Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 02 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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:,OOcc cllISlI with a 2·1 afternoon aa Ken Keylon (Yam) took a I·' second placing and Mickey Kessler rode his Maieo to a '-2 third. The final series point standings (top three only) are aa follows. 125cc: I. Donnie Cantaloupi (Yarn) 1:'9; 2. Todd Hempstead (Yarn) 149; 5. Steve Martin (Yam) ISS. 2:,Occ: I. ~b Hannah (Yam) 190; 2. David Bailey (Kaw) 1:'7; 5. Kris Bigelow (Yam) 126. :,OOcc: I. Gary Puste1ak (Hus) 1:'8; 2. Alan King (Mai) I:':'; 5. Ken Keylon (Yam) 1:'2. .-4 00 0') .-4 Approximately 4,000 leitner Cor· poratIon (.trlk or ATK) brochuru were Ilhllld It the AI.... ii Expo with an Incorrect phone number on them. Here'. their correct number: 714173Hi114. Got your SupoCi" '81 tickets, yet? SoCal Kawasaki dealers have them on sale, and if you get yours from one of them, you also may pick up a free Early Entry PlISlI which allows you into Anaheim Stadium at 4:50 p.m. on Jan. 51 to watch practice. Charity Newsies group cancels Columbus Half Mile WESTERVILLE. OH, JAN. 23 The. Arnwlc:en MotorcYclist A8.oc:ilItIon announced Friday that the a-ity NhdIea. a Columbus-baled volunteer organization dedicated to providing clothing for needy children. II dilcontlnulng their IPO"IOI" IhIp of the 1111 CoIumbu. Half Mile, a round of the W1nltOn Pro SerIes. The AMA'. terM offIc:i8I .tatement read a follows: "We're dilllppointed that lifter 38 yMrl of IUcceuful motorcycle racing promotion which railed untold thou'" of dol... for needy Franklin County children. the Charity N8WIIea cancelled the 1111 race without notifying UI or conIUlting with u. In edvance of their deciIIon. A8 the IInCtionlng body, our raponllbllity II to conduct a .... race on the reca track. The MCUrity me8lUru off the trick are the raponIIblllty of the promoter of the event." . The cencellatlon drew front page, Ieed heedllnalltory atteo'ltion from 7JIe Dlapafdl, which uld the dec:illon to cancel the event was made on Thursday, Jan. 22. Don Lund, chairman of the board of directorI of the N8WIIea, told the dally Columbu. n8Wlpllp8l' that aponeol'lhlp wa being withdrawn "In the belt Intereltl of the community It 18rg.... The report further. quoted Lund: "Th. deci.lon hal nothing to do with the race itIeIf. OrgenlZ8tlon of the race hal been beyond r.proach...The AMA. police, IUpport!V. groupl and the public have been more than generOUI. W. regret the decision." Lund admitted that vendall.m, particularly the night before the event. played a part In the group'. decl.lon. The cenceilltlon Ihocked .veryone Involved with motorcycling and particularly tho.. who earn their living on the W1nlton Pro Serle. circuit. The ev.nt wa. the oldat annual dirt track .vent of the AMA Grand NatIonal Champloftlhlp SerI. . . . well I I the richest. boating a purDin 1980. ..It'. a ud It8te of affaire when a .mall percentage of an audience can dlarupt lin event Ilk. the Charity NIWIieI race," ..Id two-time Columbu. winner Mert l.8wwIli. Mlk. KIdcL another two-tlm. winner of the .v.nt. uId. "If one race can be ruined by a handful of people, then the whole .chedu" could be ruined. We must do eomMhlng. W.'v. gotllIn pa8t that type of lin Image, and certainly can't lit a few Indlvlduall dellroy" of whit we've worked eo hard for." . Gary Scott. wi"... of the 117& Columbus NatIonaL 18id, "lattMded the promcrtW. meethlill and the problem of rowdIeI It certain eventI wei dllculled. w. all know W. not gangl, but jUIt a .mall percentage of the lIUdIence that feels they must be rowdy. It wei the biggeIt cIrt treek event we have, and I hIIt8 to 10M it. We can't lit It l i t a precedent; we must control the problem." 0therI echoed Mert LawwIIL who ..Id, "I don't ... whit we (In the pItIJ can do. It'. up to the people (the audience) to police themIeIveL.. And everyone to whom we apoke mentioned that the problem I. not r..trIct8d to motorcycle """1I. W. I_rned that the CIty of CoIumbu. .panda approxlmltely .100,000 for uc:urIty menuru connected with the annual Ohio St8t8 VI. Michigan footbeII game. The pereon eupplylng that InfonnMIon uId. " ...but I ..... football II king In Columbu. and they could care I... about a motorcycl. race." The event was lCheduled for June 28. It not only IeeveI a prim. IUmm.r date open on the WInston Pro SerieI lChedul., but Ohio without a round of the uri... Th. AMA I. looking Into the pouIbIHty of obtaining another promoter and lite for an .vent to replace the Charity News... rece. CD....... "VII 2 The 11th Annual Florida Wintrr-AMA MX Series ended Jan. 25 in St. Peters· burg, FL with Yamaha rider Donnie Cantaloupi scoring a 1·1 victory in the 12Sec race over Todd Hempstead (2·2) and Keith Watson (5-5) who were abo Yamaha mounted. Bob Hannah looked faater than ever. wicking his Yamaha to a I-I 2SOcc claiS win ahead of Kawasaki·mounted David Bailey (22) and Yamaha rider Kria Bigelow (45). Maico pilot Alan King topped the K...ny Roberti, Randy