Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 04 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TZ2&OE Loll of _ . _ been - . . U.OOO. 18021 823- 2Ii88. C111121 750 TRIUMPH TRACKMASlBl - _ _. CeriIni. MuIhol_. _ . ARD. Hum-Air'-t. K&N. Mikunio. " - '"-. o i l _ . C l R _ . gcxJCI condilion. .1500.00. GrIdon 18021 281-1304. 1111121 1979 RM400 (420) 1981 4EH YAMAHA W.M. motor & _ . blueprinting & - - . . TOP CONDITION••15501080. 171419893897.1121 (714) lI7$Q4O X239. _ 6 l7141 87H1121. 111/12) cooled ~ i' new in the box.•2,200 or _ offer. CoIl D... lornbert 15171 522-8503 or H8001521-Q606. lIlrt. 216.19/121 Pro-Trac NW Racing Trailers Send for brochure or call for quote. 7861 N.E. D.y Rd. W.. Dept. C. Bainbridge Island. WA 98110, 12061 8425648. 181141 'SO KTM 2&0 like new, .1200 (714) 735-2166.111/121 Honda MT126R Wetercooled Norton Triumph owner8ld........ We rep8ir etripped portI. tInede. COMPETlTlON CYCLE CENTER. 2629 w. NetioneI A_. Milweuk... W1 53204. 14141672-4010. I43ITFNI Mono mod w/rwervoir. Suno. H.D. epokee. _ . Moguroe. WhirpuN. 0 ' _ t.o. 0-_ 1iIenc:er. reed - . hend built pipe. mint cond. .1.700. ColI _ 5:30 p.m. 1213) 242-6710.1111121 '78 HARLEY KR & '79 250 _ . fr..., enginee. eome ASTRO: Heed ported end exlree. totelly 1979 RD400F Yamaha nobuilt. Excellent - . junior or ncMce equipment. ColI _ 5:00 p.m.• Cernrol lime. 15151 255-2483. 110/131 Showroom IlOCk cond.. perfect. 3500 mi.•1495.00 or offer. Comoc:t Gory. North PIette Y"'"""". N.P.. Nf. 1308)534-93115. (11/12) Ior._. MONGO RACING 143 PANAMINT AVENUE RIDGECREST, CA 93&&6 Muet IOU .-ythingl 1979 250 CR Hueky with Ohlin (714'~2674 _ . new _ tire. lrOiler. _ . kidney belt. boolo. _ . 8efI - . Sc:oll Gogglee. WiN eell only ... ~ . &-5 p.m. Scon 1213) 3112-61181. 11 1/121 Pro porting oil modele. incIudee Iibni r-' t65.00. Fibre r _••19.95 - for oil model.. NGK-V _ ~. U.95 lBox of 4 - .2.50 eechl. Sc:oll BoolI $149. Pipee lor KXI25 ~'Bl ••94.50. 1!11Dl11 Y2125 - $94.50. ALSO - Uni Trek & Pro Link modific:elioI .. 11 1112) Ducati Darmah *YAMAHA*KTM*MONTESA* **BULTACO***SWM** *YAMAHA SNOWMOBILES* **ATBURBANK YAMAHA** *·*(213) 846-8738***C141TFN1 '75 XR7&O H-D '77 Bultaco 2&0 Pursang Pro-1 Belt Super Support Motor _ . too much in motor to list. Ioteet """'" modiflClllione. Will deIi_ '" ..., _ . ",650. Tommy 0."", 162. 1216l399-7836 liA 5:00 EST; 1216l 1196-11311_ 5:00. 111/121 * LOOK Fantastic Deal * Tommy Walton's Novice Bike '79 Suzuki GSl000E. 4.000 milee - Yoeh. pipe exlree. ABSOLUTELY mint condilion. Muet _ lIlioonel Aeking $2800. mllke offer. MUST SELLl12131 827-1729.112l '79 Husqvarna 126 CR Hi-P8i1. pipe. Mikuni carbo '80 _ end _ . Cumutto. 2 _ ..... condition•• 750. ColI Chrio 17141 897-6423. 