Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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"'GRIPS· "THE WORLD'S ONLY HEATED CYCLE GRIps· CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS 1., AMAIWInston Pro Series Hauolan. TXJST Hauolan. TXITT FURR 217 2IB 3IB o.voorw _. Gordono. CAITT 414 s.:r-. CAlM 4/1 t Do you find your hands are numb and unresponSive from the cold? Well, Hi-Point has the solU1Ion for your problem I "Hot GriPS'" "Hot Grips have reSistance heating wires bUlh right Into the gnp to keep 'four hands warm and functioning at thel' bestI "Hot Gnps" are adaptable to any cycle thai has an electrical system With the capacity to run a headlight. and work on elther 6 or 12 volt systems. 00 away With cold hands forever .... stop 10 at your local Hi·Polnt dealer and have a palf of "Hot Gnps' Installed todayl HI·POII' * lACI•• * 3709 W Ene A~. Loretn, OH e.t053 ,MCM 0._ Dr I s.eremento. CA 96821 Voting in a democracy is like changing the oU in your motor- cycle. If you don't do it. you' ve got no one else to blame. Register and VOTE. It's as important as your rightto ride. _lhe_ --- KENMAELY "'The Shoe Man" ..... SIn.-. CAlM 5/3 519 l.ouiovlIe. KV_ _ Loke. WlIRR HorrIng1on. ~ Loudon. NHIRR Hi_.IUTI ~.CAlRR DuOuoln.ILIM ~.ILlST 6/16 8122 Poalno. PAIRR T.... OKJH.M 1., AMA National Championship MX Series Sao.,.,tv. CA/125-250 3129 415 4/12 5/3 Oronge. eAl125-250 5117 Knoxville. TN/125-250 Adenta. GA/125-250 _ . MAJ2!iO.5OO Mt. Mama. P~ S~ Peleroburg. FlJ25O.500 S - . WA Adenta. GA 2/14-15 2128 3{7 Daytvno _ . Fl 3/13-14 4125-26 519 7111 10124 Houotvn. TX Pontile. MI _el1y.MO 1.01 Angoloo. CA San DIego. CA 1981 Tr8ns-USA MXSeri.s 1014 10111 ............ ...... --..-. .. All Priceo plus c.o.o.&-.go -...". --_ A_.GA _Berlin. NV SKromontv. CA 1981 AMA NatIonal , ~ J _I ~gilI Ct8cUrw M.e. o.:n..GA 3129 - ~7121 150 mi. Nll'1 Gr-. County Camp. nRES , 1 1123 youw.1t 100 mi. Non 615l3II3-4I2O 100 mi. Non Gowykd IIidora M.e:. PIa.IioId. MA 413144~ 6131 100 mi. Non . .a- ,.,..,. • Tn " don • S1IItic: "nclng • High 8pMd Elec:1Ioolic SpIn .....ncl. . M/C TIRE SO.8AYAREA 28023S.W_ Lomita. CA 90717 121':»-"50 $hr• • ~uIOLA 3111llZ1-2110 9114 9113 WORKS, INC. 5.F.v...y 902S SepulvecM Blvd. ~CA91:M3 121:JHB3.78llll Available at leading dealers ano accessory stores. . 100 mi. Non _1INw Enduro RidonI -. 11.....7715 100 mi. Non INlILJI(V Enduro Ricin -.. e-.IN for LONGER llfe! ~o-1000r.... in Stock L:::.J All MejOl' Br8nc1a IndienIpoIia. IN 1013-4 NMflA U.S._ Ateo.NJ 10/17-18 NHflA WInitvn W",1d FinIIIo ITop Fuel only) Dl'8gblkel a.-.FL 315-7 414-5 815-7 Commorca. GA eincinllll1i.OH R" Sun.MD 6127-28 ~.LA 7/1o.12 1116 _I 6121B17-2937 100 mi. TIAIo fnlbo RIcIn-.. T.... OK 911112158-2141 Weatem Region 2122 Union Glove. WI Columbuo. Ott 9/18-20 10/24-25 Jecbon.TN 11128-29 ·~FL IDBA GuIlpart. MS 4/18-19 o.IngIon. sc L-.KV 6/15-18 9112-13 ~Ott 10/1o.l1 Gulfport. MS 150mi.NII'I ~M.e. ~CA 71~ ll1/21i 125 mi. Nll'1 _ _ M.e. ~;:A". ............ TX 1981 SCORE .. _.AZ 250 :JI2O.22 _ -. 4126 5/3 5124 5/31 7/5 7119 812 819 6/18 3129 415 5/3 5/17 5124 5/31 6/14 8/21 7/5 7/26 819 6/18 &OOcc 415 4128 5117 5124 5/31 8114 8/21 715 7/19 7/26 812 819 SIdecar 4/26 5110 5/17 5124 6131 7/19 7125 8/2 819 1123 8130 1981 World Chemplonshlp T...... 2122 2IH _ _ Rece Schedule C8ntrlII RegIon Nitrogen Filled &.lrice WhIle _ . Frwmonl. CA 8122-23 NMflA Longhorn _ . Ft. Wonh. TX 915-7 NHRAU.S._ ITop Fuel & Sup. EIim.1 6/6-7 . ~TN ~) •J OIICYCLE ='="~ 116-9 5/16-17 C c>Iur.-, NJ ~ Duoty~M.e. C _ . Cinc:inMti. Ott 7n8-19 NHRA Sumnw _ (Pro SIlL & Sup. Elim.1 Cicero. NY 100 mi. 0an~F-.v DISCOUNT _Ii lI'to SIlL only) Cc>Iur.-, OH ~ 415 .~ Epping. NH 6/13-14 NHflA Spring _ Eastern Region _ _ _. " ' . Carana. CAI112II ·.. l _.~.FL _~.SD 3/1 12&cc 3129 415 250cc NMflA-.. 8f7-8 MAELY ENTS.. RT.2. BOX 7li8 _o._ta. 512-3 6/1-2 & ..... xmuqit••• . .th.... ITop Fuel only) AlIonal. GA Enduro Schedule , ..... l714I75Gli4O Lexing1on. OH S_.MI Ions --. aile _.Fl 4125-26 NHRA Southern_ 6127-28 NMflA 1M *ep".5O su.. eto 130 WIdth 3/12-15 NHflA Gotvmods. (Pro SIlL only) 1981 AMA Supercross Series _m.CA 1981 World Championship MX Seri.s 4/12 1981 Dreg Rece Schedul. NHRAlNMRA 5123-24 NMflA Spring _ 9120 9127 _S7LOD MIpleoviIIe. At Livingoton. TN e- Country Ent. GoIiIIlin. TN 8151452-71*1 6/14 Caode - . eOl2!iO-5OO 8126 1linghompIon. NYll25-500 7/5 S _ . MU125-eOO 8/2 WaohougoI. WAJl25-500 e.-. CA/125-500 6/16 1/31 7/26 9.... 2051386-2182 116-7 SIn J .... CAlM Gordono. CAJK.M 9127 7/11-12 5123-24 MIpleoviIIe. AL p....,MounblinM.e. S'I'OCUM. NV/M 9/26 _ _ SILOO .... auap.2.50 T_M.50 a.OUI.".WA 2OlII67&3139 l~io.INlM 8J29.3O 9/13 9120 4/16-19 8115-18 WA _.IUTI Bmo. C a d _ 8114 8/21 5031472-3828 _nghIm. Mt._M.e. 519-10 - . . RnIond 1981 World Chemplonshlp Endurence Rece Series _ - . OR T_MounblinM.e:. _ _.OR TopoIca, KSlH-M 8f7 819 617 8/2-3 ~.~ 8130 M.e. ~CA ........ !'-Iv SiIwi __• Englind 819 8116 2131243-1101 CoIumbul. OHIH-M 7/25 5124 T Spa.BeIgIum 7/12 8/2 OK T... _ OK 91lI5II6-8091 4125-25 RldaecnoI. CA s.rin:t SI•••" ~NY_ 6/13 8/21 8126 8126 7/4 7119 7/5 WhiniorCA 2,31191:",81 1981AMATwo Dey QueHfler 3I21-22T T _ ~V~ 5131 ~itSM.e. Gordono. CAJH.M 5130 5/31 llIll 6127 l00mi.NII" tIn s,.;n .E>t..:: BelgIum 3/1 - 3{7 3/15 5/17 5/24 !'-Iv 6131 8114 M 9113 9I2lI WATKINS GLEN. NY er--. . . 9/27 -Gomwlv lII2D-23 SCORE Olf WorIcI "'*' a.,....... ""'-Infl " - y OtherM-Jor IlIwnIdo. CA 9125-27 SCORE Olf_ 217-8 World Ice -.g FlrIIl 2128 AuA 1 ; _FlrIIl ~M.a:o 4/17-19e.- 115-7 _.CA . . . . .,........ RnIond ~ CactiWll: . . ~M.a:o a...... iiIip Golden S_1nt'l Events Abroed ...... -Gomwlv i Speod- Uwrpool.- "-Y.~CA 1113-8111j11000 E_IOU ..... . . CIIlIomIa. M.a:o 512830 AM II8lly 1981 World Championship Ro8cI _ _ Air-. Argondo Rece SerI.. 3122 116-12 .... ofMonTT .... ofMon 4121 5/3 6/10 ~ 1_.. . . . .. ~ _ V....- Vrnjecka . . . . 8/21 ~-f World FlrIIl 7/12 eca'.'G . ...~, 5 $ FinII 7/25 . . ._Il1o.... 0 - - . PllIond Gomwlv _ _ 1lIIly ~~,ttc ~~ =~fL=.··