Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 11 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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there on Nov. 25. If that race goes well, perhaps there'll be more. Contact CRC at 215/850·7519 for more info. A .Ideber to en auto lnaur8nC8 .-tIcIe In the Nov. 10 ...... of F...... magazine elldded A ~ " . . " Ilea h,-.tIl1g news for motoreyc:lilta over age 26. Progressive CorporatIcM.. .a Cleveland-baaecl firm which Is reportRlg 22.2% growth annuallY whIa the Industry av...... only 11% Is the first .....nce company to recOgIlize that 0ver-2Ii age group rnotorcycIIsta hIIve fewer acclclenta then the younger riden. Prog.....1ve has lowered their rates end IncreaHd rates for the under-2li group. For those involved in the Cycle News Bantow to Vegas Motorcycle Road Ride and Poker Run, here are the mileages involved. By L-82 'Vette speedometer, it's about 20 miles from Barstow on 1-15 to the Harvard Rd. off-ramp, and another four miles on the frontage road to the Alvord Rd. stan area. From there, it's approximately 40 miles to the fint check at Baker, CA. In about another 65 miles you'll find Jean, NV, home of Pop's Oasis and the second check. The finish area, the Union 76 Truck Stop on the Blue Diamond off· ramp, is about 20 miles down the road from Jean. The Pop's Oasis check point will be Inside the Casino, where riders wli help themselves to free coffee and donuts. free ceslno funbooks full of gaming bonuses, and a 9ge chicken buffet. Pop's 0 .... Is 10ceted in the downtown section of scenic, historic Jean, NV. MIC dealer clinic exciting, profit-generating By Charles Morey ANAHEIM, CA, NOV. 16 The Motorcycle Industry Council Aftermarket Committee debuted an exciting concept, their first Motorcycle Dealer Technlcel end 581.. Clinic, In a one-day program held at the Disneylend Hotel. For a .15 fee, deeler employees received edvic:e from manufacturer representlttives on the teehnicellIlIP8C1S end how-to1MIII methods of the indlvidUlll types of products. . Featured at the clinic were presentlltions by the Industry experts on helmets, .pperel. exhaust systems/mufflers, suspension and tires/ wheels. Two to five-man penels from the various manufacturers filled • 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. day with a we8lth of Information. following the formal land sometimes comicaUy Informal) presentations the dealers joined the guest speakers for an Informal cocktail hour where they could ask specific questions of the manufacturer reps. IDuring their formal presentations, the reps had purposely avoided comments on their specific brands to keep the Information refreshingly noncommerclal.l MIC is to be congratulated for Introducing what .ppears to be a .ddltion to motorcycle deelers' employee training programs I 2 Remember the ATK (anti-tension chaindrive) device pictured in the Motorcycle Dealemews Las Vegas Expo coverage? SAW Engineered Products showed the ATK, but since then they've decided not to market it. SiltW felt the ATK should be sold for under $100, but due to costs of imponing, stocking and marketing through distributor·dealer·consumer, the $100 target became impossible. Don't give up hope, however. Hont Leitner, inventor of the ATK, 'wiD market the device himself. SAW's association with Mr. Leitner will be that of an OEM account only: The management of the Union 76 Truck Stop, the B-to-V finish area, requests everyone to be behaved and couneous. Last year they had trouble with us "biken" - loud, rowdy, dirty· ing up restrooms, etc. They believed us when we told them we would be "motorcycle gentlepeople." So please, watch your mannen. Wes Cooley, Sr. phoned Papa after reeding Gary Mathers' reaction to the upholding of Wes ~ley"Jr:s appeal on the Superblke affair. SpecHicelly, the elder Cooley objected to Mathers' statement, Cooley did not protest our rnotwcycle:' ..w.. was unable to protest their motorcycle because they (Kawuaki) waited until 29 minutes after the .