11 21 250 Shell Y _ wilh Cerioni Iorko. 2 oomplete Jock Donnenburg 19n motors. 3 Bill', Pipee. """. c:ytinder & _ . end _ing & ~'-. •3500. _ - . . .250. 12131 ~2798 or 1213) lI65-45Oll. (11/121 *GOODBYE* '79 Huoky 390 WR••1800.00 OBO. '75 Hueky 400 WR. t4OO.00 OBD. Wonted ten! lrOiler•• _ _. Bill Whitley 12131531-1974. 1121 Jet Ski Products From Mariner 1978. 13.000 milee. Pocifico Ioiring, D.G. - . . I..oc:I<"-' oil _ . CUllOm - . Cruiee ComroI. & _ truna. _oom condition.•2050.00.121317644043. (121 Yamaha TT500 1978 Simmone fortto. Worb _ _• 10 inch trewI both encIe. While IlrotherI ...,;ng.,m. 2 goo _end monr. Uk8new. $1.400. (2'3I~.I121 4 Rail Custom Bika Trailer Yamaha 7&0 Special ~ • Send U_OO line MARINERSki P8i iC6 _ _ compIote '" of Jet PERfORMANCE Excellent condition - . - one li"",.17141947-31104 or (714) 3311-2144.1121 MARINER proudly ............,. _ 1980 Can-Am 400 Qualifier ""'i. TRICKI Suzuki RM 1980 RMI25 - Fo. _ - - _ _ pipe DG _ & - new _ Producto _ Sho. duteh. new _ _ - _ _ - _Ient _ _. (714)~.1121 HONDA '79 XR-l116. _ t condition. 600 miIee. .795.00 or _offer. CoII_ oillI2131_.I12l tB75IOBO. 12131311U483. 11 21 CR2&OR78 78RM126 *GREATRACETRUCK* 1978 Chevy. 9 It. SlOP Von - one _ 1981 c:etologue DIVISION. 1461 Pioneer Woy. EI Coion. CA 92020 or CIlI(714)·~2495. 1121131 Ohline Piggy Ilodt 17%". _ _••1495. Rick EPM Magnesium Wheels In Stockll An. _ fortto. Lectron carb.. >dnt. condo .700.00. 17141 274-2856 1_.) Modified '" '79 _ . Up pipe. FOll SUPER COMFORT. SUPER LOOKS. Feeturee: .N _ . duoI Velcro odjuetmento. won't rolilbunch-up. Order _Iindicate _ & color - _ . blec:kIrod). $23.95. CONDOR PRODUCTS. P.O. 80. 236. Southport. CT0649O. 12031259-9837. 11 1/121 _ p.. Maico Parts - Man Order THE WORKS FOR .1200 Thio pipe . Dyno _ . end ~_12HIPsteel. lhru RPM _ ""","""" _ _ in 20 Comncompletewilh mounting hordwere. _ i o n _ _. CoIl or write "COFFMAN·S." 6642-G _ . Huntington _ . CA 92647. l7141 8972209. C12JE011TFN) ..... 1133-1301. 11 llTFNI Two c:ornpIet8.- moc:hi_ end _ _ Sole price - .3200 the lot. bikoo end _ _. l707l11332622. C11/12) COFFMAN'S YZ SOH PIPE ... < Ship onywhere. 41peod '" Mego II. OMG MAleO 12131 Cegiva 121icc W8t8rcOOIed MIXers CUOUlm 6.1 goIlon fuel _ . Yery 0Ir0ng. Keuler 49 end CMbon-Groph~ FIber. Wr~: Joeh Hunt. B7 High St.• S. DlInmouth. MA 02748. 16171 993-7486. (11112) ..... eleen. Rood _ . low ...-.- R2. in perfect " ' - - W_- Trick VZ466 G Buikiing custom open & enck)aed modets from 12'40'. """-.oily ""'inmined. immecull1e cond~ion. ........ low . . - - . _ S&W.. t4llOO firm. D8yo . 1980 CRI25 HONDA. Rune grwl, _ t899.00 firm. 171412~. 11 0113) FOR SALE: ~ki KX-42O cylinder pi.. piltOn. ringo. geek.....100.00.