Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 04 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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been changed 10 that the twO daya will fall 011 two CODIeCUQve Saturdays rather than a Saturday/Sunday weekend program. Tentatiw dates are next Saturday (Easter Weekend) April 18, April2S and May 2. If you're interested, phoue Judy Maely at 7141755-0540. They'd like to run on the April 18 and 2S dates, but if you feel atJongty againIt going to school on Easter Weekend, perhapl they'll reschedule it. Bast allo has arranged for students to receive apecial diaCounts on helmets and leath· en from his 'poOlOn. .-4 00 0') .-4 - OK. ThII time we're going to do It right. DO Performance'. correct new addnta Ia 1230 IA Lome Circle, Anaheim. CA 12108, not 1730 IA Lome I I we u.t.d It IIat week. TheIr new phone number Ia 7141830-6471. The ad flake who wrote Pllpa that original nota Ia pr••• ndy undergolllg penmenahlp therapy wIth.pacIaI on ··2'...• end .. 7 ....·· .'Wh8t we w . . tryh1g to do Ia Juat get the thing running. and that'. . . fw .. we've gotten." 88Id RoberUI LewwII RecIng'. Men LewwII when aked about progr••• on the Y8m11h8 710 V·twIn. ''There wa 80 much .... to do - the breka h8d to be put on. the . . . . lied to be put on. the number .,... - 80.1 AId 'There'. no wey we cen . e the time to tune thIe up. Ind get the ~ of the COKhwark clone on It Ind rneke the event without coming out Ind h8vIng nuta Ind boIta filii off the wey eround the I'8C8 treek.. Th. . wa almply not enough time:' So RoberUIIAwwill R8c:Ina rIcIera Mike KIdcI end Jimmy filice rode . . . .y. DevIdaona at S8crllmento, f1n....1ng fourth Ind fifth. "We're not nt8IIy fIIctory Y8In8h8; the ntC8 team .. RoberUll8wwll Reclng. It'. up to U8 to get . . m8nY poIma .. we cen for our guya. end whet· ever we h8ve to UN. we heve to UN," AId LnvwII. l.8wwIIl llao aeId the Y....... wIH be rMdy for the Mey 3 sen Jou MOl. Date changel Date changer The final race in the 1981 AMA SUpercrOIlS Series, the San Diego event, has been rescheduled for Nov. 14. The original date was Oct. 24. Don't forget to mark it on your calendar! What'. PRSllt'. yet .101her aIng" ahock , . . 18Ion ayatem, thIa time from Mont TheIr ahock alta behind the awtngum pivot mounted vwtIC8IIy with the ahock bottom attached to the IwIngarm. The toP of the ahock Ia connected to I rocIt-.n and the other and of the .,., Ia corn-.etM to a Itrut that ntlcha beck Plat the ahock to the left . . . of the IWInlU'm. Confuaadl WI" try to raund up I photo for you. PR8 . . . . . for Pro..,.....,. R. . Su8pll1IIor. and a . r.Iow by the ,.... of Toni AlrlCtar~OIlIllI" _ be' pIodng a Sec vwaIon of the Mont... PR8 In the GPa. Some major chanaa are takiDg place at the NMRA. Effective Apiif' IS, Darwin Doll, Eucutive Directo" leaves to UlUlDe a new poeitiOIr at the PeDIke Corporation. Jim Hania and wife Dianne will UlUlDe full respcmai. bility for the National Motorcycle Racing AIIociation program. The NMRA offices have been relocated to Jamestown Route, Columbia, KY. The new phone number is as folio..: 502/584-5192. propoul to cIoH I~ •••• o. ....1y . and/or permanently 11 additional Off·ROId Vehicle TmllI. The propa•• d cIoeure would IffIIct 47 ..... of tntI end 1.000 . . . . of pr••• ntty open . . . PubIc comment Ia invited untI Mey 1. Send thole Iattera to 8eql_ NatIonII Forwt. _ W. Grand Ave.. PorteI. . . CA 132157. Or phone .,..1100. A perIODa1 ap~rance by the Easter Bunny is promiled to all,peedway fans who attend the April 19 