Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RIck MekL atyIat U1I'IIOl'dInlIIIIt CMCIIIoKh Seckllebeck fIMIe. CIIIC "..a'. fo Holla"", Ha...... a..d Hardick By Mike Unger ORANGE, CA, AUG. SI "This is all I do. Race and test motorcycles seven days a week and put in about 60 laps per day Monday through Friday at Carls- • bad as a Suzuki Raearch aDd ~ ment Teclmician," esplained Ron Turner u be IWellted in the 90 cIcgne beat after his fourth DIOlO of the day with two to go. "Radical" Ron Turner, the muter of the lCKJ,IJlern California DIOl~ traeb, ca~ured two of the three ProfaRonal cJaiIes of the BoIch/ CMC Pacific Coast ChampicJnahjp which wound up Sunday at Saddleback Park. Turner won overall both the 125cc and the Open Pro c1aIIea. Joining Turner at the victory Itand wu the Yamaha-mounted Pete Wankft. Wankft led _ of the series, but took _ e haJ!i ~ndjnl from Honda~ted Jeff JetmiDp who Deftt' let up_iDdl. Suaipl fraa;I 'AaA the PO!1ca 38. '. atr.~ NiPi c,de QII~JIlf .-- Geo~ Holland III aboard a Suzuki IWept the 125cc Pro clau at Sunday'. event. This wu only his lIeCOI1d 125cc ride. His tint was Saturday! Al 15 years old, Geo~ Holland will be the factory rider to beat in the up and coming yean. In moto one, Holland got the holeshot and traveled right on the checkered flag. Following Holland off lbe line was Dean Cates, Rick Johnson (Yam), and Mike Tripes (Suz). The enti~ event wu a bulldoging of Holland aDd Jobmon. jobmon juIt ~uJd not let the water pumper put the fleeing Holland. Tripes held on to an implelAft third place ride and in the cIoIing lapl, Rem Turner pushed his way into fourth u -Cates finillbed fifth. MOIO two wu a ~t u far u tbe winner. Holland apin hit, tbe fint tum ahead of the pack, but this time Turner wu second lhen Scott Manning. JohDIOn and Rick Maki (Yam). MalU, coming off a bi, win al lhe SCORE orr Road ChampIOnship, had the crowd in awe u he performed his faJllOUl table-top c1icken. Startinl in the middle of the pack, Danny Chandler (Han) had ~ PUl on a ~ and worked his way up lo Turner in lIeCOI1d aDd on lap eight, Magoo took over that poRtJon and re1iahed it all 1he way lO the Dag. Johnson, while in founh, cruhed hard and posibly broke two ~F and retired. So, Holland picked up another win for lbe overall with Turner second, clinchinl lhe series tide in lhe 12Sec Pro clUlI. Tripes placed lhird and an ouurandinl accomplilhmenl of third, overall in the six-race series. Scott Manning, who led lbe clUlI for mOIl of the .mea, placed founh and his consistenl riding talents enabled him lO finish second behind Turner in the finalltandinp. Factory Honda rider Donnie Hansen, who bad his troubles lWO wab ago againIt Kawuaki'. Jeff Ward, apin hit the preIIIUe, but wu able lO tum a 1-1 lally for the overall. Moto one, HallRl1 put the waler-cooled Honda in the lead immedialely. Jim Tarantino (Han), Pete Wankel (Yam) and Jeff JenninlP (Hon) we~ not goinllO looee silhl of "Holeshol." On lap four, Ron Turner wu malUng his move to we over eilhth place when he Itood the Suzuki Floater on its _ and canwhaled several times. He laid unable to move for a couple of lapl, bUl dollar ligns lot the bell of him and he finished way back in the pack. Wilh the lapl beginning to wind down, Kawuaki'. Warren Reid wu malUng his ~ &om tbe middle of .' [he pad. He puaed Tarantino, [hen Wankel, lhen JenninlP and with two lapa to go, he wu pining on HallRl1 considerably. One lap [0 go and both Hansen and Reid began to hit traffic. , Both riders w~ almOll aide by side down the home Itretch. but Hansen hung onto the win. Reid was lIeCOI1d followed by JrnninlP. Tarantino, Wanltet aDd Clint Hardick (Suz). In moto two. Reid got a better ltan which enabled him to give Hansen a much harder ride. Jenninll'. Wankft and Tarantino apin were up front trying [0 r«l in HaIIRI1. But ~ was no ItOpping Donnie HaIIRI1. With two Dawlell ricla (I-I), Hansen won the overall by placing only feet ahead of Reid in both contests. Third place in moto two and third overall went lO Jenninp. Founh went to Wankft which gave him the .mea overall in the 250cc Pro c1all. The only pouib1e way that JenninlP could have won the aeries was if Wankel forgot lO brinl his scotter. Following Wanket and Jenninp in the series, overall was the "Rocket man" Res Staten, then Turner and Ed Amet. At the beginning of the day, Clint Hardick wu not even in the top five in the overall ltandinp in the Open class. Al the end of Sunday'. racinl' Hardick had won lbe overall in the . . ,I f' - . . . . A-

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