Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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building fast Harley. and will be tuning for Terry Poov.y in the Winston Pro Series. Suzuki/Cycle West motocross series on Feb. 15 using an all new track by Ernie Cabral. The series has over $4500 in contingencies so far and you can get more info by calling Cycle West at 7071765·2911. Barry in the sky with diamonds... oops, make that helicopter. Former World Champion road racer Barry Sheene has passed his helicopter pilot's license test and will be stirring up the air over England and Europe this year in his own Enstrom piston·engined chopper. Daytona business people meet with Chamber of Commer,ce, Police By Chris Carter DAYTONA BEACH, JAN. 28 Feenf that alleged ha.........nt of motorcycllata during Cycle W••k . could serIou.1y affect both the number of visitors to the DaYtona Beach area and the economy of the district .xpressed In a cIoaed-to-the-publlc meeting Wednesday night at DaYtona'. Inn On Th.Beach. More than 80 Iocel bu.lness peopl. met with Chamber of Commerce officials and the pollc. chief In a bid to clear the air and find the solutions. Stories" of police haraam.nt ov.r minor off.nse. Ilk. d.fective rear lights, front lights, mufflera, helmat UH, and .ven the width and helghth of handl.bars were told. Police Chief Charles Willits of DaYtona Beach edmltted that som. of the lew. enforecamem offlc:.ers hed been over-zealous. but suggested that pert of the .xplenatlon was that by the .nd of Iut year'. Cycle Week the preaure of work. coupled with long hours, had resulted In .hon tempera. WHIIts promised that he would meet with his m.n. the reHrV. police, highway patrOl m.n. and officers from the Sheriff'. Depanm.nt to dllcu.. attItud•• toward. vi.ltlng motorcycllata. Th. meeting also produced an agreem.nt to print fact .heats, .mphasizlng welcome to all ."otorcycllatl to the area, and listing do'. anddon'tl. Chief Willits also pointed out that magazln. storie. cIelming 28,000 citations w.r. iuued Iut year were untru•. Th. true figure wa. 2.200, he ald. But for the 1981 Cycle Week. Chief Willits agreed to tell lew .nforcement officials to iIIue warning tickets wherever po••lbl. lnateed of citations. Randy Nllend, owner of Sun City Cycle. in DaYtona who wa. inatru· m.ntalln bring the meeting about. was .ncouraged by the results. "Thl. yeer will be sort of a 6eromater, Everybody will be watching to .ee how thing!! go, but after hearing what the police chl.f Hid I'm sure that w. .haD _ a change In attItud. on the pan of the pollca:' Hid Niland. "But I think everyone hal to change their attitude, a. wall. Motorcycllm, business peopl. and police. W. have a really greet .how her. at Daytona. but w. muat work on It to make sur. "that .very motorcyclist. what.v.r hlslntereltl ere, Is catered to:' A funher meeting was c:eIIed In two wa.ks' tim., wh.n detail. of poalble open drag raceI In the IO~ of the town and other ways to help and entertain vllItors'wlll be dllcuaed. 6 , A preliminary general plan for Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area will be reviewed and discussed at public meetings in mid-February in Stockton and Hayward. The Stockton meeting will begin at '7:50 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. IS, in the Planning Auditorium, IS10 East Hazelton. The Hayward meeting will begin at 7:50 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 19, in the Public Works Auditorium, 599 Elmhurst. The Carnegie SVRA Planning Team of the, State Depanment of Parks and Recreation will present the preliminary general plan and invite questions and commenu f~ meeting panicipap~:.~tJ,,9~ the February meetings and other public contacts will be used in completing the draft general i>lan. The plan, along with an environmental impact repon, then will be submitted for public review in preparation for a hearing before the California Park and Recreation Commission in September 19S1. Funher infonnation may be obtained by telephoning project manager Lester Maddox at 916/522· 7526. Tuner Babe DeMay ha.' relocated hi. shop, DeMay Raclnq, to 626 13th Ave~ Hampton, IL 61256 3091496-2462. DeMay is .",~I~ Former Kaw8Hkl factory tun.r Rocky William. I. now k.eplng the blk.. at Wheel.mlth Motorcycles in Fountain Valley, CA running strong. Ever the racer'. wrench. h.'d Ilk. nothing better than to gat back on the National traD with another factory effon In '82. .Dale Singleton, who won the DaYtona 200 in 79 and finished second last year, will live up to his "Pig Farmer" nickname and bring Elmer III with him for this year's Daytona Cycle Week. "Vas, I will have Elmer III at DaYtona thi. year. He is a genuine grandson of the original Elmer. The Daytona Speedway people have asked me to make sure I bring him:' said Singleton. Dale's pat piglet stole the show in '79 when