Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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·I1!9Oft"Wuhington-ld8ho-Uteh-Alaak.Can8_ Northern California-Northern N.v8d8-Oregon-W8ahlngton-ld8ho-Ut8h-A"'~Can8_ Northern Callfom.Northe Only two classes ended up racing in the GP race, 250cc and Open Single, but they put on some fine dicing, again spiced by mild controversy. The clear winner of the 25.occ GP race was . Brian Sutton on a TZ250, but Sutton was pushed throughout the race by Bruce Lind on the same 500cc single which had just finished the 6·Hour. Lind competes reguarly in 250cc GP at Seattle and elsewhere, but the "formula" entry has not been allowed by the Oregon club nor was it this time and Lind was disqualified. Lind had not bothered to discuss the matter before, hand with race officials, perhaps fol· lowing the adage that it is usually easier to get forgiveness than permission. Open Single GP was won by Claude Hammond, the principal active ingredient in the Washington road race club. Claude has been out most of' the season with injuries and his was a well-deserved and popular win. Results 6-HOUR ENDURANCE RACE: .OVERALL: 1. Wayne Tanner/John Doyle, 245 laps (Suz); 2. Chuck Wiley/Sean Phillips, 243 laps (Suz); 3. Russ Cazier/John Haskin/Howard Pinkstaff/Keith Pink· staffi'Tom Young, 242 laps (Suzl; 4. Bruce Lind/John UlrichlSteve Schaefer/Richard Wascher, 235 laps (Hon); 5. Ken Wimer/Larry PearsonIWayne Hall, 233 lapslHonl. OPEN CAFE: 1. Wiley/Phillips ISuz); 2. Wimer/Pear· son/Hall (Hon); 3. Paul Paull/Mike JonesiChris Miyamoto IHon!. 600 CAFE: 1. lind/Ulrich/Schae!erlWascher (Hon). OPEN PROD: 1. Tanner/Doyle ISuz); 2. Cazier, Haskin/Pinkstaffls)lYoung ISuz); 3. Claude Hislop/Mark Hislop/Pat M.inacci (Honl. 4JO PROD: 1. Brad Stankey/Jack Maurice (Vam). BROWN/GUTHRIE GP CHALLENGE: 250 GP: 1. Brian Sutton (Yam); 2. Gene Brown IVam); 3. Steve Dawley IVam). OPEN SINGLE GP: 1. Claude Hammond IHon); 2. Miles Andrist (Honl; 3, Howard Pinkstaff (Yam}. Caballero and Pete Murray kept up their series-long battle in the 250cc Juniqrs with David the winner over the slipping and sliding Murray and Chris Roehlk in for third over Larry Staggs, Ron Evans and Scott Dickerson. It was a two-start affair for the 250cc .Experts and on the second try, Doug Chandler got a good one. He rarely starts in the front and usually has to work his way through the pack. When he doesn't, he just runs off and hides. That's fine except it gets boring' and so you have to look for a good battle back in the pack. Dave Boyles and the Champion/Spinelli Honda had no trouble for second, but had little luck in reeling in the 14-year-old speedster. Then the pack came along with Bruce Johnson doing the leading over Kenny Robicheaux and Jim Mertens. Dave Bellina came back as a Novice and naturally won the 360cc Novice class for no surprises and the same was true for Mike Ahm in the Junior class over Roger Hamilton. But the Expert show was a thriller with lots of passing when Steve Carrillo crashed while lead· ing. Errol Longboya took the lead, but passed it off to Brian Pecore and Rocky Malynn. Then, along the pile came Kevin Hugill and he passed each and every one with precise moves to wind up the winner. Denny Mosier had little trouble in the 500cc Novice win and Joe Flowers did likewise for the 500cc Junior over Chris Roehlk and Frank Sanchez. Teddy Davidson took the Bill Johnson KR TT500 