Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CRt BOBCAT FAMILY ENDURO Red Mtn.. CA. AI - . 20'" trophioo, CRt ptI. loop. lit 1_ _ go 1 C under -.go21es._.J5mi. Iongl. EntrY "5. _ "8. non_.oddM.MoIIsntrieI&2 SASE 10 CRC. 7801 Arlington A.... _ . CA 9250J. Info 714188M1141dovsl· IlIIt on HFR to _ Rd. & TrocIt. AI _ inc. _ & Sem> pro. Full 14..... trICk. no pit ricIng, Q.3lI & lrIICk rules IlricIfv .,lor*. ...... open 4 p.m.• prIIC. 5, roce 7:30. EntrY 58. Info 4081~ILionel Nunesl. February 15 S~ Port<. s-. MorilI. & r_..- CRC MOTOCROSS SptSmn. Entry $101$15 Pros. Gates open 7 a.m., prat. 8. race 9:30. CRC memb. req. 21318JO. 7519. oe AN2A MOTOCROSS DeAna Cycle Port<. Sunny. . - . CA. 10 mi. E of RiYOnide on Hwy. 80 to Theodore off romp. All - . 30'" _ dIIv SpIsmn. tropNos, 100'" Pee Wee trophies. EntrY 58. Pros "2. n-271NDOOR SHORT TRACK S.W. Woshington Fllirgrounds. Centrolia. WA. Mini500 & ~o. series trophies 10 Sptsmn.• _ • to Pros. Sot. sign up 6 p.m., race 7:30; Sun. sign up 10 I.m., 'lICe noon. Claa C tires only. Also go-Urt & • BMX. Complete camping facilitie.. Miracle Mile Pro- motions. Inlo 20617_23. 0113. February 14 Sure, give me tomorrow'. peper at today'. price. CYCU_IZ_ , CYCU_IZ_ CYCU IIlWl1 n -,.. .. .. .. .... O.1IIU1a O_IIIUIS ~_-.ul. .. .. .. OMRA lfAM RACE Bend. OR. 20 mi. E 01 !OWn on Hwy. 20. Beg.• Am. & Ex. 200cc, over 200cc. OT. 30'" Am. trophioo, 50'" Ex. trophioo, 10 OMRA du.t Pt.. to .11 Iiniohen. eo. ,_ _ 3 1lI~ on , 2-mi. eotne, ridera mUit The '"'* of the ~ MIen t,hed on 'hes rtem .. b,""",'i'''';'';''".1 ."heM'.," '0 pey.the ShOwn . TOTAL ~, ......,=E;~=-=.E!J~=:~':'h::O°n'i':;b tee' to and In accOl'danc.. -m NIl "'" the ..,..,nent go"""'" of such card Sig... ture chonge . . lop. ....... _ _ 1heOW_OEAaT-. t.. ...................................................._+ l't*••..-... Elilpiration Date _ WIIow Visa , Me , • I • Clry ---'_ Send to: Cycle N.wWW..t P.O. 80.411 Addr... mtg, AFM ROAO RACE SCHOOL & OPEN PRACTICE l . . . . c:hKtI o r " . . . , ordIr..•...•. Name R-. 11:30 un.. roce noon. EntrY • 2OItOlm. Inlo 5031J82·J6t 3 Idoyo. Jo.l. 0081 Inights, 00nnvI. J8J7 lnights. lMry). _ Springs "--Y. _ . CA. Hwy. 14 N 10 IlIIt 5 mi. 10 trICk. BS. Prod., SS & GP....... open 8 Lm. 'Entry t50 oil dey school or prK. Info 71~ JlI82 (Horry~. Q.3lISHORTTRACK _'lQiid·. • Long 8Nc:h, CA !IOI01 I 12131427·703 • ..:... - -- - ~._._.....-._.-.-......jl._-~~~~~~~~-~:.,;l2--L.-...-._._...... 5 Zip . Foreign rales available upon requesl. _, _ -.v. CA. Hwy. 14 N 10 ..... IlIIt 5 mi. to lrIICk. 1lSIPlodJSSIGP. ...... open 7:30 Lm.. prK. 9. roce 1. EntrY S30 lit, $15 . . _ . Info 7141523-Jl192 (Horry _ I . ce ANZA MOTOCROSS Saddleback Park, Orange. CA. AU classes. 2 motos each. Cash p.b. 10 Pros. 30% bfass to Adelanto, AFM ROAO RACE WIIow Springs ~ ~.:: ~ e- Cycle Port<. 'NInnernul:Q, NY. 2 mi. W 01 _ on old Hwy. 40. AI - . lOO'l(, Seni-pro p.b. 3roce Spring _ wI.......1 ~.endof ..... _ · chwing for prizes. co-t _ . - - & off- cambers. ...... open 7-8 ••m.