Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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With Mike Baa DOW retired...son of. anyway, if you don't count rna recent ride at Ascot... who will win the Oct. 11 U.S. National Speedway Championship at Costa Mesa? Alan "Crazy" Christian? How about Scott Autrey or Bruce Penhall. both back from the foreign wan for the National? Tickets for the event are available through International Speedway, P.O. Box 5554, San Clemente, CA 92672. Adult-sized seats go for $8.50, children-under·12 seats cost $4. For info on tickets and seating, phone 714/492-9955. Tell 'em Papa IleDt ya. o 00 0') ~ T.... riding In W...... iIIlOI".: H-.'s I hot tip. PIck up your free copy of the Wat' , . 0INI0atI VIIIIde . . . . . wilt..., by T8ITY Grehem. edited by SuzIe Mann Ind with . . . . . by Morini M. Roe, by wrlthlll to ORV Guidi. Dept. of Nlturel Resources, Recreation Section, Public Lends Bldg., 0IympIe. WA ...... Brace younelf, it's almost time to the return of (fanfare) The Superbikenl BLM director issues B-to-V invitation, Duck wins his case FONTANA. CA, SEPT. 8 louis McKey, the PhIIntom Duck of the Desert. recently received • letter from .Jem. Rueh. the B....... of Lend Menegement's C8IifomIe State Director.The letter's third piIrIIgrlIph Is printed verbMIm: "Incklentely, _ you . . ewera, some foIka In the AmerIcen Motorcycle A.-o cllltion hew been talking to me .bout ThMUgIving weekend. I would sugge8t thM you might .-1st In their efforts. No c0mpetitive event ~ • permit Is schedliled for thM weekend In the BelslOw to V......... h would be. wry good . . . . how."., for some off-roecl vehicle people to get togett. end look lit the po IIIIJIIty of route In COI.1K1Ion with the Int8rmOUIIt8In Power Project approved -.nlaelon . . corridor. h would be en opportunity to spend thM weekend In the cIeMrt riding on , . . . end .... thM . . IIYIIIIebIe in the . . . end. pIen for en ImportMt muIdpIe use opportunity on pubic .. The Duck commentllcl. "At the InvI..tIcwI of Jim Ruch. you're dlmn right I'm going to ride ... ltow to V.....I I'm going to hen • hell of I good time. Ind I'm not going alone." AIIo announced by the Ph8ntom Duck orpnlzlltlon WII thet the BLM hili COIICIICIed defeat In the Iaw8uIt recently fled by Duck. Ind that the BlM wente to MUle out of court. "The BLM hili off8red to concede every point In the iewIuIt. The reaaon why Is that their Iewy. . hive told them they wllloM In coun." _Id Philntom Duck officer Rick SIeman In I Sept. 5 phone convenadon. Sleman _lei thet they wiD meet lOOn with the BLM to cIIea... the 8lItdement Ind "If they don't meet OW' termI, which . . not going to be HeY, then we will proceed with the InduIt. We wII dlctlte ....... - not them - of their surrender." Penhall disappointed with fifth in Individual World Final By John Hipkiss GOTHENBURG. SWEDEN. SEPT. I AmIrk:8'I hopes far vIctoI 'lin the Indlvld.... Speedway WOIId final were IolIt when the AmIrk:II. entry Bruce Pel I dieIppolnllng fifth with points lit UIIevl In GoIhenburg. SwedelL He . . . . . the meeting In . . . . . 1tYie by wII.*1II hie fInt , . . end finIahIng second In hie next. But hie ...., hopes were epoled In hie third end fowth receI when he fIniehId third In both. WInnIng the WOIId Chemplonlhlp title on 14 pointe WII England's MIchHI ..... Deve Jiliup WllIICOIId .... winning I run-off apInIt AuItraIIe's BIlySllnderl; both heel .cored 12 poInta. Fourth . . Jan And.1Ion with 11 ...... Pel...... tINt . . 8CtIIlIII'I1 ~ tie - no run-off - with John DMtIs. 2 HosP1T11 STOP: Ted Lel"'bech, I member of the U.S. VI" T..m for the upcoming Intemlltional SIx DIYS TrilL· wes critIclIUy Injured In In luto Iccldent In hie hometown of Loreln, OH, FrIdIy. SePt- 5. leimbach wes openldng I car which struck I truck heIckm. The 21-yelr-old Ohio State senior suffered held InJuries, but Is rnpondlng flvorebly to refle. tIItI performed by an uncle who Is • neurosurgeon. leimbach WII stili unconlclous It presstlme Ind remains In the 1wtIor.... care unit of St. Jouph's Hoepital IIntensive care, Loreln. OH 44O&ZJ. leimbach suffered multiple other Injuries The 1980 version of Trippe-Cox's invitational who'· U.S. race which pits MXen VI. road racen VI. din tracken in front of the ABC Wide World of Sports TV cameras will take place on Nov. 2. And while it is invitation-only, now is the time for riders who feel they should be invited to contact the promoten. Send those resumes to Grand Prix MotOCllllS, Box 2820. Million Viejo. CA 92690. That's also the address for ordering mail order spectator tickeu. TICkets are $10 in advance, $12 at the gate. and they're also available through Ticketron oudets. The Aug. 30 edIdon of the Los , . . 