he relieved himHIf on the stage before a packed houH at the HawaiIBn Inn, site of Roxy Rockwood's annual Cycle Week Webco Radio Show. Craig Adams will be riding Can·Ams under the sponsorship of Bombardier, Ltd. and Performance Cycle in SCORE as well as grand prix and occasional motocross events. He'll pilot both 250 and 400cc machines during'SI. Another face you won't be ...Ing in the motocroa wars I. Team Suzuki'. Brian My.r.cough. Originally Icheduled to rid. the 260cc Nstionals a. well .. SupercrOll races, My.racough Is still trying to overcome the hypogly· c.mla that .Id.lln.d him la.t HalOn. "Brian doesn't want to comp.t. unl... h. I. 100~ healthy," .ald Suzuki Manag.r Mark Blackw.lI. "W. did. how.ver, leav. the door open for his poaalbl. return at a later date. h all d.p.nd. on hi. contlnu.d phy.lcal progr.... Brian I. a valuable 8IIat to Team Suzuki and the .port and will be milled." Montesa took the wraps off their new 250cc monoshock MXer at an event in Holland recently. The bike uses a system similar to Honda's Pro Link arrangement. Spaniard' Antonia Arcarons is expected to contest the 250cc GPs with the monoshocker. According to Advertlshl, AI., Honda will .pend .15,000,000 on advenlling In 1981, a 15% boo.t ov.r 1980. Vamaha has upped Ita ad budg.t to .14,000,000, a 36% Incr.... Kaw8Hkl will Increase Ita ad apending by approximately 20% with an estimated $6,500,000 .lated for print media. Kawasaki I. ' also conalderlng returning to boob tube, som.thing they myed away from Ie.t year. Suzuki will .pend .7.250,OOO-plus in 1981. After spending the last few weeks aboard a· Wheelsmith Maico, Many Tripes showed up at Anaheim aboard a new Husky. Though he .didn't fare well there (the bike seized), he did win the second Open Pro moto the following day at the DG Golden State Series' Carlsbad round. Why the switch? "Wheelsmith was good; there's no complaints there. I'm going to Europe. If I have no ride at all, I'm still going. I'll sell my house and all kinds of things, I'm going. 1 wanna win the 500cc World Championship." Chinese Hondas? Honda plans to open a plant capable of producing 150,000 units per year not far from Peking, according to Australian Motor Cycle News. The Motorcycle Industry Council will present its Hcond Motorcycle Dealer Technical and Sales Clinic in Cincinnati, OH at Stouffer's Hotel on Feb. 13. After a highly successful pilot Clinic in Anaheim, CA in November, the MIC Aftermarket Committee hes chosen to mge their program one day before the 1981 Cincinnati Motorcycle and Accessory Trade Expo, Each attendee will receive a very complete and comprehensive 150 page Clinic portfolio packed with reference information, article reprints, inventory and sizing charts, fabric samples, display suggestions, and technical data pertinent to each of the five major acceaory products. A $25 par person registration fee 1$20 per person for subsequent registrations from the same business) also in· cludes the professionally staged and graphically illustrated Clinic, training movies, a hotel catered lunch, and a hosted cockteil hour with participating panelists, An MIC Certificate of Completion for the dealer's showroom or office wall will also be preHnted to all attendees. Twenty-four spokesman from the top lines of aftermarket acceaories ere on the program and will answer all dealer questions either during the panel di.cussion or personally during the social hour following the Clinic. Contact Eric Anderson at the MIC in Newpon Beach, CA at 7141752-7833. Who is the fIIIteIt road racer In the U.S.A.? Currently competing AMA Expert road racers ere invited to com. and try thiir Iklll at Riverside Racaway to ... who can mak. the beat lap time. This mlnl-challenge is .pon.or.d by the California' Sup.rblk. School, and th.y'li supply the blkas and timing. Pro riders can try up to three blk•• to ... which one suits them the belt and run three timed laps. The school'. KZ&&O Kawuakla will be used for the challenge, and a t500 prize Is planned as lOOn .. a sponsor ltaps' forward with the dough. The school has 18 dates on the cel.ndar for 1981 at RIv.rsld., 10 '.veryon••hould be abl. to find tim. rac... Eddl. LawlOn'. 1:42.6 lap atarted the thing off, but riders who com. within on. .econd of the current record may have a Hcond chance at the record. According to a press release from Leitner Corporation, the A·Trak (ATK) system will be legal on American Road Racers Association Box Stock class machines. Can you jam Ilk. Th. Jammer?'. a chance to learn how: Jimmy Weinen will hold two on. day motoero•• schoola on April 1516 at Indian Dunes from 9 a.m. until you're so tired you won't want to rid. anymor•. Each day will Include Golden State Int'l. Raceway at Sears .~qjJlt ~iU PPl ~~~ij.t1t!pf )l"W~,ta,~ '. .... .. . .IDiNl1.QD......,~Mcb

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