Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o 00 0') in my shop, do som~ ~arch and and I hav~ a good good work. I'v~ b~ doing heads for about 20 y~ars, and I'm making good pow~r. Peopl~ buy developm~nt, ~utation for ~rformanc~. From a CPA to a swimming pool salesman to a real estate agent to what he really wanted to be--one of the best in the precise sport of drag racing. By Tom Mueller Photos by Greg Guarinello and Mueller At J6 years of age, Mike Keyte has seen his options in life. Once a successful CPA, Keyte left the game because boredom set in. A segment oftirn,e as a swimming pool salesman came and went. Keyte then moved into real estate sales in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. "I got out of that because there was too much partying," said Keyte concerning that career ofthe past. Keyte's articulate and voluble manner leaves no question as to how he made his way in the suit·and-tie world. But it uas time for another side of Keyte to surface-one of mechanical ability and goingfast in a straight line. From a 1970 Honda 7'0 to afull-prepped Pro Stock Kawasalu; Keyte made the climb to where he is today. At the top ofthe Pro Stock wars. On his way to the International Drag Bike Association's Super National Drags in Kentucky onJune 8, Keyte stopped in the Cycl~ News office for a chat, along with his wife Kathy. Out of that chat came the origin of his nickname--Superbike Mike, the ups and downs of the sport, and what draws a former pen·pusher into the land ofgreen lights and burning rubber. Where did you get the name Superbike Mike? I used to go to th~ strip in Miami, the Hollywood strip, on a 1970 Honda 750. I blew off th~ drapen and beat ~ ~~1, .Tbt;,.~.J.JifPR.~ •• amifortab -aDd ~ weH"on the - 28 shiftet'. Th~ wC!'l:' whit~, and became a good luck charm. Th~ color red also went along with it, and soon I became Su~rbiu Miu. What iI involved with Superbike Mike EDgiDeeriDg? _ . I'm it. I do cylinder head preparation - What lIOn of backing do M. T .C. and C.M. Perfonnan~give you? M.T.C. helps me with pistons. Th~y mak~ sur~ I have th~ latest designs. I had some buakag~ ~arly in the ~ar and Ken Tipton said, 'Com~ on over and we'll fix you up.' Th~ sur~ did. C.M. Performan~supplies m~ with ~xhaust pipes, valve springs, and other items. All the parts help. There's no compro~ at the drags. The machin~ only has to run nin~ to t~n seconds at a time. I r~ved a bit of help from Kawasaki this year. Th~ gave m~ a crankshaft. It was t~ first gift I ev~r got. . How much does it COlIt to run the drag circuit for a lIelIIOD? Last ~ar 1 spent $17,000. This y~ar I'll spend $50,000. Gasolin~ is high~r, and I'm going to mou raco. I'll driv~ 40,000 to 50,000 miles and go to about 25 races. Your name is UIed often concerning the Gatornationab win. How much did that win mean to you? That win (at Gainesvill~, Florida in th~ Pro Stock class in March, 1980) was t~ high point in my career--to that point. They really treat you nitt when you win at a ratt Iiu that. W~ worked until 5 a.m. t~ night befou to get th~ bik~ uady. When I went through th~ lights I knew 1 had won. Th~ (t~ TV crew) stopped me to interview m~. ~ guy says 'Congratulations to M~ Keg; on. his Suzuki!' I said whoopli, iPI a Kawasaki. Th~ int~rvi~w you saw on TV was actually th~ second int~rview. T~ Gatomationals track was ~rfect. I just ~t it on kill. Som~ of th~ oth~r tracks aren't always as good--you ~v~n have to sw~p th~m yoursdves som~times. How do you get along with Terry Van~, Ru. Collins, Vicki Farr and th~ other big names in drag racing? I don't hav~ any ~nemies··untiJ th~ ~n light comes on. Many times Bob Carpent~r and 1 wish ~ach oth~r luck. What w~ r~ally m~an is 'I ho~ you l~, but don't ~t hun.' Vicky Farr is a r~ally nic~ ~rson and ~xc~llent rid~r. Sh~'s a v~ry unassuming ~n. You have one win and on~ runn~r· up placing in NMRA'. Pro Stock class 110 far. What are your projections for the lIClIIOn? It's hard to fight th~ big boys, but I think I'm about to catch them. The Vantt/Hines (factory Suzuki) t~am is Goliath--th~'ve got a quan~r million dollar bud~t and l'v~ got $50,000, but it's getting c1~r. Do you f~1 drag racing has an effect on the public and the number and kind of road bikes they buy? How do you feel about drag racing getting more exposure this lIelIIOD? Drag racing is som~thing that ev~rybody can do and ev~rybody does·it's not as dan~rous as road racing. Everyo~ is allowed in th~ pits at th~~ drags. Th~ s~ators can walk right up to you. It's nitt. Kawasaki will mak~ parts arrangements with m~, but th~ haven't given m~ a full sponsorship. Th~ should. 1 think th~ public gives mo~ credenc~ to drap'. ~n .~cl,. racing. I think a Iot- of companies

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