Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 04 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ity It8Il or COI.ijAlilie,. MX ....... ~-..-I ricIng ~ . . . . 73158 Vema Ave.. N•• 1DIy oad, CA 111806. C2131I1Z-373ll. AM CUSTOM lEATHERS by \/ERA - W. ~ & lit ID your _ Rocing or .-I riding. _ . nylon. ""'""' II_ 7626 Jurupo Avo.. SuiliIB. _ . CA 92604. (7141 lIlI7.-:J or lI67 E. _ Hwy.. GloncIcn. CA Fullerton TOWN SuUI COUNTRY CY/IHJ _ _ - . Q£ _ H a d I D ......... 4115.-,,,--. CA lI2ll33. (7141871-2480. Gardena 9174O.12131~ ABC lEAnER. INC. - W. IIkio. ..... & " - - M.C. in...... 1001 Como in or colI. ----See _ wilh _ Ad my for -"'ABC. _ the _ _ ma1lion ABC _ I ordering front _ dIyo.-' _ For S - _ For listing write Cycle News. PO Box. 498. Long Beach. CA 90801 or call 213-4277433 (Ad Dept.!. Each individual 6-8 line listing: $200 per year 150 issuesl. SERVICES c-. "C" Produeta STllIIZ fIlEN'OIlMANCE - Flo cIrt_~&_ ~ FuI .... GIUMECA, WIP. _ . Xll-7liO Eng. ~d.-_Dvno_ _ _ ....... hoIiIrc. np;a _ _ 000_ ~ ~. HJ". CA 91311. C2131..-. - ._c:orr.-.- -Some ohap ...... -. dIy ...... Cordl'I MIC Sorvice. ~72. ------HAAL£Y~1I1DSON WEST- XII-7liO En II in. fIbuiIdIng, _ 11II for _ CoM & .......... - ~ UncoIn - . . _ Dol Flor. CA 1102II1. C2131822-34211. TAP-£)( rxMI'Nf'f - 1825 W . l _ SL. ~ CA 90248. 12131 :JZJ.;II34. _ Enduro Rollcharu JAIIT-EnIbo - - e . , Itudl. E.z - . _ . _ . ID .-. _-'--d by" the ' - tory Mony opliano_ _.- Nrot onduro. ony pIoco - - . pine, . - - . . - . ..... . . . - without dim_ U.S. & MoIric o-u in- ••00 -=II dIy. Club ... ..-;ptian _ Frame Engine Building JOHNSON & GILBERT - Pro_ _ c:olIioion lpICiolisto All formo 01 Iromo. front _ . Mngorm. _ ••"o"ditiot .. ACCURACY & ACllON - B.1. & boring. & cyt. _ • _ng & porting. Full _ _ ohap copobI_ for cydee end *. Gr_ _,ewwmet"I_, _ uPS.-ViOO. SIm.*i - Iron _ . 720 _ 242, GreoIwtl. OR 97030. Il!03lllll7~. CUSTOM MANUFACTURED CYUNOER UNERS. ~ 2 Cycle i I lie .. a...... _ . Smell Engine r _ _ _ - . Inc.. 2217 N. V~. Portlond. a.- 17227.1l!03l-..e3. _alOl CYClE SERIIICE INC. - _ w. mini run alOl. 1lOOdy. _ _ 1Sl3 S. _ - . Son-." CA 90731. C2131154&4874. DON'T r . - lliAT 0l.D CYUNDER AWAY. _ k .. _ ing. CcmpIoto WIlding lIcility ID ropoit _en _ . fino. front _ occ.. c:ruohod Iromo M_. _ o r 711074 S _ . CA 110II8O. (7141893- •• _atthe.-. be _ + pioIan & . . . .... " " " " ' _ o n Plo PIwIIng ~ _ _ s...."'tuo".....'..... ..,..ob K.K. IIluff Cky - . . EIgln. Il 80120. 1312)117-4343. E.C. 8lUEPAlNTS - Uke ID -.... _ or build your OMIbb1My _ bea-"'your_ PIwIIng lDOl ..