to the Open Expert win Chandler hits seventh straight at Fremont ST By Bill Spencer FREMONT, CA, AUG. 13 Doug Chandler once again performed miracuously as he got a rare good start and ran off and hid to capture his seventh straight 250cc Expert main at Fremont Raceway's Wednesday night series. With only two weeks left ,in the sum· mer series, he has wrapped up the title for this track and is a few points in front of Dave Boyles for the top Black Plate spot. This series continues to be a suc· cess with a good race track, a great show and fabulous people surrounding the event from Minis to Maxis. PJ. Sanchez and Kelly Fischer traded wins in the early mains with P.]. driving hard for the 100cc Expert win over Kelly and then Kelly returning the favor in the 80cc Experts. Ted Taylor took the 80cc Novice for a good win over Vince Caramella. Ricky Diaz took the Junior portion of the 80cc class with Bryan Tabor working hard for second. Brian Blackburn had a good dice with Doug Baber taking the 125cc Novice class and Adam Sabedra kept the 250cc Novices at bay winning over Steve Fishcer and Lenny Cruze. Dave over hard charging Keith Day. Doug Chandler worked his way up to third, but no way could he get P3!lt the big boys. In the King of the Bay race, Doug got off with the crew, but couldn't make any moves on Teddy. He settled for second in front of teammate Keith Day riding for Salinas Kawasaki/Suzuki. Results 100 EX: 1. P.J. Sanchez !Yam): 2. Kelly _!Yam). 80 NOV: 1. Tad Tav\Or (Vam); 2. Vince Caramella (Kaw). 80 JR: 1. Ricky Diaz IKaw); 2. Bryan Tabor !Yam). 80 EX: 1. Kelly _!Yam); 2. P.J. Sanchez IVam). 125 NOV: 1. Brian Blackburn !Yaml: 2. Doug IVam). 250 NOV: 1. Adam Sabedra IH-O); 2. Stove F i _ IC·A); 3. Len Cruze (H-D!. 250 JR: 1. Dove Caballero (Vam); 2. Pete Murray (Vam): 3. Chris RoBhlk ISuz). 250 EX: 1. Doug Chandler IKaw); 2. Dove Boyles (Hon); 3. Bruce Johnson IVam). J60 NOV: 1. Dove Bellina IVam); 2. Gary Milwski a- IBuU. J60 JR: 1. Mike Ahm lHonl; 2. Roger Haminon (Hon). J60 EX: 1. Kevin Hugill IVam); 2. Errol Longboya . (Hon); 3. Brian Pecore (Vam). 500 NOV: 1. Denny Mosier (Vam); 2. Ken Jernigan (Vam). '500 JR: 1. Joe Flowers IVaml; 2. Chris Roehlk ISuz); 3. Rank Sanchez (Hon). 500 EX: 1. Tad Devidson IVam); 2. Keith OIlY (Vam); 3. Doug Chandler !Yam). KING OF THE BAV: 1. Tad Devidson IVam); 2. Doug Chandler IVam); 3. Keith Dav IVam). Hannah rides for Jerry',s kids By Wretched Racer VIRGINIA CITY, NV, AUG. 10 Motocross superstar Bob "Hurricane" Hannah began his comeback by winning the 25pcc Expert class at the DRAN Boot Hill Motocross. The event was put on by the Desert Racing Association of CHECKERS M/C PRESENTS 29th ANNUAL CHECK CHASE SATU RDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1980 -AMA District 37 Sanc~ioned ~ LUCERNE VALLEY TO PARKER . 235 CHECKER MILES -. 8eginners go 90 Checker Miles To Second Gas Pit * 8:00A.M. START * REGULAR DESERT MASS START * AMA MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED * FOUR GAS PITS . * RESCUE 3 * ENTRY LIMITED BY BLM REQUEST Entries close Oct. 11. 1980 Early postmarks have priority No post entries $25 Entry includes all fees Make checks payable to CHECKERS M.C. ~-------------------------~I ENTRY APPL.ICATION ~""""-~"----~~""""""""'-.I ___ _"'Of'Il!NTltANT(_ _ • _ _ "'-I~ ,C... CtPl. I. . •• ~;c:tllllIcJlnllNo ........ _ . ~of,...Clf(:Ie' _ .. 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