Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 04 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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·······HUSKY SALE········ 1979 Husqvarna 250 OR 390 Au1omlIlic:. '875.00 O.B.O. '7B 250 O.R.• .00 O.B.O. '7B 260 C.R.• '1160.00 O.B.O. '80 250 .R.• '1295.00 O.B.O. IIelore 5:00 p.m. (714) 979•_ 5:00 p.m.(714)9lIlHi947. (12) Ploy ridden 5 li~ in 1979. ~ boon in storage . since. IrnrncMlo condition. Price incIudea 30 dey -.only and poooibIe doINory cIoponding on ..... '1250.00. Son Diogo. doya (714) 2lIll-o-Tolt pipe. only 1 month old••11 SO. (12113) (213)~. - boMJtifut cond.• only 2 In. on .me. new. Bought MW in aate. This motor ... -.,......- and will hIuI your _ . 250cc _ with • oIec. ign. & C8rb. HIlI mile. short 1nIet< '" T.T. inq. only. fJwI< "" Bob 12131 426-2OlI6. (12) · 979 SWM 250GP, 1400 miles ohocks._ ........... Gunrw <>-. Mikuni. WOlke " _ . JBmm _ lOIke. VOO. _ """"" _ _• immoculote candilion. Very compeIienduro bike. MUll .... '1000.001080. (707) 442· _ 5 p.m. (121131 * BORING BAR * AND .... Pro Tree trsilor. Both wry little uoed. Coli anylimo 15151 B62~37. (12113) 'SO RM 400 clean Looks now. runs _ • ., ,250.00 '" 011.... Chino (7141 627~.(12114) HondaXL100 YZ400E 1_. _ candilion. D.G. pipe. WIWtpuII • t8OO.00 (0.8.0.).12131 295-1108. (12) thers-Speedway-or Cless C C&J 250 _ . boIh run primo. ct.n. '275.00 & '1200.00 O.B.O. (7141 B22-8222.(12) 1980 YAMAHA Yl486G. - . roady. trid<. '1350.00. (7141 ~ (121131 32" - . 5'1 I" .... block body. orange & Ilripo. Skid __ IIIlP'O"- . . . 9. AIl8ring io . '2OO.12131~. (12) eeutifu11974 BMW R908 · ~ _ bogo, - blIIbwy. '2.700.12131479-1983. (12) • Makes average suspension work excellent. Makes good suspension work better than factory bikes. • The Terry Kit Pulsation Dampener was designed to improve front and rear suspension without necessarily increasing travel. e Allows shock to work quicker increasing tire traction, putting more power to the ground e Designed to make the shock run GOOier, substantially decreasing shock fade and prolonging shock life e Dampener causes wheel to hold to the ground which greatly improves traction in turning e Absorption of impact from hitting rocks and stutter bumps is far superior to conventional suspension, allows wheel to roll over obstacles instead of bouncing off e Gives more progressive dampening. therefore a smoother ride at the top with less bottoming for both front and rear shocks e Makes bike more predictable, giving confidence to the rider e Absorbs surge pulsas of small sharp bumps, lessening rider fatigue e No piston weight or friction to restrict dampening. .'3&.00 EACH front & re.. + shipping + COD AI80 dlstrlbutM by: Malcolm SmIth Produc:ta. ~ R8c:lng TERRYCABLE Dealer inquiries invited P.O. Box 1321. H---. CA lI2346 . - - . . candilion.'- wry 1 _ . - ' . IIuIl8CO - wry lICIOd candilion. MOO. ColI 12131 75IIlI '" 12131441.w92. (12) _ ••375. 17141 53:J.13119 cIoyo '" (7141 ....... ""_(10/12) ...... 't1lIIfI RM 250 C2 - 71370 Pursang VZ126 complete less eng. 00 C') "/ believe you will be very pleased with the new Terry Kit Pulsation DampeneT. IJnot we will back it up with OUT 90 day money back guaTantee. .., B gIIIon goo -.Iorge oiIlUlTC>. cwtom ~ .000 _ . ...... - This unit is the most revolutionary product applied to suspension since we started extending travel in 1972. - The front Pulsation Dampener fits All New 1981 Bikes as well as most older models. - The rear Pulsation Dampener fits Yamaha Monoshocks, Kawasaki Uni-Traks, and Suzuki Full Floaters. THE COMBO '109.95. cIodt only _.95. plus _. Ihipping included. Sand .2 "" oompIoIe AA Enduro _ COlOIog. COUNTOOWN. 