Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 01 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Buy your 1984 Cycle News subscription at 1981 prlt;es. -Why walt? You know prices are going up. We know prices are going up. And since you're already one of our readers, we want you to think about how that affects us both. That's why we're offering one, two and three year subscriptions at today's prices, not tomorrow's. - Three years from now you'll realize what a great sale this was. _01_.......... 01_.......... _ _----------------------------------~-------------------------------------. .. • ', I - - , -, i - Sure, 9Ive me tomorrow'. peper at today'. price CYClE NEWS (1 ~I .••............• 0 10 lAUD _.._ __ 32 ; "':I':''::':Al ,_ _ ,....., ina 1M UN of such c.rd. 0 :=:'::;;;';;;';;;;;;;;';;;,;;:::::::::::::::::::8 Addres. I S' ,- Expiration Date I _ I ,gnature _ OEASrOWUT_ Name _ ...I.I_;O I. oc:c.,-' wimN..,..ment~ ta. gt~'=C2'-""""",,'''' gt~=Q_ ,., _ _~ t1uthtmnd to ~y the c..._ joct t • I i i ..... VISA Vi.a I S ure, 9 Ive me tomorrow'. peper at today'. price• gt~=C2'-""""""",'" gt~=Q._ _ •• _ Send to: Cycle News/Wnt P.O. Box 498 Long Beech. CA 90101 .. 0 Addre.. S_ _Zip__ Foreign rates available upon request. _ Clly , __ 1.....• on oc:eo

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