Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'80Yamaha466 Lull_..:I K_lork mods with specioI engine - . very feot ..:I 1DrqUey. 121 317l14-1075. (361 '79 Honda CR250 1979 Maico 250 Secrifice t850.00. Worke -....nee Supelaou«s extre. '50.00. 17141 542-9819 or 17141 549-4305. (35) l35/36) Loob _ . runs otrong. All moto _ . forced 10 .... 1980 Yamaha 125G '79 Yam. 750 Special ex. condo WInd~. _control. XZ80D Good lor parts - Curnutt _ . FMF pipe & heed. IIir forks. ""'ended ....~. (21 31425-1071. I35ITFN1 •••• 1980 YZ·125G _.2300 ..... 5!HlO MPG. Greet oommuter. gereged. '1.195 without Wondjemmer '1.060. 17141 63lHi649. (36/361 '1.800.00.12131833-7792. (34135) ExceIIont condition. $950.00. 17141962·1891 . 1351 •••• XInt. 1979 Kawasaki 400 street >dnt. oond.. ridden 3 times. '1.350.00. 17141 675-4803. cond.. porting. forts & _ both _ . _ . IliN on ltd. bonl. bike is only 3 months old. lots 0 1 - . Must 00111I _.00. Call 12131464-7137 1979 125YZ Yamaha X«>t. condo 1800.00. (21 31 35HI070. (36/36) or (2131~1. Cl6l o 00 '79 RM 400 "clean" Lull _ .• _ lOp 0') ..:I. must ..... t850.oo. (2131 597· 8196.l35l '75 Honda CB750F, $1700 1rnrnIcutole~. _ _ Rom (2131~. 115 .... ;". ShowIIheed. _ _ l35l M/CDyno_ _ _• b8ltorv. 1uoI _ _• chlIi... ~..:I2 big 1973 Harley-Davidson _17141531-81101.l35l belt _ . . : I much more.licenMc:I - _ l o r or dreg. Woll car-. older ~ or XLCR ;" tr8de. 1701' 252· 5600 dIIyo - nights 1701' 252·7451. 0.-.(36) .-.-n. No. Crotch Rocket RM8O'T'-ricks s.--.. 250 Husqvarna Clearance I - _ . r_.19nthrough 1980 _ _ Eech hea meriy _ _ KERN SPORT CYCLE. ~250'. _.t805I~.(341351 1979 Kaw. KX125 - . , - . Uke _.1650.00.17141962·1891. 1351 KTM WORKSHOP MANUAL - eo-. A Bolt on -....nee Engine or Kit. Free jersey ..:I hot ~ you ~ 0 compIebo kit. Engine; _ up pipe. 28 Milwni. ~ reed. Uni _ . '199.00. Por:ting.75 _ _ ~ : IIenene CRF oIuminum awingenTl. an- 14" Ainhox. 9" Terry Icit. 1425 with S&W or Curnutt - . - 1325. Free Hop-Up Brochure _ . C.R.F.• Box 20114. Goleta. Celif. 93018. t805) lIlI3-1426. (341351 CYCLE TRAILERS .217.00 Fectorv direct "'--v _. All steel _ lrenle. Cerries 2 cycles. third rllil optionel. 14141 7B85111. TIMBERUNE TRAILERS. P.O. Bo. lIS. 1 _ Hwy. "E."_m. Wl54131.l34I39l '79 Honda CR·25OR2 & Scotts ell - . !Tom 1968 - 1980. _ ..:I engines ;ncI. lectorvlworke conversionolmodifocetk>ns and . - . . . """"'_ 01 ~. cerburetion. pi_. porting. dutch modificetions. etc. ..:I much more. Pur"'- 01 this ~Iv edited men""l. entitles owner to oil periodicel updetas and bul_ .. 78 Yamaha TT500 "Thumper" Str"'" licenled. perfecl condition. Malcolm Smith tank. Super Tr_. e- _ . Preeton Peny fender. _ lighting Icit. _ Ihon 500 miles - IT8lV _ _ $11 00 8/0. 17141980-2198. 1351 Two for one salell Owned ..:I rece by mechenic. Excellent condition. 1850. AIeo. ia'9o Shell Scott Boots. perfect condit"'"! ONLY 1861 Need money lor college. Let·s meke 0 deell Classic British Bikes '79 Honda XR&OO distr;buted ;n Sept./Oct.. 1980.· A must lor the Nonon Festbedt '69. mint. 4.400 mUes. '2.200. T,Mnph Thunderbird '55. MW paint. xlnt.. '1.800. 8.SA Shooting Star '68 441 cc.. 5.000 miles. m;nt. '1.000. 8.SA M20 M;tirary '39 500cc. restored. mint. '1.700 and meny more. Att.. 5 p.m. 12131 363-9130. l34I35l Btend MW. only 130 ..... Mugen 500 Icit ( _ ueedl. Extre ... _ - . , . '1.aoo.00 or Beet Offer (2131 894-8424. 1351 they ere publ_. Umited _ pr;nting will be professional KTM tuner. as well • those interested in edding top E..opeen reliebility ..:I parlormence to ~ mechineL $39.95 (Celil. r _.. edd 6% ..... taxl. COLlINS & SONS. 1285 E. Lincotn Ave.