22102 CowHo. Suile C. Conogo Portt. CA 91303.121 31 J4B.«lBl. (7ITFNI tt. Shorttrackers & TT Motor 4 _ New From Terrycable (1001'" . . .1 *'* _bMid, n o " ' - , _ 1 0 ' - _ _. _from AlRCONFS Yl lIOH PIPE cwtom (714) 244-'.1 Mont top and. oonoa. mount on _ brocllel, . . V_. . . . . - si""-. '94.95. AlACONE. INC.• 5901 E _ Ave.• La Nevedo 89122. (702) 4~ 4177.110/17) "S1" 430 CR Huaqvarna Bike is stadt. . . than 4 hours on it. Su--">n end i-tling .... d _ in. MMz. front with P.C.P. fort< 00Y0l'I. Fun begins when you let the clutch lever out. Hove_.pons. Mus....I.lB06)397-96BO. (121131 79 RD400 Daytona Special _ 011 tridt _ _ This bike is imrnocuIoto condo MUll ... '2000. ColI Doug (7141828-33l16. (121131 KTM 250 MeS. _ Simona, CumutII. pipe _ . _ _• x1nt cond.• t8OO.00. 12131 n1.J1B3. (12114) * * ALBAKER Racing and Development "pm New Product Unes! 3432 Sylvania Ave. Send '3.00 for _ Toledo. OH 43li23 32 page 1981 catalog. -Cylinder Porting (Liquid or Air Cooledl· • Case Porting· -Turbo Balanced Crankl' • Head Modifications· - Pro-Slide Treatmant . Build Your Enctne WIth Our Hotline! 419/472·7739 (1Cf!!tIT) 25153 O'NEIL AVE. HAYWARD. C A _ RACING FRAME KITS aTTN. NEW SETOR FlAT TRACK FORKS .. • NOW IN STOCKI llEATS·TAN~NGAR_·EXHAUSTPIPES RACER INQUIRIES INVITED 141515821333 lifornia Superblke School " ' _ l d in U1king the ' - _ and ITlOSl . ing motOl'cyQe ride there is7 No campers, no cws. or Highwoy Pmoll You tuM! the 10 expIor. tho limits 01 your riding obiIity. vide Ioothon. helmet. gloves and the ""* __ 1fItVrU (!k:t."pi~.. boo... KAWASAKI KZ56O. h·l. MINI-5UPERBlKE up with DUNLOP RACING TIRES. MULHOlLAND KS lour into one pipe. cooIod by the oIfic:iont KHARO RACING OIl COOl£R. 11M bora 10 you tueI< in. lightweight and quiet TIJfF.{)NE OCKETS and the ATK. A·TRAK HANOUNG • Our choice 01 oil. GOLDEN SPECTRO 4. • giw an informoliYO ....ina- by Koith Code to ,,-.n. Can-Am Clo.eout Sale _ _ 100. "79 250 * '7B 370 MX~. '1200. '80 125 MX~. MX~••IISO. WHEELSMITH. 11020 St. Fountoin V..,. CA 9270B '" "'l7141751- • (J(TfNl Fill 9Y..,. WINNING NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL RACES RACING FAA!"ES V1. .-IIo-':harga ......".lcMcil...... :r...... swwo.." ... Ospo Enterprl. .slnc. P.O. Box 3265 Dept. eN JekylIIsIMd GIl. 31520 iroo_ Johnny 0'. Pro-Unk Shock AI _ . . - produclion _ _ _ _ _1.75.00. P\'o _ _• _ _ and brocllel, _ _ .00. One cloy - . Sand_. rida' opeclIic8IioI. and _ order 10: AI. BAKER. _ SortIII Fe A. . . . . . . . . CA 92346. (714) 244542S. 111/12) CURNUTT SHOCKS 75992 Baseline Twentynine Palms. CA 92277 714/367-9179 RKing 21 S. FiguerOll St. ~line Carson, CA 90745 N' 12131 328-3594 ,troma1hana Hours: T~Fri 8-5 s.t 8-12 SAVE ON SIMPSON HEUIETS ISO .97.n-lll,.,07.n·RXM·, .'47.00 1·~327"'.Ed. 37 _ I", your 40 miloa 01 HoIIwoy ough the ride th.... is • _ to COlch your brooth chock \'Our lop _ Then you go I", it again. '1 more. At RIVERSIOE \'Ou con qUlllily lor an RA racing 1 _ and rid. your own bike ff you 1 Thoro .... reduced rot. lor r.Mn O l _ .nd ride the I _ HIGH BANKS 01 YTONA, the _taking CORKSCREW ot GUNA SECA and RIVERSIDE'S notorious ESSES. IT! 000..- _ l o r 110 - Machine dom8go icy 17 (voluntaryl P.O. Box 3743. Men_ Booch. 90266 (213) 484-9323. ADVANCED RESERTIONS REOUIRED. i+JIt'IlfJ~ Methanol ~ EAST/440 Belden Ave. Addison. IL (312) 543-5247 WEST/l300 Hill St. EI Cajon. CA 17141442-0431 w. 4ST11OKE _ I,

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