Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The first race blasted off the line with Greg Taylor, riding a Yamaha for Van Nuys Cycle, pulling the holeshot. Cu"n McCuistion took over and was challenged in short order by Tarantino and Robert Marino. The top three left the pack behind and pursued each other to the end. They left Troy Lee and Mark White to hold back the traffic. When the machines roared to life for the final race, it was a White/ McCuistion/Tarantino battle from the charge down the Schlitz Screamer, a 340' long "go for it" straightaway. Tarantino took over and fought to keep McCuistion from another grand slam win. Tarantino held steady to the end for top honors, McCuistion brought his Kawasaki Motors bike home to second place and White held a steady third for third overall. The Open Novices brought to their fans one of the tightest and most exciting races of the day. The first race saw a battle for 'the lead go down between Rocky Caswell and George Davis with Doug Rand guarding the number three slot. Larry Francis, running fourth, returned to sweet victory in the second race, climaxed by in the final. When the final was run it was Francis, savoring the win and holding back Kawasaki rider Ray Gibbs and third·place Jim Carlson. Coming in close for fourth was George Davis and finishing fifth was Bret Wilkinson. 'The Open Pros rocketed off die line for some of the fastest lap times of the day. Jim Tarantion was there, ~ady and waiting to take the class RID(; o~CA ~ RIV~RoID~ DAYTONA LAGUNA Interested in taking the fastest, safest and most exciting motorcycle ride there is? No campers, no ~, no cross streets or Highway Patrol? You have the freedom to explore the limits of your riding ability. We provide leathers, helmet. boots, gloves and the incredible KAWASAKI KZ550. It's a MINI-SUPERBIKE sat up with DUNLOP RACING TIRES, MULHOLLAND SHOCKS, four into one pipe, cooled by the efficient LOCKHART RACING OIL COOLER, flat bars so you can tuck in, lightweight and quiet TUFF-ONE SPROCKETS and the ATK, A·TRAK HANDLING SYSTEM. We give an informative seminar by Keith Code to prepare you for your 40 miles offreedom. Half way through the ride there is a break to catch your breath and check your lap times. Then you go for it again. There's more. At RIVERSIDE you can qualify for an ARRA racing license and ride your own bike if you choosel There are reduced rates for return students. Come and ride the famous HIGH BANKS of DAYTONA. the bl88tlitaking CORKSCREW at LAGUNA SECA and RIVERSIDE'S notorious ESSES. DO ITI CALIFORNIA SUPERBIKE SCHOOL Application Form Name:----;: lalit 250 PRO: 1. Jim Tarantino (Hen); 2. Curt McCuistion IKew); 3. Mork White IYam). OPEN BEG: 1. Mike Abbott IYam); 2. Mike Melton (Mel); 3. Jim Cartar IYam). OPEN NOV: 1. Lorry Frencis IMai); 2. Ray Gibbs IKew); 3. Jim Carlson IYom). OPEN INT: 1. Randy Morales IYam); 2. Bob Casper (Yom); 3. Ga-y Curtis (Suz). OPEN PRO: 1. Jim Taronlino IHon); 2. Mark White (Yam); 3. Raben Marino IYam). VET JR: 1. Marl< Infanti IHon); 2. Raymond Williama ISuz); 3. Chuck Dahon IYom). VET INT: 1. Ron Tuzinaky IY.m); 2. Bill Norman IMail; 3. Dave Davidson (Hus). VET EX: 1. Don Moore (M.i); 2. Jim Turner (Yam); 3. A1Stinehaugl:h~IS~U:zl.~_-.:..: ---:=-:-:: ,...