(714)444-5561.111/12) Short Tracker Sele 1977R-100s (11112) V-7 Sport - engine .300. _ieeion .150. _ wlSA, .150. F&R _Idruml .50 _ . 7-3 lIInk. .75. _ ••50. No a8Ih . - . - . 1505l 255-9543 or 15051642-8850 doyo only. (11/121 3 _ . t825.(714) 735-2166. 111/12) 1 - 250 Y - ' pleled _ . 75 MXB engine. 1 250 Y _ 75 MXB engine. 1 - 500 Y","""" Short Traer frerne. compIote. .2750.00 lor oil tine or .1000.00 lor _ 250 - .750.00 lor 500 _ . ColI I402l 371-9151 U MondIy-Set..-dey. Ilk lor Ger1IId. Norfolk. HE. C111121 on bike. ll105I -.1342 - . Loee then 600 milee Moto Guzzi parts '81 YZ80 ~ *80 SR&OO Yam. street racer* 5400c. _ burning _ IegoI .... Full While _ "mode". 3IImm Mikuni. cam, pipe, IligIl port _. Firot .1600 _ .... inc:Iuding_ Ridden Ii. _ . DeHondIer _ ••900. 12131 4» 7394. (11/121 HELPI 23 yr. old dirt _ _ people o r _ " , ride wilh. A..._ ~ or _encIe. Hove lreneportlllion or will opI~ coetI.I2131648-9335. (11112) - 292 Ii.. 4 All wh~. KYB goo - . oil fortto. mony _ _ Few houri on bike. _lent oondilion••750.00. In 41l1l137070 or l714199!>-1600. 1121131 Good condition - cornpIeteIy 1lOCk••550. 12131 530- epd.• PoIi. diec brks.. new 6 ply rod.'- & _ _ 4'JCIr Skytite• . - 9" AC-OC color T,V. - new CTl10 2115.112113) _ Troil bilte. CoIl 9 '.m. to 6 p.m. - 171411161· 31170. 1121131 Wheels for T212512501!iOO175O. K21OOO. GSlooo. Honda 750/CBl<, Ducali 55. Guzzi LeM.ns. Superior doIign. _ u l " , _ . wide rime for a1icl< tiroo. For _10: DEUS EX MACHINA, LTO.• 201 Weet 52nd Yorl<. NY 10019. Or cotl Mr. Lee 1212) 757· Street. _ 4469 M-f 9:30-4:30. Sot. 9:3lH>oon; or in Colifornio call M.rk Metzinger .i l7141 756-2939, 140ITFNI WAt11AlJ) Il£GlllllAL RATa IC,..~_t...,) """'ATINIITY Ten words••••••• " ... NAT-.a.RATD ICyde New.lWnt..-d Cyde ....... ~ ~ NlVATlI'JUrY 11 ttuougtl 2S WOI'cts •• Ov8f 2S WOfdl, 10c8ntl per WOfd HudlifMll,.. bold type ...•..•• U . .tr. -.a.uec_ .~- ... TZ250F Ptlot01l ............ G model updoto. a1icka. reino. cronko. pistone. cytindero. 3!iO lOp end. etc. U.650 mllke offer. Dovs. 13121 971-2802; nights (3121 ~3937. Herdly rocad. 2nd ploce WERA F2&3. 111/121 Ten words ••••.••.• for N foNowlng Ril WI tN VtMIMaet...CNlre- W.nk Of . .net cNck or n'IOM¥ ordef to: COMM£ItCIALIHU.~WMnO .. .......... P 11 through 25 words. .... ...... $I 0 ...... 2S WOl'd•• JO cents De' WOl'c! Headline in bold rype . ..... II ..... PhoIos .. ......... H ...... ~ z_ = CREDIT CARD LIMIT MINIMUM $5.110 PLUS 50 POSTAGE end HANDLING XR Pro-Link Exhaust System While _ now hove Super Tropp _ eyeterne lor XR200. 250. & 500R. The Whil1l &toe. s;-.. Kit ~ the-.:t muffler & ... _ l o r up "'. 3 pound weight uvingo. Torque & ~ Ie irnprowd wilh the lor--, oppr

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