Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 10 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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will be at the Las Vegas Aftermarket Expo in booths 530-531 with all sorts of info on the new Radio Shack computers complete with programs that apply to the motorcycle industry. If it's time to computerize your business, or if you just wa nt to hea r some new funny stories. stop by an' say hi. If you can't make it to Vegas, phone Preston at 6021567-4289 or Light Brown at 214/337 -4346. 1980 AMA Winston Pro Manufacturer Point St8nd1nga: 1. H. . .yDavid80n (31&); 2. Yamaha Motors Corp. USA (211); 3. AmerIc:an Honda (83J; 4. U.S. Suzuki (46); 5. CN CN 1-0 Q,) Triumph (29); I. Kawasaki Motors C22J; 7. BSA ( 20); 8. Bultaco (10); I. Bomberdier LtdJCan-Am (8); 10• ..c ... u o o..a(7). o Don't miss our Barstow-ta-Vegas run for street machines. On Thanksgiving Weekend as dirt riders enjoy themselves riding on open public land in the desert. street riders can enjoy an afternoon ride and help support the Phantom Duck of the Desert Legal Fund at the same time. The second annual Cyde News Barstow-ta-Vegas Motorcycle Road Ride and Poker Run takes place on Nov. 29. Offered are a $100 first prize with cash or Cyde News Products going to the best 15 poker hands. Registration opens at B a.m. and closes at 11 a.m. Simply ride to the Harvard Road exit off 1-15 past Barstow, tum left on the frontage road on the south side of the freeway, go to Alvord Road, then turn left and cross the freeway to the Cyde News motorhome. For more details, stay tuned to this newspaper or phone Skip at 2131427·7433. Got a British dirt bike? CAMA and British MIC Parts will present the All British Motorcycle Playday Nov. 16 near Kettleman City, CA. The area is located two miles west of Kettleman City on Highway 41. There'lI be trophies for Best Twin, Best Single and Best Two-stroke. Phone 408/659-4958 for details. Johnny O'Mara, winner of this year's 125cc USGP of Motocross on a Mugen, has signed a 1981 factory Honda racing contract and will campaign the AMA National Championship MX Series on a 125cc WlI1ercooled works bike. He'll also pilot a 250cc watercooler in the '81 Supercross Series. 2 Because the appendixes of the BLM's Proposed California Desert Plan are just now getting back from the printers, public comment on the Plan has been extended to November 21. Public meet· ings on it will be held at the following locations: Los Angeles (Oct. 15/Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, 500 West Temple); Sacramento (Oct. 151 State Resources Building Auditorium, 1416 9th St.); San Diego (Oct. 16/S.D. Veterans Memorial Building, Park. Blvd. and Zoo Dr., Balboa Park); Bishop (Oct. 16/Bishop City Council Chambers, 377 West Line St.); Ridgecrest (Oct. 17/Burroughs High School Multi-Use Room, Burroughs Access Rd.); EI Centro (Oct. 17/lmperiallrrigation District Auditorium); San Bernardino (Oct. 20/San Bernardino Convention Center, 303 N. E St.); Blythe (Oct. 20/Blythe City Council Chambers, 202 N. Spring St.); Palm Springs (Oct. 21, Ramada International Hotel, ·j-BOO'E. Palm Canyon Dr.); Needles (Oct. 21/Needles City Council Chambers, 1111 Bailey) and Barstow (Oct. 221Barstow City Council Chambers, 220 E. Mountain View). All hearings are to be held between 3 and 8 p.m. Informational briefings will be held at 3 and 6 p.m. Dick "King Richard" Burleson chalked up his fifth-out-of-10 overall victory on the 1980 AMA National Championship Enduro Series circuit at the Oct. 12 Uttle Burr National. Husqvarna's National Champion dropped 10 points at the Enduro Riders' Assocation event held near McArthur, OH to unofficially clinch his seventh consecutive National title with two rounds still remaining in the series. Can-Am's John 'Martin let 11 points slip by for top AA clliss honors. Marty Tripes, according to Marty Tripes at the Atlanta Trans-USA, has been dropped by Team Yamaha. He's looking for a ride; rumor has him talk· ing with Kawasaki. Richmond Ramblers M.C.'s Mini GP will be held as planned at the Richmond Rod and Gun Club despite the cancellation of the Oct. 19 Golden State International Raceway Trans-USA race. Phone Stan at 4151235-7322 for info. The Sierra Club threw a wrench into the permit process for the Check Chase by appealing the San Bernardino County site approvals for the Oct. 25 Johilson Valley to Parker hare and hound. But it's not too late to give up hope for the permit. "We're still trying to pull strings to get the (San Bernardino County) Board of Supervisors to hear the matter before the race date." said Checker Bob Terrazas, adding, "I still think we can run legal. I think so now more than before," The Sierra Club also went to court in Sacramento to prevent the Bureau of Land Management from issuing a permit conditional on obtaining the county site approvals. The case will be heard later this week, and the Checkers will try for a change of venue. Violation of the county's site approval ordinance, by the way, is only a misdemeanor and the maximum fine is $500. American Honda plans to distribute limited production, racing-only parts kits for the '79 through '81 CB750F and the '81 CB900F. There's a dry clutch kit (which includes a close· ratio transmission kit that's also sold separately), a dry sump kit, a carburetor set of four Keihin CR·gl smoothbores and assembly, a four-inta-one pipe, and a case end kit with special case end covers, ignition advancer and pulse generator for increased lean angles. Don't start celebrating yet, however. Parts ordered before Nov. 15 are expected to arrive in March or April of '81 - just after the AMA Superbike season kicks off. Maybe they can hustle through a special containerful before then ... ? Auto Club News, published by the Automobile Club of Southern California piit.b:td an article caIed "Sharing the Roads" in their Oct. 