Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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3. Suoie L.Mngalon 4. Albert Reyea Mllrtw5. _ 250 AMATEUR 1. Jim.Johr.on 2. Tony Boor MotoeroA sand Hili Ranch Brantwood. CA Jan. 10. 1981 By Jeri Hopper 3.W""",,~ 80 NOV 5.§1eIll- VinCUTek 1980 SRA Point Standings 4.JimS_in 5.DaveT_ 6.JeffFrozier 7.RoyAmey 8. Rutty Lloyd 9.MikoHol_ 809 585 631 438 413 316 306 267 258 10. Jeoon "'eler 217 12. TreviaAllioon 13. GW. Kindelborgor, Jr. 14. Pel Kopko 15. SMwn Burrell 18. Scott Gai_ 179 168 11. Seen DeI_ 184 184 152 143 17. Lenny Guyett 113 18. Billy Jervis 19. Greg Frozier 20. Robert SlIJmbough 200 1. Bill Holmes 106 2. Mork Heth 3. oen'SuMiYen 4. TC>mor1Corum 5.KOIIinCeM 8.JeffBorkor 7.JohnPemor 8. S _ CtllWford 9.A-.SI.~ 10. Kurt Pfeiffer 11. Jon Speighl 12. Mike Kelly 13. Robert Miller 14.JonyTrimbie 15. LomeCtewford 18. John EIpoIiU> 17. Mett lI6y Pollock 9. Kurt Dilmich 10. Tony Wi_ 11. Mike Drown 12.Don_ 13. Cheri.. Senner 14. Craig Adorna 15. ~ Taylor, Jr. 16. Andre Butcher 17. Ralph Thornburg 18. Hobert Bowora 19. Kimdorn Beird 2O.Tim-.:l 21. Gory Cha_n 22. Lynn Noah 23. Tim Oiekin 24. Roland Done 2B5 6. uon Farley 7. _ Priu:hett 80 1.IlonyCt_ 2. Keith Senn 3. S/wlon shemblin 351 330 312 280 235 . 233 232 219 212 211 209 203 201 198 192 168 135 127 126 123 118 107 105 102 ·98 96 40. Timbo HoII 41 . Dellid DilIbeclc 42. Merik Ford 89 43. George_I 78 84 80 44. John Perry 76 45. LonPOloraon 46. Jey StrlIngor 47. Relph Mendenhell 74 74 46.Jey East 49. 8ill Terling 50. Ron Grey SENIORS 250 73 73 72 71 1. Norman-'" 2. Vern Heth 3. Swede Holverson 4. William Moore 5. Don Mordon 8.HeroIdSoena 7. K. Berrv Johnaon 8. Tom8el1 9. BrIon F....-orth 10. Bub Meine SENIORS OPEN 1. Lynn McGrew 2. Charlie ConMY 3. Megic-Men FIorning 4. Harry Thornburg 583 475 474 388 6. Phillewfence 7. Joel< Mc:CeIferty 8. Joel< Baird 9. Richerd Prouty 514 386 2BS 276 185 162 178 174 188 166 166 147 146 510 484 458 408 163 Marathon sand Hill Ranch Brantwood. CA Jan. 18. 1981 By Jeri Hopper 125 2. Vonce Kelly Kew 3. Tony KnowIeaIMike W_ Yern 25OIOPEN OVERALL WINNER 105 Perry DonIIww Han Yem oenoe-e 250INT Den Lund Brien Lake Chuck Daboia _T_ 250 EX Todd Beltz Hue Kew Yem S_Korock MINIJR C_Chaae CoreyE..... Henry Corbin MINIINT Rid< CoIorie S_Jonea Brent DeLay Yern Suz Han Yam Kew Yom Suz Yern MINI EX Yem Hon Kew LerryWerd Kew Yern Mai l00JR Robby Hulet 8rockRoea 8ill Hrebik l00INT Rid< Calorie Jeff Chapmen W .. Clerk 125JR Jim Richerdoon Suz SIlIphenPetera Yern OPENJR Mic:IweI Moun.. Mai R.