Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o 00 ~ ..... SCott ~ leeds the ~ Into the finrt ----On Monday morning the mud was ped off the track, and equipment I8Ild volunteer vans packed down the -rface. But nearly from the start of 'JIIllClice the surface started to break doim, with rums one and rwo a series .".,.>HIlOles pockmarking t.he groove. . JAIter a lengthy practice, third heat famion got underway with Hank Scott .ng a killer holeshot ahead of dhbba Shobert and Ricky Graham. . SIiObert's sudden association with the 'tUm three haybales brought out the red flag. with Shobert making the re~\art after soDie quick work in the pits. ThF, restart was nearly the same with ~.!!~t taking the' lead, this time fol,~ed by Shobert and Scott Drake. S~ tt continued on to the flag with his , ~arich/Bames/RPM/Jack Sisemore/ OW/Team Jesus/Bill's Pipes machine, ~ng without significant interference. 'Boody worked his way past Drake ~d Shobert for second. while Klotz/ W· a rider Ricky Graham came off a bid start to p3S11 his way to third. e and Shobert were the next ers past the flag. Bill Schaeffer, a Pennsylvania resJaent currently staying in Canada with Doug Sehl, was first off the line in final heat, with Ronnie Jones and jilt Haney, on the Honda single, in it. Gary Scott was quickly ough traffic to assume second on the second lap, leaving Jones and ey to work it out berween 4~rnslelves as to who would get the a c!r transfer. Through most of the ate the. front four was' a Schaeffer/ stott battle followed . at a short distance by the Jones/Haney war. Two from the end Scott took the lead, and Haney was never able to get past 1~nes. Terry Poovey finished frfth. r.,ea J fJ#s ~mls Labrie led the way into the first rum the first semi with Gene Church and Scott Parker in tow. Church fell in the tniddle of the pack in the second tum, tum. followed by Hank SCott (141. Randy Goss (13) and Bill Schaeffer (96)_ but somehow wasn't hit and managed to get his bike off the track, averting a . red flag. Fletcher's H·D/Daytona In· ternational Speedway-sponsored Labrie continued to lead right up to the checkered flag, and took the sole National transfer. Parker was second ahead of Bubba Rush and Ricky Resweber. Team Honda's Haney led the.second semi troops into the fint tum. but Scott Drake displaced him on the b,ack straight as Bubba Shobert completed the top three at the end of a lap. The next lap saw Haney back in the lead while Drake dropped -back with mao chine troubles. Terry Poovey moved into the top three, and after Haney led three more laps, Shobert and Poovey moved past. Shortly afterward, "Jeff the Jet" coasted off the track. Poovey gained possession of the lead and took it to the flag, while Shobert only made it to the white flag before his motor expired. Phil McDonald, Tom Berry and Steve Lawson followed Poovey across the line. Nation~1 With the deadline, and clouds overhead, the program was flopped with the National rtmning before the Trophy Race and the 500cc Invitational. Just as they had done in their heats, Scott Pearson and Hank Scott jumped in fr,:mt of the field. Scan edged Pearson for the lead as they entered the backstraight, but Pearson was back in front before the lap was over. Harley's Randy Goss moved into second in front of Scott. With three laps run. the order was Pearson, Goss, Hank Scott, Schaeffer. Boody. Rainey, Eklund. Labrie and Kidd. Pearson started pulling the pack, establishing a healthy lead at the one· quarter mark. Positions behind him remained fairly stable, except for Rainey, who got out of shape as he hit a hole and was passed by Eklund and Labrie. At the seven-lap mark, Eklund rolled by, hand in the air and out of the race with a malfunctioning