• prIIC. H. roce 11-.30. Entry '15. Seni-pro Sl5 + '5. gMIl '3. Flying W. M.C. Info 702J823. AME MOTOCROSS CA. Hwy. 101 to IIIOlIdwav nit. Mini-Open + OTHG. ATC Ody. _ ~ 5 or more show. 100% Pro p.b.. free comping. No proWled. EntrY $10. Pros "3. Info 80519376171 IGene Dunne). Q.3lI MOTOCROSS DeAna Cycle Port<. Sunny..-. CA. 10 mi. E of R _ on Hwy. 80 10 Theodore off romp. AI - . 30'" _ dov Sptomn. trophioo, 100'" Pee Wee trophies. EntrY 58. Pros "2. _ . _ '2. Memb. not roq. ...... open 7 Lm.• prIIC. 8:30. roce 9:30. e-vbodv _ 2 ~ Free camping• perk open T....-Sun. Info 7141853«l68.5840. 7979. D·36ISALINAS RAMBLERS QUICKSILVER ENDURO CI_ Creek, New Idria. CA. Abt. % mi. from old Picar:ho store on Old Coolingo Rd. 125/ 200125010pen AlBIC/OT. lit , _ out 0 7:31 •.m.• 4 riderll min. Route cards. flip cords & U· cIleck scoring. $pork ......... & OHV stick or lie. plates roq. Sound t Course oppro•. mi. P_ _", '17. Camping100 off plIII8d rd.• _ _ Iimibid. Inlo ~. J84.4495 1_ 61. 422-J2J2IYom 01 SoIinesl. 3577. J588IBob e-isl. OMRA COUNTRY CROSS DESERT RACE Bend. OR. 20 mi. E 01_ on Hwy. 20. Beg.. Troil bike. 12512OO12501OTIOpen Am.• Ex. OMRA _ oca.. OMRA memb. roq. for OR , _ . 30'" Am. troohies. 50'" E.. troot>ieL meg. 9'.30 Lm.• 'lICe 10. EntrY Beg. & Troil '10. No pit rllCingl Info 50JI J82.J51 3 I~ Joel. 0061 (nights, Oennvl. J8J7 lnigImI, R-."5. LMrvI. February 20 ALL INDOOR MOTORCYCLE SWAP MEET Clronge Counlv Fllirgrounds. Ceam M_ CA. S end of ~ t55l Fwy. From 6-11 p.m. Intsr-Stlows. PO lox 2910. MIaion VieIo, CA 82690. Selkn info 714/831-5116. CALIFORNIA SUPERBIKE SCHOOL R_-.v,R_. CA. &_.-_& lrIICk _ & e-y,hing proyidect. bikes _ MornIng IIftemoon Tuition "2O.1TlIIChine _ _ policy IIItlIunwy) 57. ATAlPLONKERS TRIAL _ Convon. V ALENTlNE R..-. CA. 91 Fwy. E 10 R _ . IlIIt on WoshingtOn. rt. • RecIMI Rd,. follow to end. All a - . 20'" troohies. EntrY $7 ATA _ .• "0 notWnemb.• IlIrid _ '3. Free camping. Info 7141842· 5245. 847-84951Gi1 Smithl. [).J7 HARE & HOUND Red MIn.. CA. Umed N on Hwy. J961rom Red MIn. 4 Aces Mooee Run. 15'" trophies. Rescue 3. All J . - . """""'"". _ courM & .-t. EntrY "5. Swt 10 '.m. Info 21 JI380 81188 lJoIln PowsI). CMMCMIN~X Oaks RacewIY. Romono, CA. Hwy. 67 to llIk.. lids. E on MlIp_. N on _ . up Wildcat Canyon Rd. 11 mi. New trllCk. OIN camping concessions. new Beginnerc-' EntrY $I O. v-1'I _ i l l $IS. Sign u p _ 7:30 I.m. sharp. Bob Hale 7141440-1257• Tom Hembree 561-7402. CRC MOTOCROSS Indian Dunes. V _ . CA. 10 H-126. AU - . motos & cosIl for Pros. ~5 2 long 2 motoo & brass lor Sptsmn. EntrY $10. Ptos $15. Gates open 7 ..m.• prac. 8, race 9:30. Mamb. roq. Info 21 JI8JO.7519. _ February 21-22 TEXAS MOTOCROSS DOUBLE HEADER Conroe MX Port<. Conroe. TX. 3 mi. S of !OWn to Sen .lIICinto _ . 8().()pen. trophies or gift ce"iIice. . to 8 pIlIces in New. -.eor Entry -"5. . _ Ex. gMIl 14. Sot. sign AMA SEMI-PRO MOTOCROSS "E" S~ Bridge And trllCk. MarysviIIo. CA. Under Hwy. 701 Vu"," R;v. bridge. !like N. 8 _ Rd. Off ramo. 0.