Memoli and Jim Filice received awerd. It the Jan. 18 Motor Sport Preu AuocI8tion Awerdl Night In San Francllco. Roberti' plaque we. preunted by Dick Brandt'. Concord Yamaha; Mamoll'. by John Terry of Bud Terry'. NorCal Motoraport Suzuki; and RIce'. came from ~ MaIr'. Champion Yamaha of Sen Jon. Bonus: During intermission at Super· cross Kickoff '81 there'll be an exhibi· tion four-stroke race. TlCketi for the Feb. 7-8 Yamaha Gold Cup NIItionIlI ChIImpionlhip Motorcycle Races In the Houlton AItrodome ara aveillble It TIcket· mater IocetIorll, the Altrodome box office and at participating Yamaha dealers. PriceI range from $I to .10 per night. and tim. trial tickell are on .... at $2 per day. Plan to join the Budweiser Trail Ride to Help MlUCUlar Dystrophy? Sounds like an interesting run. Starting Sunday, Feb. 8 at 9 a.m. from rally points within each of Houston's four quad· rants, trail ride participants will ride to the Astrodome, enjoy a barbeque lunch, parade around the facility and then watch the TT races. Five dollars from each entry fee benefits the fight against muscular dystrophy. Entry forms are ~t Houston motorcycle deal· ers. The $2:' entry includes a ticket to the Feb. 8 race, lunch, a T'shirt, two pages to the Feb. 7 Houston Expo trade show and a parking tickets for the motorcycle. Deadline for entries is Jan. 51. W. were odd.ned to hear that Harold G. "Pop" Kenyon died of a heert 8tt8ck at hll horne In Lower Lek., CA on Thursday, Jan. 22. The own.r of Honda Penlnaula in ~ ...., CA left 23 granck:hld..... and 18 great-grandchildren. God· .peed,Pop. Can you become a trained motorcycle mechanic for free? According to Mike Capalite aI American Motorcycle Schools, yes, you can. AMS haa CETA funding, son of like a sponsorship package from the U.S. Government, and they'd be happy to explain it to you. Dial 215/944·0122 and aaIt for Mr. Capalite. CI_stan on Feb. 2. and there are only 20 openings so if you want to get involved, better DOt be caught dozin' at the line. A tip of the Crde News helmlt g08l to Long Beech Y......ha for letting UI borrow one of their Sece &10 ftrMt blk8e to . . . .y In OW' An8helm Expo booth. W.'II be .It up In HOUlton, too, eo If you'd like to win either a '81 Honda CR4&OR motocro.. machln. or a Yamaha Sece &&0 Itreet blk., Itop It the C)'de News booth and Iign up. Update that '81 AMA Pro Motocross Rule Book by turning to p. 6, crossing out section 2, part c, which states: "55Sec-Open, 2-auou and 561ccOpen. 4-auoke" and changing it to read: "55Sec-5OOcc, 2·stroke and 4stroke." And while you're at it. change that number plate rule (which says they have to be 12" X 12") to read: "Front number plate shall have an area a minimum of II" in width and minimum 10" in height with a maximum 2" radius cut on the four comcn.'· R.m.mber that leteIt Poop Item lalt week about the Four ComerI Clellic7 W. gave you a phone number - which II OK - but the people who are running It have since Hnt u. an eddreu you can ..nd a SASE for fun detail•. Write Four Cornerl, 12&1 EI Camino R_L 1170, M.nlo Park. CA 94021. The four comere are the cItIeI of Bengor, MaIne; Orlendo, Florida, Seettla, Wahington and Sen Diego, California. Can you rid. to an four in 28 d8y17 How about 807 The Supnbi1cns air dates have been announced! ABC Wide World of Sporn willlbow pan one on Jan. 51, then follow up a week later with pan two on Feb. 8. They haven't decided yet when the BeI·Ray 500cc USGP of Motocross will be shown. It won't be on Jan. 51 aa previously announced, more liltely in February. W. hadn't really thought of the BMW RIOGIS a a race blka, but Hubert AwIoI Hem, to have another opinion entirely. Auriol rod. a ~ R80GIS in the Jan. 1 . Jan. 22 ParI. (France) to Dakar (Afrlce) rally and wonl H. we. two hOUri ahead of the Yamaha team It the f1nilh lin•. Pretty cion when you col'lllder that It wei a 22-d8y, 7,440-mll. rldel Oh jeez, blew it again. Pete Essaff and Kenny Harrold are the 1980 sidecar champs, and Pete Coleman and Mark Bevans are the '79 champs, not vice· versa aa printed in this column last week. Mlk. But II beck In the ...eedwlly IChooI bualneu. The next one win be It the Mealy Goon Ranch on Jan. 31 • Feb. 1. Phone 71417360640. Colorado rkIera (and the IUrfOUndlng _ ) are In luck on Feb. 28 . M8r. 1 when promoter Gene PIlle wi! holt a But IChooI In conjunction with hII race on Feb. rlin Denvw. Contact P1ue It 303IIi34 1BII5 for more dltll... Promoters. or anyone who'd Ilk. to hoat a But IchooL may arrange It with Mik. by phoning 714I!IB7788. One of Papa's very favorite sponsors, BudweiJer Beer, will present The Yamaha Gold Cup National Championship Motorcycle Races, Feb. 7-8, in the Houston Astrodome. Wonder if they'd like a product evaluation... WIth the deml.. of Ontario Motor Speectw8y, the NHRAlNMRA World final. have been moved to Orang. County Int8I'rIIItIoMl Racewey. The d8bt ItIIyI the ..... Oct. 17·18. Chargers West M.C. will host their second annual Kane SpriDga oDe-way

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