Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 04 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Come to the 'A8CI'wOOCl.1 ~i_in_-' •, • __ - . . . . & .....-ory _ . Corne 10 _ - - . SeIory wilh _ _ .... Profit -.;ng polInlio'. ~ lJIil ridingI. _ lor Roy (707) ~ T_.-5Il. _ Thura. 1121131 ~ Exhaust System Menufecturer _ help in R&D. MUIt be copobIe of dwign & Ioyout 01 (714) _2015 _ lor Jerry. JARDINE HEADER CORP. 11 21151 .-4 _ 11._'.' indudo; of _ _ clwillr*S & R&D 1Od._.. .dmi"....lio" of .. dwigninIJ IClMIiw, building & moinIwing jigo & riXlUrll lor produclion. Muot _ . - - - . . & -.hip _ Wri r""""l0 lOP _ _ ,L _ includl; Help Wanted 1*1-. e- - . profit -.;ng, ...... 10: ~ -( e""" _ .-4 :a our"''' ~ lor growth wilh .. """-'Y in II ..... pono rnenut.ctur•• for wIf_ to _ _ R&D lloi6D,.,L Doily rwponoi- (j) .-4 ~ Mechanic - eo ..... BRANDSI . ALL nonh 01 s.n _ _ c.liIomi& w. _ .. __ cod _ I Hord woriting wilh & _progrom. SInd KERKER, 7900 Pork. CA 91304.112lTFN1 o-;ng A.... • MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC. good - . SeIory io - - . ColI lor info 17O71 MCMI to smog-fro. Momerey. CA. bponding fourfronchi.. _ . Production e....... required. 45% commiuion. HONDA/KAWASAKI Of MONTEREY I40IlI ~1 1. OfTFN) WANTED: '"'I!"'__ tap IlOl' lor righl_. Service Menager T _ _ _ cod NEW HONDA ~1 _lor s-t. 1121131 Sl~i ColI ORANGE OOUNTY SUZUKII714l John.l12ITFN1 -.24211_ -p -. -- lor H-D MECHANIC Growing Devidoon _ - HortoyHARLEY-DAVIDSON OF (02)329-2913. 1121131 RENO. Ilona. _ Megezine WriterlTesteron Editor -man _ _ notionoIly * ._~ DEALERSHIP. condiliono & _ round ompIoyll.'L ColI lor ~_ (7141 53HI742 0< (2131 924-6008. 111fTFNi '-"twldI-on" _ _ ... wilh ..-n dirt _ 1Od• .oIagy. CYCL£ NEWS. Dope. MWT. P.O. Bow 488. long a-tl..CA 90801. 112ITFNI We need e Service Menager WITH A MECHANICAl. IlACKGIlOUNDI _ '- 2 & 4 _ engine knowlodge. All ~ 10 run your own _ de!*D'.'~ which i o . . - 10 our . - ,,,,*,,e,,,," _ . Hoo be-. in_ LA lor _12 - - . Service lloi6D'." io ~ wilh 1ft e:t.1ging & -.ce module. SlOnl _ bolh _ & din. ConIlICl - CYCl£ PllOllUCTS WEST (21 314n.aJfi17 0< (21 3147J.7998. I9ITFNI _i8d Service Maneger & Mechanics Parts & Hondo. Suzuki. ~j. 1-W1ey-Devidoon. BMW .nd Triumph. Solory pIuo _ Pocific C-. Hwv.. Lomila. CA90717. (2131 J26.3810.137ITfNI Sante Fe Yamaha/HoD Deeler Hiring in - . _ & Service. Col lor _ MOTION SPORTS. 2701 CorriIlao Rd.• _ II7liOl. l5U6l471-9Oli2.111 1141 0<_ Fe. NM Motorcycle Service Menager! NEEDEDI ArizonlI','1 y..,.,...,._ Cent. io now IooIclng lor • "tap noech" V _ mechInic. _ _ benefits. FobuIouo _ . 