Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 10 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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entries have yet bem received by the promoters. Would you believe a 490cc Maico? Spectators at the Cologne Motorcycle Show do. o 00 CJ) M Q,) ..0 o ~ (,J o Lojak's misfortune dampens ISDT Trophy Team hopes By Gary Van Voorhis BRIOUDE. FRANCE. SEPT. 22 America's hopes for a strong World Trophy Team performance w . . dampened on Day One of the 56th Intemetionel Six Days Trial when Husqvama mounted Ed Lojak suffered three flat tires and lost route points, dropping him to Silver Medal status. WhIle LoJak can work his way back up to Gold Medal status, the loss of route points Is a blow to the team's hopes of a high overall placing. Chuck Miller, a member of the Vamaha II Manufactwing Team, _ the only American retiree on the first day. Except for Lojak and Miller, all other American riders w-. still on Gold Medal status. A major flood in south central France where the ISDT Is being run, almost caused cancalation of Day One, although good weather prevailed for the opening day. u.s. second at World Team Cup Speedway Final By John Hipkiss WROCLAW, POLAND, SEPT. 21 America failed to show the same form IIgBlnst England In the World Team Cup Final as they had in the British quaHfylng round, trai6ng the England team by 11 points, totaHing 29 to England's 40. Star of the meeting In Poland was Bruca PenhaIL scoring a 12-point maximum. But he received little backing from his fallow Californians as they all experienced mechanical problems throughout practice and the meeting. Scott Autrey gave some resistance to the ~ t of the BrItIsh lion, scoring nine points from his fOW' rides. England created history by becoming the first nation to take the Individual TItle (Mike LeeL Best PaIrs (Peter ColIna and One .........' and now the Team Cup. in one season. ThIs _ England's way of titHIng the rest of the speedwlly world that they . . beck lit the top, this being their first win since 1m when they were succ...fuIlit the ...... venue, the Olympic Stadium. Host nation Poland StItrt8d wei but rapidly fall by the wayside totaling only 15 points from the 1&-heat competition, as did the Czechosloveklana, who scored only 12 points. Californian Randy Mamola (Suz) cap~ a very succCSllful year by win· ning England's Race of the Year at Mallory Parle The Team Suzuki road racer beat fonner World Champion Barry Sheene (Yam) to the line, finish· ing some 1:'0 yards in fron!. Three time World Cahmpion Kenny Roberts (Yam) pulled out of the race with suspected engine seizure. Freddie Speno cer's (Yam) luck continued on the bad side when his bike seized on the seventh lap. ton, Stave Eklund. Scott Pearson, Rich Sc:hIec:hter, Edcle Uwson, Alex JorgenHn and Australia's Stltve Gall? Thosa rIden have been accepted as entrants In the Nov. 1 The Superbikers event lit C8rIsbed. The Superbikers wit be televised by ABC-TVs WIde World of Sports. And there are stII slots open in the Invltatlon-only program for qualified riders. Contact The Superbikers at Box 2820, Mission Viejo, CA 92890 if you're ready ... Could you race competitively with the likes of Mike Kidd, Bruce 2 Hammer, Robert Reisinger, WIIYne Rainey, Warren Reid, Kent Hower- Team Yamaha reponedly is building three works bikes especially for The Superbikers although no official The Motorcycle Safety Foundation has released figures showing a 10.4 percent increase in U.S. motorcycle registrations in 1979 over 1978. Registrations fOR from 4,845.701 in 1978 to 5,559,5:'8 in 1979. F"lpfeS also indicated a 7.5 percent increaR in oatioDal motorcycle accidmt figures from 1978 to 1979. In 1979 then were .177,984 ac:cideDIJ while in 1978 there wae 165.90%. Fatalities fOR by only 4.8 percent in 1979. from 4,611 in 1978 to 4,850 in 1979. Altbouch the accident and fatality figuna wae up from 1978, the ratio of accidenu and malitia to the numbe!' of ~ was down for the fint time since 1976. Accidmu per 10.000 registrations were 555.54, down from 542.57 in 1978. Fatalities per 10,000 registrations were 9.08, a decrease from 9.M in 1978. "We're COI.-IderIng aeveraI options. one of which Is doing nothing lit 81. Why don't you give me a call In two weeks?" _ Vamaha RacIng Team Manager Kenny Clark's an_ _ to a question about Vamaha's 1981 Class C plans. speculation on which was fueled by Vamaha's Introduction of a 7&Occ V-twin. Tuner Mart lawwIII raid. "We've been talking about It but that'. as fer _ we've gotten:' Kenny Roberts and l.