Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 35 of 39

'80YZ 125G Trailer, custom built etor_ ..-.-. _ _ . endIor ATC's or buggy on e _IUtform.!IlI _",", ..ool tir_ end condilion. "'25. 12131 ~4.1S1 Good condilion. '750.00. (7141564-4275. lSI * Flattracker Knight * frome. 78 250 Yom, Extre _ or 141S1 783-9412. 151 pipes. 141SI ~ 4x4 Van !I! 74 Ford Van - perfect condition. chfome spokes, I"", sets of KC's, A.M.-F.M. cassette, C.B., bed, mor•. - $7.000. Call lilt., S:OO 1714187~730.13I51 '79 MAlCO 400. AlMOST NEW. perfect _ _. 18 VZ25O£ with White Brae. - - . . . mods. _ condition. Muet sell now. .,250 end fII5O. D80.121J1 1Il&5175. 14151 00 en Jacwal Superwedge Fairing $496 XR750: 1978 Lewwililrerne. _ Ill-. menv ....... race P.O. 90.1508 . Warsaw. IN.-s5IO AdvERTisiNG Dymags For Daytona B. r

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