• Aneheim. CA 92805.17141 SJ6.5OOO. l34I371 1980 RM 12& 1979 yz 125 Both ;" greet",- & extras. The RM 1800.00 ..:I yz 1825.00 firm 17141827.1968.(36) (714)756-2826.135) 1973 Travel Queen '0 22' inotorhome Dodge 360. Set up cerrv 2 open bikes. 38M mUes. geileretor. lOp end front lIir 77 Ilutlaco 3'0 Pur-.g - _Ihon 40 hounI on entire bike. Super _ Ihown>om cleen - $850.00. '11· IIuIraco 2!iO Pur-.g. New engine & cIuI<:h. _ feot. $450; or _lor '1200.00. + """as. extras. Ole. (2131 42S-81196.l35l conditioning. _ 6 cu relrigeretor. tires. bJekes. excellent condit",". All I_glass. round""". - - . 67. good mileege. 50 90110n gas rank• .".. ior ell MW. $7000.00 O.B.D. or tr8de for IemiIv boot + cash. 12131 376-5774 eve. 1351 Yamaha YZ 400 F Loob..:l .... perfect. .. the _ . must sell. 12131 342~(36) 1966 Gilera 300 Twin Wonted - engine perU ..:I carburetor. (209) 266- . _.135136) Suzuki PE175 engine wanted Wi' _ $1 50 ~ rebuildable. 17141249-3428. l34I35) Fox Factory CR Honda swinglWmS 1974 CUST. (H-OI SPORT. perfecllhape. _ tr8de CHHR-805l. 12131329-3521. l34I35l Moto-X Fox now hoe Fox Fectorv lIlunlinum swingerms lor 1980 model Hondo CR end . . . _ CR 25Os. Both - . increese _ _ 125s ..:I tr_ over Pro Trac Trailer ItOdc lor ;mproved hendling and stebilitv... light.. ;" w.,;ght..:l _ _ length _ _ PrK:es" .221.2S 1"_ 22 ft.• . . - work bench ..:I sink. 80 gat. water -...n. '2950.00. (213) 866-2796 or 12131 8664508. l34I35l 1980 Suzuki RM250T Rtdden 5 times, excellent condition, mas. Must sell this _ . '1100.12131360-7989. 1351 BMWR100RS '978 includes Kreusers and Eclipse tank bag. Custom po;n. with match;ng Bell Sta<. Very clean. 14195. (714) lor CR 125; ..:I '295.00 lor CR 2!iO. Mention this ed ..:I receive free copy 01 PREPARING THE CR AND XR HONDA FOR COMPETlTlON. MOTD-X FOX, 520 McGI;ncy Lene. Cempbell. CA 95006. Phone 1408) 371· 1221. CA -.slldd ..... rax.l34/37l 73 Norton 850 sell or trade single or twin. Trackmaster, Champion, etc. n bike or $1300 cash. ten treVlll holfwllV if p<>esible. Coli evenings 191 6) 439-2303. (351 Super buy on JMMI with 4 valve conversion. Many _ e pans including 2 VIII"" heed. $12!iO. 17141 8258655. 134/361 '78 YAMAHA yz 2!iO. FRESH TOP END. _ . >dnt. condition. $825.00 080. (2131993-0899.1351 ~1?8.(35) Products catalog. COUNTDOWN. 22102 Covello. Canoga Parle. CA 91303. 12131 348-8381. 131ITFNI BULTACO STREAKER TT 650 Straker Crank Kit Last With C8r;11o Rodl Sleeved cyI. & 92 piston. com & Axtell. DelIorto Pumper corb. All race reody. 1450.00 or will sell """",ete. 14081262-8260. l34I35l SIr"'" legal Bultaco to be imported. 1978. bJend new. "0" m;les. 125cc. 6 speed. Michel.... ~. 442·2825. (34135) (303) u_n_.. . . . . . ~a! u_n_.. . . . _ k., ---... . . . . ..................... u_n_. -Z_ ...... ...................... ........... ..,----................ .................. ....................... .......... = ........ .................. --.-_--- ....-RECIIONAI. (e" _RATES1 _ Speedway Bike 1979 SUZUKI GS 750. '1.750.00. Low milllllge. 17141622-6221.1351 THE COMBO '109.95. dock only $99.95. plus tax. shipping included. Send $2 for complete AA Enduro Cole extras plus stock parts. Tr_lor 500. 650. or 750 78 Suzuki RM·125 4OlM.1351 Bohle._lgined Slreetlploy bike. 90% completed. hydroul., d_. $17501off... 566-7143. (35) Excellent condition. roced 3 _ . best off... (213) 438- Attention - Triumph Lovers! Suilt !Tom scnnch . . . _ specilIi MetK:ulouslv constructed by former mechmistlenthusiest using only hig'-t queIity mat.. ieIs and worklT18l'lShip. ave. $2000.00 mveoted. Must secrffice this tremendous Vlllue eJong with IT8lV extr8 pans lor $1495.00. 