- ---", Street -=- ---:::-:City -=- Stllte Drivers Ucen..: --:::State .Helght Welght --=_:--:- Glove size... ' _ Emergency ----;::---:- expiration Boot size: Dete requested: _ Zip -=- :-::---:Work ,Che8t _ Middle Telephone: --;-: HOmll I _ Number --'-__,Helmet size: Mornlng_" _ -'Afternoon: _ Fill Out And Mallin Application With Your $&0 Deposit. LAGUNA SECA DAYTONA INTL. Mar. 9*, 10* RIVERSIDE INTL. $130 $170 Feb 28 Mar 1, 21, 22 Apr 18,19 May9,10 Ju14,5 $120 Aug 1,2,8,9 Sep 5,6,26,27 Oct 10,11 Nov 21,22 Dec 5,6 Feb 20 Mar 27 Apr 10 May 1, 29 Jun 19, 27" Jull0,24 Aug 15 Sep 18 Oct 16,30 Nov 13,28 Dec 12 -0.,.. subject to ,.in ~ for Deyton. 2DO Mit. Netionel. $5,000 medical insurance policy i. available to students for .10. Complet. coverage machine damege policy $7. Student. are responsible for 50% of machine damage without the damage policy. Medicallnlurance and machine damage not required to be purchued by students. Track admittance for ride, guelts and spect8tors $2. A 3% surcharge will be added Results JR CYCLES NOV: 1. Matt Footer (Yam); 2. John Howell (Suzl; 3. JIfIf Dovid (Yom). JR CYCLE INT: 1. Shoun Kalos (Suzl; 2. Chris Colo ISuz); 3. Ga-y Morton (Suz). JR CYCLES EX: 1. Eddie Hicks (Yam); 2. MouM McCoy (Yam); 3. Koyte Lewis IYom). 80 BEG: 1. Trey McFarlllnd IYoml; 2. TIm Unehen (Y.m); 3. TIm _ (Yam!. 80 NOV: 1. JoeepIl Lozeno IY.m); 2. Kyle Fleming (Yom); 3. Ed Gauley, Jr IKew). 80 INT: 1. Ru.. Winkler IKIWI; 2. Bryan Bruner (Yom); 3. Robert Meson (Y.m). 80 EX: 1. Troy Bloke; 2. S.m S,orer IKIW); 3. Bruce Bunch (SUlI. 100 BEG: 1. Mike Hughes ISuz); 2. Mitch Breuer ISuzl; 3. Richie Colo (Yam). 100 NOV: 1. Richie HemesISuz); 2. Frenk Darr ISuzl; 3. Chuck Chagnon ISuzl. 100 INT: 1. Merk DavenpOrt IYam); 2. Rick Houghteling ISuzl; 3. Gienn Commons (Yam). 125 BEG: 1. Slophin WIllSOn IY.m); 2. Danny Angel IHan); 3. Danny TInomen (KIWI. 125 NOV: 1. Terry Hemplon IYaml; 2. Tony Puillem IHanI; 3. Bob Reinking. 125INT: 1. Harley HeIlIYam); 2. Louie Fronco (Yaml; 3. Dennis Hulen IY.m). 125 PRO: 1. Curt McCuistion IKIW); 2. Creig Da'e IHan); 3. DIIVid Lynch IHon!. 250 BEG: 1. JIfIf SherriIlIYam); 2. Richerd Johnson IHan); 3. Ron Baker IYam). 250 NOV: 1. Chris Cole IYaml; 2. John BarnesIYam); 3. Rob Mansf18ld (Hon). 250 INT: 1. Steve Piettoni IKIWI; 2. Joe Johnson IHon);3. P.ul FitzGibbon IYaml. "'- Firat Addr...: --,-,...-.,.,.Number win. The first race saw Mark White, riding for International Yamaha, taking command and fending off Tarantino, holding him to second and Bob Schulz to third. The secol)d round found Robert Marino of Premier Yamaha taking control with Kirk Sturgeon right behind him on the start, followed closely' by Jim Coffey, piloting a Yamaha for Burbank Yamaha. Tarantino was flying, soon taking over second and hounding Marino. When the checkered flag waved them home Tarantino finished the day with a 2·2, good enough for top money. White, running third, took second overall and third place loot went to Marino for a 4-1 ride. _ --=:=- TUNE. INTERP;;so;~;;.;;;:;;;the;~LE ~ IIIDCRIMJ .,.. ~ ~ Kawasaki ... - a-'I::raIt .v..... MOND.,"ND - .~ ~ PO Bo. 3703....:...:.... TUFF-ONE _~h. C.IMo,"ls902l6 (213)"".323,12131_ KEN MAELY "The Shoe Man" Aak the racer that wear. one • _ _ ....00 st,ap $1.50 super strap $2.50 T

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