- _ on Shad Rd.. S end 01 bridge. AI _ . roin or shine. Prog. Pro ptI.. bonus tropl1ies. Part......"" Pits. _ e d pits. No pil ,iding. riding dsy before 'lICe. ...... open 6:30 a.m.• prllC. 8. ,ace 9. EntrY $1 3. Pros $15 + $ 3 . _ 14.6-12 $1. Info 9161695-2727. 20881Ctlarlie Sextonl. aarona I'sooq medIcoI inIuronce ea-ogeJ $10. ~ .-ions roq. CSS, PO Bo' 3743. Men_ _ . CIl 90266. 2131484-9323. V....., TEXAS MOTOCROSS MX Port<. Ft. Worth. TX. All - . no pit riding or IlIle prIIC. .705 . - Ex. pone. PrIIC. 8 Lm.. 11. roce 9. Int. & e.. prK. 1:30 p.m. EntrY 58. e.. $10. gMIl $4. Info 2141245-4793. _lin- LOCI ROUGH SCRAMBLES Lodi Cycle 8owt. Lodi. CA. Btwn. Armslrong & ....., Ln. Mini-Open & ~o. EntrY S8Ibilt'. _ $3. Info 209136& 7182. 931-J72211larbaro1. Q.3lI MOTOCROSS SInd Hm _ . Brentwood• CA. C""* of Comino 1Mblo & VISCO Rd. All _ • . - And trllCk. _ progrom....... open 6 •.m.• sign up 7-8, prIIC. 8:30. EntrY "2. Ex. $15 + $4 gMIl fee. Info 41518J4.3J28. 7!l85885 ITom _ I . AME MOTOCROSS SprockeIo Port<. 1Iok_, CA. AI _ , 30'" trophies, p.b. 10 Pros. Post entry "0. Pros .,3. ...... open 8:30 Lm.. p'1IC. 8. roce 9, sign up 7-8. AME lie. roq. Free OIN camping, loME. PO lox 1421. - . CA 81JJ5.21~~ 8. Sun. prK. in 8 Lm...... 8 Ln>.. roce 10. Conroe Suzuki. 810 Loop 336, Conroe. TX 77301. 71 JI756. 4114. 273-2JJ8 ItrllCkl. February 21 [).J71SAOOLEBACK SATURDAV MOTOCROSS SeddlebIICk Pork. Orenge. CA. AN _ + V... & Women. [).J7 & Prog. Pro PIS.. 33% trophies. 4lknin. Pro matos. JO. min. Sptsmn. ~ ...... open 7:30 '.m., prIIC. 8. 'lICe 9' j EntrY .,0. Pros "5. Info 7l-.n9 tDennis Flosar1bsrg). r>-27 INDOOR SHORT TRACK S.w. Woshington FIi,· grounds, CentroIilI. WA. Min' 500 & Semi-pro. series tropl1ies to SptSmn., series $ to Pros. Sot. sign up 6 p.m.. 'lICe 7:30; Sun. sign up , 0 a.m., race noon, C_ C lira only. Also go-Urt & BMX. Complete comping locilities. Mi,acle Mile P,omotions. Info 206f736.8423. 0113. OREGON TRACK INDOOR SHORT Benton County Fairgrounds• Corvallis. OR. W of town on Hwy. 134 to 5Jrd St.. rI. to frgrds.• moin arena. Mini Beg.Open Pro. seaon high points award. Knobbies allowed below 200cc. EntrY $5. Pros $I 0 175'" p.b.l. pit pass $4. watch $3. Sign up 6. prec. 7, race 8. WiUamene Volley Cycle Club. Info 5OJI753. 0942 IGary Baneyl. Q.3lI SHORT TRACK H" Ferry Speeclwey. W. Moc*lo. CA. f.6 10 _ ..illStuhr Rd.l 10 HIlls Ferry Rd., IlIIt on HFR 10 R;v. Rd. & trICk. inc. Minis & Sem> All _ pro. Full 14 -mi. lrIICk, no pit riding. Q.3lI & trIICk rules IlricIfv enforced, ...... open 4 p.m.• prIIC. 5. roce 7:30. EntrY ... Info ~ lLionel Nunesl. February 22 GRAPEVINE MOTOCROSS Gr8pevine, TX. 5 mi. W of town. ,","*.of Hwy. _ ; _ Cr.... Rd. All 114 & Mini & Nov. roce in •.m., In•. & in p.m. Sondv \oIm trllCk. Info 817143G&13 ItrIICkl• 2141270<1037 (Mr. Hickevl. e.. _.. _-- .. - .. _--_ ...

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