12,000 foot -.utul _ & moot of ... good poopIo. N _ _ end _ ... _ . CiIH Bony 111802)8117-7970. III 112l SUZUKI MECHANICI 1 . . . . - opening lor 2 quo/fiied Suzuki 'ochnicilnl. FuN limo. good ...,;ng. & benefits. CoIl lOdey & lo'k wnh ... _ 10< Phil 0141 6J9.7n1 Orengo. CA. IBITFN) Motorcycle Mechenic CoIl 12131 656... - v . PrwiouI 5101 _lor Bob. 1101TFN1 11. 287~167.1121TFN) v*". s.uguo, CA. 1805) • SALESMAN. Top ._ -nod lormindod. IIOk#no rnotivoted _ . lui "" ",. cor_ _II"' monov - . n i p in LA & Orengo Countiw. W....1LOTS of bikH. 10 _ . . . melee LOTS of monovl (213) 9453494 Jim. 1121131 ~ i in _ _ BMW. 10 _ doeiorlhip _~Io< _ _• ~I Good working - . """-'Y ... Col Jim _17131932.0015. 19'12> Y. _ work - _ woriting _ _ DOWNEN'S CYCl£ CEH1SI 12131 . . 1223 0< 17141 521 -6343. 11 1ITfNl _'.11 v_ - . _71. _ Nurnero Unol Y - . N _ . . . . io nclW IcxJIcing lor. - . _ _. 12.000 II. _ _• ,. "tap noech" ond _ Peroan WANTEDI Both pooiticlN require .. 01 .. - good peapIo. N_ _• ond _ • ... BEST col Bony .. t802I8117-7970.l9ITFNl HAR!.EY-DAVIDSON WEST hw opening lor _i· oncod . . . _ 10 work mechonic', w i _ & So'ory & commioiot, & compony _ _ filo. lmeclicll. _ I . ConIlICl BiN (213) B22.J42l1. IBITFNI SUZUKI SALESPERSON I w. _ • good _IMJOl, copobIe 01 "'ling oil produc!I. N _'iI ...... _ . & _ Suzuki II ..... e¥dw. 00'1 .. lOd8y & !Ilk to Phil II 17141 6J9. 7n1. Orengo. CA. IBlTFNI Suzukj * Motorcycle Mechanic _ of Motorcycle Mechanic "The Calltornie School of the Professionals" 77 KTM 400 CROSS COUNTRY. 0. reedy, condition. '700. (7141B4747lil1.1121131 R . . - 0< Home IlUdy N you',e ...,.. - . . . becoming • top-notch WInl !hi _ P<*ibIe lnIining _ . You ...., offord oecond _ end _ ... _. N you think you how _ il 11k.. become • prcy<:ioI _in"'-.CoII .. n _ _ I O _ EUROPEAN SPORTS CYCl£S. 241 W. Eocondido. CA 92025. (714) 743-1230. 112/TFN) 1977RM125B EnginI-,- '150.00. (2131325<44811. (12) 11"'- of ... iIrgIol i1>CllOrCV"lo yarde in ... grolIl Pocific - . Sell proporty 0< _ -",". Good lIrmI wilh - . . . ear-. CYCL£ NEWS Dept. SBO. P.O. Bow 488. Long _ . CA 90801. 111112> _i8d Motorcycle Accessory Store SpecioIize in _ _ & off-fOotl _ _ iN. Pen Yemehe TT5OO-XT500 1978 n-)(f ...... end MW1gIrm. good oond., '150. _ lripIo cIImp ond 486 - . lor nsoo. '385. compIote. (2131373-71103. 11 21131 78 Yemeha VZ 250 A-l condition.'7!iO.00. (71418l1l1«l43.112> lime _ ...... 3 _ _• Dco'Iom pot-.lioI.•1OK pIuo"'-'tory. (2131 J86.5808 _ . & ful~li"", LEATHERS Rood rICing. 2 • 5' 10". 156 1bI.. red. while. _ ••175. (213137~112> 1979 390 WR Enduro reedy. _ _ ino end pipe•• l 195. (7141 T7'M19ITI.112> -*'". Aoch _ Broo. . . . - . 