Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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e-u....- ..............- I SPEEDWA e AMet - v..tIIftt- . . . . . . . . . . . - N. . . - e-u....- ............. -JUcet - V••tIIftt- . . . . . . . . .te- o 00 0') Al8n Christian prior to his Costa Mesa Sc:ratch Main victory. (Continued/Tom page 30) or be paued by thr pack, thr problem rrctifirei itself and hr was off again. Things Iookrei good for Bardrr until the same problem happened on the fmal lap with his motor shutting down, gtving the victory to Jennings. Mistreeta was srcond followrd by oCPhillipi, Kenny Williams, Steve Rogrrs and Bardrr. Results HANDICAP MAIN: 1. Jim Fiohboc:Il; 2. 0... M": 3. AIon av-; 4. Storing Cogor; 5. S _ u-o; 6. o.nny_. SECOND DIV: 1. Victor ~; 2. Ed ThurnwI; 3. o.mio _ : 4. Pot .-ley; 5. Tom C_: e. - . BourQ8OUio. THIRD Dl\t: 1. Ruoty .lennjngo; 2. Chrio M _ : 3. c,.;g De PhiIlipi; 4. Kenny WiINemo; 5. S _ Rogera; e. MIke_. JR. SPOWY: 1. D o w _ SCRATCH MAIN: 1. Alon C~ 2. John 5ertcIorw; 3. Deve SlOW; 4. Gene WoodL Lucero surprises again at Ascot By Gary Hoffman· GARDENA, CA, AUG. 28 The name again on Thursday night was Steve Lucero. In his third trip to Ascot. he took his second Handicap Main. Sixteen- 34 yrar·old LUCfiO, staning out on the SO·yard line, got out first, but Cary Faas from thr 20 grabbed the lead from him for most of the first lap. By the time they made it around the quanrr·mile oncr, LucerO was back in front with Faas srcond and Lance King in third. On lap three, King rodr high, passrd Faas for the numoo two slot and was quickly up to Lucrro. Coming off thr fmal turn it was King and LUCfiO drad rven till the finish linr wherr LUCfiO'S trrad went by first giving him the win with King taking srcond and Faas a most honorable third. The Fraturr Match Race consistrd of two new First Division riders on the Ascot track - smooth riding Dennis Branaford and young Cary Faas. At the stan of the two Iapprr, Branaford did a couple of unintentional wheelies, giving him a bad stan and allowing Faas to taltr an rarly lead. Bransford did a good job of catching up but with only two laps. Faas went in first for the checkered. Screaming like a jrt all night was Randy Songer bound and detenninrei to win a main rveIlt. At the stan of the Second Division Main, Henry Swain shot out filSt from thr 10 with Songer right behind and Davr Braviroff in third. By the second lap, it was Swain and Songrr neck and neck, with Braviroff right on top of them. Swain stilllrd through lap three, but the last lap brought all the changes. Swain, seeming to tirr, camr into tbe tum too high alIowing Songrr and Braviroff by. As soon as Randy rralizrd thrrr was DO one dse in front, hr just crankrd up thr throttle and took a c1ran win. followrei by Braviroff and a disappointrd, hard-riding Swain. But nevrr frar. The action isn't over till the last race. Thr Scratch Main brought togethrr Lancr King on the pole. Keith Chrisco in the numoo two slot, Handicap winnrr LUCfiO in three and long track mastrr Denny Pyeatt on the outside. The tapes flew up and Pyeatt shot out first quickly fol1owrd by King and Chrisco..Pyeatt and King werr 10 close coming around thr back chute, they lookrd like they wen on a motorcycle built for two. In turn four of the second lap, King slid undrr Pyeatt for the lead, while Chrisco beld on to third. Once King got out front. he was gone. Strrtching his lead to a good healthy margin by the end of this one, he didn't have to worry about any phOto finishes, while Pyeatt took second, Chrisco third and a tired but happy Lucrro founh. Next week, Shawn Moran's fathrr says Shawn will defmitely be herr, accompanird by Bobby Schwanz just for insurance. Shawn and Bobby, not unfamiliar to thr quanrr·milr. will be looking forward to some stiff com~tion from the lOuthrm Cali· forma hometown riders. - Results FEATURE MATCH RACE: ,. Cory - . dill. o.mio SECOND D1V. MAIN: 1. Rondy ~ 2. 