Easter Sunday race at Inland Motorcycle Speedway. Therel1 be about 1,000 balloons for kids under 15, and the bunny himself will pau them out for free. The under· 15 gang pays no admillion on Easter, either. Don't millS a chance at winning a $1001 The IMS Easter Hat Comeat requires that you Itan with an official speedway hat, then decorate it anyway you chooee. (The promoter, however, reserves the right to disqualify any questionable entries; let', keep it a family ,how.) . . . " , . , WIth The KIll., c0authored by Wheel" King Doug DomokOi and Len Weed, iI now completed Ind on ..... Approximately 300 photo.. Including aome mind benderI of DomokOl dragging the t81UJght of hII KZ1300 KawlllllkI. Ihow every wey to whMIII that you could poaIbIy imagine. AlmOit. Book. . . ft by mIIII order through CI En.p...... P.O. Box 241, T CA .1• • They coet '.bIe .... CCallfomil r••ldentlldcI ' " .... tuJ ""'1.10 poItIIge. Louisiana', Dulty Wheels M.C. will boat the May 51 Redneck National Enduro, and flyers abould be in the mail DOW. Got youn? If DOt, contact DuIty Wheels M.C., P.O. Box 7562, Shrevepon, LA 71107. or pbone 518/929·2110 eveninp. All finiahen will receive a custom·made belt buckle. R..., for the Mey 3 DIIIdoID.I.D ......... MllelThat'. we.. T_m l~lInn wII finally ..... T _ Y8m11h8 end T..... Honda at the 811M time on the mil treek. Honclllwa hurting for honepower at S8crIIrnento: YemIhI WIIIn't ready. SIn Joae Ia thl fInt real tat. For tlckat Info, dill 40114383211 tell ..... you ntId It In c,- ... Mike BaIt and Ken MaeIy have teamed up again to present a two·day speed. way school at the Maely IOOIe ranch. This time, however, the format has COllC8iillldcM Kanaaa City, MO', Arrowhead Stadium will hoat the May 2, Second Annual Mr. PiBB Superbowl of. Motocrou" event number 10 in the 12-race 1981 AMA SUpe1CI. . Series. And here', the clincber: Ticket prices for the 1981 event are actually lower than 1aat year'a! Tickeu are available for $6, $9, $12 and $15, and you may get them at Capital TIcket Oudets, Sean Stores, participating K.C. Suzuki dealers and the Arrowbead Stadium Box Office. Or you may phone the Ticket Charge Line at 8161755-6617. On the day after the Pro race, Amateun will take' , to the track for the CRC Amateur ~corw. Tickets for the CRC race . be available at the gate. H. .•• I cllulc Bob Hannah Itory from the warbal tntIIure chat of announcer l.8rry Huffman: "When I MC'd the Sellttle Supercroa preu COlifw.lCI, Bob ntIItIId the fa1lowIng true Itory. It ..... that he Ind hII buddl.. h8ve built their own motocroII practice tnK:It on public lind 0UUIde of IAnc:ater, CA. We ~ Hannah there whDe filming 0. .ta, ...."., II. Anywey, whenever Hannah geta tired of I jeraey, helmet or panta, he just gtv. . It awey to one of hII riding budd... and getI Inother one for hIm..lf. Hence, when you 10 out to hll track. you ... I dozen IUYI wearing Bob Hannah IeIthera nteIng eroundl Two weeki before Suldl. H. . .h and hII w-. ~ on the track when I ahertff. jeep pulled up with I lou 1f1ll •• ker.The deputy ...... out of the jeep. gntbbId the p.& microphone and yeIId. 'You people . . tntap ••• Ing on g0vernment lind. Now we know that only one of you Ia ntIIly Bob Hlnnah, and we know we cen't catch him. But. by God. we're gonna get the fr_... _.,_11 ~ofyoul'" Kawasaki Moton CorporatiOll Presi· dent, 50p Yamada aDIIOWICed that Vice PreDdent of Sales, Chuck Lanen has been elected to KMC', Board of Directon. Lanen joined Kawasaki in 1968 aod has Iet'ved as Diatrict Sales Manaaer, General Saia Manaaer aod Marketing Manaaer during his career. The Green Diamond ....... - dirt tnK:It eventl held at IIoiIdo Park In HoillItIr. CA and lit Hilla Ferry Sp.edwey In ModlltO. CA - klelc. off with the AprH 1...1. Ihort tnK:It ntC8I lit BoIIdo. Th-.'