12" fron'end r• . WtfI bIby. muot .... t950. (7141982-1823.112> wems Banana awingerm WANTED I Far my Moico. _ be oIuminum. _ lor John _1805149&-_ 0< 18061482-2157.112113) 79 MAlCO 440 & 7B MAlCO 440. CoII-. 3 p.m. (14) 527-31 eo. 112> Ricky Graham'. custom Ie8thers M&M _ l o r 5' 10", 146 ... Y_ _1le & oronge. REAL EYECATCHERS••250 CUSTOM. ColI TV-MOVIES-SPORTS Don', IiIce poying ""'"""" PIY"** for 1hio oplion7 ColI"'" - e - S , - n T _ - '125.00. T_ _ _ through ......... - ColI John - . . , .. KAWASAKI ESCONDIOO (7141 74&1115.1121131 t286.OO. (2131 37lHI9Bll. -.24211 _ _ from 4130 cIwomoIy tubing, 1igI.-. floxing & brooking. be _ wilh _ c.. .... FRANK'S RACING, 1 Sky Pork.Inrino. CA 92714.014154&3484.112. Ull -w.g hwd ~ '80 Yem. VZ486 immeculete 3 hounr - Ihow,oom condition - _ _ Injury _ . '1800. (2131333-7884.1121131 )(f 500 YAMAHA, _ Iic.. _ condition _ & troiI ridw only by 40 '7!iO.oo. CoIl _ 1:00 p.m. (2131 34&7284. 11211 _-old...,...... 1938 NIMBUS. c-= llonioh " ..... e""". lnIino 4-cyIindor. - . _ , 0'1 origirW. '2.500.00 (7141 B8SQ61. 112> ---Iow . . . 79YZ400 condition - ---";l:=~ liIcI new, '1000.00. 0141 III 1121131 CHAMBERS NEEDED e.,..;on _ _ 10 fit 7B Y _ 125 MX. '73 Y " " SCSOO. ColI Jim l7141 _ _.1121131 74 Dodge Mexi Ven. Bubble Top -.D. CNiw Control• . . . - . nin. lor John. ORANGE COUNTY e.. _ oround (714IV..2IIifl .....II12> ODYSSEY 79 WANTED: Suzuki Perts Men e--... ~ . but _ - v . will 0141 SI.mJKI. 11 llTfNl _-I RM80 Suzuki Chromoly frame 79YZ125F 318. 1UUl. PS. PB. _ _ biIca ..... _ . FM e-. Vory _ . _ _ lor......... - Full FIoI ColI ~ (2131 873-2780 - - . 17141 58&31166_ lor Bob - '950.000< _ _.112> Phone Sele Personnel Needed .... CYCL£ CO.• 1111131 contICl Chrioly II ROCKY Sunno/II*, CA l40Bl 734-3750 .... 58. 12131 s:M-1222 .... 3. BEllFlOWER SUZUKI. 19ITFNl MECHANIC HONDA TECH'S Hondo, 50% MOO per - . _ ohap. Jon. & Fe. --' _ be _ _. ~ _ . CAlJFQRNlA HONDA. 9320 W. Pico Blvd.• W. Loo Ango'w. CA. 12131 272_ _.1121131 I.,." Wo ' - _ _ 10'" H'. r of ... de!*D'." in ... LA & O.C. _10 find . - hire ... __ ' - _ To & . 1hio goo' lor • long _ Hondo • _.&_odII_2wilhll_5 __ _ _ .... W. _ P'-1l working - . • -.-.1*1 group_._1OOl -1lOl' ~ & ... lor ... _...,. AI inquirieo c:onIidowltiol. CoIl LAKEWOOD HONDA. _lor Torry 0< BIll (2131Il1O-1364 0< l7141521-n 12.1101TfNl _ Parts WEST io IcxJIcing lor • Counter Penon HONDA 1_. 12131382-3801. 110(TfN) """-'Y - _ _ cod full dInlolI. ConIlICl Greg II 00""_'. H-D MECHANICS HARL£Y-DAVIDSON WEST looking lor _ _• _ groomed. _ _.. poopIo lor foot rncMng Wi"'''''' _ _ -.nip. ~Iont ..., & & """-'Y _ III IICli<»-der ,1111. ConlICI Bill 12131 B22.J42l1. MlITfNl Wi"''''''. e- Perts Countermen HondI/Suzuki CRF VZ ENGINE KITS _ Wented . . . & .....