Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 10 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 39 of 39

! The Hurricane E Back... - • IS o 00 0') And Doing'lt On Hi-Point ''Red Dot" Knobbies!! The "Hurricane" is ba'ck thrilling the spectators and racing "On the hottest knobbies in years .... Hi-Point's "Red Dot". The "Hurricane" uses the ~ .. "Red Dot" front and rear to BOB HANNAH give him the action and traction he's looking for in a hi-performance M-X tire. If you've been looking for the type of performance the "Hurricane" gets, switch to Hi-Point "Red Dot" knobbies. "Red Dot" knobbies are available in 3:00x2l, lOO/90, 4:50xl8, and soon a new 5:lOxl8. Hi-Point :'Red Dot" knobbies are a premium tire, made in,the U.S. and priced to be affordable. Check 'em out at your Hi-Point dealers. ~~,''. lW., • 40 (HI-POIITl I * RACIIIG * J 3:00" 21 100/90 4:50,,18 HI-POINT "RED DOT" KNOBBIES ARE A T YOUR HI-POINT DEALER HI-POINT RACING PRODUCTS 3709 W. Erie Aye., LOQIn. OH 44053 9604 Oat_ Orin. 5-=,.,..",,10, CA 95827

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