Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Festavan were flying down the front chute side by side. At the crossed flags West took the lead from Parault and two laps later Parault coasted into the pita. West went on to win by a large margin over Festavan. Twelve 85cc Junior Modifieds buzzed off the two row starting line with Thomas Carriger leading Randy Turbett. Kregg Bently quickly shot into second but Craig Howard came from ftfth to ftrst by the third lap and began to open up a lead on the fteld. Bentley and Carriger were in a fterce battle for second as Robbie Blagg soon joined their scrap. At the white flag Blagg took second but coming out of the last tum Bentley got it back at the flag. Steven Hill got too good of a hole· shot (before the light turned green) so the race was stopped and restarted. This time it was a blonde female, Buffy Eads McKinney, with flowers and things all over her pink leathers, burning a mean holeshot and taking the lead as Biil Graves, Todd Beecher and Jeff Franzenburg ganged up and fought for the lead. But two of them crashed and the race was stopped. On this restart it was Aaron Hill leading Nickie Fontana and McKinney but another crash brought out the red flag. Another crash caused the ftfth red flag to come au t. By now there were only nine of the original 12 riders ieft but on this restart there was to be no more red flags. Aaron Hill led Fontana and Steven Hill. By lap three McKinney moved into fourth around Beecher but a lap later he got it back. Hill, Fontana and Hiil ran away from the fteld and they stayed close until the end when Aaron won by three lengrhs over Fontana. Duane Duvall led the IOOcc Schoolboys off the line but by tum three Chris Carr was in the lead. Winkie Freitas and John Kocinski battled for third but by lap three Freitas moved into second. Midway Duvall took third and on the last lap Ross Duncan got by Kocinski for fourth as Carr bagged his ftfth win in ftve starts. Andy Richardson was gone like a rocket in the 125cc Schoolboy ftnal while the other 11 literally fought over second. Mark Hartley ftnally ed~ into second while Zeb Morton took third. But on the last turn of the last lap Morton crashed, letting Patrick Murray and Ross Duncan ftght over third to the flag with Murray getting it by half a length. 1IIfI SI,• • • Owck Sun, 1980's National 5lXJa: Motocross Champion. ,..,r-r: ,''''''': Factory 1911fT1 Honda; fJfIIifNf!Is in &li-Ray. &!/-Ray, dflIivfIting IlImonDw's lIIchnoIogy in IubticaIiaJ tlJday. 1980's baI1IIllrx IhB NaIionaI 5lXJa: MaIoctoss CfI1IItrI is 0Wlf. This SIIiISM's King; Owck Sun an his Honda 500. PreparatIon by SIJIleI_1Ch Em; ~ and fWtorTrwK:8 from Bti-Ray's Fill line of Total F'etformallcel.ubtiaWs hIIIped IhB Honda Superstar shine in New ltri, leaving fMIfYOTIe llIse in his shiKk1w. Follow IhB leader, he's using &li-Ray. The time is now (or you to make 8eJ-Ray the life-blood of your e- c...