Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 10 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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E • ~ E WIST America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sharon Clayton, PubJish~r. Caroline Gendry. Executive Secretary to the Publisher. Susan Knecht. Executive Secretary. Editorial Charles Morey. Managing Editor. Dale Brown, Editor. Mark Kariya. Editor. Advertising Skip Johnson, Nadonal Sales Manager. Terry Prau, Sales Manager. Linda Brown, AdvenisingCoordinator. Graphics and Production Kristin Cooper, Graphic ArtiSl. 8arb~l'"a Travers. Assistant. Marion Halashlla. Typography. Dennis,Greene. Laboratory. Accounting Mike Klinger, Manager. Jeanne Ham· mond. Accts. Recdubk. Donna Bryan, AsSl. Acet5. Receivable. Teny Dailey. Credit Manager. Circulation Rheba Smith, Manager. Shirley Short. Sarah Taylor, Michelle Allan. Assistants. Duane Johnson. Dealer Sales Mana~r. • Want Ads Lesli~ Tharp, Want Ad Sales. Services and Support Chris Aitche-son. Jamison. S&5. Rectptionisl. J()(, West 2201 Cherry Ave .. Long Beach. CA P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801 (213) 427·7H3: L.A. Line 636-8844. East 4190 First Ave.. Tuck«, GA. P.O. Box 805, Tucker, GA 30084. (404) 934·7850. Cycle News/WeSl (USPS 141·340) 'is published w~ekly exc~pt the first and last week of the cal~ndar year for $20 ~r y~ar by Cycle News, Inc.. 2201 Ch~rry Avenue, Long Beach, CA 9080 I. Second class poslag~ paid at Long Beach. CA. POSTMASTER: Send form 3619 to Cycle N_.. P.O. Box 498. Long Beech. CA 90801. Subscription rates: One year, s«ond cl":'S mail, 520: two years, second class mall, 535: three years. second class mail, 553: 25 week>. SI\. Cycle ews wekomes unsolicil~ editorial material including stories. cartoons, photos. ctc. Such material, if published. becomes the exclusive pro~rty of Cycle News. Such accepted malerial is subj«t to revision as is neceaary in the sole discretion of Cycle News. Unsolicited material which is not used will be rcturned if accompanied by a selfaddressed sumped envelo~. All unsolicited material will be: handled with reasonable care. how~r. Cycl~ N~ws assumes no responsibility for th~ safety. loss or damage to such material. Reprinting in whole or. part only by .~r mission of the pubhsMTS. AdveruslOg rates and circulation information will be sent upon l'eQuesl. See S.R.D.S. Copyright" Cycle Ne_. Inc. 1• . Tredemerk Cycle N-. rlllliaterect U.S. Patent Office. All righta re- ......... ON THE FRONT PAGE: AI the ey.popplng literature and INIchinn from the big show In Cologne. West Germany. More ev-·poppillg pix on p. 10. Photo ~ Chertes Morey. 4 Miller did it in '79 In th., October I. 1980 issu., thtt., was a spttdway anicl., writt.,n by.K.,n Krilogg. This anicl., was dat.,lin.,d Costa Mrsa. S"pt. 19, 1980. In th., anicl., K.,n Slatrd that, "If John Fosttt 'Won this on." h., would be th., first rid.,r to win a main "".,nt in all thr.,., divisions in on., srasan." That's wrong! If you chrck back a y.,ar. you will fmd that Dav., MiIltt, 110, won on., third division. tWO srcond division and two first division mains in on., srasan. 1979. John Fost.,r is a good up and co~ing rid.,r. but pleasr. g.,t th., facts straIght n.,xt time! JOHN MILLER President. U.F.O. Manufacturing Buena Park, CA Win one! Lose one? The witch is deadl HCR 220 (sometim.,s known as "Let's set up strike forces and get th., bikers") is d.,ad: or at least so severely wounded so as to pose no threat to motorcyclists. Thanks to the good work of many people and organizations (AMA. CORVA, CN, NOC and nearly every monthly motor· cycle ma~ine) the ~ppo,:ers of HCR 220 (es~cally the Cahfornla legtslators) have "~.,·evaluatrd" their positions. Most likely HCR 220 will never com., up for consideration. If it should "re· surface" it will probably be amendrd to death. Hooray for us! Now for the bad news: Hungry Valley. W., may well lose most of the ar.,a to the prrsrrvationists (nice word for posry pluckers). Originally we were told that we were getting (buying with our "KT.,.,n·stickie" money) 19,000 acres of open·usr ORV land. Over the past year, we.have s.,en mor., and more restrictions and conditions placed on the use of this land. Now Parks and Rec is preparing to impleme~t. pl~ns calling for closed areas, rehabilitation plans. cultural prese~ves. ~atu~al J:l~e·, designated trails, SOils s~lItablhty ratings, closures for revegetation, clo· sures for rare and endangered plants, protection of riparian ecosyste~s, sce~ic corridors, land use categories. 