. e t2,000 purae up for grebe at the SlI'turday night event with a '1,000 Pro-Am ctlln.nga ~ for SundIy'........ H. noon race. Adm_Ion for IduhI wit be 11: IddI WItCh for t3. The Ferry ntC8I . . IIatiId for May 1...17. For Info. cell 4011413• • or 411143&-. . . ESPN will broadcast the Yamaha Gold Cup Supercrou, Pan I, on Friday, AJ?ril 17, at 7 p.m. in SoCal. Pan 1 will show the controvenial p. . made by Bob Hannah on Mike Bell in their heat race that resulted in Bell beina forced off the track after being IltiUck by Hannah', bike. According to Pace', Hugh Cohn, who produced both segments, ESPN was "raving" about the show and have aigned to tape both days of this month', Pontiac as a result of the interest in the Seatde event. Larry Huffman anchored. Ted Otto served as color commentator. ESPN's "Spotlight on Sports" is aeen in Southern California on Times Mirror Cable Television. Pan 2 of the Seattle Supt:tuca will be aired the following Friday night, April 24, at 7 p.m. If you like it, write Times Mirror Cable TV, 2!81 Morae Ave., Irvine, CA 92714. Tom Whb of Whb 8roI. III'OIillad that White Broe. bill.. took the fInt three pIacee In the four-atroke IXhIbItIon race at the 8Idd..... NatIonII Iat w •• kInd with a ~ I SuzukI and a Kaw.akJ. Good going IIUYL UI 'The 1981 AMA 12Scc Women', NatioaaIs will be held June 20 at Carlsbad Raceway, Carlsbad, CA, the day before the USCP. ABC', WIiU World of Sports will be there again this year to film this race for 12Scc Expert Women The rest of the women', c l _ will meet Aug. 50 at Carlabad for the regular Women', Matoaca Natioaala. For more info, caD 714/560-0426 or 462·9595. «m?. Y8m11h8 rider PhI 0wIInd wa the big wII..... the Y8IMhII ......... UII Gold Cup 8IrIa got undeI-.y at ClarkI Branch MX In Ro•• burg. OR on Apr. 12. Over _ rIderI including n.-Iy 100 ProI. ahowecI up from ... over the PIIcIfIc: NorthwelI't and IUn'OUndIng . . . . to participate. 0veiInd won the Open Pro blI'ttIe over Ron Sun CHom with l.8rry Hooper getth", third. In the 2IiOI. 0veiInd ceme out.on top In • cIoM ntC8 with KIVIn JIrIIIn CKawI while Warntn Hickman (Ylml got the Ihow poeItIon. B. Joyce CSuzJ topped the 1 . over Gery KHat (Hon) end Jd Cropper (Yam). Complete coverage nut week. The place for Texas motoaCMen to be on Easter Sunday, Apr. 19 has got to be Conroe Motocrou Park, about a half bour nonh of Houaon. It', round two of the Tex·AMA Series for both Amateurs and Semi·pros. Theyl1 run the regular night IIlOtOCJ'oa on Saturday and on Sunday, therel1 be aunriIe services, Easter ega and fa~ for mothera. For more leris info, give TC RacinJ Enterpri8ea a caD toll free at 800/252-9722. A night phone is a1IO available: 512/857-5111. Fonner dirt track tunIrIlpOi1IOl' Tommy Conner of AuatIn. T..... h8I done e com"" 180 degree tum-ebout and Ia now promoting AMA aanc:tIoned MX eventI In Texa.. "I'm really enjoying myaelf," uId Conner. "I believe there Ia room for tremendou. growth of AMA I'lICIng In Texu and I'", working hard to do my plrt. I u..d tq uy If I _ ever cut I'd bleed IHarley·DlIVIdaonl ol'llnge end bllck. but now I'm almost totaUy out of the dirt track end:' Conner iI prnently worldng fuB time putting together a four rece Tex·AMA MX ...... Retching through the month of AprI. 0 . . of

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