-ory Wi"''''''. _ . So'ory pIuo ColI Jerry 0< Augie CONTRA COSTA HONDA in _ g . CA. 1415) 817· B868.1101TFN1 - . - . . working condiliono & _ .,rplo,_"lor'" righ' individuII. Apply In _ • Sale. Reps for Rocky. s-. III'" - Far'" NE. g . - : _ Houoton. _ IA. MO. - . e-_codWI. NY._ wndTX. IL, OH. 0< ... Bob - . . ROCKY CYCl£ CO.. 1250 Elko, Sunno/II*. CA - . l4OBl734-3750 .... 13. 11311 II HI' 125 - .110 • 80/80 - t99. "REED KIT." 8 Polo' 125. I _lor eo. end Iorgo 4 Polo' for ... eo - .. "PORTING." Row _ _ 10< '~. Wo ' - Uni Pro AIlera. _ . Boy_ _ _ . ond _ S-.lor YZI. Far i"luimnoii CiIH: CIIOT€H ROCKET FACTORY, 2084. GoIIle, CA 931 18. UlO6I flB3.142B. 1121131 round 12461 _ _ A.... Sonu Ano, CA 92703. (714) 531 -0742 0< (21 31924-6008. 11 1fTFNI Engine Kit lor ... Y2IIOI8OI125H. U wilh lOCh ~ TWlId on ... Goklon ~=~ - . Kit incII-* -wilh._glinon1DP _ _ _ "ROCKET PH." I • NEW HONDA . . . . - & _ _ _ _ cod . . .DEALERSHIP. ~ Hondo . . . _ . SeIory pIuo 48 Stert., exciting caBer _ a: 1121131 GI-' _ . Ill- Mechanic/Suzuki T_ & Four s...... minimum 01 2 1M"• •" pooilion. - 1981 YZ 486, .189611 _ . Lik. new. _ _• new . - * • 1980 486 G VZ*. "'" l40Bl ~. 1121131 H-D Perts Personl ~, Suzuki Mechenic/Service. 0 _ 4 ... wilh - Mgr. T.... - _ .-.,;ng _. EXPERIENCED MECHANICS Hortoy-o..idoon, CLQSE.OUTI _ _ RD400F pipw COSTI '182.ln.. BIG-FOUR. 10356 AIondre. _ _.. CA 90708. (2131l1l1H487. NO COO'.. money"- . chock onIy.ILimIled 10 ~ on hond.111 _ . low hoIn. .. 01-..., .moil-eeI _ wilh '500.00 01 new _ . . . inducing piotorw & - . FuI 01_ '1.400 0< _ _. Scott - . . " 5.00. s,.e '-'tv duly 486 cewnpIeIe. '140.00. (2131784-1075.112> AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE SCHOOLS,INC. Wi,ipIoloIy ••Suzuki Mechanics•• s.n _ Yemahe RD400F Pipes Cruz. CA. Far _ . CIll 14081 425-7083. ISl12) _ Good condition. robuilt motor & ...... new lirH. _ 1Ifoo. _ . "75. (2131 53().2766. 112113) _ _ cod _ . CoIl for info: (2131 B45V3II. 1101TfNl S631i3. 19ITFNl 1121131 Moving 10 • 250. ColI 12131 5lI&«ml. 112l 79YZ400 -Pertsperson & SalespersonTEMPL£ CITY KAWASAKI hw 2 immodioto openingo lor r9tt people. Peid _ - full Ii"",. _ round 'L ConIlICl Mory .line 0< BiN .. (213) Yemehe Mechanic Wentedl ohap -"" Iey-<>ffa. 15 min. from CROSS ROADS CYCL£ CENTER - Honda Deelership For Salel '325. Ru.. _ - . 2·_. '73 250 Owo SliIono only '250. (2131l11O-4OOB & (2131ll53519 _lor B' Parts Menager Wentedl ~ i • mull. PoIm Sp 697-4343. 16,8.10.121

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