-uIts were posted to enter their protest. Wes tried to enter a protest. but it wes after the 3O-mlnute protest period and was not allowed. He knew Lawson was on another motorcycle (other than the one he qualified on), but had decided not to make an Issue of It." seld Wes, Sr. ..w.. Richard Wascher called from the sunny climates of the Pacific Northwest to say that in The Superbikers race Mickey Fay was riding a Wasco Frames/Roger Stanley·backed Honda thumper. Here's a one-tima opportUnity: 1910 Cycle NewslWast Rider of the Year? Your chance to axpresa that opinion Is on p. 16, and it's your 011I, chance. Tha ballot will ItOt be printed again, and photocopies of the printed blank will not be accepted. An error in the prellmlnery press room results of the SCORE/Negra Meetelo Baje 1000km led us to credit the Jeff Preach/Bill Conroy team with seventh In Class 22. When thalr time was corrected, the Baja Performance-sponsored duo wera listed as sixth in cl.... Here's another one-time opponunity: Edwards Air Force Base has an excellent MX track that hasn't seen use for about three yean. The base commander, however, has given CRC penniuion to run a one· time event The Nov. 16 American Federation of Motorcyclists' road race at Riverside Raceway was cancelled due to high winds and blowing sand on the track. To our knowledge, there has been no rescheduling of the race. so it appean Who do you feel should be voted that the 1980 AFM point season is at an end. According to panelists at MIC's Motorcycle Deeler Technlcel and sales Clinic:. 7&% of the apparel that riders weer Is sold by department stores, not motorcycle shops. Another interesting fact mentioned was that non-motorcydlflg dlentele are entering the better stocked (with clothing) shops to purchase such "In" fashion wear as leather garments, notebty the flight jackets. Sounds Uke clothing ..... may becoma one of the better deels for bike stores. Helmets, according to another panel group, are the number one aftermarket item now. According to an MIC staff member, their Aftermarket Committee meets on Thunday, Nov. 20. Cenainly the idea of holding more clinics will be discussed. With 500 attendees at the fint one - many of them very impressed with the concept - P-apa's betting that they come up with at least a couple more, probably during 1981. Gery Harlow of DG Performance is openlflg e new retalI operation Nov. 21 in Brea Mall celled Grend Prix Motor Boutique. On sale will be high ticket auto apparel, gifts end ace:esaories. They'. feature items from StYle Auto, leatherworks, Tahoe Toga and DG Apparel. A Formula Ford wli be on dilplay at the opetling. and some ~form.1C8 vehic:lea will be on display at all times. Somebody in Yamaha's Marketing Depanment heard about the Cycle News B to V road ride and decided to hop on the bandwagon. Fim they issued a memo inviting all Yamaha employees to attend, then they phoned us and offered 50 Yamaha Cable Luben as prizes for places 16-65 in the poker run. Thanks, tearnl Don McG. ., who many of us know from Scott USA. Rece Reps or Pro-Tac, has joined Ru.. CoIins' R.C. Eflglneeriflg a. a marketing director on a conaulting basis. That news ceme from Joe Parkhurst'. Motorcycle Bualneu Newsletter. "My political career is far from over," responded Assemblyman Bob Hayes to a Cycle News question about his future plans. Right now Hayes is in Sacramento. working with the State Lands Commission, the Attorney General and the Lieutenant Governor to keep the BLM from implementing the California Desen Plan expected to be signed by outgoing Secretary of Interior Cecil Andrus in December. After Hayes leaves office Dec. I, options he is considering include running for Los AIJ8des County Supervisor in the Fint District, running for State Senate in his San Fernando Valley area, should there be a special election required if Alan Robbins is convicted of pending charges and forced to resign. Also, President-elect Ronald Reagan's staff has asked for Hayes' resume, and it is making the rounds in Washington. Hayes is flUng an action with the Fair Pollticel Practices Commluion against opponent Richard Katz. cherging Katz with u.lfIg IIlegel mailings to win the election. Hayes we. unable to counter those due to • breekdown In the computer of his mailing service and Insufficient ORVers showed to do the job by hand. Hayas also said that environrnentlIIiIts. "through the Berman machine, spent a quarter of a million dollars to get me out."

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