Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 05 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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00 0') H. .••• aneek peek It the V.maha tilt tr8Ck.... Fun story next week on the RobartaILIwwII RacIng mac:hInee that Juet met the San Joee dead... Kenny Roberta. Randy Memoli AMA announces Regional Championship Schedule WESTERVILLE. OH. APR. XI The AmerIc8n Motorcyclist Auoc:ilItIon 11M ennouncecl • 1k8ce • c:heduIe of dirt tnlCk lind TT eventa which wII crown Novice. Junior lind Expert dIvt.Ion ch8mplona In eec:h of the AMA·. tIvM geogr8phic: regionL The 11 hIIIf mle cIrt tr8Ck lind five TT eventa••.,.... 8CrOA the e •• tem. centlel end . . . .m reglona. will pey. toteI of ".000 In prize" ..-..y. with edditIoI181 contingent prize money lIIao to be 0"-1'.1following Ia the achedu.. of U.S. Regionel ChlImpionahip evema confirmed to dete. Addhlonel r-=- wII be edded 1lIt8r, AMA·. Eastern Mly18 M.GOO Helf Mile Dirt TI'IICk. North CeroIlne D....... AMn•• At. 7. Box 444. Aaheboro. NC 272m 3:00 pm.. Myrtle Beech Receway. Myrtle Beech. SC .1M1a-241& M.y24 M.GOO HeIf MIle DIrt TI'IICk. D.C. Rernblera MC. Inc.• 1111. Fort ~oed.Oxon HI!. MD 2110221:00 pm.. ........ town. MD .". MIIy 21 M.GOO HeIf Mle DIrt Treck. York MC. 2333 Whh8ford Rd•• York. PA 1:00 p.m•• fUgrouncla. York. PA 71711&4-3214 July 11 t&.OOO Hell Mle Dirt Treck. Old TIme N.....I••• 431 E. 3rd. It. P.O. Box . . Deyton. OH 8:CIO p.m.. Montgomery County FeIrgrounda. Deyton. OH &131222-1303 M.OlIO ...., . . DIrt TI'IICk. J.M. Produc:dona. Inc.. &131 SouthJuly wee"n Blvd•• Hamburg. NV 140711:00 p.m.. Orenge County Fell' Sp.. Ihdy. Middletown. NY 71111.81100 Aug. 21 tIUOO Hell MIe DIrt TNCIc. J.M. Produc:dona. Inc.. 1131 SouthBlvd.. Hem NY 14071 II:GlI pm.. Erie County F*. Hemburg. NY 71 1100 or 7111148 3100 . . . . HeIf Mile DIrt Treck. Mike Jotio....... At. 11. Box 83. Oct. 3 8umInertIeId. NC U . 8:00 pm.. 311 County IJne _ ••. . , . MIldIeon. NC 9111143-7873 tIUOO ...., MIle DIrt TNCIc. • Iurbenk. ....,.. I*IrIbudng Oct. 4 eo.. P.O. lax 17IL AIM'" NC --.. Metaoll. Spll"'. CtI8rIotte. NC 1lMI,211 . . 1. w""" CentnI July 12 M.OOO TT IhIepIech•••• Muekegon MotDrcyde Club. - Oct. 4 M.GOO Hell MIle DlrtTreck. MaDleh T 8ht.I.... clo Mel Seth... I 8auth 'JI [hook, at. MO 83141 7:3D pm.. Tri CIty Sp••.....,. GrInIm CIty.IL 8181131~ M.GOO HeIf Mle Dirt Trec:k. . . . . F* of 0IcWMNnI. Box 7et3. 0IdIIIt0nI8 CIty. OK 731471:00 pm.. MgroundI ....... way. OIcWloml CIty. OK 4C1111G.11 Weatem . May 24 M.GOO TT 8teepIec:h•••• ~ MotDrcyde Club. Box 733. Balle. ID 83J011:OO pm.. QubgraundI. Balle. ID ~ June 21 M.GOO TT 81MpIKh•••• ONgon SIdewIndera M.e.. P.O. Box .,. a.:....... OR INti" pm.. CIubgrounda. CtIl:bI,... OR 1i03IIR-1022 July 31 M.GOO TT StIIepIecheee. Orepn SIdewIncIera M.C.. P.O. Box .,. aecklmlll. OR INti 8:00 pm.. CIubgrounda. Cllcam-. OR 1i03IIB-1022 Aug, 9 Helf Mile Dirt TI'IICIc. BIlIck H" Motorcycle CI_Ie. Box StwgIa. SD &7781 2:00p.m.. Stu.... Feliground•• Sturgla. SD &031347-2133 Aug. 28 TT Steeplecheu. Oregon SIdewIndera M.C.• P.O. Sox 3ff1. CIIdcamIe. OR INti 8:00 p.m.. CIubgrounde. Cllcklmlll. m. OR &03IB-1022 2 the f1n1ah One with i'88PK1I¥e i'IC8 tim. of 42:04.70. 