Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Anyone can Be A seller Your Old "Junk"ls Another's "Treasure" Tires. Engines, Silencers, Helmets, L88thers, Boots. T..... Oil Shocks. And E_ Complete Motorcycles All New & u-t Ports & Aa:8ssories ...,~_._ VInIIgI M ....cjCle . . . . . IrttIIb ...... . e o 'fCIrI ..... CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS OVEIl2llO SPACES AVAILAllLE Q) "'" ..c Q) 1980 ·fr 1980AMA AMAlWinston Pro oW Regional Motocross Series Centrel Region Series Schedule tI) 917 2CHOUR INFORMATION CALL (714) 831·5118 6:00 P.M. • 11:00 P.M. FRIDAY NIGHT. SEPTEMBER 12TH, 1980 F_ _ IIo, •• 14,'. ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS • COSTA MESA C.." oull'OU' opere I*Ia Mel _ _ extra _ . 1lel11o..-. _ ... _Ing lor y w r ...... Old 01 lIN I*Ia Mel .. _ IllI _ 01 MytIIlng _ lo IIle molOfqlCle _lei. IIeIling _ .... only $15.00 _ lor • 10' X 10' _ wllll prI.... _ & ....1 _iorio ....... _lor $25.00 per _ . A ..... ~ _ dlaplay only _ 11M - . _ lor only $10.00 per _ . V., Into Ille building lor _ unloading, 10 _ _ parlclng 101. AU_iorio mUllIlll_ by mall In _ . Simply mall ywr _ 10 .... Ind.. cale Ille - ' Mel we will _firm ywr _ by mall Mel _ all _hlonoJ information . - . Iluyen 13.00 • Military 12.00 • Under T _ $1.50. Ondar 8 FREE _~~To: S_,NY/M 9/14 TU".c»uH·M 9121 SIn . - . t;NM 10/4 Uardene. CAJH.M All cIeI.. & locations aubjOClIO cMnge , . AMA Supercross Series Schedule s.n Diogo, CA 10125 , . TI'8nlI-USA Series Schedule 9121 9128 L..;ngton. OH 1015 New Bertin. NY Br_on.GA _.MI 10112 10119 s-s Poom. CA FOR INFORMATION AND RESEllYATIOHS c:.Il (714) 131-1'18 Or _ To P.O. 10K 2110, ...... VIoIO, CA_ Enduro Schedule Central Region 100 mi. NIl' INnlJl(V Enduro _ . AIL E_.II\I 812.e67·2937 10/19 100 mi. NIl, _cev_ _1ord.IL 8151399-9233 1119 T... Enduro _ _. T.... OK 911l12S11-:zM1 Eestern Region 15Omi.Nat'l. 10112 :t~'- J C~ P1WtAW: ilIU .' MOTORCYCLE * ~lNlI- Enduro R.,... Aun. Columbus. OH 814I2n..el48 ,.NMRADrag "'co 01_"" 10/4·5 ",eu. NJ On'atio MOIOf Speedwav NHR" Wu<1d Finalo OnratkJ. C,A ··10/18-19 <..'"'v ··Top Fuel Bike event only AMA SPEEDWAY CHALLENG'ING COURSE EUROPEAN ClUARTER-MILE WEDNESDAY NIGHTS 7:30P.M. THURSDAY NIGHTS 8 P.M. 9113-14 10111·12 LoneS•• N I I _ Houston, TX WorldFi..... Gulfport. MS 9f6. 7 Longhorn NIl.... Gr_ 9127·28 E.IMne,CA Sou1hema.oonoIs T8A Okie~ 10118-19 10125-28 11122·23 T"'Ind."-Y T.... OK _ S_ Ctwnpionships 5I>e-l WOIId 0uIend0. FL _ F..... Gainesville. FL '.SCORE 9/27·28 0fI.1ht~ CJII<""~ Sonoma. CA 11/4-7 17141 OBi 0& .............eo.••rY811Dn ·54 Raee Schedule INFORMATIO HOTUNE _.... ~ .... AI 10119 Tentative 1980 AMAINATC Observed Trials Series Baja 1000 E.-nada.BC '110 AMA NIItionaI Hillcllmb Serle. 9/14 9121 10112 -.p" FI_lllburg, p" 00eg0uW. OH e_.. SPEEDWAY RACES NllionoI 01_ Show w-. s.n _ . Foir· CA' S.B. Fwy. 10 Dr-. Show ReI. exit. Free perking __ E""Y $7. mKh. t5. W_ M. 612 '.50. _ _• 8 p.m. Info 21314464969. Thursday RAC.£. MGHT MOTOCROSS Dr-. CoorIIy • • ,_11I 1014 1015 _ _....... CA.