Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Do you go riding in the Ten Mile. Dunes and Inglenook Fen area north of Fort Bragg? When the 10-member Ukiah District Advisory Council held their first meeting on Nov. 6- 7• Barbara Furey, a spokesperson for the Friends of Ten Mile Dunes. told the council that her group objects to ORV use in that 120 acres of Federal Land that's being transferred to the California Depanment of Parks and Recreation. Irv Brown, Administrative Assistant of Mendocino County who represents DRV recreation use on the council, insisted that petitions for ORV use be entered in the reo cord along with the oral and writ· ten statements from the Friends of the Dunes. Obviously, Mr. Brown needs our support. Please send letters. petitions, etc. to his attention, c/o Ukiah District Advisory Council, P.O. Box 940, Ukiah, CA 95482. That's a BLM office; should be interesting to see if he receives them ... Wldowmeker 1I...0h my. does thet sound ewsomel Gery Lemb sent down e chellenge from Indien Dunes: "The hill is freshly bulldozed, steeper then ever, end just waiting for ell come,..lI'm betting on the hlllll:' seys Lemb. Gustav Roath will be leaving Husqnma to work on other assignments for Electrolux. Husky's parent company. NilsArne Nilsson will act as ~neral Manager. In e Nov. 15 '81 model presentation. V..tter Corporation introduced a new Windjammer V Feiring and e striking MW wedge-shaped sidecer celled the Terreplene. VIsit your deeler for e peek, either at Vetter's brochure or the real thing. Pretty trick stuff. Shorty Calhoun passed away on Saturday, Nov. 8, after a stroke. The grandfather of Bob Cunnington, winner of the fall San Jose Mile Junior Invita· tional, was a many year racer from the '!lOs and great fan of the sport. Godspeed, Shorty. • Supermouth's Baja 1000 Wheelie King Doug Domokos and I rode street bikes down to Ensenada to coveT this year's Baja 1000 for KEZY and KSON. Beautiful ride down the coast on the non-toll "libre" road. Highly recommended ... We ran into Malcolm Smith at the drivers' meeting on Thursday night. He pointed across the room at a blond· haired giant. "You galta interview him, Larry, his name's Heriben Schek and he's the ~rman National Enduro Champion. I raced against him in more ISDTs than I can count'" Sehek, 47 and about 6'4", told me he'd com· peted in every ISDT for the past 25 years. But the motorcycle he'd chosen for his first Baja 1000 drew the attention on the starting line the next morning: a /OJ7ee BMW enduro bike, geared for over 100 mph and tipping tbe scales at over 350 pounds. Schek did finish the race but got lost back in Ensenada and lost an hour searching for the finish line. Domokos and I shared a victory beer with Roeseler and Fishback in the loud Bahia Hotel lounge Friday night after their respective victories in the Open and 250cc classes. Jim told us that a bunch of Mexican spectators had built a II-! foot wall "somewhere on the back pan of the course" and were all standing around it watching when he hit it at over 80 mph ... said they got quite a kick out of him trying to save it. Roeseler added. "But the damndest thing about this race, is when you're going liIr.e bell out in the boondocks in tbe middle of the night and you come sliding around a comer and suddenly the whole night lights up from flash cameras from spectatorsl" Almost put him an his bead a couple of times. It was interesting to watch the mutual interest between the desert riders and Domolr.os. Fishback and Roeseler had, of course. seen the Wheelie King perform at the Coliseum, and Doug was familiar with both their exploits ... "How the hell can you keep that thing up around that track?" was their question. And Domokos couldn't figure how they could cover 660 miles in 13 hours without falling down ~lves - a mutual admiration socirty. as the song went. Hard luck .story of this year's 1000 had to be that of Frenchman Patrick Drobecq who rode his first Baja race. He was pre-running earlier in the week when he overshot a tum and hit a barbed-wire fence that was. exactly neck.high. Carved a neat slit across his throat that took 17 stitches to close in a one-bed hospital in San Felipe. He still rode and finished the race, sayinK "this is a very dangerous course but I would do it again. This is the ultimate o 00 0') rac,,= ... Byron "Flash" Farnswonh, starting in the Over 38 class got just outside Ensenada before his bike seized. For· tunately, there were two comely lasses from California who had staned drinking margaritas early in the day watching the race nearby so Byron talked them into allowing him to hold onto their car while they towed him back to town. He told me, again over a beer that night, that, had he not seized, "I was a SUTe thing to win my class." When things quieted down after the stan early Friday morning. Domokos ran into Dunlop Tire's Rick Bogden, and they decided to ride out of town on their street bikes and look around. They found a secluded resort 15 miles out of Enaenada and parked their bikes. The owner came out and showed them around the grounds, then proceeded to buy them margaritas in' his bar. By the time Bogden and W.K. got back on their motorcycles, they were feeling no pain so decided to "get it on on the way back to town'" So Bogden on his RD350 and Domolr.os. mounted on his KZI500. started flat tracking on tbe sliclr. din roads leading into Ense· nada. You guessed it. Bogden dropped tbe bike on a tum and Domolr.os had to lay it down to miss Rick. Domokos told me later, "I beld that damn 1300 up and slid along underneath it until 1 came to a stop. Didn't wa.nt to scratch it, hell, I can grow more s/Unf" Secret stuff: Which well-known motorcyclist got tbe shock of his life at an Ensenada night club several nights before the race when he and two of his buddies (you'd recognize all the names) were enticed to get up on stage by a foxy stripper? Our boys, who had been putting away a few beers after several days of pre-running the course, began getting very familiar with the lady on the stage. One of them - who shall forever remain nameless - leaned over and planted a wet kiss on the back pan of the girl's anatomy. Well, you can imagine the fireworks when the stripper turned out to be a female impeTsonatoT! Our hero is still red-faced and taking flak from his buddies ... true story. And those are a few of the stories from behind the scenes at the 1980 Baja 1000 ... Larry "Supermouth" Huffman with cooperation from the SCMA chartered VICTOR McLAGLEN MOTOR CORPS PRESENTS: THE 2nd ANNUAL BARSTOW to VEGAS Motorcycle Road Ride and Poker Run ~. ~ '. tDi~ . . ._ : .' )?: ~ ~ .SUPERPRIZ£S. 1st $100.00 CASH! 4th - 8th - Cycle News Jackets 2nd $15.00 CASH! 9th - 12th - Cycle News Vests 3rd $ 50.00 CASH! 13th - 15th - Cycle News T-Shirts $3.00 Donation per rider Profits to go to the Phantom Duck of the Desen legal Fund Registration - Saturday, November 29, 1980 opens: a a.m. closes: 11 a.m. Drawings at finish 3 p.m. sharp. Poker Run Dirertions Start IIfld Registration - 1-15 east to Harvard Road Exit (approx. 20 mi. east of Bar· stow), right turn. Turn left on Frontage Road (on south side of Freeway) approximately four miles turn left on Alvord Road then across Freeway to CYCLE NEWS' motorhome. First check - Baker, California (approx. 40 miles from Alvord Rd.) Check in by taking Baker Exit Road to Kelbaker Road (1 st stop sign). Turn right, go past 1-15 on ramp to CYCLE NEWS Check In. Second Check - Jean, Nevada (approximately 65 miles from aakerl. Jean off ramp to Pop's Oasis and CYCLE NEWS Check In in the Casino. Additional alternate check at Sloan, Nevada. Finish - Las Vegas, Nevada (approx. 20 miles from Jean!. Blue Diamond off ramp left to Union 76 Truck Stop and CYCLE NEWS Poker Run Finish under the Union 76 sign. For more information call the CYCLE NEWS office at (213) 427-7433 3