42:G6.14 .nd 42:G6.3I for the cIoMat f1nlah ylt In ti1e 1981 World C"mplollehip Rc.d Race SarieI. That race for the checkered flag took place • HockWeat Germany. May 3. In the aecond ....... race of the yeer. Following the top tIvM went Boet ern"""'. fourth. M~ Frutachi. Berry Sheene. Hlroyuki van Oulmen In ~k1 end Jec:k Mldcleburg. Fec:tory Suzuki rider Memo" lead. the poInta chue with • XI-point totel over V.maha·. Roberb with 1&. Kawaaakl end van Dulmen .... tied for third It 14. .nd Berry Sheene holda down fifth with 13 polma. Sixth II Graeme Croeby (12). then Luc:chineIIi (101 and • tie between fruDchI .nd Middleburg Cli. World ChampIon In the 2IiOcc cIeeI. German Anton Meng. won both the 2IiO end 3&Occ evema It Hockenhelm. At the May 5 12&cc French MX Grand PriI, Belgian Erik Geboen rode his works Suzuki to a 1·5 victory over Akira Watanabe, abo Suzukimounted. Watanabe placed 5-1. narrowly edging Gilera's Michele Rinaldi who put in a 4-2 afternoon. Founh overall went to Giuseppe Andreani of Team KTM with a 5-4. In the 12&cc World ChampiODlhip MX Series point lItmdinp, Andreani and Rinaldi are tied for the lead with 80 points each; Geboen and Watanabe are tied for third with 75 points apiece; Marc Velkeneen and Many Everts are tied for fifth with 70 each; and Guton Rahier holds -m with 57. I.eke Herbor RaecL MIII.egD... MI ....1 1:00 p.m.. Reymon P.rtc. BrtcIaMDn. MI811f788.31M1 July 24 and MIIrco LucchIi... blurred ac:roa V......•• Nel HudIon tumeclin • 1-2 motu tally to win the 2IiOcc World CIwmpIoII8hIp MX SarieI round It SchwaiI8i.-ctt. AuItrIII on May 3. Der.II.11I8 World a.npion Georgee Jobe ISuzJ _ Meond overall off • 4-1 ICON. and KTM-mountMI K. . VlII'I . . . Ven tIDOk tI*d with. 63. Am.Ican Mike Guerra (Hual put together Mnh and fifth place rides to poet an unoIIIcIaI fifth ~ . . belt pleclill of the INIOn. "ndlnga. Jobe I'" In the point with 71. followed by van dar Ven 1441 end Hudeon 1311. Rorida's Billy Labrie was taken to San Jose Community Hospital following his crash at the May 5 San Jose Mile. X· rays showed that his lower left leg was broken in two places, but after a cast waa applied, Labrie got himlelf reo leased (rom the hospital, to return to Rorida and have his own doctor on the case. If you',. Into 8CI8P operIL be 8Ui'8 to WItCh CBS'. n. Y. . . MIl tile ....... on May 12. Even If you',. not. .nd ..,.,.. eomethIng .... compllc:aWd .e the WlI'I8ton Pro SerIee. WIt:Ch . .yway. M .. WInaton. Lynn Griffla. 11M • apeeklng pert on that epIaode. 10 be . . . to tune In. By the.-y. whit dON Lynn. whOM bright red outfIta brighten up race tnICka from coeet to COMt. play In the dIiytime drama? A blood technician. neteh. The San Jose Mile, filmed by ABC's Widl! World of Sports, will be shown on Sunday, May 10. Reporu at press· time say that a 50-minute segment will be aired, in conjunction with the Indy 500 time triala. The same reporu abo say that if Indy gets rained out, the San Jose show ~ be shifted to Saturday. May 9. Bo O·BrochtI_ beck In form for the May 2-3 NMRA South••• twTI NItIoI.......tehIng the Top Fuel win from runner...p Sam WIll It ti1e Gall. . . . . R. ewnt. 01.roc..... tumecI In • 7.. MCond. 18U3 mph ....... run on . . T.-mIneI .. V.n IJnee K8wII••Id: WIll . . ~ ~ becked T..-y Vance did It again In . the Pro Stock r.nk.. .dglng ••eond pl.eer Mlk. K.yte·. Knr••• kI with • 1.DZI141.11 bleat over KaytII·. 1.G3M47mph run. MIke IIruIo _1*1 the Funny BIke IprftIouaIy C8Ied Super ElmlilltDrl cIMa with •• run on .... K. . . . .kl. Oeoff M • III beItM the Pro Comp . cIeIL In the . . . Super ModIfIed cIMa Calm" to Pro 8IDck. but ImItIId to 7IOccJ M" Ph.... won with . . 11.G3 eeoond run on . . Suzuki. KIw.. .oanI7. How about a 500cc four·1U01r.e Ibon traclr. race? Not juIt any race; a Winston Pro event. ~o, not yet. but after obeerving AMA's determination to find a fonn of racing to suit the unique ~ua1ities of the 500cc four· 1U01Ite, iu certainly on the way. For now, they've initiated a "pilot program" at Santa Fe Parlr. in Hinsdale, IL. Starting May 27 and running for an uudetennined period of time, depending on the results of the program, they'll be running a standard $1,500 abon ttaclr. p~ plus a single main event with 10 riders ra~ for a $300 minimmn. 'There's no addiuonal COlt for abon ttaclr. entrants

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