- ~lYamITXI. o 00 0') ...... machine! _.·DI LT ".." F1IIitI: The choice o( more suspension manufacturers than any other fI/Iid! 1IC-1: The choice o( more factories than any other 2-Cyc/e Pnl-mix! TOI' SUPfRSTAR, TOI'TEAM, TOP QUAI./TY. Results ll3cc JR STOCK: 1. Robbie Blagg IYamIOR}; 2. Brian Atherton (Kaw/MII; 3. Greg Duvall lYamITX); 4. Jason Festavan (Yam/LA); 5. Willy McKinney .(Yam/CAl; 6. Daretl Davis lKawIWAl; 7. Randy Turbett ISuzlIL); 8. OlIvid Bartkowski IHoniNYI; 9. Anlhoney Mithcell IYam/CAl; 10. Robby OIiverlSuzNAl. 85cc SR MOD: 1. Clvis Cart (SuzlCA); 2. Secnie Scherb lHonITX); 3. John Koci_i (Yam/AR); 4. Aa-on Hil (KawICAl; 5. Rusty Rogers ISuzNAl; 6. BuddV Wilson (Yam/CAl; 7. Todd Beecher IYam/CAl; 8. George Roeder II ISuziOHI; 9. Mark Duk... (SuziCOI; 10. Eddie Alberti lSuziCAl. l00cc SCHOOLBOY: ,. Chris Cart ISuziCAl; 2. Wmkie Frank Fr_ lYam/CAl; 3. Duane Duvall lYam/ TXI; 4. _ Duncan lYamlTXl; 5. John lYam/ AR); 6. SI"",," Hil (YamICAl; 7. Buddy Wilson IYam1CAl; 8. Robert S _. .If. (YamIIU; 9. Jimmy Thompson lYomITXI; 10. Secnie Scherb IYamlTXI. 85cc JR MOD: ,. Craig Howard lYam/CAl; 2. Kregg Bentley IYamlTX); 3. Robbie Blagg lYamIOR); 4. Robert PbiJips lYam/CO); 5. Thomes Cartiger IYam/CAl; 6. Randy Turbelt (SuzlIU; 7. Greg Duvall IYamITX); 8. 8rian Atherson IKawlMlI; 9. Todd Haas IYamITX); 10. Ray West. Jr. IYamNAI. 51cc: 1. Michae' Hate (YamfTX); 2. Wayne Frampton [Yam/OR}; 3. Jason Hill (Yam/CA); 4. Larry Pegram IYam/DHI; 5. Jess Roeder 11taIOH}; 6. Tobey Jordon (Yam/LA); 7. Jason Daniel (SuziTXI; 8. Billy Ellis ISuzNAl; 9. Trace Polson (YamlTXl; 10. Alexander Snoop (YamINY). 125cc SCHOOLBOY: ,. Andy Richardson (Yam/IN); 2. Mark Hartley ISuzNA); 3. Patrick Murray ISuzlN't'); 4. RoosDuncan IYamITX); 5. Tubby Dotson IYamITX); 6. S""",,, Flack IHoniNYl; 7. Richord Croven lYam/LA!; 8. Chuck "'ichord IYam/AR); 9. Jam... Knox (Yam/ILl; 10. ·Rick Weirr (Bul/IA). 83cc SR STOCK: 1. Aoron Hi" IKaw/CAl; 2. Mickie F;onW1O lHonilAl; 3. Steve Hill IYamICAl; 4. Todd - . . . IYam!CAl; 5. Bully McKinney (Yam/CAl; 6. Mike Gobbord IYam/AR); 7. Mark Crough IHonIKS); 8. " - Kendall lYomIKSl; 9. Bill Gr..- lYamiKSI; 10. Jeff _ g lHonILA!. 65cc: 1. Roy W. ., Jr. IYtntlVAl; 2. .J-.. _ lSuz/lA); 3. Robby 0Ii.- lYtntlVAl; 4._ MichlIel _ _ _ lYamITXI; 5. Bodie ~ d lSuziCAl; 6. 0lIreII Qav;s lSuzJWAl; 7. MichlIeI T _ ISuzNAl; 8. MichlIel . - lYomItXl; 9. Ricl~ • St8dc 8IIl8ncIng • Tftl-a.tlon TIRE WORKS, INC. • Wheel Truing S.F. V"'y TWO LOCATIONS 9025 Sepulveda Blvd. Sepulveda, CA 91343 12131 ~7806 TO SERVE YOU SO. BAY AREA 26023 S. Western Lomita, CA 90717 12131539-4150 S• Public lands • • belong to all of ~ (Ride sharefuIIJc) . SRA Schedule SEP.21 RIVERSIDE G.P. OCT. 25-26 DE ANZA G.P. NOV. 30 RIVERSIDE G.P. 7H-828-U58 MX RACES EVERY SUNDAY Open 7 days-7•. m. 'till dark Located 2 miles _ Of lmersane 5 on HighwIIy 126. - Caat8ic. 1_1256-4200 utaAMAMMI 25

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