'nOlse controls, watershed management, and "interim management plans." Each item, alone, sounds line; but, taken togeth.,r. most of Hungry Vall.,y could be closed to ORV use. Funny. but I was under the impression that th., land was bought for OR V use, and not for a "natural prrsrrve." What can you d~? Th.,re seems to be twO rnaJor problems: . I. Parks and Rec appears to be drag· ging its f.,.,t on providing money and staff for Hungry Val1ey . (Th.,refore, if the area can't be managrd, close itl) 2. Parks and Rrc has no conc.,pt of how to manage this area as an ORV open area. ORV recreation appears to b., the last choice for the use of this area, even though it was brought for that very pur· pose. Write your state legislators and ask for their assistance in obtaining im· mediate funding and stafling for Hungry Valley. Tell them how you want to see Hungry Valley managed and ask for th.,ir assitance. (Srnd copies of your letters to Assemblyman Hayes and toCORVA.) - CORVA is committed to sreing Hungry Valley openrd with an a~lu.te minimum of restrictions. But It wll1 only happen if you get involved. THUMPER FREAK 213/862·3975 M.O.R.E. update The 1979/1980 srssion of th., Cali· fornis Stat., Lrgislarure is now ov.,r, a nd I am pl.,asrd to report that w., have "rackrd up" another successful twO y.,ars. At th., state I.,vel of gov.,rn· ment, motorcycling and motorcyclists are doing JUSt fin.,. Howev.,r, at the frd.,ral l.,vel. we are still fighting an "uphill.battle" on th~ R!'-.RE II I~gisl~ rion. Also. the EPA IS gIVmg Cahfonua fits over mandatory vehicle inspections and we are very much involved in that because the plan also includes motorcycles. M.O.R.E. is JUSt about ready to go to press with a current newsleu~r that explains off of these maUers an detail. plus bringing you up to date on the 1979/1980' legislation. You have probably noticed that we haven't issued a newsletter for quite so,,:,e time. and that is my main purpose in writing this leuer. As you .are well aware. with th., exception of a few members participating in local government matters, M.O.R.E. has been a "one-man operation." Other than for some donated clerical help with the memberships. the responsibility for lobbying with both state and federal governments, and the responsibility for representing the membership before the various (county. state, and federal) Iand·use agencies has fallen on my shoulders. In addition, the total responsibility for \he n.,wsletter has ~een mine. and this includes composition, type·setting, paste·up, printing, and distribution. 1 want to add that even though this constitutes more than a full-time job, M.O.R.E. has never yet paid wages, salaries, or in. any .way recomperased anyone for theIr seTVlces. myself included. Because I still have to earn a living, this means that I have had to work at another job in addition to M.O.R.E. Fortunately, I have been able to provide land-use consulting services and some lobbying services to other clients. sufficient to earn a living and still allow me to "do my thing" for motorcyclists and motorcycling. These have been some of the "fortunate as· pects. " On the other hand. there have been some unfortunate aspects. First of all, there never seems to be enough time to do everything that needs to be done. For the past two-and-a·half years, I have been plagued with a heart condition that has had me in and out of the hospital several times and has I.,[t m., with a diminished capacity for work, from time to time. A year-and-a-half ago. I movrd my father to Sacramento from Or"gon so that 1 migbt cl~ t.,nd to his nrrds as h., h., had expenencrd sev.,ral major strokes and was in rather poor healtb. and tbat has taken quite a bit of my time.. He suffered a~ oth.,r major strok., thIS past Junr and passrd away in July and that also d.,mandrd much of my time. Hopefully, ail of thrsr major problems are now in the past and I will again havr more tim., to d""ote to M.O.R.E. Thankfully. ~ haV., sevrral "good friends" in the legislature and they have bern able to fill in for me wh.,n I have bern unabl., to attend some of the sessions in person. Now, on the bright side, M.O.R.E. has JUSt engaged the services of a pro,fessional lobbying finn to represent our interests before the state and frderal legislatures. This finn is one of the very' best. and will be looking ~fter our interests on a day· to-day baSIS. I WIll still attend hearings and offer testimony as an "expert witness" when needed on . the more important issues. However. in the future. most of my time will be spent in running the affairs of the organization and publishing the newsletters. as well as promoting the organization and spending more time at local meetings and hearings. Botb the Board of Dirrctors and mysrlf ar., very much aware of just how important M.O.R.E. Newsl.,tler is to you. our m.,mbership. V!e r~t that it has bern such a long tim.., sIDee th., last issue, but hope that through this letter you will realize some of the conditions that have prevailrd and which have prrvenrrd the timdy issue of tbose n.,wslett.,rs. Th., forthcoming issue will be quit., la':!e and will bring you up-to-dat., Wlth everything that has happenrd since the last iss~. Thank you for your und.,rstanding. and ride safe ... RUSS SANFORD President, M.O.R.E. of Cali£.. Inc . P.O. Box 26062 Sacram.,nto. CA 95826 916/363-9609 w., Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News. Inc. Send letters to Voices. Box 498. Long Beach. CA90801.

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