Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 01 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• ServIce Meneger WantedI 2-MECHANICS ,.." Springe . . . y_ round .,......._ _ Nice OIl'","",••. OASIS HONDA ..-n _ m4l34&8311. Aok "" Jock.12J5l HONDA YAMAHA 19161926-3430. I50IJl Parts _ ,.5 and Service 00 . 00 ~ Help ~ Wanted ~ = ns -, _ ~ e n d Y E_.ocod _ We are growing FASTI Bright. cor.- minded per_ \0 _ _ emir. 1 1 be "YOUR STORE." You muot be _ .. a«l68.1liOITFNl • - - _ Person Needed. eCountar _. but hoIpfuI.12131174-1431. l2I3l Po8ltlona open at K&NI __ in L.A. " " _ • quictl . . "" 140.000.00 CIIh plus _ inventory. Price incIudos oil oquipmont end _ _ impro-nerm 01 • going doaloJ. Write: CYCLE NEWS. Dept. HDFS. P.O. Box Kawasaki and Vespa ~ ot this going _ i p on Calif. CormsI Coat in growing _ with blue skies and "'"'" air. t806l922-83l12. (31 T..... good AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE SCHOOLS. INC. >i.. .... Col far ~ w111h1p ~ m4l112·731I. 131 Prof"rt by Cycle News CYCLE NEWS io now offering _ the 10 ......... CIIh by CYCLE NEWS ot your _ rnotoreyclo roce _ . gother. ingo. Our _ _ is IimpIo end ~ far 'loll. J... give us • col and _ wII allow _ ' - \0 rnoIui moneyl Spook \0 DUANE JOHNSON ot 12131 427RIDE. ThoM under 18 will . - """' guardion's pormission. (37. 40. 43. 461 'ID HU8ky 2&0 OA ......, - . . . . ._ "'"....... C3I8l -v _.-. 11100. 12131 Stort .. ~ cor.-. 0: "The California School of the Profl.. I0...... _aZ 1l6733. (!iOI3l Service Manager e •- --1*00" with - ' bockground end .. _ _. lorgo Honda ~ _ _ _ in....-.. VA. 6000 o q . I l . _ . . . Evr(lhing 1st cIoa Como _ with the _ _ _ ,.. 4 - . . in thO induolJy. E_1ent opponunily 10< the right men. IloIocotion peId. SoIory _ . Send .....". with _ _ 10: CYCLES FAIRFAX, 11101 - . SL. - . VA 22030. Ann. Mr. Negra l703l581-8420. C2I4l • .-y••1800. m41 4llN877 _ (31 ~ tram 121IO........... lau. . . 787.f029. "-I Rooo Mon:h 4. 1191. Mon:h 7 .. 8. For _ 1. _ St.. ~. NY 112111. 12121--'1314I D4YTONA c:anar:...infoVWTAGE cIiIplIy end farmo end Cyllnd Rebuilt _ . _ _.1W8 All _ _ e-1Iwn _ .... IIallcnd. .......... . . - . . . pluo ...... .......... Col far IftM on _ IlIduaod IftM on Pio - S1IgI porting with -..a. K.K. PERFORMANCE. _ 8kItIdly _ . ElgIn. ILI0120. 13121117-4343.13ITFNl 1m 310 CR Husky ..... 0Nin0 . oond.. OR - . _ ~ 11150 .. - . 885-7088. 131 -..a. . - - . Col .Icihn 12131 • CYCLE CLASSIC* ......n.mj 850 s.- -. with _ ..... _.00. Ph. (7141_1175.131 '79 ~ 'ID Kawesakl KLX 280 - ........ 1. - . UKE - . _ - . t875.oo. m4l831·227I, 1314I 1.VZ4EG_ _ top end end end, _ c:hoin and Lull _ _••12l11i 0.8.0. 121311ill&0213 .... farPalll3l ~ * * Yamelle SR&OO c:c.n..- - ........ pluo plOlO. _ _• ....,12131 J:lHllOl5 .. 12131 84N174. 131 "TZ CIea...nce ..... ~ TZ:I8ll liiDi'" I • - IlOIlO _ 1 RIlIng TZ2IIOG liiDi......... .11'00.2 RIlIng TZ2li08_ _ - _ _ 2 TZIlOO8 " - """ ........". It _ - .100_ TZ2IiO ....... - .110. " - y 'E' . . - ..,00. TZ380 "'" end - _~. ....... ringo .. " - ' - 121IO. _ 1Z7lIO - * t22ll. 3llmm - MO. . . . . ..... far TZ:I8ll - __ WM2-WM3 Manto .100 _ CAU. ANYTlMEl 12131831-1021. (31 2 _3emrn-..-... Triumph 1914 TR-8 Good - . t7IIO 010. o.y. 12131 174-3170. _ .. _1213143SG40.13141 1171 310 I1.IW_,'.....'..'I- _ ... __ •__•••• - . e...-..e. lnpootoend -. - Hu8qftrna OR . . _ e n d _ _" ..... _ _ .. GUW' I UPS .. _ _ . . . . . ..... -_ . . poNneiln i prlney - . 12.1 ShIppIng Good _ pClIiIIon. ean.:t IIich _ • K&N m41 _ . . . . . .131ll1. Col m4l7754122. C3I tml2.l2I3l PARTS SALES 0.. the c:ounw portO _ Iorgoot y _ _. ot 1 of _ _ in WIIhinglon's ~ IT.,'GCycIe portO _ . pref. y _ ports. y_ round ............ ,1. Col e k , _ _ _ Col .. _ lllI42-G ~. Itunlingbl 1Iooch. CA ll2ll47. (7141 117- .'CoIIn&1'... SUPER DEALS 1174 MIIoa 1211, t2lIIi. 1179 MIIoa 1211 _ _ runl. 1798. 1m MIIoa G . . . . 1179 c:.n-Am 280 MX-4, . . . m41 tiII7-2771_ CM5I 4 Valve Speedway Bike s~, ,hoy " - " " _ . III .............. end ..... IObuiIl _ . t2.3OO. 12131 . . 2208.1314I ~ Y_-.. . . . . _.131 Pro Reclng Equipment 1980 XR7liO . . . .-Iy. LMwiIIfNmo, twlf..... & mile -.p. XR7liO ongIno cam;IoIIt. TT -.p. _ ongIno. TZ:I8ll mIll ........... . . . - WIight pluo _ 280 y _ lIiDilll_. . - ShoI _ ALL PRICED TD SElLI _ Cor\. .... 141!i132Hlll. _ 7 141 !iI 404844. 1314I - . TT Y_lOD wilh .. _ 1.1T42I Yamaha ~....- _ ...... 131 - 11410.00 - 121311»3413 _ 74 YAMAHA MlCSOO. MW _ . S&W ......... t4OO0.B.0.1213142&61B3.13141 74 Bultaco AlpIne 2&Occ - . . _ , - . - . II origInoll2liO. m41 8834103. (31 1178 Kawesakl KZ8&O ..... dIiIelIod. _ EngIne IW8 oncI 110I dIiIelIod.l1llO - . . . , .. _ _. _ .. ~-*'lIL(3I

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