-g .2.00 ID E. C. IIirt, N. a . - SL. ~. TN :mlli6. .151_ -.J7. GET llIE JOB DClIE 1IGHTl....... b y t l l p _ S .................... IO~ _ lllI42 iod*o. _ &occ. "" 12 _ _ ' " I' occ. & III 8M)( bicy- Illwd.. Holly ood, CA - . 12131481-1144. 1_ turing cle _ .. 04 _ _ your . . . . . . . . ._ l b .--I FfM with _ pric» quooo. CoM the e - s.. ~ .... Dope. _ 7 LIn. & 6 p.m. Mon.-TluL II 12131 921_1. STEEL _ ICon 1950. originol SHOES -_ Molly. Monoshock Unit Service e-n WHITE BROS-11811 Soinoz Or.. Gordon Grove. CA 92ll43. CornpIolo .-vioo & _ on Protum .... "'-"" -- . .... mIc inI. WI _ _ . . inI. CO'L Phone or _ for ... _ . . . for your mIc. (7141 ~ C2131 837emil. PO Boo 3171.-' CAlI2803. FIlEE DECAl. WITH EVERY QUOTEI CMcI<. _ & low _ _ "......' ... _ . F o r info elM collet .Ull~.~ Mob,... _ . 23215 B Cornnl Avo.. Sou.,.,ID. CA .a21. COFI'MAN'S . - _ JII Slti _~ID_ _ ........ lionI, _ ~cor....-mounIIng _ 8M2 HG" & s.- Portland. Oregon Why _I Shipped IDdIy - Triumph. _ . BSA. _ . u-o. 8TH EngIIoh. Cycle Ocunaide - Hub. Inc.. 3802 HE Sondy Illwd•• Portlond. OR lI7232. 10 A.M. ID 7 P.M. Dlol l-Joe 8ICydo (1-603-232-82631. HONDA OF DCEANSIOE ATC Sp., _ . ..... ~ b y - _ _piolDn ... e- ... _ kite, ...-.. MONTESA OISTll1llUTOR W_ L.goIl _atthe,r -., T,.,· MX & Encbo. Some dIy ohippod ~ priooo on . - ATC 110'1 & 18li'L 1718 W _ s.- imIl1a:t. _ _ WIll. lIII38 Avo.. ~ CA 92064. (71414334830. S.E. SIR SL. Portlond. OR 97218.1l!O3l267-7047. gino - ... & ilL SlOp in _ chock . . ouL 2707 EJ Cornnl _ . _ City. 8630 B.dlord _ _• Corono. CA 91720. (7141 736- c-. - nu_ vinyl; HInd poir1lIId _ ..-.l .... front ...... ... at4t24.3_ormore .21.60 _ 1 ..... dol. 2lI6O SE _ Ava.. W _ . OR 97222. t!i03ltIU1• . PBr1a & Ac C.. 10.... ..... priooo on quolily produeta U.P.5.--'~~ _ oro bui~1 Cuotom built lrOilero with our ooeurity for the _ CU8tOmerS in mind. _ ~w.,. _ . CA Perlec:tion Porting QuoIity porting on ony 2 ...,.. ~ . QuoIity hoodwork on ..., 4 cydo. Y... opoc:ific:alionI or Ours ls.g. I. H. or UQ. Il:rtns!Im Gyp!!IId, 3438. 1911l183S-2899. DEALERS Anaheim ANAHEIM SUZIJKJ. INC. _ . Sorvice....... """-. & .... CornpIolo.-vioo_ - IIaring, W-.g, Ctri ... -... _ Dyne T.... ,... _ .... l l 2 & S . _ IIMI.. - . CA 92lIOli. (7141 n.-zl. ISDT occeo. Mon.·Sot. 9-6. EaIt JOE SARKEES MOTORCY· CLES - Triumph. Hondo. BUI. 60. Warrenoburg. MO 64093. 8161747-9722. oller 6 p.m. 816/765-5785. ForDea. . ~ I..... Call Dua. . .w- (213 427·7433 ADV~SER INDEX AMA AME J.C. Agojroion IlolRoy IIIg Four DiIlribuloro. 47 45 31.44 27 42 IIIIf'IPlpoo 39 _MlC 38 Ilurt.1k y _ 53 C & J ~ PIoduc:1o 53 CRC 44.45.47 Col Mort Ploting 39 c...Am 26 SIm.*i 53 CorrIro 17 e-- CoronIIl..-y 47 Curnutt~ Bakerafield KEIlN SPORT CYClE-Huol

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