye. 17730 !CERN SPORT CYClE-Huoky• KTM. BuIIalo. HodeIr& WE RACE WHAT er1&MX ....WE SEW 0.___ & _. <:ompece - . m . pata _ ea:o. dept. - IIlh ~. - . CA 93301. IlI06l 324Gt18. e-. Eoprit GertendSuzuld _Recin; Cokndo 80907 I303l . . Springe, 3438. 46 37 48 153 :II 51 46 39 48 39 15 _MXSc:hool HI Polnt 21.35.153 Kniglitllecing"- l.II<-.od _ ~ oighto M.e. 153 47 48 =..~.V~.:::::::: II U 48 MolD-X Foil MlCr Corp .. 54 51 Nelionel_oport Neola:hlnll OrIent :II PCP Vemehe "'"" RPM l.Ib e- _e1 _.Emporium Int'1 _._ Rincon _ __ Roc*y Cycle 35 46 153 :M 51 25 .•......... 153 23 33 SRA ~ 54 37 48 CIIMwo Oiet ""'b" 48 Perle _T_~ SierTe MIC PIoducto - . . . . SmIth M.C SOColM.C So Colllecing Fuel ~ Molt StorzP.b" Sun _ _ T&OV..Semmy Tenner Diet 46 44 :II 153 54 31 153 48 48 153 51,53 33 _&V..-r.._ ~. Come in _ _ the fu1119B11ine-ilp.""" plete pall - c0m- e- 81•• dept. MoM. CA lI2e27. (714) 842· 4343 or (7141 e:De777. ~ - :M Terryceble TreckN'T_ ~_Corp AWARD MOTORS. INC. - 51 _En;l_~ 1lll1O ....1 BILl WALTERS lEATHERS - CueIDm - . QueI. 21 54 Vemehe.•......... 153 C & J Plec:ioIon Plod 48 CIIC Perle Suzuki 35 Corone " - v 44 e-~ :II Cycle_e58 Cycle _ _ 25,54 Cydo _ Sub. Info 41 Cydo_ a-.nt W_ 51 Deeco :M DeIdo Corp 33,35 DeANe Cydo Perle 47 DlnDiaunM.C 48 Dlotrici37 47 Diolrlc:t 31. 48 37 Downen·.CycleCenter Dunop Tlreo 23.25.33,35 HoIIy_ _ -.,y. Cokndo 44.48 _ ".,., 4 cycle. v_ ~ tIone or Duro IS1ageo I. II. or IHI. ~ GynntMc1 ~. 8155 N. Riding apparel JONES AMMEX RACING MOTORCVClES - us Oiet•• 1981 """"- in Itodt. ADVEJlCCISEIl 1138311 _ _.....,...&IIiIW_ lMIity parting on ".,., 2 c:ycte c:ylindor. lMIity _ an p.m. 816/786-5785. (213 427·7433 e:..-. "MXL~JT_1t Shanwl w.t...... CA 111335. C2131 708-1032. FREEDOM HUSOVARNAIKAWASKI- 10 yrI. Huolty _. OHLIN rebldg.. serv.. pens, porting ... spec. 0 - 20 _ kyo in Itodt. Ierge Kow in-.. tory. Saw COD, UN MC-1IlSA an meiI order$. Enduro. MX. ISDT _ Man.·~~. e.t Suo. 50. Warenolullo MO ll4093. 818/747-1722. _ 8 -..tty far the ineide -priceosn -.y apliorw. . on far brOc:hureo _ _ Warrensburg. Missouri For Du* lMIecto;r ...... can DuM Jot.i_ ourFllONT.....- PlATES PerfectIon PortIng Jet SIU ..... good far 40,. more H.P.• _~to_ iUig IIlloo. a.-- __ breIIcing. campIeIe wllnotruc- be,,-_yoAIt _ W.... l.Irveot paolO invaiIOry _ of the M ~ . T"" MX & Endure. Seme dIy U.P.S. _ . 0e0Ier inquirieo irMted. _ W.... 883ll S.E. Slert< S~. _ . OR 9n1F 1503) 257·7047. Ohin shock _ COFFMAtfS . - _ 13121117..:M3. MONTESA DISTRIBUTOR - Juet purcI-.l by _ UnIt,&_.1 to2d1ytum _ S18ge PanIng w/IlebuIding. CIty __• Elgin. IL 80120. BeCycle 11-603-232·9253). HoIy_. height. Aleo .... K.K. Bluff luca, BTH EngtIoh. Cydo Hub. Inc.. 3802 HE SencIy Blvd.