Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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S••ther. Call1.r.I.·Arlz th.r. H.v•••· S.ather. CallI.r.I••Arlz•••·S••ther. Hev.4a-S••ther. Call1.r.I.·Arl Western hotline OPEN NOV: 1. PhilO'.... (Mli); 2. Tr.... Compboll IYam); J. Kennv Kpoecky IMoi). OPEN INT: 1. Poul - . . IYom); 2. Robert om); J. 08nII Slotor IYam). OPEN PRO: 1. Jim T.entino (Han); 2. Bill Hogen IYam); J. Bob Schulz IYoml. VET JR: 1. Bob IIorr 1_); 2. Bill _ IYom); J. Mikl Condit lVoml. VET INT: 1. H.S. _ d IMoil; 2. RIIy lIlIiiev IYlm); J. DIM! Oovidoon (Hue). VET SR: 1. 0"" Moore I_I: 2. Lorry S~" (Yoml; J. Bob "Bitchin" Hovoo IOMG). e- Crandall masters Old Timers CarlsbadMX By Bob Alloy - CARLSBAD, CA.JAN. 18 There were 18 Old Timers out there trying to race on a track more fit for tank practice. It seems to me that the whoop-de- Peul 8lI..ett ehe... 250ce Intermediete winner Jim Brodie et CRC Seddlebllek. Two for Gibson at tion. When the finish line loomed into sight. Pattoni led the way with Brodie and Bassett, riding for Paul Bassett Racing, mere inches apart. Brodie, in second, took down the overall win. Bassett s.cooped up second place honors and third overall went to Pattoni. American Honda'sJim Gibson, continued his winning streak at Saddleback by cleaning up the track in the 125cc Pro race. The first mota found Gibson in control, on his way to his second pair of back-to-back wins for the day. He held Andy Kirker to second and Rick Jackson in third. Yamaha Support rider Jackson burned up the track in a down to the wire duel with Kirker but was forced to take third for the mota. The secbnd time around, with Gibson out in front, Jackson established himself in second and fought off a heavy attack from Jeff Harriott, Bruce McDougal and Craig Dale. Dale was smoking and wasted no time in moving into third, leaving in his wake, a tight scrambles for the third place slot. Vaun Butler in fourth was pressuring hard. When the checkered flag came out, Gibson breezed on home, leaving a trail of lapped riders from one end of the track to the other. Jackson scooped up second place loot and third place money went to Butler for a slil,k 4-4 ride. CRC Saddleback MX By Lee Taylor ORANGE, CA,JAN. 25 • California Racing Club spectators were treated to a preview of action to come in '81 on the National MX circuit. With Honda's Jim .. 22 Gibson. Suzuki's Mark Barnett and Kawasaki's Warren Reid, the 250cc Pro action was pure dynamite. Throughout the first malO. Gibson maintained control in a tight contest with Barnett riding shotgun and Reid holding down third. The top three were off on their own race with Jim Tarantino in fourth, holding off Andy Kirker and Bill Hagen. When the machines came to life for the second time, Barnett turned his Suzuki loose for the holeshot. On the downhill, Gibson's red hot Honda streaked into second with Reid close in third. Gibson was closing fast on Barnett and with Reid on Gibson's tail, four bikelengths separated the top three. On the lower end of the track, Gibson took charge and held the lead to the end for yet another win at Saddleback. Gibson is the winningest Pro ever to I ride Saddleback 'with over 75 wins. Barnett held Reid off to the end for second place money and Reid taking down third overall. Tarantino ended the day with a 4·4 ride followed by Kirker with fifth overall. The l!50cc Intermediates, urged on by the Pros, attacked the track in one of the tightest races of the day. Jim Brodie, aboard a Honda, set up control in the first mota and fought down to the finish line to keep Paul Bassett in second. Rick Cecrle rounded out the top three as they pulled away from the rest of the pack and held their positions to the end. The second round of action saw Steve Pattoni, back from sixth in the fint mota, pilot his Kawasaki out in front for the lead. He found Brodie on his tail, looking for the overall win. In third, Bassett was hounding Brodie relentlessly. The top three separated themselves from the rest of the pack, leaving John Craskery in founh to fight off a tight llCramble for his posi- j .. .,." " ~ Results 50 NOV: 1. J..