11IIIea carried en unb •• n1IbIy stupid cartoon penned br FomwI TempielOIL The ........ 111 . . of two archeoIog.... Pllrlilll inIIdI I tomb to find • mummy mounted on • cIrt bIra. The capdon reed. "It's .. ofkoed blcL.h ..... IP.... that Inclent Egypt. . consIcIerebIy leu ~ than we thought." Tel the 11IIIea' "lOIS thet you . e sports coverage In the aportslllCdon of the ...., (where the cartoon Ipp.-.d) end not Sept. 14 when the World Long Track Rnal tak.. place In Wilt Germany. DI_ppolnted - he fIh thlt he let I lot of people down L with his fifth place tie In the Individual World Rnal. Penhall will trY once Igain to bring I speedway title beck to the U.S. Then, on Se~ 21. in Poland, the U.s. tum win ftII1 in the World Team Cup met. Stay tuned ... Bob "Hurricane" Hannah will make rna return to big time motocross at d1e Oct. 25 San Diego Stadium eve,I/l. Hannah phoned the day after pressda)' last week, reponed that he arid Stadium Motonpons' Mike DiStefalJo had reached an agreement. (Now, . he can just SlOp crashing demo '. planes ... something about running" 0&" the end of the runway.) Hannah aIBD told Cycle News that his chance Of riding in the Trans·USA MX Sc:riea were, "About90%." .) California Assemblyman ~ Heyes hll been appointed Chairman of • new Subcommittee on Public Lands. "WIth more thIrI half of the state's lands In public ownership, Ind molt of it under fed..... jurladlcdon, we need to know a lot more about how the lend Is being managed. Ind how it Is to be managed In the future:' Hayes ..Id. See our CaIItonIIa CapItol c.."..,., column for more Info. With Ted Leimbach in the hospiW with serious in' . (see the HosPITal STOP item on this page) Suzuki's Jeff Fredette DOW joins John Ayers, Kevin Lawrie and Jack Penton on the Silver Vue team for the ISDT. rhere A 1IeI'beIIe. A. KiDi Richard Burleson shootl for his _ t h CODIeCUUve AMA National Enduro ChampioDlbip. he and his oppooents are eyeing a 16-foot Hobie Cat which BeD Helmets will award to the 1980 champ. The catamaran featura a IiJkIc:IftDecl Ben logo on the main ail. The boat will be presented at the AMA awanb ceremony in Dec:eIDbu. September 13 and 14 ought to be I good weekend for fIIIt treek . . . In O"II"oma. The ectIon ItIrtI SlIturdey night. Sept. 13 with I Pro half mil In Muskogee Ind then moves to the Tulsa StlItI ~ far J.A.S. PromotIons W.iatDn Pro 5erieI half mile. In edcRdon to the NItionlII gang. there wII be • Junior Imrl"donaI. Ind In eddhIon to that. WI..... KIng Doug DomoIcOl wit be performing hie magic. The show ItIrtI Sunday, SePt- 14, It 2 p.m.. end dcketli Ire IYlllable It mOlt . . . motorcycles shops Ind shops in the Oklahoml CIty 1reI. including dImIged ribs end lungs, If you're going to Tulsa for the race and need botel accommodations, call the Ramada Inn located at 4528 East Skelly Drive, 918/496-9666, and tell 'em Cycle News sent you for the special race rates. broken leg, wrist Ind Inkle, multiple Ilceritions, Ind I ruptWed spleen. Bruca Penhllll flees lnother World Championship confrontation on Over • cell cdble motorcyclu of ewry maklend delcrlptlon will go up far greIII Sept. 14 lit the Sen Mateo FaIrgrounds. just 15 mInutes south of s.n Fnincleco. The pubic Is . .Icame. end edcIhIonII InformlItIon can be obtained by willillg: AMA. Box 3128, Long Beech. CA.-J3." Will whoeva- ripped off Pat Hawley'. leathen from San Bernardino Speedway 1ut Wednesday night pleue gift: 'em back? Hawley says there's a S50 reward, DO qUelboaa uked, Sen DIego ..... a ...... be an not to mieI the ?I eoc.coIII BoltIw' Supelbowl of MotocrOII film to ... 8hown on a..... 8 on Oct. 12. PIIIiII check YOW' local listing fOr . . til,•. there·. ADd then the San Jc.e Mile. this year with OW HeImeu as an associate 1pODIOI', on Sept, 21. Tackets can be had bJ writing Bob Barkheimer A.oOates. Inc.. P.O. Box 66S1S. Scotti Valley. CA 95066 or pboaiug 408/458-5210. They'll be on sale at BASS outlets aDd at .elected NorCal IiICICCIIqde deaIen. raDF from DOD-reservm admillioo at $8 to resened box aeau at S15. Kids CaD get in for P. =.r:a eRC's Indien Dunes rece on SePt12. FrIcIlIy night. will be I San Dli(jo ....... III F. . . . And thet lnc::Iiidu the. and IDee ellll_ on the mini tnIck _ well _ the fulilad MXers on the I"""'onal course. There11 be a Junior Invitational at the San JOIe Mile. Riden may contact Bill Spencer at Bob Barkheimer Aasociates, Inc. (408/458-5!10) for info. Boss Motoerou events lit Hills Ferry Sp.ldway hlIvI been can- celled IindI further notice.

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