0.... 8f8wtroll; 3. ...., s-. Brad Oxley hot-footed It for the Hendicap Main win at Costa Mesa. s- HANDICAP_,. u-o; 2. ...... Klng: 3. Cory-' SCRATCH MAIN: 1....... King; 2.1lenny ~ 3. K_Chriooo. Christian and Oxley take battle of banged up stars at Costa Mesa By Ken Kellogg COSTA MESA, CA, AUG. 29 If you'd have come to Costa Mesa Speedway tonight and expected to see Second and Third Division riders in Division One while all thr best wrre out waiting for the Nationals. then you would havr been dead wrong. All the top guys werr her and Harry forgot to trll them it wasn't thr Nationals becausr all thr racing was good with DO "let up or take it easy". It was Fox Night and it was a buge success. The house was full. standing room only, 10 to malte surr it was a good night, many of the riders rode injured. just a few of those riding hun werr Brad Oxley (dislocatrei toes and a dislocatrd shouldrr). Keith Chrisco (dislocatrd thumb) and Alan Christian (bruised leg and ankle). AlI know this time is critical, this is thr time to get it together. Therr au only three weeks of regular srason riding left till thr Octooo 11 Nationab. Alan Christian provrd be wasn't taking it easy and surprised evrryonr by riding the ouuidr (a place he sddom has to ride). Lancr King, riding from the 4O·yard line, workrd his way through traffic with Christian of! thr 60 running third. On lap four, KIDg was unable. to pass john Foster so Christian showrd him how. Alan took to the outside and at thr finish it was Christian. Foster and King. Event number ninr (a Scratch hrat) could have been titlrd "Wberr did be come from?" referring to Dubb Frrrrll. In turn one, Dubb was third behind Steve Columbo and Shawn McConnell. Ferrrll took up flying: he hit the dirt on the outside and therr was DO stopping him. He took tbe Irad and continurd to fly. leaving both McConnell and Columbo looking around asking, "wherr did he come from?" Event 10 matcbed up Brad "bangrd up" Oxley, Denny Pyeatt, Steve Nutlrr and Keith Chrisco. Chrisco went down at the stan I~aving Oxley and Pyeatt to battle it out. Oxley rode the insidr and in the third straightaway, was .c1early the winner. At the witt it was Brad by at least four bilte lenghu. It was impressivr to see this young man ridr hard still huning. Up to this point, thr best racr of thr night was rvent 10. but now it was to be outdone by the Division Onr Handicap Main. When thr gatr went up Oxley and Christian werr far at the rrar of thr pack. By turn two. both ridrn had caught the pack and began the job of working through traffic. Oxley movrd inside and Christian was g1urei to his rrar titt. By thr founh lap, Strrling Cogar was in filSt, Oxley second. and Christian third. On lap five, both riders moved up on Strrling and in the last straightaway Brad trird undrrnrath while Alan went ouuide. Coming out of tum four, Oxley was slightly behind Cogar, but Strrling went widr cutting off Alan's bid for srcond and at the tape it was Oxlry by an easy two inches. Thr Scratch Main began a little slow with two red flag rrltans. Christian had to usr his backup biltr and finally therr was a good stan. Dubb Ferrrlltook thr gate and in tum onr it was Frrrell, Lance King, Christian and Dave Simi. FerrrlI was riding hard with King right on top of him and Christian about one bikr length back. Then the brralt Alan was waiting for camr. Ferrrll went down and in thr confusion, Christian took the lead. Once he's in front, that's thr racr and so it was. • Results SCRATCH MAIN: 1. Alon C _ ; 2....... King; 3. 0.... Siow; 4. Dubb Ferrell. HANDICAP MAIII: 1. _ Dldey; 2. S18rling Cogor; 3. AIon ~; 4. John Sendona; 5. c;.y Ford: 6KUIIS_. SECOND D1V. MAIN: 1. B_H; 2. Tom Hugheo; 3. Victor~. THIRD D1V. MAIN: 1. Ilryce ~ 2. Tom o.n C-.I; 3.1lob~

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