motorcycle. At the halfway point Pearson still led by a good distance. But a crash had already claimed Ronnie Jones. and Pearson was to be the next victim as he bit it in rum one. "My front wheel hit a hole and it threw me off." said Pearson later: "The track wasn't safe. I don't care if I won or not, the track wasn't safe. " With Pearson out it was a tight four· way battle for the lead, with Hank Scott, Goss. Schaeffer and Boody freighktraining around the oval. Further back Morehead had come out ahead in a battle with Labrie, who had brushed a haybale on the outside of a straightaway and bent his brake lever backwards. Scott continued to hold onto his narrow lead, helped by .the fact that the track didn't allow too much passing room. "I tried to get him (going into tum three) once." said Goss, "but I would have hit him." Scott took the checkered with Goss and Schaeffer still close behind. Boody fell somewhat behind the leading group, but still held a secure fourth. Morehead finished fifth; the rough track pounding his injured hand so much he could barely hold onto the handleban. Gary Scott recovered from a near last start to place sixth in front of Labrie. Rainey. Kidd and Poovey rounded out the top 10. Graham was another crash victim and was credited with 11th in front of Pearson. Jones and Eklund. Trophy Race Klou/Wiseco-sponsored Scott Parker, riding Jay Springsteen's factory Harley, was in command of the Trophy Race all the way from green light to the red flag caused by Marty Bush· man's tum one crash. On the restart it was the same story, and as before Phil McDonald and Bubba Rush ran 2-!I behind him and continued to do so to the checkered flag. 500cc Invitational The Hon4a Challenge event was little challenge for Team Honda riders Jeff Haney and Mickey Fay as they ran 1-2 from start to fmish, and it didn't even seem to matter that Haney broke his right footpeg on the second lap. An entertaining. change-places-nearlyevery-lap scrap for third was played out by Honda riders Tim Mertens. Scott Adams and Rich King. King, a Junior. eventually fmished third with Mertens fourth. Adams had a wild ride through rums 1-2 near the end of the race as he got crossed up. nearly highsided. wound up with his body hanging off the left side of the motor· cycle, but somehow managed to bulldog it to a near standstill, where he jumped back on the seat and finished the race. Bret Baddy (Yam) placed fifth. • Results 2O-lAP NATIONAL: 1. Hank Scott (H-D); 2. Randy &>.IH-O); 3. Bill Sc:hIeIlor Oi·D); 4. Ted Boody 0-1-1)); 5. Steve Mor_ IH-O); 6. G8ry Scott (H-D); 7. Bin lJIbrie (H-O); B. Wryne Rainey (H-D); 9. Mike Kidd CHD); 10. Teo'ry Poovey IH-D); 11. Ricky Grehom (H-D); 12. Scott _ _ IH-D); 13. Ramie Jor.-IH-O); 14. SIeve Eklund (I-l-D). TIME: 8.50.89. 12-lAP TROPHY RACE: 1. Scott Porker IH-D); 2. Phil McDo<*d (H-D,; 3. Ilubbe RUIh IH-D); 4. TIm c:an-igh11H-D); 5. Steve I.lIwoon (H-O); S. Ty e-v (H-O); 7. RIcky _ I H - O ) ; 8. Mickey Fey (Hon); 9. Mer1y _IH-O); 10. Tom 8env IH-O). NO TIME. HONDA CHAllENGE 500cc INVITATIONAl: 1. Jell Honey IHon); 2. Mickey Foy IHon); 3. Rich King CHon); 4. TIm M0rter8 CHon); 5. _1Ioddv IVern). AMA GRAND NA11DNAI. CHAMPlONSIW'IWI PRO SERIES POINT STANDINGS; 1. Randy &>. (161); 2. Hank Scott (153); 3. Ricky Grehom (142); 4. Miko Kidd 11211; 5. G8ry Scott 1111); 6. Steve Moroheod (105); 7. IliIIy lJIbrie 192); 8. Scott l86l; 9. Rich Schleeter ISS); 10. Scott Porker (84); 11. Alex J o r _ (78); 12. Steve Eklund 1741: 13. Ted Boody 1881; 14. Teify Poovey 1571; 15. Ron"", J..(54); 16. Kenny Robor1s 1531; 17. Mickey Fey (49); 18. IlNce Hemmer (461; 19. lTIEl Jay SpringotMnlWryne "*"'""" Rainey 143l. 11

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