-I Armatrong OPENINT _ EnvoIoon PEEWEE Suz Yem JoeWh_ SCoII WiUiema nmHunt MettS- Yem Suz Yern Yom Suz suz Yem Yem Yem 125INT Norm 8 _ Robert QuerbIrmen Chuck Akin 125 PRO Cory KIeudt DennyDieao Yern Suz Steey Thormon 250 PRO Kew DennyDieao Suz Yem Yem Tom Moen Rorwtv Sc:hwei.OPEN PRO Tom"'Brien Soderberg DeleHeyton Han Kew Han Mei Motocross Spanaway MX Track Spanaway. WA Jan. 11. 1981 By Kathie Swanson PEEWEE Suz Suz Suz 470 452 378 Jim Jocoba Kew 383 • Richerd Miller Yern 125 PRO EricHolII' Mike McCormid< Gory Hakleioed 250JR Dave Johnaon PhilSi,i DeonTrexler 250INT DaveEekin KirltGiggera Mett Weldron Yom Yern Yern MINIJR Todd Yorl< rom Normen TonyToate OTHG Big Foot Bill Reg Rich OTHGINT Hon Suz 250JR Roy Knight 2501NT Todd Perrou _evona Suz Suz Yom suz Han Suz Mei John Oevia, Jr. MikePtvo< Yern Rick Yorl< 1251NT TonyHolmpton 125 PRO JimK.... Han Jim Lauer Suz Han Yern suz Duene Morrie John Herd TonyEvona 250 PRO BMIK.... OPEN PRO Fred "'ica OTHGAM Buffelo 8i11 g-,,:;"e;i Gr( Moldy Mike _Richard S_Corcoren OPENJR LorrySeuae Ted Branch =~ Jim_ Mei KTM Mei Mai Yern Hue Mei Han Han , Hon Kew Yom Hue Yern Han Yem Yom Yern Yern Suz Suz Suz Kew Yern Yern 1980 0-37 Women's Final Point Standings By Denise de Vines 2. L...i Fermer 3. Dione HoIornen 4. V""*" 5. Lvrmte Zuber 6. Tricia Former 7. Debbie.Hopldt OPEN A SMwn Mortin DonReng KoIIy 00IIia E_ _ JimJocoba Yom Yem Yern Suz Hue StophenaPetera Rob Jonea Yern Suz -MINIJR Yern Kew Yern Mei 890 3. Dee G6yMex 14. Bonito Kind 15. Alica LeRoy 16. Worwty McGrew Bob Porter Jell Deily 125INT Suz Yern Yern 113 Hon Hon Hon Suz Duene Morrie l~ 118 118 118 MorcHoIdor Rorwtv "'ice Yam 'Yam Yom Yem Suz 190 2. Mitch Lenz 125JR MorahaII Feura Suz Kyle Feat Rick Bozarth 125 EX 11. Rick Hobba 12. Mike c;e;". 13. Leo Blomgren 14. Jim Luellin 15. DelIea Boker 16. G.W. Ki_9O' 3. Ron I18aiIle OPEN 2. Philip Rica 3. S_ Spenno Suz Suz Yom Mei Mike Kulp Ron Butt<01I OTH 1. Mike HerrimenlTroy Faulknor 142 Suz Suz Suz Suz Seen PhiMipa 198 . MitchL...enz Suz Suz Suz C-A 342 327 246 238 196 1O. Neil Feering 5. llennia Webb S_Oater Yem Suz Yem Yern Suz Doug Longe 238 205 SENIORS 200 1. Ken Kendrick 2. Bob Hellahan 3. Gory Little 4. Jim VinCurek Denny Fennell Yem Yem Yern OPEN EX 263 17. Dennie Heyden 18. Wdliam M _ 19. Hoyt Stethorn 20. Clifton Wood Suz Yam Yom Suz 354 259 259 5. Bill Manley Yem MINlEX l00JR Lea Yokum JonyAndr_ JimMcMenn l00INT Devid Froembling KurtBorbor Scott Grimm 100 EX Jeff Chapmen 181 38. John Sik.. 39. Jeff Glynn TroyRoae 222 221 160 144 144 144 37. Jerry Seeley MINIINT Todd Plumb IIan, _to pIeue IIIIiI wormatiOD with $1.00 per "eek thot it ia to ..... to: Cycle Newa Tropia, Pid....p. 80s ::01. ~ ~'.~ ....-29-. -

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