-wlI drove together to Varnehe's las Veges dealer presentation and talked about It. but no word lit the moment on what King Kenny'. plans are, Apparently Vamaha, in the midst of the lIforementioIl8d dlscussion. Is trying to gage the amount of dealer support and enthusiasm for the idea, about which L8wwII eeId. "As far as I can tell, the dealers have shown overwhelming support." But Lawwill added, ..It'. too early to tell anything:' The San Jose Mile was National race number 51:' in the long and memorable race announcing career of Roxy Rock· wood. the author of The National Papers column in Cycle News. Stretegy for the final . . .ult on the Grand National title centltrs on running out front. "The only way to figure It Is to go down end win the race. ThIIt's .. I'm going to think about,... said points leader Randy Goa. SaId oppoIl8nt Hank Scott. H" I win this thing and Randy gets ..colld It's going to be a tie, and I've won _ _ NetIonaIs, 10 I would get it. I'm going to have to win or piece way ahead of Randy. I guea It's a do or die situation. ain't Itr' Scott also had high words of praise for Jerry Branch of Branch F1owmetria, who was trying to put IIllIDe hotsepower in the engine for San Jose. According to Scott. they "blew it up on the dyno. jeny was trying to get the thing running because it flat wasn't fast enough. We blew the thing up trying to get it running and he'd get up every morning at :':50, get me up and then we'd work till nine or 10 at night. We blew it up Wedne!day. and by Friday we had good horsepower, everything." Progr... In obtaining a BLM permit for the Oct. 25 Check Chase has movad along. A big step was the procurement of a faderal waiver from the 9O-day comment period requn-m on the event's EnvIron- mental Impact Statemant. The next step Is acquisition of 58n Bernardino County site approvals, and a regular meeting of the County's Environmental Review Board has been moved up to Sept. 30 and the results of that meeting will go to the County Planning Board on Oct. 9 to aid the process. We'll keep you informed of the developments. Checker Bob Terrazas reports that positive input by the mass of motorcyclists at the Sept. 4 pubic meeting on the Check Chase has been very wei rec:eivecL and that course c:hMges to meet enviraI.. rnentalists' fears have been effect· ed without degrading the quality of thecoune. Two MX World Champions are scheduled to ride in The 1980 Motoc:reFinala, a.k.a. the San Diego Supercroll. in San Diego Stadium this faB. Andre Malherbe. Honda'. 500cc MX World Champion. and Georges Jobe, Suzuki's 250cc World Champion, wii compete with America'. finest in the Saturday night Oct. 25 1980 AMA SupercrOll Series finale. Remei._ the Cag1w112&cc . . . . cooled MXer tened a few ago? The price .... drot_ COMIderabIy . . . that then IIated lit t3 200. as Roger SIIIter put It. "to c m::.: Jape.... dumping." WhIle CegIva ..... for approxlm.... t3.2DO In Europe, In order competIt with lower AmerIcan prices offered by the ......... compenIes. the CegIva now Is up on the block for .2.2161 For __ info. please cont8et yOW' SIIIter Brothers rep lit either 70718B2122 or 21313O&G33t. Looking for a motorcycle rider education course but having no luck? Here's one solution: The Motorcycle Safety Foundation's t_book called The Clu&llmge of MotOf'cycliflg. It'. available from the MSF, 780 Elkridge Landing Rd., Linthicum, MD 21090 for only $2, and it's a magazine-sized book packed with good infonnation on how to survive on the highways. Attention manufacturers and dis- trIbutonl The 1180 Las Vegas Inter· national Motorcycle Aftermarket Expo Is corning up In mid-October - Oct. 14-16, to be specific. And lots of new innovative items . . expected to be Introduced. Papa wit be there, snooping around with pencIL pad and camera In his IW8lIty IttIe handa. If your compeny has a r8IIIIy hot Item. by .. meens. cont8et ~ to let him know what you've got end wm.e he can find you. Tickets to Ascot Park's AMA GraDel National Championshir./Winston Pro Series finale are available through TicketroD outlets, or you may order them directly from Agajanian Enterprises. P.O. Box 98, Gardena, CA 90247. For more info. dial 21$( 521·1100 or 215/525-1142. Ascot's Sept. 21 AMA Regional Championship half mile. will ... Novices 811 SCott and Mark Rooks bettie It out for the W8ItItm RegIonel Novice title. The pair enter the battle only four points apart. In the Expert class, Bred Hurst holds only a two-point lead over Mickey Fay as that battle go.. down to the wire. Only the Junior class appears to be settled with Rick Arnaiz holding a healthy 22-point lead over Jim RRce.

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