Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 11 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Hey, J.R.I -- o 00 0') 1""""4 WIST America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sharon Clayton, Publisher. Caroline Gendry, Executive Secretary to the Publisher. Editorial Charles Morey. Managing Editor. Dale Brown, Editor. Mark Kariya, Editor. Adv~rtising Skip Johnson, National Sales Manager. Terry Pratt. Sales Manager. Linda Brown, Advertising Coordinator. Graphics and Production Kristin Cooper, Graphic Artist. Barbara Travers, AssiSlant. Marion Hatashita, Typ<>g1"aphy. Dennis Greene. Laboratory. Accounting Mike Klinger. Manager. Jeanne Hammond. Accts. Recdvablc. Donna Bryan, Pat Batty. Asst. Accts. Receivable. Terry Dailey. Cred~t Manager. Circulation Rheba Smith. Ma.nager. Shirley Shon. Sarah Taylor. Michd~c Allan. Assistants. Duane Johnson. Dea.ler Sala Mana.geT. Want Ads Yvette Goeken. Wam Ad Sales. Services and Support Chris Aitcheson, Jamison. S6:S. Receptionist. Joe West 2201 Cherry Ave.. Long Beach, CA P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801 (215) 427-7455: L.A. Line 656-8844. East 4190 First Ave.. Tucker. GA. P.O. Box 805. Tucker. GA 50084. (404)954-7850. Cycle News/West (USPS 141-540) ji published weekly except the fint and IUl week of the calendar year for $20 per year by Cycle News, lnc.. 2201 Cherry Avenue. Long Beach, CA 9080 I. Second class J>OIta~ paid at LonR' Beach, CA. POSTMASTER: Send form 3&71 to Cycle N_, P.O. Box . . Long Beech. CA lIC8l1. Subscription rates: One year, second class mail, $20; two ~an, second cl~ mail, SSS; three yean. 5eCond class mall, $55: 25 weeks, $11. Cycle News welcomes unsolicited editorial material including stories. car· toons, photos. etc. Such material, if pub· lished, b«omcs the adwive property of Cycle News. Such accepted matc~ial is subject to revision as is necessary I~ .the sole discretion of Cycle N~s. Unsohclted material which is not UJed will ~ returned if accompanied by it self· addressed stamped envelope. All un, solicited material will be handled with reasonable carc, however. Cycle News assumes no responsibility for the safety. 1051 or dama~ to such material. Reprinting in whole or. part only by .~r. mission of the pubhshcu. AdvertiSing rates and circulation information will be sent upon request. See S.R.D.S. Copyright <6 Cycle News, Inc. 1• . Trademerk Cycle News regi_ad U.S. Petent OffIce. All rights re· .-vad. ON THE FRONT PAGE: Jerry Greer's own version of Satur· day Knight Fever, a Knightframed 250cc KawaS8ki flBt tracker. The complete scoop on how you can build your 4 own begins on p. 8. Photo by ChwIea Morey. ThanksCRC On October %6th. I ai I led tile CRC SUpelCIOD pnIIDID _ _a _ riden in San Diego. My _ _ a panicipant in tile ~ wIIicIa woe found to be nuemdy wdI nuL Tbr f1aggen, staners, puam ilM. aDd othen conc:ernrd with tile. aauaI OIlfield running of the raas WIeR way capable and diJiBoent iD their efIians.. h was a long day bandlrd .. Ai • nally by CRC and their helpers. Also to be .,.,mm.ted WIeR tile officials and sconn who WIeR rapmlsible for handliDg owu 800 eDb'aIIIIS. I know the~ were KllJIiDs ann aDd other problems which _ ......CiCDt· able with such a ~ 1lUIIlba-. n.e.r aggravations were apably Ipnd)rd My own son was wfCII~ in a third aDd scoring error; be _ c~ted with 15th. which _1pndIrd pleasantly and quickly. I would fiR ID congratulate CRC 011. aDd dIaDk tbnD for, an enjoyable day at tile raas.. FRANK E. BONNElT. D.D.s. BIytbe.CA The checkered'" for Ted Leimbach We we~ exuemdy tpaehc:d bJ your memorial piece ID CNr _ in tile October 8 isIuc of C:Jde Well. Even small evideoca of public _ private esteem ~ chaisbcd bJ ma.r who live to grieve .-IWOO" they "-d. But the outpouriJll of sympadry. tile expressions of admiration dial came from aU over the n.uioa aDd &am Europe ~aUy lead os to bdiewoe dial he was the hero we wanted ID dIiDIr. him. When Ted was a lad aDd you aIhd him the "when you grow ap"II-;'-' he'd say, ''I'm going to raa: _ cycles tiD I'm too old, aDd ~ rm going to farm." In some • ..""'" way he managed to panac ma.r dual goals. During winter and IfJriu« Cj1IUUD of his junior ynr at Ohio ScaIr he . . on successive ~ to Geaqia.. Michigan, CaIifomia. V'DJiDia. Oklahoma, Oregon. WasbiJistaa aDd Alabama to race. Duriar me week, he grappled with,. marta:iD«. and ag economics AD r he would mow and c:ukiYaIr. pick aDd pack until 4 p.m., that. off ID - ' t on a motorcycle eJIIiae tiD afur N_. midnight. The culmination of aU this wiDra". spriDg, and SUIIlIDeJ' endeavor _ ID be the International Six Days Trial in Fraocr in September. This is a grueling race of six days daratiOD threaded tIuougb mountains aDd waIIeys, riftr beds and fire ~, rhirlrrrs and meadows. The nden dcpan four on a minute at 7 each --oDe ClOlIftiDg two hunciJed or DMM'e miles 011 each of the six days. If a man an maintain a constant pace, 1IeqJ his machw~, and stay on time for aU of the six days be earns a sold medal. Ted was bent on his third goal. He bad his plane ticket, his cycle in a aue, his gear in the duftles when he was critically injured in an auto ;acci;Wu( Sept. 4. For two and a half Wftb be lay in an intensiw: ca~ w~rd in a more or less comatoee state. WIth beans heavier than their cyeIes or their pr, Ted's brother and his comrades . .off ID France without him. At %:45 a.m. on the first day of the Six Days (Lea Six jours) Teddy bulSt aD ana, in his chest; the doctor and the DUI'IeI were at a loa to explain this xrions and unexpect.ed complication. _ Bat they didn't It-. our Ted, his total coocentration 011 his singular p -00, the way in which his arteries were taned ID a diIunt cIocIr.. Ted knew his Six Days number before be _ injured. His" time," dcunnined bJ his number, was 8:08 a..m. When Ted ezened the strain that bunt biI cIaJnaFd artery it was 8:45 in the math of Fraocr and be had not yet aa.m the starting line. , On the morning that would hw: maRaI the first day of his senior year at m8eB'e, Ted's artery hemorrhaged apin, too much this time for thr oncepowuful body. . The nights tum cool and the leaves ~ color. South of the lanr w~ the land IIopes toward the riw:r, Teddy's soybeans ripal in the late aulUJDD afternoon. The motorcycle uaiIs to the 10wer Oats ~ strewn with rarIy faDing leaves, Somrw~ in the math of France the gold medals have beuJ awarded, Our golden boy has nnjdw:d into the green-gold paraclDe dial nunared him. Nobody who Ir.nnr him doubts that Teddy got his "Gold." PAT. PAUL LEIMBACH VenniIIion, OH 1 have not heard anything funher as to the Bureau of Land Mana~ent's plans for ThanIr.sgiving W~ I~_ The panicular day 1 am mt~ted In is Saturday, November 29..1 can see - from your letter to Mr. Lows McKey, dated August 7, 1980,. ~t you I;tave invited the off·road vehicling public to ride the Intermountain Power Project approved transmissi~n line corri~o~. 1 would )jJr.e to know if the transiD1SS1OD 1ine corridor wiU be marked and if the B~u is planning to print maps. I agree with you that "it would be ~n 01'ponunity to Spaid that -weekend m ~ desert riding on the roads and trails that a~ available in the a~a, and perhaps, plan for an imponant multiple use opponunity on public lands." You had a ~at idea. 1 would like you to further expound on that idea. , 1 am assuming that you are speaking from the hean in your letter to Mr. McKey and 1 would now )jJr.e to formally ask. you to provide funher guidelines and perhaps rules for ~he , off-road vehicling public to functl~ under SO that everyone can remam happy and worry-~ in ~rds to the legality of the annual Bantow to Vegas Protest Trail Ride. 1 would not, and wiD not, ask. or promote any~ne'~ o~ the gene~ public's parttapauon In s~ch a trail ride. 1 know I may protest In my own way and wiU not promote a Barstow to Vegas Trail Ride. It is. n?w your ~ponsibility if such a trail nde takes place. Pleasr supply all of us with some information. Because 1 do not wish to end up in court and have the CIA/FBI track me down )jJr.e they tracked down the Phantom Dud of the Desert, I wi11 sign myself simply, SON OF DESERT DUCK Q.uackl Q.uackl Not offered a Gold Wing ride In response to Mike Daiglr and his about the Aspencade Motorcyclr Convention. Perhaps Mr. Daigle only saw a ponion of what was ha~ ing - we wr~ therr from M?nday till Monday with the Bel· Ray oil change tent - and the Harley·Davidson people definitely stole the show. They had a "hunch" of the new FLT Tour Glide and a handful of the Sturgis motlll" cycles. Not only was it a good test ride but they gave you a very nice Harley Scarf-handkerchief or whatever flll' doing it. My hat is off to the Harley people. It took a fair amount of balls to do that. The convention center was run down and diny b-efore the 4000 motor· cycle people ever tJ(~mped into ~ place. 1 have been trymg not to thlnlr. about the food since we left. The AspeDcade ConYention definitr· Iy deserw:s mo~ coverage and m~ exposure - it is a supe>-b way. to sp;end a week and is one of the friendliest, most hassle ~ motorcycle gatherings 1 have ever attended. We a~ a~ady malr.ingour plans for next year. Biased is as bias is! Thrre werr plenty of Gold Wing riders with a Harley Sca:f. 1 loved it! More, mo~, mon.. Nobody offered me a ride on a GoI<1 Wing. W. DAVlDSTONE Dal-Ray, Inc. Ft. Wonh, TX P.S. My Harley broke and 1 rode my SR500 Yamaha single back to Texas. Yee haw and whoopee! alIDIIleDts Published letters do not neen· ..-ily reflect the position of Cyde News. Inc. 5encl letters to Voices. Box . . Long Beech. CA9I8t1.

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