Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 01 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Suzuki & Wetbike Franchise Wanted 4 stroke trials bike Reeort ...... excellent lor rentals. Lake Havasu. AZ. AJS, Ariel, BSA. MOlchiess or Enfield Singles. Wwyne Mooneyham. San Joee, CA. ~ 272-2097. 11) I802l B5l>7032 or IB02I B5l>1493. (5011) Suzuki RM 250 N Lekich ported - e>unn. e ; - - MeaeIer silencer & bars - '750. 12131 322-nS7. 15011) ~ 1978 Yamaha SR500 engine only - Complete with ign .• 1ess carbo Only 7.000 original miles. completely stock. Ask lor Eddi. 1714) 633-0690. '900.00.111 00 '79 Husky 390 WR 0') OhIine, Sun rims, VDO. D-ring chain. skidplate, very last. unbelievable low and, excallent condition. (213) 841-7169.111 '79 yz 250F Yamaha, cleanII Like new! Stod< engine. modified _ , _ . MW tires. factory fork, and """ ooeI1ock mods. Low hours. C9-61 1714) 751· fresh bore. Ask for Debbie - _ 0680.16-101 home: 17141 542-2861 or 17141 549-3487. '900.00. 111 Start an bCiting career _ a: Motorcycle Mechanic "The California School of the Professionals" Honda XR 500 Residence or Home study If you're serious about becoming a top-notch motorcycle rnec:hiIOic. you'lI want tile best poesible "lining available. You can't eflord eecond best Ind neither C3'l we. tf you think you have whet it takes to become I p r o f _ ... Call toll fr881-800-423-4678 Calif. Residents call collect 12131 944-0123, AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE SCHOOLS. 10025 Shoemaker Ave.• Santa Fe Springa. CA 90670. l49ITFNI HONDA YAMAHA Help Wanted Sarvice Manager Wanted One of Suzuki's largest west coeet deller needs In experienced person with m e _ t beckground. y_ round work. peid 1IlIC8lion. Holidevs. medical. Call or eend r_me: AURORA SUZUKI. 7409 Aurorl No.• Seattle, WA98103.I206) 783-2323. 150111 Service Manager & Mechanics Partsman & Salesman _ . SuNci. ~ i . HarIey-Oovidoon. BMW and Triumph. SIlory pluo commiolions. Pocific C08I1 Hwv" Lomi1a. CA!I0717.12131 J26.3810.1371TFN1 SKILlED MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC? The Molarcydo _ I n s t i t u t e _the cor_lor you. Due to "emendouI growlh. the InstiMe is adding quoIified rrKltUic'tde meet_a instrucIcn. .......... e:q:NM ieI ce required: inaructtn "oining _ _ provided. For personoI w-view. call or write ARNIE BEAMAN. THE MOTORCYCLE MECHANICS INSTITUTE. 22246 N. 19 A_ _• - . /IV. lIi027.l802) - . - . I1I2l Store Manager Neededl lor fast growing Northwest retail motorcydo ae-ies outlet. Good 1lIlary. excallent future benefllS. Sand reeume to: CYCLE NEWS. Dept. SMN. PO Box 498. Long Ileach. CA 90801. ISO/II "*'uetora. _ _ Qmti'Vamaha• efficient, c:onocienlious. _ Serv. MgrJMech. Need round work. South Western Wyoming. 30.000 popuIelion. bitting. hunting, liIhing & lIke background & I\/llitabiIity lor ext_ve travel during racing _ . Responsibittia •• to prepere & maintain bikes for fectory rMief .. _ .. drive company I7UCk to various events. Call or eend r_me to Bonnie Whidden Ol KAWASAKI MOTORS. 2009 E. Edinger. Santa Ana. CA 92705. 17141836-7000.111 SALES REP WANTEDI Central California. Sand reeume to HAHN ENTERPIlISES. P.O. Box 26515. Sacramento. CA 95826.11131 Help Wanted SERVICE MANAGER Experienced _ _ . - lor Yamaha _ . 1 of pereorvIII! to IlIIlf MW stor•. N you .... willing to work and _ing lor 0 better future write to: John _ . P.O. Box 680102, Miami. FL 33156. For ~ication. Washington's _ & largest. y_ round employment. SIlory plus perlormance commiuion. Cell of land _me to: STUART RAWSON - CYCLE CRAFT. 752 S. 108th. Tacoma. WA 98444. 12061 5312852.I1ITFNI Parts Managar San Diego, CA Sales Rep Wanted cydo _ p •in Miami doing one million- - t _ . porta a n d . . . plus _ in (461511 liiOlOiCycIeJ - .xperience end '-enceJ _ & penIion plen. Send r_me. HOUSE OF HONDA - 4904 EI Colon Blvd.• San Diego. CA 92115. Wo're nice to _lor! 17141286-3488. 150/3) HOndo ,., WANTED: e-ienced Yomoho _ ! (213) ll36-8058. IliOITFNI Growing perlormance company _ing for I 1lIl. rep now c:aIing on deeI... Open territory, good commIS- sion. Call KUSTOM KRAFT. (3121679-4343. 14611) PARTS SALES porta llIles Ol 1 of Weohington·, IergMt Y . . - - . . Requir. _ience in motoocvcIe porta _ . prel. Yemehe porta. y_ round employli.... Cell lor _ _ to: STUART RAWSON - CYCLE CRAFT. 752 S. 108th. Tecome. .26.. ,,!A~. ~ ~~~ .•I1.rr;'!~ • _ _ _ .' _ I _ieI- I Yamaha Suzuki Franchise 10 yrs. in t>uoi.- Parts 2731. (49111 live in besutifuI North Idaho. Tools - For Sale. I20lll 267- 1B05l ....737lI. 148I1 1 • pro_ _liar. New Available From M-R-E To the ~ public MURDOCH RACING ENTERPfRISES "Air-5hifter.'· Uoed exclusively by top dreg racing ET ""O''''''IIS to 1 lull s-s- A muot aecond. Push button automatically _ lor COl' or SlTeet uee. AIIo MX rnodaIs. 181 31 443-5330. 14912I • 'SO RM125 Suzuki Profit by Cycle News CYCLE NEWS is now offwing you the opportunity to oem extrl cash by CyCLE NEWS Ol your local lilOtlllCvcIe race rallies and/or ~ gatheringe. Our program is simple and p r _ l o r you. J.... give us I call and we wiN show you how to make moneyl Spook to DUANE JOHNSON Ol 12131 427RIDE. Thoee under 18 wiI need their guardian', -.v "ackI. parmiesion. (37.40. 43. 46) Pro-Trac NW Racing Trailers Building custom open & encloeed models from 12·.4()·. Send lor brochur. or call for quotl. 7861 N.E. D.., Rd. W .• Dept. C. Bainbridg. Islend. WA 98110. 120618425646.11181 SUZUKI ENGINES GS7SO. 19n bad heed, '3SO. GSlooo. $1SO. 1978 model. GSlioo 1980 model, '1200. SuzukI dealer. 17131632·5630. 111 '79 SUZUKI RM250. PERFECT. $800.00. 12131 9925245 - leave message. 111 WANTED: STOCK 390 Husky cytinder and/or OR pipe. have ported barrel Ind CR pipe to trade. Converting my scoot for enduros. Call Kevin (707) 553- 9275.111 UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIAL! Winter's herel Why not do what I did and pull your tired Jet Skits) out of the water and truck them on up to Teddy Ilovt

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