- (Yaml. 50 EX: 1. Scott I!o Gunerrez lHus.; 3. AlnMt Adkison (Hon). NOVICES: 1. Lorrv ElIC8mille (Hanl; 2. Bob Alloy (Yaml; J. RIIy MantOVI' IYlm). No hanky panky by Lanky at OTHG MX By Lizard Lou Sorensen VALENCIA, CA,JAN. 18 The Over The Hill Gang got off to a good start this year by having over 40 of their members show for the first race of the year. Thanks to Gary Lamb and Jack Barbacovi faT the rough, fantastic track. . The Expert and Amateur classes got the fint race of the day. Lanky Larry had his own race and as usual, just disappeared in both mOlas. Back in the regular Experts, Rollover Rick and Stubby Steve. continued their 1980 duel with Stubby g~tling the nod for first place with 3-2 mota placings over Rollover's 2·3. Always in the money. Dry Rot Dan latched up to third place. Any member who has ever raced with FraKTant Frank and Dumpp Dale C.C:JI'-J:. C J,)} ..... ::>J='- ( J " l...t .... ' knows what is meant by a Borge sandwich. However, Lizard Lou was blessed with a more lucrative version of this sandwich when Fragrant Frank won the first Amateur mota and Dumpp Dale won the second, leaving the Lizard slithering through with two second place rides and the overall win. (Thanks, guys.) Fragrant got second overall and Dumpp was third. The Intermediate class (very much up in attendance this year) and the Novice class (largest as usual) crowded the track for the third race of the day. Newest hotshoe of the Intermediate dass, Gringo Glen smoked everybody in both motos for ftnt overall. Buggs Bill and Bang Bang BoBo duked it out with Bang Bang acing out Buggs in the fint mota but falling to fifth in mota two, giving Buggs the nod for second overall with 3-2 mota tallies. In the Novice class Beep Beep Bob and Chew-it Chuck traded off mota wins with Beep Beep taking first overall with a 2·1 tally over the 1·2 turned in by Chew-it. Bubbles Bruce slipped in to third overall with 5-l\ mota finishes. Results "A" EX: 1. Lonky Larry s~.,. "B" EX: 1. Stubby StlM! Oglesb'/ IMoil; 2. Roilo_ Rick Holl (Yoml; J. 0"1 Rot 0"" Sonchez IC-AI. AM: 1. Li_d Lou Sor..-n IC-AI: 2. Frllgfom frInk Borge IYom); J. Dumpp Dole Borge lVoml. INT: 1. Gringo Glen Co.; 2. Buggs Bill MlIrSIllVomo; J. Bong Bong BoBo Ingrlm iYom). NOV: I. IlHp B_ Bob Coborn iMli): 2. Ch_" Chuck S;ckler iYami; 3. Bubbles Bruce ,Yam), Reisinger romps at Saddleback Saturday By Terry Whytel ORANGE, CA,JAN. 17 Montoya Advertising-sponsored • Robert Reisinger powered his Kawasaki support Uni-Trak to victory in the 250cc Pro race at this week's Saddleback Saturday Motocross. Excellent traction and super-fast monorail type berms allowed Reisinger to cut lap times almost 10 seconds faster than on last week's course. In mota one Reisinger had 10 contend with challenges from KTM rider Troy Lee. By the halfway poim Reisinger was well in control of the -race and leaving Lee to defend second place against Honda rider BIyan Maloney and Team Honda's Richard Coon. Coon was unable to seriously challenge Saddleback regulars Maloney and Lee and at the checkers Coon was fourth. Yamaha rider Tim Lunde finished fifth. The second mota was just a fonnality for "Slingshot" Reisinger as the Team Green rider once again easily led the pack to the checkered flag. The battle for second place featured Lunde and Maloney in their customary near-the-front positions. Lunde held off Maloney's charges to finish second for the mota and third overall as the runner-up share of the purse went to Maloney. Lee picked up fourth overall. Yamaha rider Bill Hagen holeshot the fint Open Pro malO with Husky rider Tony DiStefano close behind. Three laps later DiStefano took over the lead and quickly. established a commanding lead over the field. With two laps remaining DiStefano bailed off hard and was unable to remount and finish. Hagen took the win ahead of Yamaha rider Zoli Berenyi, Jr. and Husky·mounted Brian Davis. Three-time National champ DiStefano was back on the starting line for mota ., ,•. ,.... ,.J .

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