Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I I o 00 C') WINNERS RELY ON TSUBAKI ~".,!SI'~.11l. AT IDBA SUMMER NATIONALS Dragway 42. Cincinnati, OH CONGRATULATIONS Terry Vance--Vance Hines Racing PRO STOCK WINNER -8.82 E.T. at 151 M.P.H. Mike Bruso - Power Enterprises SUPER ELIMINATOR WINNER 8.27 E.T. at 166.35 M.P.H.. 0' Ten, .IId Mllee'. choice chain to hook up the colo.... Ito....po. .r to the ,round? TSUBAKI ~".,!SI'~.11l. ask your dealer for Tsubaki. .. the chain more racers use and win on by choice! .... ~ Imponed & distributed by INTERNATIONAL CORP. 1824 E. 22nd St.• los Angeles. CA 90058 12131747-5173 Fun begins when you let the clutch lever out.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Heavy Duty ALL-TERRAIN TIRE BEAD BREAKER International Motorsports introduces an all new tire tool for the Honda ATe. Yamaha Tri-Moto, Kawasaki KLT and the soon to be announced Suzuki. For more information please contact John Bailey or C.H. Wheat INTERNATIONAL MOTORSPORTS 3846 Stoddard Ave. Riverside. CA 121501 52 wtthoul decrriSi1ig the cCUlen ra e, thus causing more accidents. They contend that no organized studies have proven motorcycle rider education will improve motorcyclists' accident rate. The Statw Report is published at Watergate 600, Washington, DC 200!l7. Their phone number is 2021 !l!l!l-0770, and the editor is Paul C. Hood. (714) 781-1848 AFM North has rescheduled a rained-out March race to 9121 at Golden State Inti. Raceway. (Continued from page J) the '2Scc Pro race at Sacramento Raceway on Aug. ,. not the fellow listed in the race rapon that ran Iut week. And Bob Brown. father _ of minicycle ace Scott Brown, celled to say that Scott won four NMA ChIImpionships at Ponce City, not three a the repon said. Tbey ara: 60cc Stock. 60cc Modified. 83cc Modified Intermediate 9-", and the 9-" '06cc Open cI8ss. There will be a couple of neat one-day reliability trials in Big Sky country this month. The lint one will be on 9/7 at the Lumberjack Saloon in Lolo, MT, and the next is on 9/21 at Sleeping Child Hot Springs in Hamilton, MT. Both eYmts pay MIMA points and have 100 rider limits. Entries are $15, nonmembers pay $17 and pre-entry is open to the day before each event. Contact Larry Hamilton for more info at 406/27!l-6909. Kent Howerton has just purc:Msed e 28& ec:re ranch neer his home in sen Antonio. Texea...It's on roIing hils with Oak traea ell over. There's even en old 011 _II on it that wu dug In the '2O's-we'ra going to c:heck it out." Howwton ~ bought e bulldozer to build a practice tnICk on the property. Want to hear 'auother bot rumor? OK, how about this ODe: Honda will introduce Pro-Link CR-model motocrouers for '81, and one of them will he in the 460-47Occ range. Another unconfirmed story has Pro-Link XR-series Hondas in your future. Want to speek out on ORV Issua but don't know how? Papa rac:eived a CORVA OrIentation Program from the Thumper Freak Iut _k. endit·s e - ' t h of InformetIon. Indllded . . e 1st of Importent ~ to write to, a copy of CORVA's officieI SUIncI on the COCA Draft PIen. e how-to sheet on making your views ....d. a sheet deeling on "How to get the moat out of every letter," tips on how to write effec:tIve letters end a few semples of good letters. Contact Rick Gochneur Ceke Thumper Freek). secretary S0uthern Region. 8201 VIate del Rose. Downey. CA 90240 or phone 2131 812-3975. Here's yow chenc:e to do something. "There's Do evidence that it will help but ... NHTSA pushes mandatory cyclist education." reads the headline on page one of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety St4tw Report newsletter. The fint sentence continues: "The National Highway Traftice Safety Administration (NHTSA) is urging states to adopt mandatory motorcycle rider education, but the agency admits there is no proof it won't ex~ more young people to death and injury." The newsletter con· tends that rider education will entice more people to ride thofOrcycles, but Boss Motocross races at Hills Ferry Speedway have been cancelled until funber notice. Suzie Menn, formerly with R.C. Engineering's P.R. depenment. is. now beck helping out the S&W folks. Suzie's recovering from - a she end Roger Hull put it - en IICCident in "one of ~ dIIngerous quedrecycles." In other words. she got tall-ended while driving e c=on the freewey end is stili suffering the effects of whiplash while prepering for a trip to the French ISOT. Having announced his retirement from MX, five-time 500cc World Champion Roger DeCoster will make his last appearance as a member of the Belgian team in the September 14 MotOC1"OllS des Nations in England. Apologies . . being extended to" cOllcerned by the AMA and 0.1.0 Seems the AMA Informed 0.1.0 that Eddie Lawson's Kaw.I.ld __ equipped with e 0.1.0 chein while winning the Pocono Superbike race. That WM In ..-or, a the bike __ equipped with a TIUbBki cheIn. OJ.D edv.1IIed ..their" win only to find out that the win __ Tsubekl·., The Motorcycle Safety Foundation has announced their 1980 awards program recognizing outstanding acheieve· menu in motorcycle safety programming. Four categories are included in the competition: (I) The John E_ Harley Memorial Award adnowledp an individual's ouatanding contribution toward improved motorcycle safety in the United States. (2) The State Recognition Award honon the state making the moet significant advances in motorcycle-safety in the areas of education, licensing, legislation, public information and research on motorcycle safety. (!l) Motorcycle Safety Education Awards will be presented to the top three motorcycle safety education programs in the United States. To be eligible a program must run for two consecutift yean and train a total of 200 (or more) students during that period. (4) The Distinguished Dealer Awards recognize the contributions of motorcycle dealen who actively suppan motorcycle safety education by loaning cycles and giving other a-istance. A maximum of 10 awards will he given in this category. To be eligible a dealer must loan at least six cycles per year to counes for three successive yean. Awards for rider education programs. Rate motorcycle safety programs and dealen contributions will be given for programs taking place in 1980. The John E. Harley Memorial Award is not ..restricted to the 1980 time pM6d:' 'Deadline for entries is December I, 1980. Judging, by a panel of safety expem. will tUe place in Washington, D.C., in January 1981. For a brochure describing the awards program entry format and criteria for judging, write the Awards Program, Motorcycle Safety Foundation, 780 Elkridge Landing Road. Linthicum, MarylaDd 21090.

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