• _ . OR 97232. 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. 0ieI 1.Joe Now ' - \IinvI; HInd .-,..d - JatSkla ""'' "ii..... _ Why Shipped todoy . Triumph. _ . BSA. _ - jecketo. 5542 cepo- Monica -. S - -Blvd.• CA 90038. 12131481·1144. Now lor vinyl ..... - ~ number printed & pralICIId 1207 COIl " ..... c... _ DON'T ntIlOW TMAT OLD CYIJICIEIl AWAV....... M.. _ •• -.oIthe-. ~ _ . rune caoler be Portland, Oregon BMX bicy. mlcinLW• . . - ...... Cydo SeMce _ Cooler Kil. _ or CeI far _ Il1D3 S. _ - . . Son FDa. ;> riding to know ebout thei - . , _CClClI CYCLE SEJMCE INC. - _ W. .-v. pwfuai,_a wiIh --1(""':.1- lEATHER BV lEATHER _cycle ~ _ opecioItv. Stock . . . or _ _ end _ CAlFORNIA~' .... c¥dl . .once "-"'" _ COIl run c:ooI, doyo.-' f'" eo. Hwy. Minibikeo. W2Z7.IlO3l-..e1 mini 12131 1191.0553 or (714) 87S8252. lMIity BMW It H0NDA _ . _ . pata It ... ourence __ 1948. Opal 7 on by BELl HELMETS - W_ _ 2Cydoi . . . 0 . baNI _ _ Engine v_. I'ar1lInd. a.-> LIllARD & UNDERWOOD 321 E. ~ Hwy.• l.IHebre. . . buIItf CueIDm built ....... _ _ _ in mind. "-ion quDlIO. CeI the CUSTOM MANUFACTUAED "':30. diepIeyt Opal _ _ SeIurdeyo _ style option •. _ S - _ . CA 93103. LaHabre dea1ing & repeiro too. All _ _ ..... on BUFFALO NUMBER PLATES - e- "C" _ ""'-"'. c........ SeMceBell HeImec Dept. They ... _ yoAIt ~. l806I~111. ~ Helmet Service 242. GNohM1. OR 1nII3O.1lO3l117-6200. _ _ &-.M.C.... ourence tool Come in or cell. b e _ b y " " ' " 0-30 coIorL Alwetlono. numb.r . . . .buedl-..ed. Chopper _ . spool hube. _ _.• Number Plates N:.aJIlN:'f It ACTION - lilt It boring, .......... & c:yl. - . -..a It parting. Ful HONDA OF GAROENA 15515 South W _ A.... GerdenL 12131 77G(l803 or 323«314. Ful line of " - - , . lllIO W. 11th S~. Long _ . CA. C2131 4J5.lIIi61. Hr. 6700. Engine Building and repair _ cyl. ptg.. ell ace. 18648 Per1henie St.• Noo doidg•• CA 91324. 1213134SS487. S_. _ Per1o. cle " - & _ SuIuId - & G.R.M. SUZUKI OF SANTA BARBARA r..doiwd B.M.W.• 0uc8ti. HuoIly & MalO Guzzi deeIer. ~ SeMce. _ & - . 20,. off to ell pro Ii. . . . - . 11 So. MIIpeo my far meking ABC • . . . . - . . . the _ " ' - mW1lion ABC _ onIoring front _ , For listing write Cycle News. PO Box. 498. Long Beach. CA 90801 or call 213-427· 7433 lAd Dept.!. Each individual 6·8 line listing: $200 per year 150 issuesl. GardeNl I i 17 46 44 T_ IRA Indlen o..n. t_iolSpeedwey 48 48 U.S. SuUl Motor Corp •. 101m W Cergo :II KTM - , I n c . 33 31> 1 _ Motor Speedwey .x.- Gou\II8I _Motors Tu Gee Ent U.S. MIC Jembor_ 48 33 27 153 .. 47 W _ Scooter Diet. 51 V..-Int'l 5.11&7,211&29 37 55

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