~. Sand Conran. \.406 • IMne c.Dr. G.- _ 5 p.m., prac. 8, __ 7. Enory .15 PI.-. ..... _ . til RACE _ _ _ _ incJ._ S3.50. _ *2.50, _ .,. 100'110 Pro p.b. _ _ , . AMA RegioI_ Dirt Track Series Weatem RegIon Info 714&2-&611. _ ~CA/HoM Centr8I Region ~ 9128 cnv. OI(JK.M World ChempIoI. . . Endurance Roed RIIe-Se..... 917 9/13-14 9123 TllAI", BoI d'Or. PlulRiclrd FrancaI24 hr. Br_HMch. EngIondIl000 Km. 9121·27 -SpMj"... 1~ ZumbooFols.MN AII4A _ _ MX _ . FinoI ~,CA - Other Major Events Abroed 915 WOIId IndividuoI ~ Chlmpio".hip 917 T.."",. _ F1ance Netiom Brilain MoIocroosGloMNetiom _ 9/14 - w... ~ 9/14 LongT_ Worlel Cha..... 1IhiI> 9121 T.-n5p ,bAi" WOIId Chao.......... F1ance 9/22·27 ISDT EVERY ~ WEEK Wednesday CMC MOTOCROSS _ ...... 18300 S. Vermont A.... Gerdeno. CA. GItes __ 5 p.m.• sign up 10 8:30, ...... 8-7. __ 7:30. 150'110 Pro p.b. CMC lie. lOll. EnIuy !no gole 100 lor IicIerwI. _ M.OO Jrs. '2.50. kids ".50. New hghls• 0 - 30 - V wL Info 714i557· .,0 3323. CMC MOTOCROSS _ ...... ,83OOS. V...... mi."" .,.1. A.... GIrdono, CA. _ J' 22_ , . & 2nd DioI. onI¥. Sian up 5 p.m.. __ 8. _ ..... 13-18 13. 9-12 ".50. Info 2'13132\. 5323. 32HOli6. FrieI.y CALIFORNIA R.A.C.E. MOTOCROSS Corona Rcwv.. Hwy. 91 E _ . Corona, CA. Mini Ihru Open. 100,. p.b. h. '0 D-3e NIGHT ROUGH W_.UT l1n.2 AII4A S1'f£f1WAY 7141689-1913. 735-HO!i. Other Major U.s. Events V*" R-=e Cnv o--F•. Worth. TX 9/14 Dr-. CoorIIy ~ Dr-. CoorIIy Ind. " - Y CORYA ____ _,TX R'1O_MX 7131482·7593 ...... WhiInev. TX Rio_MX 7131482·7593 Superbik. . ,.IDBADrag Raee Schedule , . Dragbikel Race Sc:heduIe "WHEIlE THE HARIOI, SAN DEGO AND 91 fllEE\tAYS MEET- 10112 Rllce Schedule • Pro Stock Bike event CMC MOTOCROS. Rio_MX 7131482·7593 1980 AMA National 1015 I~T~~·'IiVWi ...... WhiInev. TX 1015 Speodwey 117. ChuIo V.... CA ~5 or 805 S to jel. 117, go E 51\ mi.• Mel of Brown _ air· port. COClI Cola .7500 s-... MX. 11II 3000 lida' inouronce. _ perking. GItes __ 4:30 p.m•• prac. 6-7• . 7:30. EnIuy .,0....... M, 9-14 '2. Info 7141420-7414. SCRAMBLES Sand Hill _ . Blentwood. CA Comer of l:.mino 0 - & V.... Rd. GItes ..... 5 p.m.. prot. 7. , _ 8. EnIuy ., O. 80'110 Ex. p.b. Spect D-3lI numbers & c:oIcn Tom _ _ 41!il79B-5lI!I5.lI34-3328. SPEEDWAY RACES Dr-. County Feirgrounds. CostI MeM. CA. 8:00 p.m. _ M.5O• .ks. 12-15 $3. 5-11 .,. Info 7141492·9933. SACRAMENTO NIGHT MOTD- CROSS Saawo.... _ _• 5305 Rcf., CA. GItes ..... 5:30 p.m.. sign up 10 7. poac. 6-7:15. __ 7:30. e..- Saco.,...... NovIIntI&IPro _ tor 1251 2!iO/Opa\. _OIIOT/Ortf .... _ ...... 8 _ _ _ nighI_ 125'110 /'lo pb. EnIuy tfO....... M. Info 916/ 363-284ll. WASHINGTON SIR NIGHT MOTOCROSS s-rte Inla_1II _ _, s-rte. WA. All - . BMX. EnIuy $I• .,3 Pro. Puac. 6 2OlII831·1!iliO. p.m.. ,_7. OKLAHOMA NIGHT MOTOCROSS PerIl, NW of c - . All - . For info:"- Smilh. 700 SE 10l1i. Pryor OK 743111. 91l1182l>3049. _d OK. C-.. TEXAS TEXAS MGHT MOTOCROSS _ YIII\r MX ...... _ , TX. G.- 8> _ Ft.

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