'SO issue. It deals with motorcyclists' visibility, and it's excellent. The author points out to Auto Club members the Four C's of highway safety: Courtesy, caution, communication and common sensa ... wise words for four-wheeler and twawheeler pilots alike. If the club members read this story and remember it. we'll be a lot safer on the public streets. Thanks to editor Mary Ann Cravens for printing it. Attention Amateur Supercross riders: Some of the classes for the CRC's Amateur race in San Diego Stadium (Oct. 26) still have room for more qualified riders. Openings will be filled on a first -come, first -served basis, so phone CRC at 213/830-7519 if you're interested. New AMA Grand National Champlon.hlplWln.ton Pro Serle. winner Randy Goa hila conftlmed . . anIry far the Nov. 1~ The Super- blears event. People who want to testify before Bob Hayes' Assembly Subcommittee on Public Landa on the BLM', California Desen Plan should call Hayes' office (215/896-0751) before Friday, Oct. 17. That's th~ day of the h~aring, which begins at 9 a.m. in the County Supervisors Chambers at 500 West Temple in Los Angeles. XETV, Channel 1 In San Diego, wII present Supercroaa films on Oct. 18. 23. 24 and 2&. Check your local IIatInga for times. How'd you like to get paid for riding in the dez? The California Racing Club is looking for full- or part-time halp in laying out their enduro courses. Interested? Call Jerry McNeal at 7141689-1114. Five·time AMA/NATC National Observed Trials Champion Marland Whaley reportedly will contest the Baja 1000 this fall, then he'll race on the AMA National Champiolllhip MX and SuperCTOSl circuits in '81. H~'II be riding Husqvarnas. Computers on your mind? Preston Petty and "Light .Brown:' Lancione NIItioMI taPlTaI STOP: WomM'. ArnatIIw .CbamPiOn DGnnlI GIla eufferad a compound fractunt of her left leg at the Sept. 20 Indlaa Dunes event and will be out of action for about flva months. Cerda and encouragement may be sent to her at 11167 Susen Dr.. Gran8de HUI., CA 91344. Carlos Serrano, mounted on a pair of CarabeJa motorcycles, topped th~ 2SOcc and Open classes before a crowd estimated at 50,000 + at the 0 Premio de la Amistad, Oct. 5, in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. ZAP Supersporta wII be holding their ac:hecIuled Oct. 18 mcrtoeroa at Fremont Raceway on Sunday, Oct. 11. Can 41&136&-4710 for mora Info. The war for the 1981 Grand National ChampiODlhip/Winston Pro Series titl~ will 'be waged, at least as far as Yamaha is concerned, on the dealer level. Yamaha Racing Team Manager Ken Clark said that enough 7SOcc chatn drive V-twins would be imponed to make them legal, develop' ment work would be don~ and then information from that development work - and possibly machines would be made available to the dealers. As far as what Kenny Roberts will be doing next year, Clark said, "We're in negotiation for tbe 1981 GP season. H~'s World Champion and that', where we need him." As far as Yamaha', motOCl'Oll armada goes, ill addition to Many Tripes' already announced depanure, Rex Staten wiH no longer be a salaried rider, although Yamaha may provide him with bikrs and parts. Brae Glover (signed), Bob Hannah (agreed to sign), Mike Ben, Rick Burgett, and Donni~ Cantaloupi will return, and Clark said there would be "a couple of new faces. " San Diego area Toy0t8 Dealers have an extra bonus for Coca-Cola Motocross Finals' race fans: A free discount coupon that gives $3 off any $9, .12. or .1& adult reserved seat. Just go by and pick one up. These coupons must be redeemed at the StBdium Box Office, Oct. 2O-0ct. 24, between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. They cannot be redeemed on race day. HosPITal STOP: Local Pro moto· croaer Bill Jewen win be malting a rather lengthy pit HOp now that he is recovering from recent knee surgery to repair tom ligaments and canilage IUStained at the 500cc USGP. Drop by or drop him a line while he', getting better; h~'l1 be happy to bench race if nothing else. Mr. Bill resides at 445g Mone, Studio City, CA 91604. HosPITal STOP: Jec:k Murphy, whoM .enee was notBd by aH at Bon""". Speed Week. Is reportedly trYIng to shaka off the effects of an uncllacloaed ...... Jack is IUnt to appreciate get-well carda and letters from the many folka who know him; send ragu'" 'em to 187&1 Maunaloa. Azusa. CA 91702. The Checkers called up to say they're not up to the BLM-impoRd entry limit yet, so they'n be accepting mail entries up through Oct. 17, and then possibly lOme post entries the day of the race. Send the $25 entry fee to th~ Checkers M.C., 13742 Borden Ave., Sylmar, CA 91542, or caD 215/9864904. HosPITal stop: Dez racer Jim Ribley crashed and broke both bones in his lower left leg. Get wei cards may be .-rt clo Custom Decals & Emblems. P.O. Box 430,.Sentee, CA 92071.

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