Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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.... - 1-0 ~ « Ivan Van den Broek (Mai) 1RIlt 1·2 for the overall win at the Merlr.en Trophy, an intemationall1lOtOCJ'C* in Vonelaar, Belgium on Mar. 22. Jaak Van VelthIwen (KTM) placed 6-4 while Gr'aham Noyce (Hon) finished 7-5 with the nod going to the KTM rider on the buia of total elapRd time. Our own Brad Lackey wu founh with a 4·8 followed by Suzuki teammate Erik Geboen at 86. The Merken Trophy is important u each manufacturer enten a four-man team. Suzuki won that portion of it with riden Lackey, Geboen, Georges Jobe and Harry Everu. In Verdun. France that day. Nell Huclaon slogged around a very muddy cirCuit to 4-8-3 finishes that geve him the overall. The BritIsh rid., was lIbolIrd a water-cooled. linkage-type Yamaha 260 Islm1lar to what &roc Glover has been rldIng recently) In a &OOcc race. Jan Krlstoffersson IYam) from Norway was second with 7-3-4 and ....nClaude Laquaye ISWM) got third with his 6-7~. World 500cc Motocross Champion Andre Malherbe won't be able to race until the fmt 500cc GP of the year in Austria on Apr. 5 - due to the cut on his wrist. It's finalized I The 12-rac:e teo,ooo Yamaha PerpetUlll Gold Cup Motocro.. s.Ies has locked-In Its schedule. A flrst.. for the PecIfIc: Northwest. the opening race will take p1aee on April 12 at Clark's Brench MX Park In Ros. burg. OR. Contact Ralph Huffman, 1iO:tI6n1871. The ....... then moves to Sandy, OR on May 3. Contact Ron Long, &031868 8990. Mey 10, Weshougel, WA. Bob Osborn, &0318206301. May 17, McMinnville, OR. Mulkey O.R.V., Welly Bro..mle, &031472-247&. May 31, Clerltle. ID, Butch PhM1ess. 38246 4940. June 7, Spenewey, WA. Bob Smith, 2061 848 833&. June 14, Butte, MT, Gary •nee, 4081981-3331. June 20-21, Seattle, WA. Bob Tunnell. 2061831· 1660. July 4, Missoula. MY, James SCott Kerr. 4081728-8894. July 6, Corv8llis, MY, Gary nee, 4081981· 3331. July 12. Whldbey Island. WA. Joe PIttman, 208117&-9441. July 26, Thurston/Greys O.R.V~ WA. Bob Und..y, 2081846-2&06. Bob Wolf of Yamaha Motor Corp. has taken an 8CtIve role In furthering the sport of motocross In the Northwest end d_rv.. a lion's share of the credit for making this effort corne to fruition. For furth., Informlltlon about the Gold Cup Serl.. contact your local Yemaha Dealer. v., motoe::nISS . . . . . et CMC Call1bed on a HorMpower FeetDI., thumper and calM up with fourth &OOcc Pro, won by DavId Gq. MOlIt8S, riding the HPF bike courteey of Leurens Offner, reportedly looked better end better .. he got things dleled end In one moto, came from lest to fourth. AI Baker wanted to publically thank Bud Davenport of the Jim Fishback/ Steve Bauer pit crew for the lift in Mexicali. Baker was smoking down the San Felipe Highway in an effon to meet panner Bob Balentine in time to pit the bike and switch riden when the Mugen truck lost a fan belt. Baker kept going and a litde while later, the motor locked up. He hopped out of the truck, flagged down the next vehicle and hopped in before they could ask any questions. They got to the area and AI yelled, "Stop here," Davenpon pulled in and his van promptly sunk up to the axles in sand. Three minutes later, Balentine pulled in and Baker took off. Bak., and Balentine's win marked the first Honda victory In major off· roed competition since the 117& Baja 1000 when Baker and Gene cannedy did the trick eboerd an XL3&O punched out to 410. Of their win, AI quipped. "It's ell B81eiltllW'S fault. He's the one that held It wide open In the dust." Preston Petty phoned lut week to tell Papa that he's "rep d" the Preston Petty Products line from Scott USA. According to Petty, he hadn't received recent payments toward the line's purchase. Petty hu two priorities with his products: (I) Find someone else to market them, and (2) Update the product line. Updates are expected to include an all·new front fender and an integral rear fender/number plate per FIM standards. One source indio cates that JT Racing may market the line, but no final decision baa yet been reached. Interested parties may contact Petty at P.O. Box 1808, Camp Verde, AZ 86522. Scott USA. in the mMntlme, has Introduced a new cle8r street bike feirlng. end project engln.... Rick Golde told Pape that others, Including a full touring model, 8rlI In the works. "We're looking for more penetnltlon Into the street market:' said Golde. Also Included In the SCott USA II~p are a full· line of street end dirt riding gloves, and there's a poulbilty of e new dirt fandar. P1anning to ride the Mar. 29 Hi Moun- Frank Stacy, winner of the John link Two-Day ISDE Qualifier, suffered a family tragedy the week before the Mar. 21·22 event, when an auto accident claimed the lives of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stacy. Our condolences to the entire Stacy family. tain Enduro? Not ·unless you're pre· enteredl Paul Peterson, the Cal Poly Penguins' enduro steward, says that the club's 5OD·rider limit baa been filled by pre-entries. So, unless you're already signed up, don't bother driving up there this Sunday. EnduroilSDE rider Derryl Kuenzer. formerly of Michigan, has moved to Abbeville, SC, where he hopu to publish the first issue of his upcoming Woods Racer WHlrly within the next six to eight weeks. MartY Tripes has signed e COntrllct with Husqveme Motoreyckler, Sweden, to go to Europe to COIltMt the 600cc World Championship MX SerI... At the Prairie Dogs' hare scrambles in Luceme Mar. 22, Checker Dan Smith beat over 570 other riden to the fmiah on his Hualr.y despite a broken rear backing plate whicn rendered his rear brake uselesa. Second overall wu Mark loller, looking wry fast in his fmt • Open ride - a Pro Cycle KTM 495. Complete coverage next week. 2 - Attar a long Ieyoff due to e kn" Injury, Marty Moetea tested the A very happy Peter Starr phoned lut week to repon that one of his fibns, The Superbilcers! was shown on KABC and received the highest ARB ratings of any for that time. And that wu up against the Doral golf tournament and the movie, C1u&nge of Habit. See? People like to watch motorcycle filmsl Kaw...kl's TMm Green will at the following events during leta M.-ch and the month of AprI: Hengtown, Mer. 28-21: e~