12081 WA~JAlJ) ~AnN.IffY 80 Midnite Special XS1100 Private patty must sell - licensed but no mi_. $4250 D.B.O. 17141 63B-2961. l34I351 T....................... u.H NATIONAL RATES ~~t . . CJdl'''-t.I $4 ~An,..",-y T . ~...................... 0 . . 8 . . . . 1.CIIIIb;~. . . .............. .,.. ......:u ...... ...u................ 12 _ .. _ _.•••••••••••. ~- WANT AD DEADLINE - . - r....... .......••••.•....••.•••..•. $4 . . . \!l! _ _ _ .. _ _ ............ $lI ................................1• CD •••.••••••••••••••••..••• S7 M:I&..-&." trAInED ....- WIMI ................-r...... ri=K~·:::::::::::I~ ....... aw............ cIIecIl COIIIIIDCML/NU" WMn"ID T........................... $I Cycle'" P.O. Box 498 Lone Buc:h, CA 90801 213/427·7433 ...8 ................. .........MMt,............... .................................. CRIDI1' CAIID LIMIT • $LOG PLUS .so POITMlE_HA_ _ PHOTOS~-.y WlTllIU.F ADDIIESSED ST_ENYELOPE ...... a:oo~ ".,.., No _ SIpe..... ,..~ -- ,.."- Card ....... ......~' Plene run my Ild _ _ dmee in Eat s_ City PRINT BOLD HEADUNES HERE· $2.00 EXTItA UMwe _ I . I I I I I I I I 1I White Bros. VZ250G ..,-... ....... run my lid _ _ dmn in West . Nome .......... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1I III I 1I o I __ z-. CN~tooI e - ~ OI __ CN~ontrt ....... II II 1111TT1 While Ilroo. _ with Pto ......... While Bros. ForI< K;t. WhirlpuII. etc. Lilte _ cond'ltionl '1400.00. Contact: Tom White 17141638-1653.(35) Moto-Guzzi Dueati a - - deIiwry & teturri Ihipping erronged lor Malo- _ I moto. very eleen•• I I 00.00 or best off... Also ell moto Qeer. everything goes. (213) 675-5637. (351 '79YZ25O Excellent condition. Best off... (21 314J4.5936. 1351 Xl 500 1980. 1200 miles. wrecked it. '1.000.00. '11 CHEVY Stepoide. '2.800.00. l.eeve number (2131 8fiO- 4493.1351 _Code Cycle New. cennot be ~ tor MtegibIe phoM "",,*-", ContIIct RON lEVY Lm .. 238 Mutberfy SL. New York City. NY 10012. 12121 :zlI8.62II2.1151TFNIEOII '79 Honda 'CR 250 ~ - Guzzi & lluaIIi; _ n g lEO L - . II. For the price you would _ here lor 0 Guzzi or Duceti. you coulcl hew 0 _ . . - e d bike PLUS 0 trip 1D Europe. Phone Number ~~~(p~~~Clmm~ ~W Motorsport for Motorcycle Books THE FIRST CLASSIC BSA SCENE - the newest addition to this popular series of captioned photo books leetures 1938 through 1971 BSA·s. $5.95. ALWAYS IN THE PICTURE. Jeff Clew'. elllssie Velocette history returns in an enlarged edmon. '14.95. SUZUKI - Jeff CIew's Iavout merque history. $14.95. Add 75< per \IOIume for postage. MOTDRSPORT. 6115 Grevois. SI. Louis. MO 63116. (35) .....o_.,.. ........................... c.,............. ......·~-..wol..........................................___,. .. _ ~ ~ o CydiI ..... v_ m .. XSSMXL o ....... CetT.-..rt " . SM tXt o C. . _ _ J.,... tiM XSSMLXL -- o C'I"de " - hIch . , . 2·' ..... ' . n ... r .... O ~......... m.II XSSMLltL o C""-~T""''' SMLlCl o C\'dIo"- tIM ............. OC.,. .....................1.r·.,0.. O _ _ c:..e:-. .....1I o ..... O"·tc.. .... 'nw .... n-,OO .. "'~ .. ",.,r 011. __ 00 . . . . . ,...12"" o o,.- ....... r'.,r· 'tOll............. ~.,_ . . . . . ,... ... . o ~MXc:..T·. . . U . "'lXl o c..,.. ........ T. . . . . . . . SMlXl Oc....... ~ . . . . . ~ O~JiIYl ......U.

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